Student of the «Management» Department, Sergazin Eldar was nominated for the title of “Best Student of the Republic of Kazakhstan” and entered the list of “100 New Faces of the CIS” for 2022

А solemn awarding ceremony was organized at Turan University, where Sergazin Eldar was awarded two medals, badges, as well as a Diploma of the I and III degrees of republican and International significance. These competitions were organized with the aim of developing science and education in our country, as well as to create a database of leading young scientists from the Commonwealth of Independent States.


The organizer of the contest “The Best student of the Republic of Kazakhstan” is the majority party in the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Amanat”, as well as the National Research Center “Bilim-orkenieti”.


The organizer of the contest “100 new faces of the CIS” is the International Association of Young Scientists and the National Movement “Bobek”.


Also, a letter of thanks appreciated the contribution to the development of education of the supervisor – Yelshibekova Kuralai Zhanatovna.


We sincerely want to wish success to Eldar in his difficult path of improvement, and also express gratitude to Kuralai Zhanatovna for supporting young talents.

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