Networking-meetings of students of the educational program “Finance” with representatives of the financial sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan

On February 21, 2023, a workshop was held with business coaches Sharipova Aliya (“KMF-Demeu Corporate Foundation”) and Margatsky Roman (Associate Professor of the Department of Finance, Head of Alaqan Pay, Alaqan Technologies Itd) on the topic “Personal finance management and financial traps”.


The meeting discussed the functioning of financial and credit, investment, insurance organizations and funds and other financial market participants, as well as the features (pros and cons) of the products and services provided by them and their rights and obligations as consumers of these products and services.


On February 22, 2023, a meeting was also held with a representative of Otbasy Bank JSC, Bayzhanova Adina, on the topic ” Payment for the elderly common types of fraud”.


With the students of the OP “Finance”, issues related to Internet fraud, cybersecurity were considered, practical recommendations were given to prevent carding in modern conditions.

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