Тuran Innovations

Turan University invites you to take part in the annual TURAN Innovations competition for the best entrepreneurial project among students and young entrepreneurs from 02/01/2023 to 04/15/2023.


The purpose of the Competition is to increase entrepreneurial activity and involve young people in the entrepreneurial environment. Objectives of the Contest: – popularization of entrepreneurial activity; – encouraging young people to participate in the development and implementation of business projects; – development of business activity of youth entrepreneurship; – increasing the knowledge and professional skills of young people in matters of entrepreneurial activity; – support for youth initiatives to develop and implement promising business projects that provide a positive impact on the socio-economic development of Almaty. Students, undergraduates, doctoral students and teachers of the University “Turan” under the age of 35 can take part in the Competition.


The competition is held in two stages:


Stage 1 – preliminary: the competition commission of the Turan University evaluates projects and decides on their admission to public defense until 04/01/2023 inclusive, participants send an e-mail (listed below) a project designed in the form of a multimedia presentation (no more than 10 slides) or video material (no more than 3 minutes). The materials should describe the business project as clearly as possible, the essence of the problem, relevance, practical significance, goals and objectives that will be solved during the implementation of the business project.The authors of the project are informed about the results of the absentee selection by e-mail specified during registration;


Stage 2 – final: public defense of business projects in front of experts and selection of winners (held at Turan University from 04/01/2023 to 04/15/2023). Based on the results of the presentation of the finalists of the competition, on the basis of the evaluation forms filled in by the experts, the jury of the competition ranks the projects and determines the winner.


According to the results of the competition, the best teams are awarded: 1st, 2nd, 3rd places. Business projects that take 1st and 2nd places are awarded with diplomas and prizes. Also, participants who have passed to the 2nd stage are provided with certificates. Preliminary stage: by March 20, you must fill out the participant questionnaire at the link.


It is also necessary to fill out the Application (Appendix 1) and send it to the post office along with the project (b-i@turan-edu.kz) Detailed information about the competition: Turan University, st. Satpayeva 16a, Business Incubator, Beresneva Anna Sergeevna, phone: +7 (701) 210 00 20, e-mail: b-i@turan-edu.kz

Online admissions