Cultural space of Central Asia: initiative of the Center for Regional Studies at the Department of Regional Studies and International Relations of Turan University

On March 1, 2023, the Round-table “Cultural Space of Central Asia” dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the birth of Magtymguly Fragi, a prominent Turkmen poet and thinker of the XVIII century, was held at Turan University. The Round-table was organized by the Center for Regional Studies at the Chair of Regional Studies and International Relations, together with “Turk Duniyasi” Foundation for the Culture of the Turkic Peoples (director – K.N. Makhpirov), the Chair of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan at Turan University, and the Turkmen public-cultural center of Almaty (head – G.A. Annakulieva).


The Round-table discussions were opened with welcoming words by Vice-Rector for Strategic Development and Science of Turan University, prof. D.I. Razakova, Head of the Chair of Regional Studies and International Relations Dr. Zh.M. Tolen and Director of the Center for Regional Studies prof. A.K. Kamalov. The papers on the works of Magtymguly Fragi, his role and place in the intellectual life of Central Asia were delivered by Prof. D. Kydyrbekuly (International IT University), Chief Research Associate and deputy Director of the Institute of Literature and Art of CS MSHE RK E.K. Torali, Associate Professor of the Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai-khan and owner of the medal in honor of Magtymguly, Madinyam Nassyrova.


Among participants of the Round-table discussion were representatives of the Embassies and Consulates of Central Asian countries – member of the staff of the Embassy of Turkmenistan in Kazakhstan M.A. Yamshikov, Vice-Consul of the Turkish Republic in Almaty Engin Daloglu, Head of the Mission of Embassy of Azerbaijan in Almaty A.N. Guseinzade, Consul-General of Uzbekistan in Almaty A.D. Fatkullayev, as well as Professor of the Almaty National Pedagogical University named after Abay, R.A. Arziyev, representatives of Ethno-cultural associations of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan, teachers and students. Turkmen students M. Urkunova and M. Akmyradova studying at the Almaty universities demonstrated exclamation of the verses of Magtymguly Fragi in the Turkmen language.


The participants of the Round-table highly appreciated the initiative of the Center for Regional Studies of Turan University to discuss the work of the Turkmen poet Magtymguly Fragi, expressed their common desire to continue and strengthen Kazakhstan’s ties with Turkmenistan and other countries of Central Asia in the field of science, education and culture. The Center for Regional Studies plans to hold seminars and round tables dedicated to the cultural heritage of the other peoples of Central Asia.

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