IV International scientific-practical conference “Development of the legal system in Russia and foreign countries: problems of theory and practice”

On March 17, 2023, the Department of “Jurisprudence and International Law” of the University “Turan” together with the Department of State and Administrative Law of the Institute of Management Technologies MIREA – Russian Technological University (Moscow, Russia) held the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference “Development of the Legal System of Russia and foreign countries: problems of theory and practice”.


Opening the conference, Doctor of Law, Professor Elinsky V.I. noted the importance of interstate legal and scientific cooperation in a changing geopolitical situation. Introductory speech by Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor Ospanova D.A. was devoted to the issues of international scientific cooperation and joint work in the field of science and education.


The speeches of the participants were devoted to the issues of international legal fight against Internet piracy, protection of the rights of children in international armed conflicts, modern international criminal justice and other topical legal problems of our time.


More than 30 participants took part in the conference, among them were students and postgraduates from Russia, Kazakhstan, Vietnam and Abkhazia.


Summing up, the conference participants noted the importance of interstate scientific cooperation and joint work in the field of training highly qualified legal personnel.

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