Guest lecture by Ruslan Kurmangaliev on the topic: “Legal regulation of digital assets under the laws of foreign countries”

As part of the scientific week, on April 6 at 12:00, a guest lecture was held by Ruslan Kurmangaliev, partner of the Almaty office of the International Law Firm ILF A&A, LLM, on the topic “Legal regulation of digital assets under the laws of foreign countries”.


The lecturer voiced the legal regulation of digital assets under the laws of foreign countries, namely, how cryptocurrencies and crypto exchanges are regulated, how cryptocurrency is invested. Today, this topic is relevant for Kazakhstan, in connection with the adoption of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Digital Assets”.


We express our gratitude to the lecturer for a very interesting lecture.


Organizer: Sarina Salima Abdykadyrovna, Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Jurisprudence and International Law, Turan University

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