Intellectual game «What? Where? When?»

In the framework of Turan Science Forum “Science, education and innovation in the transformation processes of society” on April 4 for students of specialty «Tourism», on April 6, 2023 for students of specialty «Restaurant business and Hospitality» intellectual game «What? Where? When?»


Students acted as experts, answering logical questions from the field of tourism and hospitality industry from the faculty, partners-employers, as well as graduates of past years.


The game followed the rules: there was a volley, time limit for discussion, and the right to answer was distributed by the captain of the team.


Students liked to participate in an intellectual game and as a wish students have asked to hold such events more often.


The organizers and presenters were seniors-lecturers of the department «Tourism and Service» Ospanova A.K. and Burkitbay A.Zh.

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