Students of the educational program “Psychology” at the XV Republican Student Subject Olympiad in Psychology!

On April 20-21, 2023, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University held the ІІ stage of the subject Olympiad in psychology among students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


The goal of the Olympiad is to reveal creative abilities, select and support the most talented and gifted students; promoting the development of students’ intellectual potential; attracting students to solve scientific problems of our time; development of interest in scientific activities.


The Olympiad was attended by students of the 3rd year of the educational program “Psychology” by Bolatova Dinara Aydynovna, Zhumadilov Dayana Daniyarbekkyzy and Қagazbayeva Altynay Қayratqyzy.


We congratulate the students with participation and thank the teachers of the Psychology department Mardanova Sholpan Saparovna and Aldabergenov Nurlan Azatovich for their help in preparing for participation!

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