Professor of Turan University Ablet Kamalov delivered a lecture to students of Central Eurasian Studies Summer Institute, Wisconsin University (Madison, USA)

On June 22, 2023, Professor of the Chair “Regional Studies and International Relations” of Turan University Ablet K. Kamalov delivered a lecture to undergraduate and graduates students, young researchers and professionals of the Central Eurasian Studies Summer Institute (CESSI), Wisconsin University (Madison, USA). CESS has been hosted by the Center for Russia, East Europe and Center Asia of Wisconsin University. CESSI offers its students eight-week intensive summer training in languages of Central Eurasian region, including the Kazakh language. CESSI is a part of Wisconsin Intensive Summer Language Institutes, which offers training in less commonly taught languages in the US universities.


The CESSI program is supplemented by a rich program of cultural events and a weekly academic lectures series. It invites leading experts in history, culture and current development of the Eurasian region to deliver lectures. In 2023, Professor Ablet Kamalov was among three experts who were invited to share the results of their research work with the student of Wisconsin University. His lecture “Great Game and Migration of 1950-1960s from China to Kazakhstan” was delivered in the on-line format and a recorded video of the lecture is available to students of Wisconsin University, Madison.

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