Graduation Ceremony – 2023 of Turan University!

On July 05, 2023, a significant event for graduates took place – the solemn awarding of diplomas to graduates of Turan University.


The presentation was held in the open air at the Arial Golf Club. The event began with a congratulatory part. The first word was given to the rector of the University “Turan” Alshanov Rahman Alshanovich.


As part of the ceremony, the winners of the “Best Graduate – 2023” competition were awarded.


The winners of the nomination “Best Graduate – 2023” were:


  1. Nysanbayeva Akbota
  2. Sergazin Eldar
  3. Bushmina Jan
  4. Shegebayev Maksat


The winners of the competition received a diploma of the winner, a grant to study at the University “Turan” for master’s degree or MBA programs and memorable attributes of the university “Turan”.


The graduates also had the honor of closing the “Time Capsule” containing the appeal of the graduates of 2023 to themselves. The capsule will be opened in 2033 at the annual meeting of graduates of Turan University.


Graduates were also able to capture moments in the photo zones and in the photo booths that were installed on the territory of the Arial Golf Club.


After the official part of the graduates, a buffet was expected, a performance by domestic artists V$VX Prince and Aikyn Tolepbergen.


The evening was bright and full of emotions. The hosts of the evening were Kubayeva Alina and Bekbolat Asylzhan.


Congratulations on this joyful event, we wish you happiness, success and prosperity. We hope that thanks to your achievements, the glory of Turan, as before, will grow and strengthen!

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