Students of the University “Turan” took part in the summer school in Yekaterinburg

Students of the OP “International Relations” S.Sayatbek, N.Zhuman, T.Kabyldaeva, A.Zhenis, V.Kravchenko and OP “Tourism” D.Kim took part in the project “Summer University 2023”, which was held from July 10 to 23 this year with the support of the Ministry of Science of the Russian Federation at the Ural Federal University named after the first President Russia of B.N. Yeltsin.


On the first day, the project participants launched an educational program. They learned the basics of project activities. Within the framework of the summer school, courses in economics and management, philology, humanities, soft skills development, career management were also organized. Students defended projects and participated in hackathons. In addition to practical classes, cultural events were organized for the participants of the summer school.


The summer school provided a unique opportunity to gain knowledge, implement project ideas in a team and develop intercultural communication skills.


The participants of the summer school were awarded certificates for participation in the summer school. Sanzhar Sayatbek was issued a certificate of advanced training in “Digital technologies and tools in the educational process of the university”.


The students highly appreciated the level of organization of the school and expressed gratitude for the opportunity to gain theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

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