A graduate of Turan University became the new Chairman of the Board of Jusan Invest JSC

Salimov Timur Rafkhatovich, a graduate of the educational program “Finance” of the University “Turan”, became the new chairman of the board of JSC “Jusan Invest”.


This step becomes an important moment in the history of the company, reflecting the desire to further develop and reach new heights.


Timur Salimov has extensive experience in the brokerage market, he has held senior positions in the companies: JSC “Asyl-invest”, “Real Invest group”, “Kazkommerts Securities” and “Halyk Global Markets”. His years of experience will enable the company to strengthen strategy and improve performance with new products.


Since the beginning of the year, Jusan Invest has been recognized as the best in many indicators, namely the “Leader of the Equity Market”, and was also awarded “For a significant contribution to attracting investors” according to the Kazakhstan Stock Exchange, “For the development of the retail segment” and as “The best investment banking team on debt securities” according to the Astana International Exchange.


Turan University is proud of the success of its graduates and wishes Timur Salimov success in his career!

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