Coursera Kickoff Meeting – launch of the Coursera project at Turan University

On September 20, a meeting dedicated to the launch of the Coursera project at Turan University “Coursera Kickoff Meeting” took place in the assembly hall of the University.


Coursera is the world’s largest educational organization that unites more than 250 leading universities of the world and technology giants. The platform contains more than 4,200 educational courses in 430 specialties and specializations. Every year, more than 100 million people from 200 countries study on the Coursera platform.


Since this academic year, Coursera has been successfully integrated into the educational programs of Turan University, which opens up a number of significant advantages for students and teachers.


Turan University has acquired 500 licenses for undergraduate and graduate students, including:


  • 317 licenses for educational programs of the Faculty of Economics;
  • 183 licenses for the Faculty of Digital Technologies and Art.


The integration of Coursera into the educational process of Turan University is a strategically important decision that contributes to the harmonious and comprehensive development of students, giving them the tools for a successful career and continuing education in the future.

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