Language Week: “Pages Of World Poetry”

Students of the University of Turan” once again opened the doors of the world cultural treasury. According to tradition, they do this on 22 th September, when the “Week of Languages” begins. And in fact, they are no longer closing it.


This time they are participating in colorful intellectual events organized by teachers from the Department of Journalism and Translation. The sounds of dombra and guitar strings are heard from the academic classrooms. Poems and songs are sung in Kazakh, Russian and English. Songs of different nations are performed. And, of course, kyui, <Kozimnin karasy> and <Aittym Salem, Kalamkas> by Abay Kunanbaev.


“To know many languages ​​is to have a lot of keys to one lock” Voltaire said in the 18th century.


“In addition, this is the cultivation of a tolerant attitude towards representatives of different cultures.” continues the thought of the French educational philosopher Anna Buselot, head of the Department of Journalism and Translation Studies. According to her, speaking different languages ​​allows us to more subtly feel the values ​​of our culture and respect another.


And, indeed, the more languages ​​a person knows, the wider his culture.


These days, a diverse language palette was heard at Turan University. In the poetry competition “Pages of World History”, organized by teachers Karlugash Zhappar, Ekaterina Kovalenko, Ayman Zhamanova, Aygul Kosherova, first place was taken by Omar Askaruly, a student of the 2nd course of the Faculty of Humanities and Law (HLF), for the expressive, artistic reading of the work of the great Kazakh poet and educator Abay Kunanbayev. Second place was shared between Medea Idrish and Aruzhan Dumanova. On the third – Ayaulym Madikyzy and Lunara Isanbaeva.


A special place is given to the state language. Kazakh scholars Mayra Zhagiparova, Mayra Aldabergenova, Ainur Karshigaeva, Talgat Tolegenov, Gulnaz Kenzhebekova and Aida Mukhametkali held educational quizzes and competitions with their students on knowledge of language, culture and national traditions.

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