Preventive meeting with police: the fight against drug addiction and gambling addiction at the university

On October 11, an important meeting of first-year students with representatives of law enforcement agencies took place in the assembly hall of Turan University. The topic of the meeting was not only relevant, but also extremely important for the younger generation – drug addiction and gambling addiction in modern society.


The meeting with experienced police officers was an excellent opportunity for university students to get acquainted with real cases, examples and consequences of drug use and gambling addiction.


Law enforcement officers who attended the meeting shared their experience and knowledge. They told students about prevention methods and the importance of seeking help when needed. It is important to understand that drugs and gambling are not the path to happiness and satisfaction, but the path to destruction and addiction.


The preventive meeting became a striking example of cooperation between the university and the police in the fight against social problems. Events like these play an important role in creating conscious citizens and helping youth build their future on sound principles and values.

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