State and Local Administration



The specialty “State and Local Administration” is one of the most in demand in the labor market and is aimed at preparing graduates for the civil service.


Having received a bachelor’s degree in economics and business with a degree in «Public and Local Administration», you will have an elite, highly paid and prestigious specialty. You will be able to hold managerial positions, work as managers and economists of central and local authorities, managers of state enterprises, joint stock companies, manufacturing companies, holdings, service enterprises, etc.


Code: 6В04102


Academic Degree: Bachelor


Form of study: full-time, full-time with a shortened period of study


Training period:


  • 4 years after secondary education
  • 3 years after secondary vocational education
  • 2 years after higher education




  1. Public administration


The specialization curriculum provides graduates with the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and management skills for work in the Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Office of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in various structural divisions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, economic and financial management bodies (ministries, departments and agencies). The bachelor in public administration studies the theory of public administration, studies the domestic and foreign practice of the state apparatus, the implementation of the economic functions of the government, the organization of public service.


  1. Regional and local government


Specialists in the field of regional and local government are engaged in research and study of the organization of the activities of akimats, the process of self-government. Regional administration is designed to ensure the economic development of the country in the spatial and territorial aspect, with the most rational distribution of productive forces and equalization of the living standards of the population. Local authorities decide such issues as rational use of land; complex socio-economic development of territories; housing and communal services and landscaping; transport and roads; consumer and trade services; preschool, school and vocational education; preservation and development of historical and cultural traditions of the population of the local community; development of physical culture, sports and tourism; protection of public order; environmental protection, etc.




Practice in state and local authorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in entrepreneurial structures, public organizations, institutions of science, education and culture

The content of educational programs is conditioned by the changing requirements of the external environment, which are associated with professional competition and the demand for specialization.

The structure of the educational program of the “Turan” University in the specialty “State and local government” is developed in accordance with the scientific, theoretical and practical-oriented requirements of professionalism, professionalism and professionalism.


We teach


  • organization of activities of state, regional and local governing bodies;
  • legal and ethical norms governing relations in society, determining business ethics of a specialist;
  • the process of organizing the work on the implementation of economic policies of the state;
  • change the application of foreign experience of state regulation and economic planning;
  • optimization of distribution of productive forces of the society in the purposes of realization of regional policy;
  • participation in the development of complex plans of economic and social development of oblasts, regions, cities and districts in cities;
  • acquire and update knowledge, using modern educational technologies;
  • skills of production and management activities;
  • participation in the creation of an effective system of management of the national economy, its branches and regions;
  • coordination of national economic problems and ensuring effective balance and stability of the economy;
  • skills, systematization and summarization of information in the field of management, economics and business;
  • skills of preparation of reference and analytical reviews on questions of professional activity.




  • The theory of public administration
  • State regulation of the economy
  • Public-private partnership
  • Management of sintering processes
  • Smart city
  • Organization of public service
  • Regional economy and management
  • Strategic planning and budgeting processes in public administration
  • State policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Regional planning and forecasting




  • Zittau-Herlitz University of Applied Sciences, Germany
  • Varna Economic University, Bulgaria
  • М.В. Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, International Association “Trinity Spiral”
  • Berjaya University, College of Hospitality, Malaysia
  • Istanbul Arel University, Turkey
  • Kastamonu University, Turkey
  • Latvia Business College
  • Virginia International University
  • Erzincan University, Turkey
  • Kent State University, USA
  • St. Gallen University




Two-level programs:


  • Latvia Business College
  • Istanbul Arel University, Turkey


Academic mobility programs:


  • Jalal-Abad State University, Kyrgyz Republic, Jalal-Abad
  • Institute of World Economy and Finance, Astrakhan, Russia
  • University of Kastamonu, Turkey
  • Varna University of Economics, Bulgaria




The specialty “State and local government” has a bachelor’s degree in economics and professional qualification in the central and local government, state enterprises, joint stock companies, manufacturing companies, holdings, services, etc. b. works in enterprises in various industries. Specialists of “public and local government” can perform the functions of economist-manager in the financial and credit sector, social spheres, management structures, as well as analysts, experts, teachers and researchers in the field of management.


 Career prospects of graduates of the specialty “State and local government”:


Objects of professional activity:


In the Office of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the Office of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, various departments of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan


  • Economic and financial management bodies (ministries, agencies)
  • Local governments (district, city, regional), and executive bodies
  • National public and private companies.

This specialty provides excellent career opportunities with the acquired knowledge, valuable skills, managerial and organizational talent, initiative and aptitude to meet the requirements of employers.


On the way to a higher career, bachelors have the opportunity to continue their education at the master’s level.

Online admissions