Non-formal education: new approaches and the modern film industry

On October 31, 2023, a round table «Non-formal education: new approaches and the modern film industry» was held in Almaty at the «Turan» University site together with the Association of Higher Educational Institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The event was attended by leading representatives of the film industry: member of the board of NJSC «SCSNC», deputy chairman of the board for production Shukenov Baurzhan Kamalovich, production director of «Salem Social Media» Vorobiev Igor Alekseevich, head of development «Epicentrum» Sartaeva Anel Maulenovna, director and producer of «567 Creative Laboratory» Safarov Rinat Faridovich, Abishev Serik Erzhanovich producer of «Short brothers», Nedviga Marina Nikolaevna director of the studio «Mark II», technical director of «KinoArenda» Molokov Mikhail Fedorovich and many others, as well as heads of various levels of creative universities that train specialists for the film industry – KazNAA named after. T. K. Zhurgenova, KazNUА, Almau.


At the opening of the round table, the rector of the «Turan» University, Alshanov Rakhman Alshanovich, noted that «The government has adopted a number of decisions on additional education at higher educational institutions with the possibility of studying from 3 months to six months, depending on the specifics of the course. Therefore, universities can become platforms for teaching specializations that are in demand on the market. A new stage in the development of the Kazakh film industry is possible through joint efforts with representatives of the cinematography industry».


During the round table, the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 28, 2018 №508 «On approval of the Rules for the recognition of learning outcomes obtained through non-formal education» was announced, and the need for specialized film education was also discussed. Each participant in the event noted in his speech the acute shortage of qualified personnel in various specialties in the field of cinema.


At the end of the round table, it was noted that specialized universities need to pay attention to the identified needs of the film market and develop the ability to combine the educational process and professional exchange of knowledge and practical skills at film industry sites. This provides an opportunity to gain invaluable experience and at the same time become a certified specialist.

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