International scientific and practical conference “Central Asia in the context of global geopolitical changes”


International scientific and practical conference

“Central Asia in the context of global geopolitical changes”


Host: Turan University,Kazakhstan Center for Humanitarian and Political Conjuncture Location: Kazakhstan, Almaty University “Turan”, 207 room.Time: 10 amDate: December 8, 2023


The conference aims to discuss the impact of modern global geopolitical changes in the world on the situation in Central Asia, the associated threats and risks, and the further prospects for the development of the region.


It is planned to consider problems in the following areas:


  • the economic situation in Central Asia and the main development trends in the context of modern global geopolitical changes;
  • the policy of the leading world powers towards the countries of Central Asia as a new round of the “great game”;
  • the application of the “soft power” policy in Central Asia to exert influence in the cultural and educational domain.
  • ethnic and religious conflicts in the region caused by global social upheavals;
  • Central Asia and world politics: new opportunities and limitations;
  • issues of legislation and legal framework of Central Asian countries at the present stage;
  • deepening cooperation between the countries of the Central Asian region;
  • environmental challenges facing the countries of Central Asia (water resources, environment and climate change);
  • Central Asia in the Eurasian migration system;
  • current state and achievements in the intellectual life of Central Asian peoples.


Conference languages: Kazakh, Russian, English.


Forms of participation in the conference: personal and remote, presentations with a report and without a report


Chairman of the organizing committee: Alshanov Rakhman Alshanovich, President of the Association of Universities of Kazakhstan, Rector of Turan University, Doctor of Economics, Professor.


Vice- Chairman: Dina Ibragimovna Razakova, Vice-Rector for Strategic Development, Science, and Innovation, Candidate of Economic Sciences, PhD.


Responsible executive: Tolen Zhenisbek Muratbekuly, head. department


“Regional studies and international relations”, PhD, e-mail: Phones: 8(727)260–40–29 (ext. 733).


Responsible for collecting articles: Ulzhan Kerimbekovna Orzhanova, associate. Professor of the Department of Regional Studies and International Relations, e-mail: tel +7 777 588 1252




Reports must be submitted in electronic form with one copy of the printed text attached. For materials – Times New Roman font, font size 14, single line spacing. All fonts must be fully compatible with the Windows XP (2000) operating system.


UDC is printed in the upper left part of the sheet.


Next, in the upper right part of the sheet, the author’s surname and initials, place of work, academic degree and title are printed. In the middle of the sheet, the name of the material is printed in capital letters, followed by keywords (10-12 words). Then comes the text, which should be printed without hyphenation, observing the following margin sizes: left – 30 mm, right – 10 mm, top – 15 mm, bottom – 20 mm. Paragraph indentation starts with the third character. The article allows no more than two tables, made in Word, and two figures (Word, grouped). Formulas can only be entered in the – formula editor (Microsoft Equation).


References to used literature are printed in square brackets in the text; a list of references is printed at the end of the article. After the list of references, there should be a summary in Kazakh, Russian and English (4–6 sentences), as well as the title of the article in three languages (Kazakh, Russian and English) for scientists from the CIS countries and non-CIS countries – in Russian and English.


At the end of the article, please indicate your full name in a complete form, return address, telephone numbers (work and/or home), fax, and email.


Bold, italic and underlined fonts are not allowed in the main text of the report. The use of automatic and forced hyphenation, forced line breaks, and page breaks are not allowed.


Volume – up to 6 pages of typewritten text.


The terms of participation


To participate in the conference, submit the following materials to the organizing committee email address ,  by December 8:


  1. The text of the article is formatted according to the requirements.
  2. Information about the author in the prescribed form (form attached).


Materials are not reviewed and will not be returned: if they do not comply with the conference theme or design rules, and materials submitted violating the established procedure will not be accepted for publication




Registration form


1. Surname
2. Name
3. Middle name
4. Academic degree, position
5. Organization (name of scientific institution, university, etc., its location)
6. Email
7. Telephone/fax (with international code)
8. Report title


Online admissions