Accounting and audit



If you want to be competitive and financially stable, engage in analytical and scientific research, improve your qualifications, then we offer you one of the most popular Master’s degree programs – Accounting and Auditing.


Training in the educational program (OP) “Accounting and audit” in the master’s degree allows you to gain in-depth knowledge in the field of accounting, analysis and audit. Students are introduced to modern methods of forecasting and monitoring the financial activities of domestic, joint and foreign companies. Master’s degree training makes it possible to apply the most progressive ways of rational use of resources and identify reserves for improving business efficiency. Students acquire skills in the preparation of financial, tax, and non-financial reporting. Having received a master’s degree in Accounting and Auditing, you will be able to easily navigate any modern business process management models, as well as conduct scientific research and carry out pedagogical activities.


Code: 6В04105


Academic degree: Bachelor of Economics and Business


Form of education: full-time, full-time with a shortened period of study


Duration of training:


  • 4 years after secondary education (full-time)
  • 3 years of post-secondary vocational education (full-time)
  • After 2 years of higher education


The department provides training of specialists in two languages of instruction: state and Russian.


Uniqueness of the educational program


  1. In the implementation of an OP based on a competency-based approach and the training of competitive professional personnel in the field of accounting and auditing
  2. In the focus of training on the training of accounting and auditing specialists who possess modern methods of collecting, processing and presenting information, who have the skills to compile and analyze financial statements and conduct audits using international standards
  3. In providing students with the opportunity to participate in innovative projects, study advanced foreign experience and professional activity in foreign companies

Auditors of The Republic of Kazakhstan at Turan University

Seminar On Ifrs: Auditor’s View

«Accounting and audit» EP team «Phoenix» winners of the RSPO

Program Features


  • Practice-oriented specialized modules and courses;
  • The possibility of obtaining professional knowledge in specialized disciplines for the certification of a professional accountant in Kazakhstan;
  • Study of the best international accounting and auditing practices based on international financial reporting and auditing standards;
  • Studying the specifics of industry accounting will expand employment prospects;
  • Mastering financial and analytical disciplines will allow analyzing and predicting the activities of companies and developing recommendations for improving the financial condition


7 reasons to study the specialty “Accounting and Audit” at the University “Turan:


  1. Highly qualified teaching staff, certified accountants and auditors of Kazakhstan, with practical experience;
  2. the opportunity to study disciplines for certification of accountants in the course of training
  3. using the international analytical platform Bloomberg terminal for financial and economic analysis and forecasting;
  4. availability of an extensive practice base for the educational program throughout the entire period of study;
  5. the opportunity to create your own business in the university’s business incubator;
  6. interesting student life;
  7. academic mobility


Our partners


Partners of the Accounting and Audit Department — Chamber of Professional Accountants of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Association of Professional Accountants and Auditors of Kazakhstan, Chamber of Auditors of the Republic of Kazakhstan, LLP “Учет.kz ” and numerous organizations of the real and financial sector of the economy that assist in the professional certification of students, the provision of practice bases.


International Programs


Within the framework of academic mobility programs, undergraduates have the opportunity to study at partner universities of their choice




  1. University of Applied Sciences(Germany)
  2. Moscow State University.University (Russia,  Moscow)
  3. SolBridgeInternational School of Business (South Korea)
  4. Economic University (Bulgaria, Varna).
  5. ŠiauliaiUniversity (Lithuania)
  6. Graduate School of Management in Barcelona(Spain,  Barcelona)
  7. University of Kuala Lumpur(Malaysia  Kuala Lumpur)
  8. University of CentralBohemia (the Czech Republic,  Prague)
  9. Petersburg State Economic University (Russia, St. Petersburg)
  10. The InstituteOf the economy and Anti-crisis management (Russia,  Moscow)
  11. IstanbulArel University (Turkey,  Istanbul)
  12. University ofP é cs (Hungary,  Budapest)


Leading technoparks and companies


  1. Skolkovo (Moscow, Russia)
  2. Almaty Tech Garden (PIT “Alatau”)
  3. International Business Academy ID-Group

Career prospects


A Master’s degree in accounting and auditing is able to:


  • Apply for high positions as an accountant in organizations of various fields and areas of activity
  • Provide services and conduct master classes on accounting and taxation
  • Advise on tax accounting and tax reporting
  • Carry out financial and economic analysis and planning
  • Work remotely using specialized accounting software and the Internet
  • Practice servicing several small and medium-sized business organizations
  • Carry out educational and research activities
  • Continue training for certification and admission to the PhD doctoral program


If you are independent, responsible and able to defend your point of view, want to be always with work and money, then for this there is one of the most interesting and demanded professions – accounting and audit.




7M04103 – Scientific and pedagogical magistracy

7M04108 – Profile magistracy


Academic degree:


  • at the end of the scientific and pedagogical magistracy – Master of Economics in the specialty “Accounting and Audit”
  • at the end of the profile magistracy – master of economics and business in the specialty “Accounting and Audit”


Mode of study: full-time


Duration of training:


  • 2 years – scientific and pedagogical direction
  • 1 year – profile direction


Features of the program


7 reasons to study the specialty “Accounting and Audit” at the University “Turan:


  1. highly qualified teaching staff, certifiedaccountants and auditors in Kazakhstan, with practical work experience;
  2. opportunity during training to obtain a certificate of professional accountant in Kazakhstan;
  3. the use of international research Bloombergplatform  the terminal for financial and economic analysis and forecasting;
  4. the extensive practice basefor the specialty throughout the study period;
  5. the opportunity to create their own businessin the business incubator University;
  6. An interesting student life;
  7. Two-degree programs by specialties


Compulsory and elective subjects


Educational program are provided relevant and exclusive courses in entrepreneurship, language modules throughout the training period


Innovation and entrepreneurship modules




  • Introduction to Business and Innovation
  • Business Ethics


Economic and managerial


  • Management
  • Marketing


Economic and legal


  • Business law
  • Business letter (in the state. I’m up language)
  • Enterprise economy


Organizational and managerial


  • Project management
  • Organizational behavior


Socially-cognitive competence allows to develop disciplines:


Socio-cognitive module


  • Logic and Critical Thinking
  • Management of public processes
  • Academic writing


Become a sought-after specialist will help you practice-oriented specialized modules and courses in the specialty:


Certified specialized modules


  1. Financial accounting 1
  2. Management accounting 1


Modules of specialization


Financial and Analytical Module


  • Economic analysis
  • The financial analysis
  • Cash flow analysis
  • Working capital analysis




  • Taxes and taxation
  • Tax reporting


Automation and regulation of accounting


  • Regulatory and legal regulation of accounting in Kazakhstan
  • Computerization in accounting


International Accounting Standards


  • International Financial Reporting Standards
  • International Standards on Auditing
  • Financial accounting II


Industry accounting


  • Accounting in a bank
  • Accounting in construction
  • Accounting in tourism and RDiGB
  • Currency operations


Management accounting and control


  • Managerial Accounting II
  • Audit


International Programs


Within the framework of two-diploma programs and programs on academic mobility, students have the opportunity to study in the partner universities offered at their choice:




  1. University of Applied Sciences(Germany)
  2. Moscow State University.University (Russia,  Moscow)
  3. SolBridgeInternational School of Business (South Korea)
  4. Economic University (Bulgaria, Varna).
  5. ŠiauliaiUniversity (Lithuania)
  6. Graduate School of Management in Barcelona(Spain,  Barcelona)
  7. University of Kuala Lumpur(Malaysia  Kuala Lumpur)
  8. University of CentralBohemia (the Czech Republic,  Prague)
  9. Petersburg State Economic University (Russia, St. Petersburg)
  10. The InstituteOf the economy and Anti-crisis management (Russia,  Moscow)
  11. IstanbulArel University (Turkey,  Istanbul)
  12. University ofP é cs (Hungary,  Budapest)


Leading technoparks and companies


  1. Skolkovo (Moscow, Russia)
  2. Almaty Tech Garden (PIT “Alatau”)
  3. International Business Academy ID-Group


Career prospects


A professional in accounting and auditing has the ability to:


  • To build a successful career as an accountant in organizations of various fields and activities
  • Make a career in audit
  • Work in the tax authorities, insurance organizations, other financial institutions
  • Engaged in financial and economic analysis and planning
  • Provide consulting services in accounting and taxation
  • Help in completing tax returns
  • Work remotely using specialized accounting software and the Internet
  • Increase your revenue by serving several small business organizations at the same time
Online admissions