On December 07, 2023, a workshop on the topic “Methods of preventing plagiarism” was held at Turan University, the seminar was conducted by Akmaral Kuzhieva (StrikePlagiarism.com)

On December 07, 2023, a workshop on the topic “Methods of preventing plagiarism” was held at Turan University, the seminar was conducted by Akmaral Kuzhieva (StrikePlagiarism.com).


The workshop was held in an interactive mode, it is an actual tool of Academic honesty. Adheres to the Code of Academic Integrity. Procedures for checking scientific and student papers for plagiarism are carried out clearly and transparently, even plagiarism is found on the Internet.


StrikePlagiarism.com It is an academic anti-plagiarism system, an effective tool for searching for plagiarism, analyzing the source of borrowing and feedback from the author. The anti-plagiarism system is connected to Moodle, Univer, Platonus, Hero Study, Canvas, BrightSpace, OJS and integrated with Ldap catalog.


A similarity report that conveniently shows the content of the text in the source, fragments copied from the source, with the ability to intuitively navigate between fragments, which opens up a significant advantage for students and teachers when checking their work.


The implementation of the code of academic integrity and procedures for checking and evaluating student and scientific papers reduces risks for university management.

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