Students of the educational program “Information systems” on Demoday 1.0 + Hackathon

On September 23 2023, 2nd and 3rd-year students of the educational program “Information Systems” took part in the DemoDay 1.0 + Hackathon, which Turan University and the Association of Business Incubators and Accelerators of Higher Educational Institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan held.


During the event, students had the opportunity to join entrepreneurs and participate with them in the developing of business projects.


A team of students represented by Anastasia Gavrilova, Alexander Kan, Bogdan Shlepnev and Ali Makhambet participated in the development of a prototype of the Ecosliv mobile application, which took second place.


The event was also attended by students Mazhuga Marina, Saveliev Vadim, Tynyshtykbayev Batyrkhan and Khojamberdiev Ibrahim.

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