Round table on the topic «Problems and prospects of human capital formation in Kazakhstan in the context of demographic growth»

On December 13, 2023, within the framework of the International Conference «Economies of Eurasian Countries in the Period of Global Turbulence», Turan University, the Association of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Academy of Economic Sciences of Kazakhstan held a Round table on the topic «Problems and prospects of human capital formation in Kazakhstan in the context of demographic growth».


The topic of the Round Table is very important for Kazakhstan, as it touches on issues related to demographic changes. Thus, considering human capital as a catalyst for sustainable growth and global competitiveness, the alignment of education with the needs of the labor market, the social consequences of demographic growth, and the possibility of institutional training and prospects will undoubtedly contribute to society and politics. This event is an indispensable component of the formation of the future of Kazakhstan through a comprehensive study of the main factors contributing to economic, social and global development.


The Round Table was attended by representatives of state and local authorities and government bodies, heads of educational organizations, representatives of associations, as well as scientists and experts in the field of human capital.


The program of the round table can be found here.

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