New Year’s Eve party from students of Turan University

On December 25, 2023, the Teso student organization held a New Year’s Eve party in the style of “Anti-Cafe” at Turan University, creating a unique festive atmosphere for more than 250 students. The event was filled with a variety of entertainment, in the spirit of modern trends and the interests of the student community.


The program of the evening included:

  • A show program in the auditorium: Students enjoyed an exciting and fascinating show that not only entertained, but also inspired.
  • Game rooms: Students could enjoy board games, as well as immerse themselves in the world of video games with PlayStation and Sega consoles.
  • Buffet with desserts and drinks: The partners of the event provided a variety of treats, complementing the festive evening with delicious desserts and drinks.
  • Fun contests with New Year’s prizes: Students actively participated in contests, while receiving pleasant New Year’s gifts.
  • Memorable photos from the photo booth: The evening was also remembered with vivid pictures taken in the photo booth, which students could take with them as a memento of a fun holiday.


The final chord was the performances of the university’s dance and music organizations. During the dance battles, the students demonstrated their talents by creating energetic and exciting performances. The guests invited from neighboring universities added diversity and a competitive spirit to the event, creating an even brighter and more friendly atmosphere of the New Year’s Eve.


This New Year’s Eve was not only a celebration, but also a great way to unite the student community, highlight creative and dancing talents, and create vivid memories of a fun and unique Anti-Cafe holiday.

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