Registration of participants of the XV International Olympiad in the field of Information Technology “IT planet 2024” has started

On January 1, registration of participants of the XV anniversary International Olympiad in the field of information technology “IT Planet 2024” started. This is a practice-oriented competition aimed at identifying and supporting talented students and ICT professionals between the ages of 18 and 35. The official website of the Olympiad –


The IT Olympiad creates conditions for participants to interact directly with representatives of the professional community, promotes their manifestation and professional development in accordance with current market requirements. The participants of the Olympiad have the opportunity not only to demonstrate their skills and knowledge, but also to acquire new ones thanks to online lessons from the companies organizing the competitions.


The competition program covers such topical areas as programming, robotics, AI, operating system administration, web design, network technologies, VR/AR, 3D modeling, information security, Internet of Things (IoT), free software, mobile application development and others.


All competitive tasks of the Olympiad have an applied orientation and are based on Russian ICT solutions or free software. The founders and partners of the Olympiad competitions are domestic organizations: Astra Group, 1C, RED SOFT, Postgres Professional, iSpring, ROBBO, Aquarius, Morizo Digital, M. V. Lomonosov SAFU, as well as the V. P. Ivannikov Institute of System Programming of the Russian Federation academies of sciences and other companies.


In particular, accredited competitions will be held within the framework of the Olympiad, the winners of which will also receive diplomas and medals from the IT Planet 2024 Olympiad:


  • The Digital Sport-tech Innovation Cup 2024 is a competition to create technological innovations in the field of physical education and sports using VR/AR, AI, IoT, NeuroNet.
  • The Terra-Polytech 2024 Olympiad is a competition for the creation of architectural exhibits and laboratory installations with the Internet of Things function.
  • Unlimited opportunities – a program for the team development of innovative projects aimed at improving the quality of life of people with disabilities and HIA.


The deadline for registration of participants depends on the rules of each individual competition – most of them can be registered until March 20. Participants will have to take specialized tests, solve cases and tasks, as well as develop projects based on the task provided. The final of the competition will be held on May 24-27, 2024.


The IT Olympiad is supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation. The organizer of the competition is the Autonomous non-profit organization “Center for the Development of Innovative Technologies “IT-Planet” ( The co-organizers are the Association of Software Developers “Domestic Software” ( and the RUSSOFT Software Developers Association (


The IT Olympiad is included in the list of Olympiads and other intellectual and (or) creative competitions, events aimed at developing intellectual and creative abilities, abilities to engage in physical culture and sports, interest in scientific (research), engineering, inventive, creative, physical culture and sports activities, as well as promotion of scientific knowledge, creative and sporting achievements for the 2023/24 academic year, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 649 dated 08/31/2023.


The competition takes place on the innovative Russian platform



Additional information:


Every year, more than 20,000 students and certified specialists from more than 1,000 educational organizations in higher education and vocational education in 15 countries take part in the IT Olympiad.


Link welcome address for the participants of the IT Olympiad from the Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation M. I. Shadaev:


Link to the welcome address for the participants of the IT Olympiad from the Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation O. V. Petrova:


Press contacts: Maria Igorevna Kermin, Director of Development of ANO “CRT “IT-Planet”, , T.R. +7 (499) 703-39-49, ext. 111


Contacts for participants: Kim Yekaterina Romanovna, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Information Technology, , +7-777-702-44-72

Online admissions