On December 22, 2023, Turan University hosted an open lesson in the “A1” Foundation faculty group on the “Russian language about the New Year in the world”

On December 22, 2023, an exciting open class in the Foundation faculty group took place at Turan University under the guidance of a talented teacher, K.Z. Zhappar. The topic of the lesson was devoted to the traditions of celebrating the New Year of various cultures.


The purpose of this lesson was clear – the assimilation and repetition of the key points of the material covered. Our students from Germany, the USA, China and Afghanistan came specifically to study Russian, and this lesson was a great chance to demonstrate their progress.


Under the guidance of Karlygash Zeynelovna, the students not only successfully repeated the material, but also shared the fascinating traditions of celebrating the New Year in their countries. They talked about bright street festivals and enchanting fireworks, emphasized the importance of family dinners and traditional costumes, shared unique customs and rituals symbolizing the beginning of the new year.


The open lesson was also attended by the director of Marketing and admissions department Nurtayeva D.K. and invited teachers of the Department of “Journalism and Translation Studies”. The guests noted that the students managed to achieve great success in such a short time.

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