Round table on the topic of: “Development of state and local government: Problems of reset”

On February 9, 2024, as part of the implementation of the educational program “State and Local Government”, a round table was held at «Turan» University on the topic “Development of state and local self-government: problems of reboot.”


During the meeting the following issues were discussed:

  1. Macroeconomic policy reset
  2. Improving interbudgetary relations in state and local government
  3. Problems of regulatory support for the activities of government bodies of Kazakhstan
  4. Increasing professional education and qualifications of civil servants
  5. The role of public administration in the socio-economic development of Kazakhstan
  6. Strengthening the prestige of government bodies in the eyes of business representatives and citizens.

Representatives of government bodies, experts, and university scientists took part in the round table:

  1. Alimkhan Shynaray Alimkhankyzy – Head of the Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs in the city of Almaty;
  2. Baysalov Murat Seilbekuly – Head of the Department of the Agency for Civil Service Affairs in the West Kazakhstan Region, Chairman of the Ethics Council;
  3. Shaytursyn Daulet – Deputy Head of the Administration of the Akim of Almaty Region;
  4. Abilova Aigerim Zheniskyzy – Director of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the city of Almaty;
  5. Bekkairov Nursultan Bolatuly – Department of Youth Policy of the City of Almaty Head of the Youth Start Support Department;
  6. Kanybekov Meirambek Makhanbetaliuly – Managing Director for Business Protection of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs “ATAMEKEN” of Almaty;
  7. Chireeva Bakhytgul Tolegenovna – Doctor PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Management, Esil University;
  8. Epanchintseva Svetlana Eduardovna – PhD Doctor, Almaty Technological University.
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