For the first time, an award named after the first woman academician of Kazakhstan and Central Asia, Nailya Bazanova, has been established for women scientists

On March 6, 2024, on the eve of International Women’s Day, the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan held a solemn event in the building of the Kazakh National Women’s Pedagogical University, in which leading women scientists from all over the country took part.


The National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan recognized the merits of our women scientists, who were presented with awards in a solemn ceremony and, in order to stimulate the further development of science, established a special award of the National Academy of Sciences named after the first woman academician of Kazakhstan and Central Asia, Nailya Bazanova.


The meeting with women scientists was held in an offline/online format. More than 70 leading women scientists from all regions of the country took part in the meeting; they were awarded certificates of honor from the National Academy of Sciences. From the University of Turan, Dina Ibragimovna Razakova was awarded – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Doctor of PhD, Vice-Rector for Strategic Development, Science and Innovation.


Kurishbaev drew attention to the fact that women play a huge role in the development of science, whose share is almost 60% of the total number of scientists. Although until the beginning of the twentieth century, women suffered from severe discrimination, including in the field of science. They were not allowed into science and were considered not capable of doing it. Innovators of that time had to overcome a large number of obstacles, take male pseudonyms, and their works and discoveries were often attributed to their male colleagues.


In his speech, the President of the National Academy of Sciences A. Kurishbaev noted that for many decades, International Women’s Day in our country has been considered an official holiday and is considered a day of spring, female beauty, tenderness, spiritual wisdom and attention to the fair half of humanity. Also, the holiday tradition includes celebrating the achievements of women in the political, economic and social spheres of their activities.

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