«Siber Koza» International Innovation & Incubation Center

«Siber Koza» is a professional entrepreneurship platform that allows original and technological ideas to turn into an innovative business idea and thrive by combining with the right resources. It is the first and only platform in Turkey to prioritize cybersecurity and artificial intelligence technologies. «Siber Koza» was created to bring together bright minds, various ideas and projects, entrepreneurs, companies, investors and specialists to identify and train talented youth, as well as help them create thriving ecosystems. Within the framework of the «Siber Koza» center, various scientific and innovative projects aimed at supporting new ideas developed by teachers and students will be implemented at the university.



Main activity:


  • Training;
  • Joint development and support of projects;
  • Mentoring and practical experience for gifted students;
  • Search and selection of qualified personnel;
  • Entrepreneurial and investment support for successful projects.

In general «Siber Koza» was created to train a qualified workforce in all areas of technology, especially in the field of artificial intelligence and cybersecurity. At the moment «Turan» University together with the first and only cybersecurity and artificial intelligence technology priority platform in Turkey «Siber Koza» is implementing innovative youth research projects among university students.



Full name Specialization
1 Seleznev Valery IR 222(4)
2 Tynyshtykbayev Batyrkhan IS 222(4)
3 Gridasova Darya IS 222(3)
4 Gavrilova Anastasia IS 222(3)
5 Zinchenko Maxim IS 212(4)


The information letters provide more detailed information on the main activities of these projects.

Online admissions