International scientific-practical forum “Prospects of medical tourism of the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States”

On 13 March 2024 at the University “Turan” was held an international scientific-practical forum “Prospects of medical tourism of the Commonwealth of Independent States”, where were represented such countries as the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan.


The organisers of the forum were Turan University, Almaty City Akimat, Almaty Medical Tourism Association, Kazakhstan Tourism Association, Kazakhstan Association of Hotels and Restaurants, Kazakhstan Marketing Association, National Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, St. Petersburg Medical Tourism Agency, Volgograd Region Health Committee.


The forum discussed the issues of interaction of market, education and science stakeholders, search for effective solutions and new tools in consolidation of opinions of scientists, researchers, teachers, government and public figures, business representatives.


Within the framework of the programme of the international scientific and practical forum the speakers were:


  • Alshanov Rakhman, Rector of Turan University, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, holder of the Orders “Parasat”, “Barys III degree”, President of the Association of Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Vice-President of the National Engineering Academy of the Republic Kazakhstan, President of the Academy of Economic Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, member of the board of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • Kalenova Saulesh, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of “Tourism and Service” of the University “Turan”, full member of the Academy of Economic Sciences of Kazakhstan, full member (academician) of the National Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, vice-president of the Association of Medical Tourism of Almaty, honorary member of the Global Health Tourism Association (GHTC);
  • Yeschanova Akmaral, Deputy Head of the Almaty City Tourism Department;
  • Troneva Victoria, Deputy Chairman of the Volgograd Region Health Committee, administrator of the regional project “Development of Medical Services Export (Volgograd Region)”;
  • Mozokina Sofia, Director for Strategic Development of JSC “St. Petersburg Medical Tourism Agency” under the Government of St. Petersburg. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Management in the Service Sector of the St. Petersburg State University of Economics;
  • Margarita Shaidulina, Sales Channel Development Manager at Beloostrov High Technology Clinic. Winner of the contest “Masters of Hospitality” of the platform “Russia – the Country of Opportunities”;
  • Elena Zolotukhina, Head of the Department of paid medical care, service and export of medical services of the Almazov National Medical Centre of the Ministry of Health of Russia;
  • Shchekin Gennady, Professor of the Department of Philosophy, Bioethics and Law with a course in Sociology of Medicine,  I.P. Grigorenko Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Volgograd State Medical University” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Sociological Sciences;
  • Imangalieva Laila, Head of the Department of treatment and prevention activities and monitoring, analysis, digitalisation and public services of the Public Health Department of Almaty;
  • Shaikenova Rashida, Director of Kazakhstan Tourism Association, President of Kazakhstan Association of Hotels and Restaurants;
  • Nugmanov Chingiz, chief specialist of the Institute of Reproductive Medicine;
  • Amerzhan Zamira, Director of orthodontic and implantology centre “Doctor Stom”;
  • Goncharov Andrey, Director of the Institute of Biophysics and Cell Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor;
  • Kushniruk Natalia, Chief Physician of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “Volgograd Regional Clinical Hospital No.1”, Candidate of Medical Sciences, MBA;
  • Tursunbaev Mukhametalim, Vice-President of the Association of Medical Tourism in Kyrgyzstan, co-founder, Deputy Chairman of the Association of Private Clinics and Medical Institutions of Kyrgyzstan;
  • Ruslan Guliyev, President of the Medical and Thermal Tourism Support Association of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
  • Svidrov Maksim, Vice-President of the Volgograd Region Chamber of Commerce and Industry;
  • Akhmedov Akhmad, Deputy Chairman of the Medical Tourism Association of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  • Asrorova Zulfiya, Director of the Resource Centre for Tourism at RTSU. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Tourism and Service at RTSU;
  • Musaev Mukhamedali, director of  “Global Tourism Service”, PhD student of Turan University.
  • Kruchinin Dmitry, Head of Domestic Tourism Department of “Azimut Travel”.
  • Musaeva Indira, director of the branch of “Kaztour” company.
  • Yerubaeva Gulzhan, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Professor of the Department of “Tourism and Service”, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Law of “Turan” University.
  • Nurjaubaeva Raisa, President of the Medical Tourism Association of Almaty, Honorary Member of the Global Medical Tourism Association, PhD.


As part of the Forum, information tours were conducted to Kazakhstani medical organizations: Orthodontic and Implantology Center “Doctor Stom”, Institute of Reproductive Medicine.



International scientific-practical forum “Prospects of medical tourism of the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States”
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