Teachers of Turan University took part in the Erasmus+ KA171 academic mobility program

From March 18 to 22, 2024, teachers of Turan University took part in academic mobility at the University of Kalisz (Uniwersytet Kaliski im. Prezydenta Stanisława Wojciechowskiego) within the framework of the European Union’s Erasmus+ KA171 program, which aims to support the mobility of teachers and other higher education workers. The University of Kalisz is one of the well-known public universities in Poland, where about 3,200 students study in 40 different educational programs.


Representatives of the “World and National Economy”, “Management”, “Regional Studies and International Relations” Departments of the Turan University conducted classes in English for 1st and 2nd year Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees students of the University of Kalisz.


Tamenova Saltanat Sarsenbaevna, director of the Center for Innovative Development of the Region, candidate of economic sciences, professor-researcher at the “Management” Department, conducted classes on the “Entrepreneurship” course.


Abaidullayeva Madina Maratzhanovna, PhD, associate professor-researcher of the “World and National Economy” Department, conducted classes on the “International business” course.


Ishmukhamedov Sharip Abdrakhmanovich, candidate of political sciences, associate professor of the “Regional studies and international relations” Department, conducted classes on the “Integration processes and International Security” course.


Developing a course of lectures and practical exercises, the teachers focused on conducting a comparative analysis of various aspects of economic and entrepreneurial activities, as well as the foreign policy of Poland and Kazakhstan, in order to identify similarities and differences in country development, as well as identify possible cooperation strategies with students.


During their stay at the University of Kalisz, the teachers also discussed the possibilities of research collaboration with representatives of the host university. Such events promote the exchange of experience between universities, broaden the horizons of teachers and students, and also help strengthen international relations in the field of education.


Participation in the Erasmus+ KA171 program is part of the development strategy of Turan University in the field of international cooperation and improving the quality of education. Thanks to the program, our teachers improved their professional and language skills, enriched teaching materials and methods, and also contributed to strengthening international partnerships between universities.

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