Participation of students of the EP “Jurisprudence” in the annual republican competition

On April 5, 2024, in the annual republican competition “Modern possibilities of fingerprinting and fingerprint examination”, held on the basis of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, 4th year student of the ЕP “Jurisprudence” of the University “Turan” Yesimova Aziza took the honorable second place, under the scientific guidance of candidate of legal sciences, professor of the department of “Jurisprudence and International Law” Alaeva G.T. and a scientific project carried out by 4th year students of the EP “Jurisprudence” of the University “Turan” Vdovenko L., Sarsengalieva V., Abay S., Kreidin F., Daekenova A. under the scientific supervision of candidate of legal sciences, associate professor of the department “ Jurisprudence and international law” Rekhson S.N. took 1st place.

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