“The practice of involving students in research activities: problems and ways to solve them”

On May 2, 2024, the section “The practice of involving students in research activities: problems and ways to solve them” was held within the framework of the 5th anniversary international conference “Current trends in the development of education: the best Russian and foreign practices” (EduVolgaForum), organized by our partners from Lobachevsky University.


The purpose of this conference is to create a platform for discussing problematic aspects in the field of higher education, the development and strengthening of interuniversity cooperation in the field of science and education. In particular, the conference is addressed to the management and teaching staff of universities, as well as administrative staff organizing educational activities at universities.


Dina Ibragimovna Razakova, Vice-Rector for Strategic Development, Science and Innovation of Turan University, PhD, PhD, delivered a welcoming speech at the plenary session.


Reports were presented from our university:


  1. “Features of student involvement in research activities in universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan” – Yeralina Elmira Maratovna – Deputy Head of the Department of Management, Turan University, Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty. Hadjieva Gulzhakhan Usmanovna is a research professor at the Department of World and National Economics, Turan University, Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty.
  2. “Entrepreneurship and Science: problems and prospects of development” – Dadabayeva Dardana Maratovna – Head of the Department of World and National Economy, Turan University, Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty. Beresneva Anna Sergeevna – Head of the Business incubator “Turan”, senior lecturer of the department “World and National Economy”




Akimzhan Arupovich Arupov is the Director of the Institute of World Economy and International Relations at Turan University.

Organizers: Teaching staff of the department “World and National Economy”.


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