Round table on the topic «Military history of Turan: Wars on four fronts»

On May 17, 2024, «Turan» University held a roundtable discussion on «Military history of Turan: wars on four fronts». The purpose of the round table was to study the historical military events in the territory of Turan by comprehensively summarizing the facts that contributed to the military and social development of the tribes.


Leading experts and well-known scientists, as well as Kazakhstani researchers, military and diplomats took part in the work of this round table.


A total of 12 reports by renowned scientists and military officers were heard at the meeting. The roundtable was held in a hybrid face-to-face and remote format: half of the participants took part by zoom. The main moderator was a full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, lieutenant-General Tasbulatov Abay Bolekbaevich.


The author of popular science essay «Military history of Turan: wars on four fronts» Professor R.A. Alshanov made a keynote speech on theoretical and methodological issues of military history of Turan.


Along with the main scientific report to the attention of the participants of the round table were offered reports of famous Kazakh scientists such as B.G. Ayagan – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, K.S. Akhmetzhan – Candidate of Historical Sciences, ethnographer, S.T. Seidumanov – Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor, A.K. Zhumadil – Candidate of Historical Sciences, D.K. Abraimov – Doctor of Military Sciences, Professor, E.N. Noyanov – Candidate of Historical Sciences and etc.


In general, the roundtable addressed such key aspects as:


  • Summarizing historical works, surviving legends and tales;
  • discussing and identifying potential strategies of the rulers who ruled the Turan territory;
  • identifying the role of military armament and the advantages of the geographical location of the tribes in the Turan territory;
  • discussing the consequences of wars and migrations of the peoples of Turan territory.


Professor R.A. Alshanov’s book is intended for teachers, undergraduates and cadets of military universities, as well as for students and all those interested in military history. The scientists and military men who spoke at the round table, as well as the moderator General A.B. Tasbulatov emphasized the relevance and usefulness of this unique publication. Participants thanked the author R.A. Alshanov for his tremendous and painstaking work to preserve the military history of Turan.


In general, the work of the round table became a platform for the exchange of different scientific ideas, involving in an interesting discussion scientists and experts on the military history of Kazakhstan.


The round table program can be found here.

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