Gamification: How the game approach helps in learning

Teachers of the Higher School of Information Technology of Turan University use various innovative approaches and tools during their classes to increase the effectiveness of teaching and motivation of students.


One of these approaches is the application of gamification in learning and the use of the Kahoot platform for games. Within the framework of the disciplines “Internet Entrepreneurship”, “Artificial Intelligence Systems” and “Fundamentals of Computer Modeling”, PhD, associate professor of the Higher School of IT Kim Ye.R. held a game on the Kahoot platform for students of the educational programs “Information Systems“ and ”Intelligent Robotics”.


Upon entering the game, the students were randomly assigned to 3-4 teams. Then they answered questions about the disciplines and then built houses. The team that built the tallest building won. The grades for the task were set depending on the individual rating and the rating of the teams.


All the guys liked this type of assignment and wished to use the same approaches and tools in training in the future.

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