On June 12, “Turan” University hosted an award ceremony for the participants of the online dictation within the framework of the educational campaign

The award ceremony of the participants of online dictation in the state language took place at the University of “Turan”


On June 12, “Turan” University hosted an award ceremony for the participants of the online dictation within the framework of the educational campaign “Til-dostyktyn altyn kopiri” (Language is the Golden Bridge of friendship). This event is dedicated to the 30th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and is a public educational project. Its goal is to attract the attention of all generations to study Kazakh language, constant improvement of literacy level and awareness of the importance of literate speech in the professional sphere and everyday life.


More than 500 people took part in the event. According to the results of the dictation, 13 “excellent students” were identified, they were awarded diplomas, and also received as a gift an edition of the Kazakhstan Book of Records of KIERB (Kazakhstan Information and Encyclopedic Reference Book), VIP tickets of the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan and a special prize – a “golden subscription” from the M.Tynyshpayev Regional Museum of Local History and Lore, which gives the opportunity to visit 24 museums of the Almaty region for free during the year.


All those who were assessed “good” for the dictation, received a subscription to visit the scientific library at the A. Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


The rest of the participants received certificates, branded T-shirts of “Turan” University and gifts from partners. Among them: books (dictionaries, fiction and scientific works from the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the House of Writers, the City Youth Library named after Zh. Zhabayev), free screening and consultation of a specialist of the City Cardiology Center of Almaty during the year.


We thank the participants and readers of the dictation, as well as express our gratitude to the organizing committee and partners of the event.


The educational campaign “Til – dostyktyn altyn kopiri” will become a traditional annual event. The university plans to hold the next dictation in the spring of 2022. We invite everyone to participate!


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