Teaching staff of the “Finance” department

Selezneva Irina Vladimirovna

Head of the Department of “Finance”

Professor of the Department of “Finance”

“Doctor of Sciences” degree 08.00.10 “Finance, money circulation and credit”

Read resume »


  • 1995 – 1999 – Turan University, economist with a degree in finance and credit

Academic degree, rank

  • 2017 – the academic rank “Professor” in the specialty “Economics”
  • 2012 – scientific degree “doctor of Sciences” degree 08.00.10 “Finance, money circulation and credit”
  • 2006 – the academic rank “associate Professor” in the specialty “Economics”
  • 2002 – an academic degree “candidate of science” degree 08.00.10 “Finance, money circulation and credit”

Academic work experience

  • 2004 – present – University of “Turan”, Head of the Department of “Finance”, Professor of the Department of “Finance”.
  • 1999 – 2004 – University of “Turan”, Senior Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of “Finance” in the Council. Academic Secretary of the Academic Council of the University, Academic Secretary of the Dissertation Council of the University

Non-academic work experience, Research and innovation experience

Head of the applied topic “Modernization of the payment system of Kazakhstan in the context of financial globalization” (state registration in NCNTI 0110RK00237)


Subjects taught

Bachelor’s degree: Payment systems and technologies, Accounting and auditing in the bank, Organization of cash and settlement customer service in the bank

Master’s degree: scientific consultant, head of practice

Doctoral studies: scientific consultant, head of practice


Internships and academic mobility

  • 2019 – Saint Petersburg State University of Economics (SPbGEU) (Russia, Saint Petersburg)
  • 2014 – Financial University under the Government of Russia (Russia, Moscow)
  • 2009 – University of Applied Sciences Zittau/Gorlitz (University of Applied Sciences Zittau / Gorlitz, Germany)

Scientific works

Publications (indexed)

  1. Entrepreneurial projects’ development: Alternative sources of investments Zabolotnikova, V., Selezneva, I., Nizamdinova, A., Mukhamedyarova-Levina, T., Praliyeva, S. // Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues, 2020, 8(2), стр. 253–268
    Procedure for efficiency assessment of financial – Budgetary control system // Journal of Applied Economic Sciences, 2017. – Vol. 12(8). – Р. 2442-2454
  2. Tax risks in the company’s accounting system: Essence, identification and control // International Journal of Economics and Financial, 2016. – Vol. 6 (4). – Р. 1791-1797
  3. Budgeting systems in the strategic management accounting // Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 2016. – Vol. 9(5) –  Р.1-11
  4. Current state of business development in Kazakhstan //Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics, 2016. – Vol. 7(2) .- Р. 260-269


h-index = 3 (Scopus)

h-index = 4 (РИНЦ)

h-index = 1 (Web of Science)

h-index = 5 (Scholar.google)


In the publications recommended by COXON, including:

  1. New directions of funding the activities of subjects of small and medium-sized enterprises in Kazakhstan / Bulletin of the University “Turan” . – Almaty, 2021. – № 1 (89). – Pp. 91-97.
  2. Problems and prospects of using the world experience of state regulation and control of transfer pricing in the Republic of Kazakhstan / Kazakhstan Science News. – Almaty, 2020. – № 3 (145). – Pp. 12-34.
  3. Assessment of the lending market for small and medium-sized businesses: comparative analysis and development prospects in Kazakhstan / Central Asian Economic Review”. – Almaty, 2020. – № 2 (131). – Pp. 157-169.
  4. State support of entrepreneurial activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan / Statistics, accounting and auditing. – Almaty, 2020. – № 2 (77). – Pp. 170-174.

Textbooks, manuals, monographs:

  1. Financial support of the business / Edited by Candidate of Economics Mukhamedyarova-Levina T.T. – Almaty : Turan University, 2020 – 272 p. – ISBN 9786012144154.
  2. Financial market and banking business / Edited by PhD, Professor Margatskaya G.S. – Almaty: Turan University, 2020 – 384 p. – ISBN 9786012144024.
Margatskaya Galina Stepanovna

Professor of the Department of “Finance”

Candidate of Economic Sciences

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  • 1977-1981 Alma-Ata Institute of National Economy, economist with a degree in finance and credit
  • 2000 – the academic rank “Professor” in the specialty “Economics”
  • 1997 – the academic rank “associate Professor” in the specialty “Economics”
  • 1990 – an academic degree “candidate of science” degree 08.00.10 “Finance, money circulation and credit”

Academic work experience

  • 2016 – present – University of “Turan”, Professor of the Department of “Finance”.
  • 2004 – 2016 – University of “Turan”, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Finance, Professor of the Department of “Finance”. Member  of the Academic Council of the University, Member of the Dissertation Council of the University.
  • 2004 – 2016 – University of “Turan”, Head of the Department of “Finance”, Professor of the Department of “Finance”. Member  of the Academic Council of the University, Member of the Dissertation Council of the University.
  • 1993 – 1997 – Kazakh State Academy of Management, Associate Professor of the Department of Banking.
  • 1988 – 1993 – Kazakh State Economic University, lecturer at the Department of “Monetary Circulation and Credit”

Non-academic work experience, Research and innovation experience

Head of the applied topic “New financial architecture of the post-crisis economy of Kazakhstan” (state registration in NCSTI 0110RK00236)


Subjects taught

Bachelor’s degree: Foreign Exchange Regulation, Financial Markets and Intermediaries

Master’s degree: Islamic Finance and Banking, Master’s Project Technology


Internships and academic mobility

2012 – University of Applied Sciences Zittau/Gorlitz (University of Applied Sciences Zittau / Gorlitz, Germany)


Scientific works

Publications (indexed)

  1. Key trends in the development of financial technologies // IEAU Bulletin. – Moscow, 2019. – No. 24. – P.10 (The Bulletin is included in the Scientific Electronic Library (RSCI)


In the publications recommended by COXON, including:

  1. THE ROLE OF FINANCIAL INNOVATION AND FINANCIAL TECHNOLOGIES IN THE EMERGING DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION CONDITIONS // Bulletin of NAS RK. – Almaty, 2021. – No. 5.- P.10 – https://journals.nauka-nanrk.kz/bulletin-science/issue/view/101
  2. Digital technologies in the financial market of Kazakhstan // Bulletin of the University “Turan”. – 2020, No. 3 (87). – Almaty, 2020. – pp. 134-141.
  3. Innovative trends in the use of green finance instruments in Kazakhstan // Bulletin of the University “Turan”. 2020, No. 1 (85). – Almaty, 2020. – pp. 153-158.
  4. Development of risk management systems for commercial banks in Kazakhstan/ Bulletin of the University “Turan”. 2019, No. 4 (84). – Almaty, 2019. – pp. 140–144.
  5. World trends in the development of financial technologies // Bulletin of the University “Turan”. 2019 No. 2 (82). – Almaty, 2019. – pp. 129–133.
  6. Blockchain technologies in the stock market // Bulletin of the Turan University. 2019 No. 1 (81). – Almaty, 2019. – pp. 128–132.
  7. International practice of regulating the turnover of cryptocurrencies // Bulletin of the University “Turan”. 2018 No. 1 (77). – Almaty, 2018 .– pp. 76-82.


Textbooks, manuals, monographs:

  1. Financial dealing. Tutorial. Recommended for publication by the Academic Council of the “Turan University” institution. – Almaty: University “Turan”, 2021. – 126 p. – ISBN 9786012144758.
  2. Technology of master’s design. Recommended for publication by the Academic Council of the “Turan University” institution. – Almaty: University “Turan”, 2021. – 105 p.- ISBN 9786012144765.
  3. Financial market and banking business / Edited by PhD, Professor Margatskaya G.S. – Almaty: Turan University, 2020 – 384 p. – ISBN 9786012144024.
  4. Financial support of the business / Edited by Candidate of Economics Mukhamedyarova-Levina T.T. – Almaty : Turan University, 2020 – 272 p. – ISBN 9786012144154.
  5. The securities market. Tutorial. Recommended for publication by RUMS MES RK. – Almaty: University “Turan”, 2017. – 452 p.- ISBN 9786012143058.
  6. Financial markets and intermediaries. Tutorial. Recommended for publication by the Academic Council of the “Turan University” institution. – Almaty: University “Turan”, 2017. – 300 p. – ISBN 9786012140781.
Abdildin Srym Serikbolsynovich

Professor of the Department of “Finance”

Doctor of Economics


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  • Moscow Mining Institute Order of the Red Banner of Labor, automated control systems, systems engineer, 1991

Academic work experience

  • 2014 – present – University of “Turan”, Professor of the Department of “Finance”.

Non-academic work experience, Research and innovation experience

  • 2000- 2004 Youth Union of Kazakhstan. Head of the Finance Department.
    Executor of the applied topic “Modernization of the payment system of Kazakhstan in the context of financial globalization” (state registration in NCNTI 0110RK00237)

Subjects taught

Bachelor’s degree: Payment systems and technologies, Accounting and auditing in the bank, Organization of cash and settlement customer service in the bank

Master’s degree: scientific consultant, head of practice

Doctoral studies: scientific consultant, head of practice


Internships and academic mobility

  • 2019 – Minsk, Belarus
  • 2014 – Financial University under the Government of Russia (Russia, Moscow)

Scientific works

Publications (indexed)

  1. Audit as a tool for preventing bankruptcy risks and evaluating development prospects for tourism industry companies
    Alimbekova G., Kantarbayeva S., Yerzhanova A.M., Abdildin S. // Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism
    Vol 12 No 6 (2021): JEMT Volume XII Issue 6(54) Fall 2021
    2021. 12, n. 6, p. 1617-1626, sep. 2021. ISSN 2068-7729.
    Available at: https://journals.aserspublishing.eu/jemt/article/view/6440.
    Date accessed: 03 nov. 2021.
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.14505//jemt.12.6(54).17.


h-index = 1 (Scopus)

h-index = 2 (РИНЦ)

h-index = 1 (Web of Science)

h-index = 2 (Scholar.google)


Textbooks, manuals, monographs:

  1. Financial support of the business / Edited by Candidate of Economics Mukhamedyarova-Levina T.T. – Almaty : Turan University, 2020 – 272 p. – ISBN 9786012144154.
  2. Financial market and banking business / Edited by PhD, Professor Margatskaya G.S. – Almaty: Turan University, 2020 – 384 p. – ISBN 9786012144024.
Lutpulla A. Omarbakiyev

Professor of the Department “Finance”

Doctor of Economic Sciences

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  • 1989 – 1994 – Kazakh Agricultural Institute, economist-accountant, specialty “Accounting and audit”
  • 2012 – academic degree “Doctor of Economic Sciences” in the specialty 08.00.05 “Economics and management of the national economy (by branches and spheres of activity)”
  • 2004 – academic degree “Candidate of Economic Sciences” in the specialty 08.00.05 “Economics and Management of the national economy (by branches and spheres of activity)

Academic work experience

  • 2015- present – University “Turan”, Professor of the Department “Finance”.
  • 2013 – 2015 – Turan University, Professor of the Department of Management,
  • Head of the Department of Management
  • 2012-2013 – Acting Professor of the Department of Finance Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • 2006 – 2011 – University of International Business (UIB), Associate Professor of the Department of Finance; Executive Secretary of the Admissions Committee, Academic Secretary of the Dissertation Council of the University
  • 2011 – 2012 – University of International Business (UIB), Head of the Department of Finance Department
  • 2004 – 2006 – UIB-consulting LLP, Manager, project coordinator
  • 1996 – 2004 – Kazakh National Agrarian University (KazNAU), Senior Lecturer of the Department of Finance and Banking, according to the Council. Manager of the Higher School of Farmers
  • 1995 – 1996 – Almaty Veterinary Institute, Senior lecturer of the Department “Economics of Agriculture”
  • 1994 – 1995 – Kazakh Agricultural Institute, assistant of the Department “Organization and planning of agricultural production”

Non-academic work experience, Research and innovation experience

  • Co-executor of the applied topic “Modernization of the payment system of Kazakhstan in the context of financial globalization” (state registration in NCNTI 0110RK00237)

Subjects taught

Bachelor’s degree: Money, Credit, Banks, Corporate Finance, Taxes and Taxation, Tax Consulting and Tax Audit

Master’s degree: Taxes and the tax system of the Republic of Kazakhstan, scientific consultant

Doctoral studies: Scientific consultant


Internships and academic mobility

  • 2003 – A. I. Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University (RF, Saint Petersburg)
  • 2002 – Moscow Agricultural Academy named after A. I. Herzen.Timiryazeva (Russia, Moscow)
  • 1999 – University of Wolverhampton / (University of Wolverhampton, UK)
  • 1996 – KIMEP University / (KIMEP, Kazakhstan)

Scientific works

Publications (indexed)

  1. Mechanism for sustainable development of economic potential of food industry Baiguzhinova, A., Omarbakiyev. L., Yeshpanova, D., Bazarbayev, A., Abdrakhmanova, G., Karshalova, A.// Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues, 2020, 8(1), стр. 825–839. ISSN 2345-0282, http://dol.org/10.9770/jesi.2020.8.1 (55)
  2. Mechanism of lending Agri-industrial complex in EAEC countries // International Journal of Economics and Financial, 2016. – Vol. 1 (15). – Р. 116-123. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14505/jarle


In the publications recommended by COXON, including:

  1. Agricultural entrepreneurship of the Akmola region of Kazakhstan against the background of a pandemic / “Problems of the agricultural market”. – Almaty, 2021, No. 2, Pp.123-129, ISSN-L 2708-9991, ISSN 1817-728X. DOI:: https://doi.org/10.46666/2021-2.2708-9991.15
  2. State of state audit development in the Republic of Kazakhstan, “Statistics, accounting and audit”. – Almaty, 2021, №1 (80), Pp.26-31, ISSN 1563-2415, DOI: https://doi.org/10.51579/1563-2415.2021-1.05
  3. Improving the competitiveness of products of the agricultural sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan / “Problems of the agricultural market”. – Almaty, 2020, №4, Pp.40-46, ISSN-L 2708-9991, ISSN 1817-728Х, DOI: https://doi.org/10.46666/2020-4-2708-9991.04.
  4. Features of the principles of personnel management in developed countries and the possibility of application in Kazakhstan / Bulletin of the University “Turan” . – Almaty, 2020. – № 4(88), Pp.96-101, DOI: https://doi.org/10.46914/1562-2959-2020-1-4-96-101
  5. Problems of the tax system in the Republic of Kazakhstan and directions of their solution within the framework of optimization of the tax mechanism / Bulletin of the University “Turan” . – Almaty, – № 3(87), Pp.141-145
  6. State and development of agricultural enterprises in Akmola region / «Science and Life» – Almaty, 2020., №5/3, Pp.351-357
  7. The state of employment in the agricultural sector of the economy of Kazakhstan / Bulletin of the University “Turan” . – Almaty, 2019, №4, Pp.118-123
  8. Current state of tax policy in the EAEU countries / “Problems of the agricultural market”. – Almaty, 2017., №4, Pp.86-91


Textbooks, manuals, monographs:

  1. Money, credit, banks (workshop) / Omarbakiev L. A., Akpanov A. K.— Almaty: Turan University, 2017 – 162 p. ISBN 978-601-214-309-6.
  2. Financial management / Omarbakiev L. A., Akpanov A. K.— Almaty : Turan University, 2020. – 192 p. ISBN 978-601-214-430-7
  3. Innovative teaching methods in the information and consulting service / Uspanova M.U., Dzhusubalieva D.M., Omarbakiev L.A. — Almaty:  Kazakh Ablai khan University of International Relations and World Languages, 2020. — 166 p. — ISBN 978-601-270-450-1.
Margatskyi Roman Vladimirovich

Associate Professor of the Department of “Finance”

Candidate of Economic Sciences

Read resume »


  • 1999 – 2003 Turan University, economist with a degree in finance and credit
  • 2007– 2009 Turan University, bachelor in the specialty “Jurisprudence”

Academic work experience

  • 2009 – present – University of “Turan”, associate Professor of the Department of “Finance”.
  • 2006 – 2009 – University of “Turan”, lecturert of the Department of “Finance”.

Non-academic work experience, Research and innovation experience

Performer of the applied topic “New financial architecture of the post-crisis economy of Kazakhstan” (state registration in NCSTI 0110RK00236)


Subjects taught

Bachelor’s degree: Financial Markets and Intermediaries

Master’s degree: Financial instruments and financial services, Behavioral finance, Foreign exchange transactions;

Doctoral studies: Financial dealing.


Internships and academic mobility

  • 2019 г. – International Coach Federation Erickson Professional Coach. The Art & Science of Coaching Modules I-IV, Canada, Almaty.
  • 2017 г. – Ministry of Commerce People`s Republic of China. Harbin.

Scientific works

Publications (indexed)

  1. Key trends in the development of financial technologies // IEAU Bulletin. – Moscow, 2019. – No. 24. – P.10 (The Bulletin is included in the Scientific Electronic Library (RSCI)


In the publications recommended by COXON, including:

  1. Digital technologies in the financial market of Kazakhstan // Bulletin of the University “Turan”. – 2020, No. 3 (87). – Almaty, 2020. – pp. 134-141.
  2. Innovative trends in the use of green finance instruments in Kazakhstan // Bulletin of the University “Turan”. 2020, No. 1 (85). – Almaty, 2020. – pp. 153-158.
  3. Development of risk management systems for commercial banks in Kazakhstan / Bulletin of the University “Turan”. 2019, No. 4 (84). – Almaty, 2019. – pp. 140–144.
  4. World trends in the development of financial technologies // Bulletin of the University “Turan”. 2019 No. 2 (82). – Almaty, 2019. – pp. 129–133.
  5. Blockchain technologies in the stock market // Bulletin of the Turan University. 2019 No. 1 (81). – Almaty, 2019. – pp. 128–132.
  6. International practice of regulating the turnover of cryptocurrencies // Bulletin of the University “Turan”. 2018 No. 1 (77). – Almaty, 2018 .– pp. 76-82.


Textbooks, manuals, monographs:

  1. Financial dealing. Tutorial. Recommended for publication by the Academic Council of the “Turan University” institution. – Almaty: University “Turan”, 2021. – 126 p. – ISBN 9786012144758.
  2. Financial market and banking business / Edited by PhD, Professor Margatskaya G.S. – Almaty: Turan University, 2020 – 384 p. – ISBN 9786012144024.
  3. Financial support of the business / Edited by Candidate of Economics Mukhamedyarova-Levina T.T. – Almaty : Turan University, 2020 – 272 p. – ISBN 9786012144154.
  4. The securities market. Tutorial. Recommended for publication by RUMS MES RK. – Almaty: University “Turan”, 2017. – 452 p.- ISBN 9786012143058.
  5. Financial markets and intermediaries. Tutorial. Recommended for publication by the Academic Council of the “Turan University” institution. – Almaty: University “Turan”, 2017. – 300 p. – ISBN 9786012140781.
Tamara Mukhamedyarova-Levina

Associate Professor of the Department of “Finance”

Candidate’s (Ph.D.) degree in Economic sciences,08.00.05 – Economics and management of the national economy (by branches and spheres of activity)”

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  1. Kazakh State Academy of Management, specialty “Finance and Credit”, 1994
  2. Turan University, specialty 5B030100 – “Jurisprudence”, 2016

Academic work experience

  1. Associate Professor of Turan University
  2. Head of the Research Department of the University “Turan”, 2000-2004

Non-academic work experience, Research and innovation experience

  1. Co-executor of the applied topic “New financial architecture of the post-crisis economy of Kazakhstan” (state registration in NCNTI 0110RK00236)
  2. Commercial Director of KINZA LLP, 2005-2008
  3. Associate Lawyer of ALA Trading Company LLP, 2016-present

Subjects taught

  1. Financial support of business;
  2. Banking;
  3. Money, credit, banks;
  4. Globalization of financial markets

Internships and academic mobility

  1. Higher Education 4.0. Digital Transformation. National Institute for Higher Education (Russian Federation), April 7-May,23,2021

Scientific works

Publications (indexed)

  1. Entrepreneurial projects’ development: alternative sources of investments, ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND SUSTAINABILITY ISSUES, ISSN 2345-0282 (online) http://jssidoi.org/jesi/ , 2020 Volume 8 Number 2 (December), http://doi.org/10.9770/jesi.2020.8.2(15)


In the publications recommended by COXON, including:

  1. “Features of the mechanism of financial and credit support for small businesses in the Republic of Kazakhstan” Bulletin of the University “Turan”, № 2 (74), 2017, pp. 121-123;
  2. “Investments of “business angels” as an alternative way of external financing of business”, Scientific journal “Bulletin of the University “Turan” No. 1(85) 2020, pp. 148-153
  3. “Crowdfunding as a way of collective investment”, Scientific journal “Bulletin of the University “Turan” No. 2(86) 2020, p. 136.-140
  4. “Development of risk management systems of commercial banks of Kazakhstan”, Scientific journal “Bulletin of the University “Turan” No. 4(84) 2019, pp. 140-143


Textbooks, manuals, monographs:

  1. Financial market and banking business / Edited by PhD, Professor Margatskaya G.S. – Almaty: Turan University, 2020 – 384 p. – ISBN 9786012144024.
  2. Financial support of the business / Edited by Candidate of Economics Mukhamedyarova-Levina T.T. – Almaty : Turan University, 2020 – 272 p. – ISBN 9786012144154.
  3. Mukhamedyarova-Levin, T. T. Financial foreign markets : Electronic edition / Mukhamedyarova-Levin, T. T. — Almaty: “Turan” University, 2017 — 1,40 MB. — ISBN 9786012143461.
  4. “Trends in the formation of an adaptive banking system of Kazakhstan in the conditions of modern economic policy” Monograph, the authors, section “Monetary policy in the conditions of financial instability,” Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, 07.11.2018
Aigalin Akka-Siyn Aigalievish

Associate Professor of the Department of “Finance”

Candidate of Economic Sciences

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2000-2004 “Aulie-Ata” University (ZhSTU), Almaty, full-time department.

Faculty: “Finance and Credit”

Specialty: “Economist-financier”.


Academic work experience

  • 2021 – up to the present – “Turan” University, ass. Professor of the Department of Finance
  • 2019-2021 – University “Turan”, associate professor of the department “Finance”
  • 2012-2019 – University “Turan”, senior lecturer of the department “Finance”
  • 2006 – University “Aulie-Ata”, assistant of the department “General economics and finance”

Subjects taught

Bachelor’s Courses: Globalization of Financial Risks

Scientific works

  1. Banktik Kyzmetti Uyymdastyru // Scientific and practical journal “Transit Economy”, №4 / 2018, 2018. (Pralieva S.Zh., Aygalin A.A.);
  2. Kazirgі kezde bankterdi қadaғalau zhyesі // University “Turan”, Modern world: problems of growth and anti-crisis development, 03/14/2015.
Akpanov Aidos Kaldybaevich

Associate Professor of the Department of “Finance”

Candidate of Economic Sciences

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  • 2001-2005 KazEU named after T. Ryskulov, Almaty, full-time department. Faculty: “Finance and Credit” Specialty: “Finance and Financial Law”.

Academic work experience

  • 2015 – present – University “Turan”, assoc. Professor of the Department of Finance.
  • 2013-2015 Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M. Tynyshpaev
    Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of “Finance, Accounting and Audit”
  • 2008 -2013 University of International Business (UIB) st. Lecturer at the Department of Finance and Credit
  • 2005-2008 KazEU named after T. Ryskulov, teacher of the department “Finance”

Subjects taught

Finance, financial management, financial support for business

Scientific works

Publications (indexed)


  1. The Need for Bank Capital Planning with Regard to Basel III Standards // Espacios. Volume 39 , Year 2018, Page31, pp. 1791-1797. ISSN: 0798-1015  Scopus (Вertaeva K.Zh., Onaltaev D.O, Zhagiparova A.O Abitova A.M)
  2. The Study of the Residential Real Estate Market in the Republic of Kazakhstan // Journal of Real Estate Literature.   Year 2019, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 117-133 ISSN: Scopus (Azamat Auyezkhanuly, Manap Almagul, Alma Karshalova)


In the publications recommended by COXON, including:

  1. Current state of tax policy in the EAEU countries / “Problems of the agricultural market”, 2017, №4, С.86-91


Textbooks, manuals, monographs:

  1. Money, credit, banks (workshop) / Omarbakiev LA, Akpanov AK – Almaty: Turan University, 2017, 162 p. ISBN 978-601-214-309-6.
  2. Financial management / Omarbakiev LA, Akpanov AK – Almaty: Turan University, 2020. – 192 p. ISBN 978-601-214-430-7
Kydyrbaeva Sholpan Daniyarovna

Associate Professor of the Department of “Finance”

Candidate of Economic Sciences

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  • 1995 – 1999 – Turan University, economist with a degree in finance and credit
  • 2009 – the academic rank “associate Professor” in the specialty “Economics”
  • 2007 – an academic degree “candidate of science” degree 08.00.10 “Finance, money circulation and credit”

Academic work experience

2004 – present – University of “Turan”, Ass.Professor of the Department of “Finance”.


Non-academic work experience, Research and innovation experience

2000- 2004 JV LLP Kazakh-British International Coordination Center. Finance Director

Executor of the applied topic “Modernization of the payment system of Kazakhstan in the context of financial globalization” (state registration in NCNTI 0110RK00237)


Subjects taught

Bachelor’s degree: Payment systems and technologies, Accounting and auditing in the bank, Organization of cash and settlement customer service in the bank

Master’s degree: scientific consultant, head of practice

Doctoral studies: scientific consultant, head of practice


Internships and academic mobility

2019 – Minsk, Belarus

2014 – Financial University under the Government of Russia (Russia, Moscow)


Scientific works

Publications (indexed)

  1. Audit as a tool for preventing bankruptcy risks and evaluating development prospects for tourism industry companies
    Alimbekova G., Kantarbayeva S., Yerzhanova A.M., Abdildin S. // Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism
    Vol 12 No 6 (2021): JEMT Volume XII Issue 6(54) Fall 2021
    12, n. 6, p. 1617-1626, sep. 2021. ISSN 2068-7729.
    Available at: https://journals.aserspublishing.eu/jemt/article/view/6440.
    Date accessed: 03 nov. 2021.
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.14505//jemt.12.6(54).17.


h-index = 1 (Scopus)

h-index = 2 (РИНЦ)

h-index = 1 (Web of Science)

h-index = 2 (Scholar.google)


In the publications recommended by COXON, including:

  1. New directions of funding the activities of subjects of small and medium-sized enterprises in Kazakhstan / Bulletin of the University “Turan” . – Almaty, 2021. – № 1 (89). – Pp. 91-97.
  2. Problems and prospects of using the world experience of state regulation and control of transfer pricing in the Republic of Kazakhstan / Kazakhstan Science News. – Almaty, 2020. – № 3 (145). – Pp. 12-34.
  3. Assessment of the lending market for small and medium-sized businesses: comparative analysis and development prospects in Kazakhstan / Central Asian Economic Review”. – Almaty, 2020. – № 2 (131). – Pp. 157-169.
  4. State support of entrepreneurial activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan / Statistics, accounting and auditing. – Almaty, 2020. – № 2 (77). – Pp. 170-174.

Textbooks, manuals, monographs:

  1. Financial support of the business / Edited by Candidate of Economics Mukhamedyarova-Levina T.T. – Almaty : Turan University, 2020 – 272 p. – ISBN 9786012144154.
  2. Financial market and banking business / Edited by PhD, Professor Margatskaya G.S. – Almaty: Turan University, 2020 – 384 p. – ISBN 9786012144024.
Kassymbekova Gulzhakhan Ryskulovna

Associate Professor of the Department “Finance”

Master of Economic Sciences

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  • 1989 – 1993 – Kazakh State Academy of Management, economist with a degree in finance and credit
  • 2013 – academic degree “Master of Economic Sciences” in the specialty “6M050900 – Finance”
  • 2017 – degree of Doctor of Philosophy, PhD, in the specialty “6D050800 – Accounting and Audit”

Academic work experience

  • 1995-1996 Semey Regional University – Assistant of the Department “Organization of Production and Management” Semipalatinsk
  • 1996-2001. South Kazakhstan Polytechnic College – teacher of economic disciplines. Shymkent.
  • 2001-2002 Miras University – Senior Lecturer of the Department of Finance and Credit – Shymkent.
  • 2002-2019 of the Narkhoz University – Associate Professor of the Finance Department of the Finance and Technology School in Almaty.
  • From 2019 to the present – Turan University, Associate Professor of the Department of Finance.

Non-academic work experience, Research and innovation experience

  • Co-executive Director of research on the topic “New financial architecture of the post-crisis economy of Kazakhstan” , State registration no. 0110RK00236, 2019-present
  • Co-executor of the grant project “Positioning, genesis and optimization of the stock market of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the context of integration and globalization”, funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2019.

Subjects taught

Bachelor’s Degree:

  • Banking
  • Financial markets of foreign countries
  • Financial monitoring of the company
  • Business insurance
  • International finance and trade
  • Scientific supervisor

Internships and academic mobility

  • 2014 – University of Tsukuba, Japan. «International Economics: Japanese Experience and its use in doctoral dissertations».
  • 2014 – University of Tsukuba, Japan. «Practical Data Analysis Using SPSS»
  • 2015 – University of Economics Prague, Faculty of Business Administration. «Academic Writing».

Scientific works

Publications (indexed)

  1. Financial Market of Kazakhstan: Current State and Ways of Stabilization in the Context of Global Instability. G.K.Lukhmanova, L.A.Baibulekova, K.S.Baisholanova, K.K.Primzharova, G.R.Kassymbekova // Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics (Scopus). –2018.–№ 6 (36). Volume IX – P.2056-2059.
  2. Organization of equity accounting in second-tier banks of Kazakhstan and its control. G.R.Kassymbekova // «Actual Problems of Economics» Scientific еconomic journal. – Kiev: «Nash Format», 2015. – № 6 (168). – P.380-389.

In the publications recommended by COXON, including:

1.factors affecting the interest rate policy of commercial banks. Bulletin of the Nats.Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. – Almaty, 2021.– №1(79). – P.140-151.

2.competitiveness of Kazakhstan’s market positions in the context of creating a common exchange space. // Bulletin of the University “Turan” – Almaty, 2020. – № 2 (86). – Pp. 141-148.

3.some measures to improve the financial literacy of the population in the use of investment instruments on the stock market. // Statistics, accounting and audit “Almaty Academy of Economics and statistics” – Almaty, 2020. – № 1(76). – Pp. 159-162.

  1. Current assessment of the equity capital of second-tier banks in Kazakhstan from the standpoint of various criteria. // Bulletin of the University “Turan” – Almaty, 2019.

– №4 (84). – Pp.135-139.

5.activities of the banking sector and its impact on the financial market of the Republic of Kazakhstan. // Central Asian Economic Review.  – Almaty: Izdatelstvo Economics LLP”, 2019. – №2(125).  “No,” she said. – P.200-213.

6.features of development and improvement of management accounting at the modern stage. International Popular Science journal. Science and life of Kazakhstan. Science and life of Kazakhstan. – Astana: “Akhmet Yassawi University”, 2018. – № 4 (60). – P. 85-88.

Textbooks, manuals, monographs:

  1. Taigashinova K. T., Berdimurat N., Berdimurat A., Jondelbaeva A. S., Kasymbekova G. R. Financial Accounting: textbook /- Almaty, Publishing House “Fortuna Polygraf” LLP. 2021. – 420 pages. ISBN 978-601-329-270-0.
  2. Kasymbekova G. R. banking / electronic educational and methodical manual.The publication is recommended by the Academic Council of Turan University. – Almaty: Turan University,2020, -90 P.
  3. Kasymbekova G. R. financial market of foreign countries. Electronic educational and methodical manual.The publication is recommended by the Academic Council of Turan University.- Almaty: Turan University, 2020, – 53 p.
  4. Kasymbekova G. R. business risk insurance. Electronic educational and methodical manual.The publication is recommended by the Academic Council of Turan University.  – Almaty: Turan University, 2020, – 60 p.
Praliyeva Sagynkul

Associate Professor of the Department of “Finance”

Candidate of Economic Sciences

Read resume »


  • 1987-1992 Zhambyl Technological Institute of Light and Food Industry, economist, specialty “Accounting and analysis of economic activity
  • 2009 – academic degree “Candidate of Economic Sciences”, specialty 08.00.05 economics and management of the national economy

Academic work experience

  • 2021 – present University “Turan”, ACC. Professor of the Department “Finance”
  • 2009-2021г. – the “Turan” University, associate Professor of the Department “Finance”
  • 2006-2009. – the “Turan” University, senior lecturer of the Department “Finance”
  • 2004-2006 – KazNPU named after Abai, senior lecturer of the Department “Economic specialties”
  • 2000-2004 University “Aulie-ATA”, Taraz, senior lecturer of the Department “Finance”
  • 1999-2000 – Kazakh economic University named after T. Ryskulov, the applicant for the Department of Finance
  • 1992 -1999 Zhambyl Technological Institute of Light and Food Industry, lecturer of the Department “Finance and Credit”

Non-academic work experience, Research and innovation experience

  • Co-executive Director of research on the topic “Modernization of the payment system of Kazakhstan in the context of financial globalization”, (state registration No. 0110RK00237)

Subjects taught

Bachelor’s degree: Financing and lending of investments, Business insurance, Accounting and auditing in banks,

Master’s Degree in Islamic Finance and Banking


Internships and academic mobility

  • 2014 – Turkish University, Ankara “Qualitative and quantitative study of Economics and Marketing”

Scientific works

In publications recommended by KKSON, including:

  1. Accounting and optimization of corporate income tax in Kazakhstan// Economic series of the Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilev ENU, № 2/2021 1. С. 173-181, http://bulecon.enu.kz/article/archive/view?id=accounting-and-optimization-of-corporate-income-tax-in-kazakhstan
  2. Future Conditions in the Digital World / / Electronic scientific journal “look” RINCS, – Volgograd branch of ANO in MGEU, – No. 1 (Volume 11) March 2021-pp. 118-128
  3. State support of entrepreneurial activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan/// Journal. “Statistics, accounting and audit”, 2(77)2020, pp. 111-121
  4. Public audit and ways to enhance the activities of the revision group in the republic of Kazakhstan// International Journal of Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Vol.11, No. 1 (2020), pp. 335-341
  5. Entrepreneurial projects’ development: alternative sources of investments/// ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND SUSTAINABILITY ISSUES ISSN 2345-0282 (online) http://jssidoi.org/jesi/ 2020 Volume 8 Number 2 (December) http://doi.org/10.9770/jesi.2020.8.2(15)
  6. Investment activity of the EAEU member states in the context of the global crisis///electronic scientific and practical Journal “Forum”. Series: “humanitarian and Economic Sciences”. – Volgograd, – No. 1 (20).2020-pp. 33-43
  7. Opportunities of Kazakhstan within the framework of the Free Trade Zone in . Eurasian Economic Union / procurement of labor materials of the II Conference . Economy: VCHERA, today, tomorrow, November 27, 2020-pp. 468-472
  8. Features of support for domestic entrepreneurship / / material of III NPC “innovative and entrepreneurial education in the context of improving the quality of life” – Almaty: University of Turan,04.12.2020 – s.
  9. Comparative assessment of the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises// Izvestia of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, ISSN 2224-5294, 6(316) 2017. C.105-112
  10. Internal control and theoretical foundations of its modern trends/// //journal // Bulletin of the University “Turan”. – Almaty: No. 3 (71) 2016, KKSON


Textbooks, textbooks, monographs:

Electronic training manual. “Bank clientteriushin kassalyk esep ayyrysu kyzmetin korsetudi uyymdastyru / Edited by Pralieva S.Zh., Selezneva I.V., 2019 (– 11.3 MB (11,936,098 bytes)

Аманғожаева Анар Берікқызы

Senior Lecturer of the Department of “Finance”

Master of Economics

Read resume »


  • 2011-2016 – University “Turan”, Bachelor of Economics and Business in the specialty 5B050900 – Finance
  • 2016-2018 – University “Turan”, Master of Economics in the specialty 6M050900 – Finance

Academic work experience

  • 2016 – 2019 – Turan University, specialist of the Department of Planning and organization of the educational process
  • 2019 – as of today.time – Turan University, Senior Lecturer (Senior Lecturer) of the Finance Department

Non-academic work experience, Research and innovation experience

  • Performer of the applied topic “The impact of the peculiarities of regional budget and tax policy on entrepreneurial potential”. Supervisor: Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor Shaikhutdinova A.K.
  • Performer of the applied topic “New architecture of the post-crisis economy of Kazakhstan”. Supervisor: Candidate of Economics, Professor Margatskaya G.S.

Subjects taught

Bachelor’s degree: Tax consulting and tax audit, Money, Credit, Banks


Internships and academic mobility

  • 2018 – OF “Almaty Center for Banking Education (ACBO)”
  • 2019 – Lucas-Nuelle GmbH Training Center, Germany

Scientific works

In the publications recommended by KKSON, including:

  • Improvement of the regulatory and legal regulation of payment systems of the Republic of Kazakhstan // Bulletin of the University “Turan” . – Almaty, 2021. – № 1 (89).- Pp. 91-97.
Zabolotnikova Viktoriya Dmitriyevna

Senior Lecturer of the Department of “Finance”

Master’s degree in Management

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  • 2000 – 2004 – Turan University, Economist with a degree in Finance and Credit
  • 2004-2006 – Turan University, Master’s degree in Management

Academic work experience

  • 2005 – present – University “Turan”, senior lecturer of the Department “Finance”.

Non-academic work experience, Research and innovation experience

  • Performer on the applied topic “New financial architecture of the post-crisis economy of Kazakhstan” (state registration in NCNTI 0110RK00236)

Subjects taught

Bachelor’s degree: Banking Management and Marketing

Financing and lending of investments

Master’s degree: Financial Management (Advanced course)

Financial Management (Advanced course) and Financial Analysis

Financial Management (certified course)


Internships and academic mobility

2014 г. – University of Applied Sciences Zittau/Goerlitz


Scientific works

Publications (indexed)

  1. Entrepreneurial projects’ development: Alternative sources of investments Zabolotnikova, V., Selezneva, I., Nizamdinova, A., Mukhamedyarova-Levina, T., Praliyeva, S. // Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues, 2020, 8(2), стр. 253–268 Procedure for efficiency assessment of financial – Budgetary control system // Journal of Applied Economic Sciences, 2017. – Vol. 12(8). – Р. 2442-2454

In the publications recommended by COXON, including:

  1. Bulletin of the University “Turan” No. 4 (84), 2019 pp. 144-148 Islamic capital market global development and trends // Bulletin of Turan University No. 4 (84), 2019 pp. 144-148
  2. Development of the Islamic financial services industry // Bulletin of KazNU Economic Series, No. 2 (120)-2017 pp. 134-138
  3. Crowdfunding as a way of collective investment // Bulletin of the University “Turan” No. 2 (86), 2020 pp. 136-140

Textbooks, manuals, monographs:

  1. Financial support of the business / Edited by C. E. S. Mukhamedyarova-Levina T. T. — Almaty : the University of Turan, 2020 — 272 c. — ISBN 9786012144154.
  2. Financial market and banking / edited by doctor of Economics, Professor Margazhi G. S. — Almaty: the University of Turan, 2020 — 384 c. — ISBN 9786012144024.
  3. Financing and investment lending: tutorial / Fursova T. V., V. D. Zabolotnikova — Almaty : Economics, 2017 — 248 c. — ISBN 9786012259803.
Imanbay Indira

Senior Lecturer of the Finance Department

Master of Economics

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  • 2006-2010 – University “Turan”, Bachelor of Economics and Business in the specialty 5B050900 – Finance
  • 2010-2012 – University “Turan”, Master of Economics in the specialty 6M050900 – Finance

Academic work experience

  • 2012 – as of today.time – Turan University, Senior Lecturer (Senior Lecturer) of the Finance Department

Non-academic work experience, Research and innovation experience

Performer of the applied topic “The impact of the peculiarities of regional budget and tax policy on entrepreneurial potential”. Supervisor: Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor Shaikhutdinova A.K.


Subjects taught

Bachelor’s degree: Foreign Exchange Regulation


Internships and academic mobility

  • October 13-28, 2019 Scientific internship at Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russia
  • April 7-23, 2021 International online internship “University 4.0 Digital Transformation of the University”, Minsk, Belarus

Scientific works

  1. Bulletin of the University “Turan”. The series is economic. – Almaty, 2020. – № 3 (87). – Pp.235-239
  2. Bulletin of the University “Turan”. The series is economic. – Almaty, 2020. – № 1 (85). – P.-262-266
  3. Bulletin of the University “Turan”. The series is economic. – Almaty, 2019. – № 3 (83). – Pp.206-212
  4. Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Corporate Finance: problems, trends and prospects– – Russia, Moscow: Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, 2020. – pp. 109-117
  5. Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Corporate Finance: problems, trends and prospects– – Russia, Moscow: Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, 2019. – pp. 108-118
Markelova Mariya Alexandrovna

Senior Lecturer of the Department of “Finance”

Master of Economics

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Master of Economics 6M050900 Finance


Academic work experience

  • 2004 -2011 – Senior lecturer of economic disciplines of TSATEK 2011-2019 – Senior Lecturer of the Department of Finance, Narkhoz University 2019 – present – Senior Lecturer of the Department of Finance, University of Turan

Non-academic work experience, Research and innovation experience

  • Co-Executive Director of research on the topic “New financial architecture of the post-crisis economy of Kazakhstan” , state registration No. 0110RK00236, 2019
  • Co-Executive Director of research on the topic “Harmonization of financial relations in integration groupings: positions and strategies of Kazakhstan”, order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, registration number 0116RK00215, 2016

Subjects taught

Bachelor course: Introduction to Finance, Finance, Financial Risk Management, Financial Monitoring of the company


Internships and academic mobility

  • 2017_MD Brands_ Internship
  •  2019_TOO “Almaty mobile concrete plant”_ Internship

Scientific works

Publications (indexed)

  • – Factors affecting the stable financial condition of the organization//Electronic scientific and practical magazine “Forum”. Series: “Humanities and Economic Sciences”. – Volgograd, 2020. – №1(20). – Pp. 50-55 of the RSCI
  • – The current state of the insurance market of Kazakhstan// Electronic scientific journal “Studentskiy– – Novosibirsk, 2020. – №37(123). – Pp. 81-83 RSCI
  •  – Inflation targeting: Russia and Kazakhstan// Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Actual problems of financial sector development”. – Tambov: Publishing House of TSU named after G.R.Derzhavin, 2018. – pp. 518-524 RSCI

In the publications recommended by COXON, including:

  • – Digital payment system of the Republic of Kazakhstan: risks and prospects//Journal // Bulletin of the University “Turan”. – Almaty: Evero, 2021. – No. 4, KKSON
  • –  Assessment of the sustainability of public finances of the Republic of Kazakhstan//Journal “Economics: Strategy and Practice” No.4(15) (Kazakhstan, Almaty), 2020 – pp. 111-121 KKSON
  • – Rationalization of equity: correlation and regression analysis in the GRETL program // Bulletin of the University “Turan”. – Almaty: Evero, 2020. – № 1 (85). – Pp.162-167 2. KKSON
  • – Current assessment of the equity capital of second-tier banks in Kazakhstan from the standpoint of various criteria// Bulletin of the University “Turan”. – Almaty: Evero, 2019. – № 4 (84). – P.135-140, KKSON
  • – Features of financial stability of the enterprise//Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. – Almaty: IP Aruna, 2019. – №5 (327). – P.64-69, KKSON
  •  – Compulsory medical insurance as a lever for the development of healthcare in Kazakhstan//Bulletin of AES. Statistics, accounting and auditing. – Almaty: ” <url>” LLP”, 2017. – №2 (65), 2017 – Pp.196-201, KKSON

Textbooks, manuals, monographs:

  • “Financial monitoring of the company” //Textbook. Recommended by the Academic Council of the T.Ryskulov NEU. – Almaty: “Economics”, 2016.p. – 302s
Mussakhanova Naziya

Senior Lecturer of the Department of “Finance”

Associate Professor of the University “Turan”

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  • Higher. 1970 -1974 – Alma-Ata Institute of National Economy. Specialty “Finance and Credit”

Academic work experience

  • 2008 to present Senior Lecturer of the Department of Finance, University “Turan”
  • 2007 – Deputy Director of the Economic College of KazEU named after T. Ryskulova on scientific and methodological work
  • 1997-2004 Dean of the Faculty of the Zhezkazgan University named after OA Baikonurova in Balkhash

Non-academic work experience, Research and innovation experience

Co-executor of the applied theme “New financial architecture of the post-crisis economy of Kazakhstan” (state registration of NCSTI No. 0110RK00237 of 16.07.2010)

Scientific director of the student club “Financier”


Founder of projects:

  •  – Consulting center for business planning “Business consulting center of Turan university”
  • – Infographic studio “Infographic studio of Turan University”.

Subjects taught

Bachelor’s Courses: Corporate Finance, Financial Management, Tax and Taxation

Scientific works

Publications (indexed)


In the publications recommended by COXON, including:

  1. Corporate governance when companies enter the stock exchange // Bulletin of the University “Turan”. 2017 No. 4 (80). Almaty, 2017.-С.252- 257
  2. Modern methods of tax administration: foreign and Kazakh experience // Bulletin of the University “Turan”. 2018 # 4 (80). Almaty, 2018.-pp. 80-84
  3. The effectiveness of measures to counter tax evasion in the Republic of Kazakhstan // Bulletin of the University “Turan”. 2019 # 4 (84). Almaty, 2019.-С.163-168
  4. Modeling the growth of the economic potential of companies in a crisis // Bulletin of the University “Turan”. 2020 # 2 (86). Almaty, 2020.-С.41-45


Textbooks, manuals, monographs:

  1. Practice course “Corporate Finance” Recommended by the Educational and Methodological Council of the University “Turan”. – Almaty: “Turan”, 2017.-180 p.
  2. Taxes and taxation Recommended by the Educational and Methodological Council of the Turan University. – Almaty: “Turan”, 2017.-128 p.
  3. Financial support of business / Edited by Ph.D. Mukhamedyarova-Levina T.T. – Almaty: University of Turan, 2020 – 272 p. – ISBN 9786012144154
Orazalinova Madina

Senior Lecturer of the Department “Finance”

PhD по специальности «Финансы»

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  • 2004-2008 – University “Turan”, Bachelor of Economics and Business in the specialty 5B050800 – Accounting
  • 2008-2010 – University “Turan”, Master of Economics in the specialty 6M050900 – Finance
  • 2018 – degree of Doctor of Philosophy, PhD, in the specialty “6D050900 – Finance”

Academic work experience

  • 2017 – as of today.time – Turan University, Senior Lecturer (Senior Lecturer) of the Finance Department

Subjects taught

Bachelor’s degree: Foreign Exchange Regulation

Scientific works

  1. Bulletin of the University «Turan». The series is economic. – Almaty, 2020. – № 1 (85). – P.-262-266
Smagulov Timur Altynbekovich

Senior lecturer of the department “Finance”

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  • 2000 – 2004 – Turan University, Economist with a degree in Finance and Credit
  • 2004-2006 – Turan University, Master’s degree in Management
  • 2008 – 2010 – International Business Academy. MBA Management
  • 2008 – 2010 – Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation. MBA-Finance
  • 2016 – 2018 – University “Turan” Bachelor, specialty “Jurisprudence”
  • 2018 – 2020 – Odessa National Academy named after Popov Bachelor, specialty “Telecommunications and Radio Engineering”
  • 2020 – present State University of Intelligent Technologies and Communications, Odessa, Master’s degree, specialty “Cybersecurity”

Academic work experience

  • 2020 – present – University “Turan”, senior lecturer of the department “Finance”.

Non-academic work experience, Research and innovation experience

  • September 2004 – March 2006 Kazakhtelecom JSC CA – Accountant of the Accounting and Reporting Department
  • March 2006-September 2006 DKP of Kazakhtelecom JSC – Leading Economist of the Budget Planning and Monitoring Service
  • September 2006 – May 2007 DKP of Kazakhtelecom JSC – Head of Accounts Receivable Department
  • May 2007 – June 2009 DKP of Kazakhtelecom JSC – Head of the Economic Department of the Budget Planning and Monitoring Service
  • June 2009 – October 2010 DKP of Kazakhtelecom JSC – Head of Budget Planning and Monitoring Service
  • November 2010 – February 2012 DKP Kazakhtelecom JSC – Director of the Financial and Economic Activity Management Center
  • 2012 – present. TSGUST branch of Kazakhtelecom JSC – Deputy General Director, Financial Director
  • Qualification certificate of the Auditor of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Subjects taught

Bachelor’s degree:

  • Scientific Supervisor
  • Professional practice

Internships and academic mobility

  • Professional certificate “Accountant-practitioner” (SAR)
  • Professional certificate “Professional Financial Manager” (ICFM)
  • Professional certificate “Certified Financial Manager” (ICFM)
  • Professional certificate “Certified Financial Director” (ICFM)
  • Professional Certificate “Certified Financial Accounting” (IFA)
  • Professional Certificate “Professional Accountant” CIMA
  • Certificate (Management Accounting)
  • JNCIA – Junos Certificate
Nussupekova Adeliya Bolatovna

Senior lecturer of the Department “Finance”

Master of Economic Sciences

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  • 2010 – 2014 – University “Turan”, Bachelor of Economics and Business, specialty “Economics”
  • 2014-2016 – University “Turan”, Master of Economic Sciences, specialty “Economics”

Academic work experience

  • 2016-2017 – University “Turan”, lecturer of the department “Accounting and Audit”.
  • 2019- as of today. time – Turan University, senior lecturer of the Finance Department.

Non-academic work experience, Research and innovation experience

  • 2011-2014 – S-Profi Group LLP, accountant
  • 2014-2016 – Elite Audit LLP, Auditor’s assistant

Subjects taught

Bachelor’s degree:

  • Banking Management and Marketing
  • Financing and lending of investments

Master’s degree:

  • Financial Management (Advanced course)
  • Financial Management (Advanced course) and Financial Analysis
  • Financial Management (certified course)

Internships and academic mobility

  • October 28 – November 09 , 2019 Federal State Educational Budgetary Institution of Higher Education “Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation” (Moscow, Russia)

Scientific works

In the publications recommended by COXON, including:

  • Methods and tools of forming of financial strategy of the company // the Journal “Vestnik “of the University of Turan” – (Almaty, №4(84) 2019)
  • Factors of forming of financial strategy of the company // Journal “Statistics, accounting and audit”, Almaty, 2020
Tastulekov Serikzhan

Senior lecturer of the Department “Finance”

Master’s degree in Finance

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  • 2007-2009 Master’s degree in Finance – Turan University (diploma with honors)
    Specialty: Finance
  • 2003-2007 Higher education – Turan University
    Faculty: Finance
    Specialty: Economist

Academic work experience

  • 2021 – present – Turan University, Senior Lecturer, Finance Department

Subjects taught

Bachelor’s Degree: Introduction to Finance

Scientific works

  1. “PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP FORMATION IN KAZAKHSTAN”- “Academy of Strategic Management Journal” (Scopus; ISSN:1544-1458E-ISSN:1939-6104), 2019
  2. Assessment of innovation potential and reserves for increasing its use on the basis of public-private partnership – Sayasat-Policy. – Almaty. 2014, No. 1.- With
  3. Features of the development of public-private partnership in Kazakhstan- Sayasat-Policy. – Almaty: 2014, No. 2. – With
  4. Features of state regulation of innovation activity on the basis of public-private partnership – Bulletin of KazATK. – Almaty: 2014, No. 3. – pp. 297-304
  5. Innovative activity as a factor of sustainable economic growth – izdenis No. 2(4)/2014, 53-59 pages
  6. Analysis of the effectiveness of Public-private partnership projects in the transport industry – Higher School of Kazakhstan 4/2014 p. 5-13
  7. State and prospects of development of public-private partnership in the transport industry of Kazakhstan – Scientific problems of transport in Siberia and the Far East. – Novosibirsk: 2014, No. 3– -From 53-56
Online admissions