Teaching staff of the department “Information Technologies”

Baitenova Laura Maratovna

Head of the Department of Information Technology

Doctor of economics

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  • I. Lenin Kazakh Polytechnic Institute (now K.Satpayev Kazakh National Technical University), 1981-1986, specialty “Automated control systems”.
  • Ryskulov Kazakh University of Economics, 09/22/2010, Doctor of Economics, specialty 08.00.13 – Mathematical and Instrumental Methods of Economics.
  • Ryskulov Kazakh University of Economics, 31.10.2001, Candidate of Economic Sciences, specialty 08.00.13 – Mathematical and Instrumental Methods of Economics


Academic and practical experience

35 years of scientific and pedagogical experience, namely:

  • Almaty Institute of National Economy, engineer of the Computing Center (1986-1990);
  • Almaty Institute of National Economy, lecturer of the Department of Computer Engineering (1990-1991);
  • Almaty Institute of National Economy, intern researcher of the Department of Computer Engineering (1991-1992);
  • Turar Ryskulov Kazakh University of Economics (1992-2012);
  • JSC “Narkhoz University” (2012-2021);
  • NAO “Gumarbek Daukeev Almaty University of Energy and Communications” (2021-2023);
  • Turan University, Department of Information Technology (2023 as of today. time).


Subjects taught

Bachelor course:

  • Internet entrepreneurship
  • IT business


Master’s degree:

  • Methods of conducting research in the field of


Main scientific publications

  • Виртуалды ортаның қосымшасы үшін нақты уақытта бақылаудың оптикалық жүйесін математикалық қамтамасыздандыру: монография. – Алматы: «Дом печати «Баспагер» ЖШС, 2015. – 130 бет.
  • Өндірістік-экономикалық жүйедегі ақпараттық ағындардың экономикалық-математикалық моделі: монография. – Алматы: «Дом печати «Баспагер» ЖШС, 2015. – 148 бет.
  • The Critical Recommendations for Providing Energy Efficiency. Contributions to Economics, 2023, стр. 13–23.
  • Creation of Energy Risk Insurance System. Contributions to Finance and Accounting, 2022, Part F221, стр.1–12.
  • Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Renewable Energy Firm’s Profitability and Capitalization. Sustainability (Switzerland), 2022, 14(11), 6870. Соавторы: Shaikh Zaffar Ahmed, Datsyuk Polina, Belinskaja Larisa, Ivolgina Natalia, Rysmakhanova Gulmira, Senjyu Tomonobu. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14116870
  • A Blockchain Hyperledger and Non-Linear Machine Learning: A Novel and Secure Educational Accreditation Registration and Distributed Ledger Preservation Architecture. Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 2022, 12(5), 2534;
  • A Blockchain and Metaheuristic-Enabled Distributed Architecture for Smart Agricultural Analysis and Ledger Preservation Solution: A Collaborative Approach. Applied Sciences (Switzerland). 2022. Т. 12. № 3. – 1,05 рр;
  • QoS-Ledger: Smart Contracts and Metaheuristic for Secure Quality-of-Service and Cost-Efficient Scheduling of Medical-Data Processing. Electronics (Switzerland). 2021. Т. 10. № 24. – 1,31 рр;
  • The social and legislative principles of counteracting ransomware crime. Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues. 2020. Т. 8. № 2. С. 777-798. – 2,25 рр;
  • Economical analysis of MICE tourism development in Kazakhstan. Journal of Revista Espacios. – Venesuela. – март. – Vol. 40 (6). – Year 2019. – 1,38 рр.;
  • Форсайт компетенций менеджеров инновационной деятельности как основа развития регионов Казахстана. Экономическая серия вестника ЕНУ имени Л.Н. Гумилева. – № 2. – 2022. – С. 155-166. – 0,75 п.л.
  • Қазақстанның жоғары білім беру жүйесін дамытуда шет елдердің тәжірибесін қолдану мүмкіндіктері. Научно-практический журнал «Central Asian Economic Review». – Алматы, 2022. – № 2(143). – С.57-68. – 0,75 п.л.
  • Человеческий ресурс в сфере туризма. Вестник университета «Туран». – Алматы, 2022. – № 2(94). – С.211-219. – 0,56 п.л.
  • Предприятия аграрной сферы Республики Казахстан: эффективность функционирования. Проблемы агрорынка. – Алматы, 2022. –№ 2. – С. 112-120. – 0,56 п.л.
  • Туристік кәсіпорындардың бәсекелестік, ынтымақтастық, бірлескен бәсекелестік қарым – қатынастары: библиометрикалық талдау. Научно-практический журнал «Central Asian Economic Review». – Алматы, 2023. – № 1. – С.97-110. – 0,81 п.л.
  • Особенности обеспечения информационной безопасности в условиях развития цифровой экономики. Промышленный транспорт Казахстана. – Алматы, 2020. – № 2(67). – С. 175-180. – 0,63 п.л.
  • Компанияның бизнес – процестерін жобалау. ҚазҰТЗУ хабаршысы- Алматы, 2020. – № 6 (142). – Б. 401-409. – 1,13 б.б.;
  • Жылу электр орталықтарының су дайындау жүйелері үшін энергия үнемдеу шараларын енгізу тиімділігі. Сборник материалов Международного научно-методического журнала «GLOBAL SCIENCE AND INNOVATIONS 2022: CENTRAL ASIA». – Алматы, 2022. – С.43-46. – 0,25 п.л.
  • Цифровая экономика и ее роль в управлении социально-экономическими отношениями. Системный анализ в экономике – 2018: сборник трудов V Международной научно-практической конференции-биеннале (21–23 ноября 2018). / Под общ.ред. Г.Б. Клейнера, С.Е. Щепетовой. – Изд. 2-е, доп. и перераб. – М.: Прометей, 2018. – 520 с. – С. 463-464. – 0,25 п.л.;
  • Моделирование информационных процессов в системе поддержки трудоустройства выпускников ВУЗов Казахстана. «Системная экономика, социально-экономическая кибернетика, мягкие измерения в экономике – 2019»: сборник материалов ежегодной международной научно-практической конференции. Москва: Научная библиотека, 2019;
  • Программно-проектный подход в управлении инновационным развитием. Системный анализ в экономике – 2020. Сборник трудов VI Международной научно-практической конференции-биеннале. Под общей редакцией Г.Б. Клейнера, С.Е. Щепетовой. Москва, 2021. С. 180-183. – 0,5 п.л.;
  • Цифровизация экономики: мировой опыт и возможности прорыва в науке и образовании. Системный анализ в экономике – 2020. Сборник трудов VI Международной научно-практической конференции-биеннале. Под общей редакцией Г.Б. Клейнера, С.Е. Щепетовой. Москва, 2021. С. 470-473. – 0,5 п.л.;
  • Оn new challenges of managing low voltage grids with distributed solar generation. Системный анализ в экономике – 2020. Сборник трудов VI Международной научно-практической конференции-биеннале. Под общей редакцией Г.Б. Клейнера, С.Е. Щепетовой. Москва, 2021. С. 376-379. – 0,4 п.л.


Security documents

  • The computer is equipped with technology: about kuraly. Electronic textbook. Copyright certificate No. 13649 dated December 3, 2020, volume – 9.64 MB (10,116,876 bytes)


Study guides/textbooks

  • Operating systems. / Electronic textbook. – Almaty: “Economica”, 2014. Contract № 01-11/59 dated 04.09.14.
  • Modeling financial systems: tutorial. – Almaty: “House of Printing “Baspager” LLP, 2015. – 328 p. – 41 p.р.
  • Data management in information systems: tutorial. – Almaty: “Dom Pechati” Baspager” LLP, 2016. – 208 pages. – 13 p.р.
  • Information security technologies in computer networks: textbook. Almaty: “University Narхoz”, 2020.


Professional development

  • Advanced training course in the discipline “Internet Entrepreneurship” (72 hours), 09/04/2023-09/15/2023, Training Center “Global Professional Development”, Almaty, № ПК/SE/362311;
  • Advanced training course in the discipline “IT business” (72 hours), 08/14/2023-08/25/2023, Training Center “Global Professional Development”, Almaty, № ПК /AU/332381;
  • Management in education. Development of a university strategy (72 hours), 09/23/2022-11/30/2022, ULTTYQ USTAZ, online academy, Almaty, № 2291;
  • Management of higher education (72 hours), 11.25.2021-12.25.2021, NJSC Almaty University of Energy and Communications named after G. Daukeev, Almaty, № 773;
  • Current issues of automation, control and digitalization, (72 hours) 11.26.2021-12.28.2021, NJSC Almaty University of Energy and Communications named after G. Daukeev, Almaty, №343;
  • Academic Leadership Program (36 hours), 03/10/2021-03/19/2021, NJSC Narxoz University, Almaty, № ALP21-072;
  • Narxoz authors workshop “Increasing your h-index and popularity” (36 hours), 01/11/2021-01/15/2021, Almaty, NJSC “Narxoz University”;
  • Web development on Django (36 hours), 09/02/2019-09/13/2019, Method Digital Education School of Programming, Almaty;
  • Python – intensive (36 hours), 08/19/2019-09/30/2019, Method Digital Education School of Programming, Almaty;
  • Digital technologies in education (72 hours). 04/15/2019 – 04/26/2019, Training center “Soft Academy Center”, Almaty.


Scientific direction: theory and methodology of mathematical modeling of economic processes and systems; mathematical modeling and use of information technologies in socio-economic research, programming, forecasting and management.


E-mail: l.baitenova@turan-edu.kz

Ismailova Rauza Toltaevna

Associate professor at the Department of Information Technologies

Candidate of Technical Sciences

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  • Kazakh Polytechnic Institute named after V.I. Lenin, faculty:
  • Electronic computer technology, full-time department, Specialty: “Computer complexes, systems and networks.”
  • Qualification: systems engineer, diploma UV No. 696495
  • Candidate of Technical Sciences, 2007.
  • Specialty: 051310-Management in socio-economic systems, FK No. 0002431
  • Associate Professor at TURAN University, majoring in Informatics, Computer Science and Management, 2011, DC 0002312.


Academic and practical experience

Experience in scientific and pedagogical activities: 30

  • Teacher, senior lecturer, associate professor at KazNTU named after K.I.Satpayev (Kazakh Polytechnic Institute named after V.I.Lenin), (1993-2017)
  • Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Logistics. Almaty Management University (2017-2019)
  • Since 2019 currently Professor of the Department of Information Technologies at the University of Turan

Disciplines taught, practical courses

Bachelor’s degree:

  • Fundamentals of computer modeling,
  • Fundamentals of project management,
  • Design of information systems,
  • Economic and mathematical methods and models,
  • Artificial intelligence systems


Master’s degree:

  • Statistical data analysis systems (Python),
  • Methodology and technology for designing information systems,
  • Project management based on the PMI PMBOK standard

Main scientific publications

  • Multivariate statistical analysis of transport logistics in Kazakhstan.//Vestnik KazATK, 2023. – № 2(125). – S. 88-96.
  • Statisticheskij analiz dinamiki raspredelenija rabotnikov po urovnjam zarabotnoj platy v Kazahstane.//Vestnik VKTU №3 -2023.S.18-28
  • Imitacionnaja sistema analiza jeffektivnyh marshrutov na osnove kompleksa matematicheskih modelej organizacii perevozok./Vestnik Almatinskogo universiteta jenergetiki i svjazi № 2 (61) 2023.S.115-126
  • Digital twin of the quality management system for environmental control of the near-airdrom environment.Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 2023. Vol. 101, № 11 (in press)(Scopus)
  • Bimurat Zh., Kim Ye., Ismailova R., Sagindykov B. Methods of navigating algorithmic complexity: big-oh and small-oh notations. // Scientific Journal of Astana IT University, 2023. – Vol. 15. – PP. 160-181. – DOI: 10.37943/15DNLB5877. (KOKSON).
  • Ismailova R.T. Eskendirova D.M., Kim E.R. Optimizacija transportnyh uslug v pishhevoj promyshlennosti, Vestnik KazATK, №3,2020 S.144-148
  • Ismailova R.T., Tusupova B.B., Shakenova Zh.N., Kim E.R. Analiz instrumental’nyh sredstv reshenija zakrytoj transportnoj zadachi, Vestnik KazATK, №3,2020 S.226-235
  • Ismailova R.T., Bimoldina Zh.A.Vlijanie urovnej imitacionnogo modelirovanija v obrazovanii, Materialy Sh MNPK «Innovacionno-predprinimatel’skoe obrazovanie v kontekste povyshenija kachestva zhizni» Universitet Turan, Almaty, 2020g.
  • Ismailova R.T.,Orazymbetova A.Sh.Skvoznoe proniknovenie v realijah cifrovoj jekonomiki //Trudy satpaevskih chtenij «Innovacionnye tehnologii –kljuch k uspeshnomu resheniju v fundamental’nyh i prikladnyh zadach v rudnom i neftegazovom sektorah Jekonomiki RK». Tom 2.Almaty,2019. ISBN 978-601-323-145-7.-S.430-433
  • Ismailova R.T.,Kazbekova K.K.Trendovye napravlenija realizacii gosudarstvennyh programm po cifrovizacii jekonomiki Monografija «Ustojchivoe razvitie v uslovijah cifrovoj transformacii i predprinimatel’stvo» / pod red. d-ra jekon. nauk, prof. M.A. Osipova. – SPb. : Izd-vo SPbGJeU, 2020. – 213 s. S.45-59
  • Jekonomicheskaja politika Kazahstana: realii i sovremennye vyzovy. Kollektivnaja monografija //Pod obshhej red.Temirbekovoj A.B.,Dulambaevoj R.T. – Almaty: AlmaU, 2019 -368c. Glava 8. -S.221-S.264
  • Temirbekova A.B., Ismailova R.T Cifrovizacija v otrasljah jekonomiki Respubliki Kazahstana». Kollektivnaja monografija //Trudy mezhdunarodnoj konferencii «Cifrovaja jekonomika i informacionnoe obshhestvo»,Pol’sha,25-26marta,2019. -S.95-102
  • Regional’nyj analiz raspredelenija rabotnikov po razmeram zarabotnoj platy v Kazahstane.Vestnik Kyrgyzskogo jekonomicheskogo universiteta imeni M.Ryskulbekova  №1(46),2019 ISSN:1694-5778, S.138-141

Security documents

  • Ismailova R.T. Obtaining a certificate of state registration of rights to the copyright object “Software for an automated control system for the technological process of batch preparation” No. 1829 dated July 27, 2017. Certificate No. 1829 dated July 27, 2017.
  • Kim E.R., Ismailova R.T. Forecasting the volume of transportation and cargo turnover by road transport based on the moving average method. Certificate of entry of information into the state register of rights to objects protected by copyright No. 33560 dated March 14, 2023.


  • Forecasting methods in logistics systems. /Textbook. Presented as a textbook by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. -Almaty: “KazUTZU”. 2017-181p.
  • Educational and methodological manual / Ismailova R.T. — Almaty: Turan University, 2020 — 112 p. — ISBN none. // Electronic library system TURAN: [website]. — URL: https://e-lib.turan-edu.kz/book/107550
  • Kulzhabay N.M., Tyshkanbaeva M.B., Ismailova R.T., Botaeva S.B. Logistics. Textbook, Almaty, KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev, 2014

Advanced qualification

  • Springer Nature training Certificate, Almaty University of Management, January 14-15, 2019;.
  • Creating an educational video, Certificate, Almaty, May, 2019;
  • Application of information technologies in solving mathematical problems, Certificate, Almaty, 2019 KazRENA 28.10.2019-22.11.19;,
  • Innovative tools and budgeting and planning in budget management, Certificate ST-024-07-2019-03, Almaty, 2019, 07.08.2019 – 07.24.2019, 1С SAPA SLAVA VC,;
  • Information and communication technologies, Certificate, Almaty, 2019, “TODAY Education”, 06.01.2020-31.01.2020;
  • Project management, Certificate #101365715, National Open University “INTUIT” from June 28, 2020 to July 12, 2020 ;
  • Fundamentals of computer modeling, Certificate #101368129, National Open University “INTUIT”, from 07/24/2020 to 08/07/2020;
  • Design of information systems, Certificate No. 101366480, National Open University “INTUIT”, from 07.05.20 to 07.19.2020;
  • Management in the organization, Certificate No. 3239 22.12.2020, TOO “Today education”
  • Artificial intelligence systems. Global Professional development training center. certificate PC/SE/382306, 09.29.2023

Scientific direction: Development of simulation models and methods of social and economic systems


E-mail: r.ismailova@turan-edu.kz

Belginova Saule Askerbekovna

Associate professor at the Department of Information Technologies


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  • 1988-1993, Al Farabi Kazakh State University, specialty “Computational Mathematics”
  • 2012-2014, East Kazakhstan State Technical University named after D.Serikbaev. Master’s degree in mathematical and computer Modeling
  • 2016-2019, East Kazakhstan State Technical University named after D.Serikbaev., Doctoral degree in Information Systems (by industry)

Academic and practical experience

Experience of scientific and pedagogical activity for 21 years, namely:

  • 2002-2020 senior lecturer at the Department of Information Technology, EKSTU named after D.Serikbaev, Ust-Kamenogorsk
  • 2020-2021 Senior lecturer at the Department of Information Systems and Cybersecurity of the Almaty University of Energy and Communications named after G. Daukeev
  • from 2021 to the present time Associate Professor at Turan University


Subjects taught

  • ICT
  • Office solutions for business
  • Higher mathematics
  • Mathematics in Economics

Main scientific publications

  • Kylyshkanov M.K., Uvaliyeva I.M., Belginova S.A. Informational and analytical system of the Biochemical analysis of blood in children / Информатика и прикладная математика: Материалы международной научной конференции. «Информатика и прикладная математика», посвященной 25-летию Независимости Республики Казахстан и  25-летию  Института  информационных  и  вычислительных  технологий. (Часть II).: – Алматы: Институт информационных и вычислительных технологий, 2016.  – С.8-19.
  • Увалиева И.М., Бельгинова С.А. Қанның биохимиялық анализі негізінде бала денсаулығын диагностикалаудың ақпараттық-аналитикалық жүйесінің құрылымы. / «Вестник Казахстанско-Британского технического университета». № 4 (39). -Алматы, Издательский центр КБТУ, 2016. – С.75-81 (ККСОН)
  • Павликов Р.В., Бельгинова С.А. Разработка концепции обеспечения безопасности информационных систем с большими данными. / «Вестник КазНИТУ». № 1 (119) – Алматы. 2017. – С. 260-265 (ККСОН)
  • Увалиева И.М., Бельгинова С.А. Development of the conceptual model of the diagnostic object in the medical diagnosis system. /«Вестник КазНИТУ». № 5 (123). – Алматы. 2017. – С. 69-74 (ККСОН)
  • Бельгинова С.А., Әуелбекова С.Н. Компьютерлік медициналық жүйелерде диагностикалық белгілерді формалдау / «Жастар шығармашылығы – Қазақстанның инновациялық дамуына». Студенттердің, магистранттардың және жас ғалымдардың ІІІ Халықаралық ғылыми-техникалық конференциясының материалдары. – Өскемен, ШҚМТУ. 2017.- Б. 249-257
  • Бельгинова С.А., Жасболатов Д.Т. Медициналық диагностиканың компьютерлік жүйелерін құруда эксперттік бағалауды қолдану / «Жастар шығармашылығы – Қазақстанның инновациялық дамуына». Студенттердің, магистранттардың және жас ғалымдардың ІІІ Халықаралық ғылыми-техникалық конференциясының материалдары. – Өскемен, ШҚМТУ. 2017.- Б. 252-255
  • Увалиева И.М., Бельгинова С.А. Концепция электронного здравоохранения Республики Казахстан. / EUROPEAN RESEARCH: сборник статей XI Международной научно-практической конференции. – Пенза: МЦНС «Наука и Просвещение». – 2017. С. 65-69
  • Mamyrbayev O.Zh., Uvaliyeva I.M., Belginova S.A. Development of Expert System on based the algorithm for medical diagnosis. / Информатика и прикладная математика: Материалы ІІ Международной научной конференции. Ч.1. – Алматы, 2017. – С. 274-283
  • Увалиева И.М., Исмухамедова А.М., Бельгинова С.А. Реализация интеллектуального метода анализа данных для кластеризации показателей белка. / Вестник КБТУ, №4(43). 2017. Алматы, Казахстан. – С.102-108 (ККСОН)
  • Жасболатов Д.Т., Бельгинова С.А., Увалиева И.М. Биохимиялық анализ арқылы диагноз қоюдың аналитикалық жүйесін әзірлеу. / «Жастар шығармашылығы – Қазақстанның инновациялық дамуына». Студенттердің, магистранттардың және жас ғалымдардың ІV Халықаралық ғылыми-техникалық конференция материалдары. VII бөлім. – Өскемен, ШҚМТУ. 2018. – Б. 272-276
  • Әуелбекова С.Н., Бельгинова С.А., Увалиева И.М. Денсаулық сақтау көрсеткіштерін интеллектуалдық өңдеудің аналитикалық жүйесін құру / «Жастар шығармашылығы – Қазақстанның инновациялық дамуына». Студенттердің, магистранттардың және жас ғалымдардың ІV Халықаралық ғылыми-техникалық конференция материалдары. VII бөлім. – Өскемен, ШҚМТУ. 2018.- Б. 261-265
  • Сайранбекова А.С., Бельгинова С.А., Увалиева И.М. Анемия ауруларын диагностикалаудың эксперттік жүйесін құру. / «Жастар шығармашылығы – Қазақстанның инновациялық дамуына». Студенттердің, магистранттардың және жас ғалымдардың ІV Халықаралық ғылыми-техникалық конференциясының материалдары. VII бөлім. – Өскемен, ШҚМТУ. 2018.- Б. 307-310
  • Бельгинова С.А., Увалиева И.М., Исмухамедова А.М. Применение методов поддержки принятия решений для постановки медицинского диагноза. / «Вестник Шакарима» № 2(82). Семей, 2018. – С. 89-94 (ККСОН)
  • Belginova S., Uvaliyeva I., Ismukhamedova A. Decision Support System for Diagnosing Anemia. / 2018 4th International Conference on Computer and Technology Applications (ICCTA 2018), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Istanbul, 2018. рр. 211-214. DOI: 10.1109/CATA.2018.8398684 (SCOPUS)
  • Uvaliyeva I., Belginova S., Ismukhamedova A. Informational and Analytical System to Diagnose Anemia. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Engineering and MIS 2018, Altınbaş University, Istanbul, Turkey, 2018 . https://doi.org/10.1145/3234698.3234716 (SCOPUS)
  • Бельгинова С., Увалиева И., Исмухамедова А. ИТ-инфраструктура е-здравоохранения Республики Казахстан. / Материалы Международной конференции «Вычислительные и информационные технологии в науке, технике и образовании» (CITech-2018). Совместный выпуск Вестника ВКГТУ им. Д. Серикбаева и «Вычислительных технологии» Института вычислительных технологий Сибирского отделения РАН. Усть Каменогорск-Новосибирск, Казахстан-Россия. 2018. Том 1. Часть. 1 – С. 175-183 (ККСОН)
  • Ismukhamedova A., Uvaliyeva I., Belginova S. Hardware and software architecture in E-Healthcare. / Совместный выпуск Вестника ВКГТУ им. Д. Серикбаева и «Вычислительных технологии» Института вычислительных технологий Сибирского отделения РАН. – Усть-Каменогорск-Новосибирск, Казахстан-Россия. 2018. Том 1. Часть 2. – С. 91-98 (ККСОН)
  • Kalimoldayev M., Uvaliyeva I., Belginova S., Ismukhamedova A. IT Infrastructure of e-Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan. / Communications in Computer and Information Science (998). 9th International Conference, CITech 2018. Ust Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan. 2018.   54-63. DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-12203-4_6 (SCOPUS)
  • Uvaliyeva I., Belginova S., Ismukhamedova A. Development and Implementation of the Algorithm of Differential Diagnostics / Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference «Application of Information and Communication Technologies AICT2018».    Almaty, Kazakhstan.   276-281. DOI: 10.1109/ICAICT.2018.8747116
  • Belginova S., Uvaliyeva I., Rustamov S. The Application of Data Mining Methods for the Process of Diagnosing Diseases. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology. – Vol.97. – No 7. 15th April 2019. – pp. 1980-1998. (SCOPUS)
  • Увалиева И., Калимолдаев М., Бельгинова С. Разработка вычислительного алгоритма морфологической классификации клинико-гематологических симптомов. Вестник Казахстанско-Британского технического университета, Алматы, 2019. №1 (48). – С. 84-91 (ККСОН)
  • Увалиева И.М., Бельгинова С.А. Денсаулық сақтау көрсеткіштерін аналитикалық өңдеу жүйесінің функционалдық моделін және бағдарламалық жасағын құру. Вестник Восточно-Казахстанского государственного технического универститета имени Д, Серикбаева. Усть-Каменогорск, 2019. – № 2(84). – С. 166-174 (ККСОН)
  • Увалиева И.М., Бельгинова С.А. Медициналық статистикалық көрсеткіштерді интеллектуалдық өңдеудің алгоритмін әзірлеу. Семей қаласының Шәкәрім атындағы мемлекеттік университетінің хабаршысы. – Семей, 2019. – № 2 (86). – Б. 162-166 (ККСОН)
  • Uvaliyeva I., Belginova S., Alimbayeva Zh., Ismukhamedova A. Design and implementation of the diagnostic of algorithms complex for clinical and hematological symptoms. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Engineering and MIS 2019 (ICEMIS ’19). – Astana, Kazakhstan. 2019. – pp. 1-5. DOI: 10.1145/3330431.3330444 (SCOPUS)
  • Uvaliyeva I., Belginova S., Rustamov S., Ismukhamedova A. Algorithm diagnosis of anemia on the basis of the method of the synthesis of the decisive rules. Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Conference «Application of Information and Communication Technologies – AICT2019». – Baku, Azerbaijan. 2019 – pp. 8-12. DOI: 10.1109/AICT47866.2019.8981766 (SCOPUS)
  • Uvaliyeva I., Belginova S., Rustamov S., Kalimoldayev M. Fuzzy Logic for Medical Diagnosis of Clinical and Hematological Symptoms. Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Conference «Application of Information and Communication Technologies – AICT2019». – Baku, Azerbaijan. 2019. – pp. 40-45. DOI: 10.1109/AICT47866.2019.8981755 (SCOPUS)
  • Uvaliyeva I., Belginova S., Sherimbetova K. Automation of the Diagnostic Process of Clinical and Hematological Syndromes. Сборник статей ІІ Международной научно-практической конференции. Международный центр научного сотрудничества «Наука и просвещение», 2020. – С. 61-65
  • Alibekkyzy K., Kornev V., Belginova S. Robust Data Transfer Paradigm based on VLC Technologies. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology. – Vol.99. No 3, 15th February 2021. – pp. 552-568. https://jatit.org/volumes/ninetynine3.php (SCOPUS)
  • Wang Yan, Belginova S., Dosanalieva A. Design, and Implementation of Online Shopping Center. Стан, досягнення та перспективи інформаційних систем і технологій / Матеріали XXII Всеукраїнської науково-технічної конференції молодих вчених, аспірантів та студентів. Одеса, 2022. – pp. 204-207
  • Belginova S., Alimkul A., Moldakalykova B. Development of an Information System for Diagnostics of Diabetes Mellitus. Стан, досягнення та перспективи інформаційних систем і технологій / Матеріали XXII Всеукраїнської науково-технічної конференції молодих вчених, аспірантів та студентів. Одеса, 2022. – pp. 226-228
  • Yesmagambetova M., Ten T., Ospanova T., Belginova S., Alibekkyzy K. Digital Modeling of Decision-making Risks in Natural and Man-caused Critical Situations. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology. – Vol.100. No 15, 15th August 2022. – pp. 4628-4640. http://www.jatit.org/volumes/Vol100No15/10Vol100No15.pdf (SCOPUS)
  • Есмагамбетова М., Керибаева Т., Кошеков К., Алибеккызы К., Бельгинова С. Анық емес деректер ортасында бақылау және шешім қабылдау тәуекелдерін басқару жүйелеріндегі Smart технологиялар. ШҚТУ Хабаршысы, Өскемен, 2022. № 3, 85-104 б. DOI 10.51885/1561-4212_2022_3_85 (ККСОН)
  • Есмагамбетова М., Керибаева Т., Кошеков К., Алибеккызы К., Бельгинова С. Нечеткая модель оценки качества мониторинга природных и техногенных угроз. Вестник КазНПУ, Алматы, 2022. №3(79), с. 164-178 https://doi.org/10.51889/2022-3.1728-7901.20 (ККСОН)
  • Uvaliуeva I., Belginova S., Sovetbekov S. Mathematical and Computer Models of the Covid-19 Epidemic. Scientific Journal of Astana IT University, Astana, 2022, Volume 12, – pp. 89-100. DOI: 10.37943/12QWEH5166 (ККСОН)
  • Yesmagambetova M., Keribayeva T., Koshekov K., Belginova S., Alibekkyzy K., Ospanov Y. Smart Technologies of the Risk-Management and Decision-Making Systems in a Fuzzy Data Environment. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2022, 28(3), pp. 1463–1474. http://doi.org/10.11591/ijeecs.v28.i3.pp1463-1474 (SCOPUS)
  • Лекерова Ф.Л., Алибеккызы К., Керибаева Т.Б., Тулаев В.К., Бельгинова С.А. Мониторинг качества приаэродромной среды в условиях цифровой трансформации бизнесa. Вестник КазАТК, Алматы, 2023. № 1 (124), с. 195-206 DOI: https://doi.org/10.52167/1609-1817-2023-124-1-195-206 (ККСОН)
  • Базарова М.Ж., Адиканова С., Бельгинова С.А., Карымсакова И.Б., Бекенова Д.Б. Мектептегі білім беру процесінде STEM оқытуды жүзеге асыру барысында онтологиялық инжинирингті қолдану. Вестник ВКТУ, 2023. №1, б. 40-52. DOI 10.51885/1561-4212_2023_1_40 (ККСОН)
  • Alibekkyzy, S. Belginova and M. Batalova, “Modeling of quality control management processes in the development and operation of VLC systems ,” 2023 5th International Congress on Human-Computer Interaction, Optimization and Robotic Applications (HORA), Istanbul, Turkiye, 2023, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/HORA58378.2023.10156686. (SCOPUS)
  • Soltan A., Kopzhasarov B., Belginova S., Vais Yu., Azamatova Zh., Khassenova Z. Digital Risk Assessment and Prediction in Technology Process Stages of Ore-streams. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology. 2023, Vol.101, №3, pp. 1322-1332 (SCOPUS)
  • Toiganbayev B., Koshekov K., Ailibekkyzy K., Belginova S., Denissova A., Koshekov A., Baidildina A. Risk Assessment of Control and Decision-making in the Aircraft Control System. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 2023. Vol. 101, №6, pp. 2176-2187 (SCOPUS)
  • Koshekov K., Ailibekkyzy K., Toiganbayev B., Belginova S., Keribayeva T., Tulaev V., Koshekov A. Formalization of risk management in the context of digital business transformation. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Vol. 30, No. 3, June 2023, pp. 1428~1439 (SCOPUS)
  • Imanbazar A., Belginova S., Kuanova S. Mathematical and Computer Modeling of Air Pollution. Стан, досягнення та перспективи інформаційних систем і технологій / Матеріали XXIII Всеукраїнської науково-технічної конференції молодих вчених, аспірантів та студентів. Одеса, 2023. – pp. 24-25
  • Uvaliуeva I.M., Belginova S.A., Ismukhamedova A.M. Mathematical and computer modeling in the pharmaceutical industry. Вестник ВКТУ, June 2023. №2, pp. 248~256. DOI 10.51885/1561-4212_2023_2_248 (ККСОН)
  • Lekerova F., Koshekov K., Alibekkyzy K., Belginova S., Bugubayeva A., Ismailova R. Digital twin of the quality management system for environmental control of the near-airdrome environment. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 2023. Vol. 101, № 12, рр. 4969-4982. (SCOPUS)
  • Uvaliуeva I.M., Belginova S.A., Rakhmetullina Zh.T. Scientific and Theoretical questions of Clinical Decision Support Technology based on Differential diagnosis of Clinical and Hematological Syndromes. Вестник ВКТУ, September 2023. №3, pp. 107~115.      DOI 10.51885/1561-4212_2023_3_107 (ККСОН)
  • Казбекова К.К., Исмаилова Р.Т., Бельгинова С.А. Статистический анализ динамики распределения работников по уровням заработной платы в Казахстане. Вестник ВКТУ, Сентябрь 2023. №3, сс. 18~28. DOI 10.51885/1561-4212_2023_3_18 (ККСОН)
  • Lekerova, K.Alibekkyzy, S.Belginova, S.Adikanova, V.Tulaev. Fuzzy Models for Air Quality Monitoring Technology in Aerodrome. The Bulletin of KazATC №5 (128), 2023. pp. 333-344. DOI 10.52167/1609-1817-2023-128-5-333-344 (ККСОН)
  • А.Т. Байдилдина, К. Алибеккызы, С.А. Бельгинова, А.Ж. Бугубаева, А.А. Сарсенова. Күн батареясын пайдалана отырып, энергиямен қамтамасыз ету жүйесін кешенді басқару әдістемесін әзірлеу. ҚазККА Хабаршысы №5 (128), 2023, б. 424-436. DOI 10.52167/1609-1817-2023-127-4-424-436 (ККСОН)
  • Koshekov K., Pirmanov E., Alibekkyzy K., Belginova S., Karymsakova I., Karmenova M., Baidildina A. Digital twins technology in the educational process of the aviation equipment repair. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Vol. 32, No. 2, November 2023, pp. 752~762. DOI: 10.11591/ijeecs.v32.i2.pp752-762 (SCOPUS)
  • Belginova, I. Uvaliyeva and A. Ismukhamedova, “Functional Model of the Clinical and Hematological Syndromes Diagnosis,” 2023 7th International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies (ISMSIT), Ankara, Turkiye, 2023, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ISMSIT58785.2023.10304903. (SCOPUS)
  • Uvaliyeva, S. Belginova and D. Borozenets, “Analysis of the Machine Learning Methods Effectiveness for Morphological Classification of Anemia,” 2023 7th International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies (ISMSIT), Ankara, Turkiye, 2023, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ISMSIT58785.2023.10304939. (SCOPUS)
  • Uvaliyeva, S. Belginova and D. Borozenets. Investigation of data on morphological classification of clinical and hematological syndromes based on machine learning algorithms. Вестник ВКТУ, Декабрь, 2023. №4, сс. 383~392. DOI:10.51885/1561-4212_2023_4_383 (ККСОН)
  • Т.С. Қартбаев, М.А. Сыдыбаева, С.А. Бельгинова, К.Ө. Тоғжанова, Д.М. Ескендірова. Гетерогенді радио қол жеткізу желісінің тиімді жұмыс істеуін қамтамасыз ету міндетін ресімдеу. ШҚТУ Хабаршысы, 2023, №4, 272-283 б. (ККСОН)
  • E Erulanova, S. S. Rustamov, I. M. Uvaliyeva, A. K. Shaikhanova, S. A. Belginova. Mathematical support for dosing systems of dry bulk materials of medicines used in clinical and hematological syndromes. Вестник Национальной инженерной академии РК, 2023, №4, сс. 45-55. https://doi.org/10.47533/2023.1606-146X.33 (ККСОН)
  • Байдильдина А.Т., Алибекқызы Қ., Бельгинова С.А., Бугубаева А.Ж., Сарсенова А.А. Math пакетіндегі күн тақтасынан энергиямен қамтамасыз ету жүйесін басқаруды зерттеу. Университет еңбектері, 2023, №4, 458-466 б. DOI 10.52209/1609-1825_2023_4_458 (ККСОН)
  • А.Т.Байдилдина, К.Алибеккызы, С.А.Бельгинова, И.М. Увалиева, М.А.Ракышева. Тұрғын үйлердің микроклиматын бақылау және басқару жүйесін оңтайландыру. Торайғыров университетінің хабаршысы, №4, 2023, 56-71 (ККСОН)
  • А.Ismukhamedova, I. Uvaliyeva, S. Belginova. Integrating machine learning in electronic health passport based on WHO study and healthcare resources, Informatics in Medicine Unlocked, Volume 44, 2024, 101428 (SCOPUS)

Security documents:

  • Certificate of state registration of rights to the copyright object “Assimilation of environmental monitoring data for the convection-diffusion model based on the variational approach ” (computer program) 28.07.2015 No. 1492 IP 002271
  • Certificate of entry of information into the State Register of rights to objects protected by copyright. Type of copyright object – “Software module for the diagnosis of Clinical and hematological syndromes”. Software product for a computer. Entry in the register No. 4734 of August “1”, 2019.
  • Relational diabetes diagnosis database. Certificate of entering information into the State Register of rights to objects protected by copyright. Type of copyright object:database. Entry in the register No. 22892 dated January 11, 2022
  • Analytical certificate on the experimental study of the results of research work on the project performed within the framework of the budget Program “grant financing of scientific research.

Study guides/textbooks:

  • Ekonomikalyq aqparatty komp’yuterde ondeu: Oqu қuraly («Turan» universitetіnіn ekonomikalyq zhәne aqparattyq zhujeler mamandyqtarynyn 3-4 kurs studentterіne arnalgan). S.A. Belgіnova – Almaty: «Turan» universitetі, 2022. – 103 b.
  • Razrabotka informacionnoj tekhnologii podderzhki prinyatiya reshenij pri diagnostirovanii zabolevanij krovi/ I.M. Uvalieva, S.A. Bel’ginova. Monografiya. – Ust’-Kamenogorsk: TOO «BIOSpro», – 216 s.

Professional development:

  • “Analysis and modeling of information processes”. Kazakh-American Free University. Career and Personality Development Center. Ust-Kamenogorsk. June 24 – July 9, 2019 72 hours
  • “Database Design and Administration”. Kazakh-American Free University. Career and Personality Development Center. Ust-Kamenogorsk. August 8 – August 22, 2019 72 hours
  • “Administration of operating systems”. Kazakh-American Free University. Career and Personality Development Center. Ust-Kamenogorsk. August 8 – August 22, 2019 72 hours
  • “Theory and practice of creating online courses”. Moscow Institute of Physics Technology. Coursera. July 10 – July 30, 2020. 72 hours
  • “Computer graphics and 3D modeling”. Inventive. Almaty. September 7 – September 22, 2020 72 hours
  • “University 4.0. Digital transformation”. SCLAD. An online educational platform. April 7 – April 23, 2021 72 hours
  • “Working in Microsoft Excel”. National Open University INTUIT. April 14 – April 28, 2021 72 hours
  • “English for IT professionals”. National Open University INTUIT. May 17 – June 1, 2021 72 hours
  • «Grammar and Punctuation». Division of Continuing Education. Coursera. Feb 15, 2022
  • “Methods of working with educational materials and organization of the educational process in LMS CANVAS”. Turan University. September 1-10, 2022 72 hours
  • “Development of massive open online courses and training materials based on the LMS CANVAS platform.” Turan University. 72 hours .
  • “Features of implementation, industrial operation and maintenance of medical information systems”. LLP “Health Promotion. September 28 – October 7, 2023

Scientific direction:

  • Information systems in medicine.
  • Mathematical and computer modeling


E-mail: s.belginova@turan-edu.kz

Yekaterina Romanovna Kim

Associate professor at the Department of Information Technologies

Candidate of Technical Sciences

Read the summary »


  • Kazakh National Technical University, Bachelor’s degree, 1994-1999, system engineer, specialty “Automated information processing and management systems”
  • I. Satpayev Kazakh National Technical University, full-time postgraduate study, 2001-2004, Candidate of Technical Sciences, specialty 05.13.10 – System analysis, information processing and management

Academic and practical experience

  • Experience of scientific and pedagogical activity for 21 years, namely:
  • KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev (1999-2009);
  • ENU named after L.N. Gumilev (2009-2014);
  • KazATK named after M.Tynyshpaeva (2017-2019)
  • Turan University, Department of Information Technology (2019 to present. time)

Subjects taught

Bachelor course:

  • Artificial intelligence systems
  • Internet entrepreneurship
  • Mobile application development
  • Algorithms, data structures and programming
  • Object-oriented programming



  • Methods and tools for optimizing information processes (Master’s degree)

Main scientific publications

  • Bimurat Zh., Kim Ye., Ismailova R., Sagindykov B. Methods of navigating algorithmic complexity: big-oh and small-oh notations. // Scientific Journal of Astana IT University, 2023. – Vol. 15. – PP. 160-181. – DOI: 10.37943/15DNLB5877. (КОКСОН).
  • Ким Е.Р., Шукаев Д.Н., Исмаилова Р.Т., Бимурат Ж. Имитационная система анализа эффективных маршрутов на основе комплекса математических моделей организации перевозок. // Вестник АУЭС, 2023. – № 2. – С. 115-126. (КОКСОН)
  • Bimurat, D. U. Abdibekov,D. N. Shukayev, M. Shukayev, Ye.R. Kim. Sensitivity of optimal portfolio problems to time-varying parameters: simulation analysis. // Journal of Asset Management, 2019. – Vol. 20. – Issue 5. – PP. 395-402. – DOI: 10.1057/s41260-019-00132-6. (Web of Science, Scopus).
  • Kim, D. Shukayev, Zh. Bimurat. Simulation analysis of the investment activity effectiveness of the development bank. // Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference July 19-20, 2017 Calgary, Canada Modelling, Simulation and Identification (MSI 2017). – PP. 53-57. (Scopus).
  • Ким Е.Р., Нурпеисова Т.Б., Шакенова Ж.Н. Определение оптимального маршрута для ликвидации аварии на очистных сооружениях водоснабжения г. Алматы. // Вестник КазАТК, 2018. – № 3. – С. 126-133. ИФ РИНЦ 0,004. (КОКСОН).
  • Альхимович И.Н., Арутюнян С.М., Исмаилова Р.Т., Ким Е.Р. и др. Устойчивое развитие в условиях цифровой трансформации и предпринимательство. / Коллективная монография. Раздел 2.4. Опыт преподавания дисциплин по программированию с помощью различных инструментов в университете Туран. С. 83-97. – СПб.: Изд-во СПбГЭУ, 2020. – 213 с.
  • Ким Е.Р., Балашов Ю.О. Визуальная модель алгоритма нахождения максимального элемента в массиве. // Сборник III МНПОК «Инновационно-предпринимательское образование в контексте повышения качества жизни», 2020.
  • Ким Е.Р. Функциональная структура системы анализа и прогноза эффективных вариантов проектирования вычислительных систем. // Вестник КазАТК, 2020. – № 2. – С. 319-326.
  • Aitzhanov A., Kim Ye.R. Calculation of the rating of player indicators team game “CS:GO». // XVI міжнародної науково-практичної конференції «Інформаційні технології і автоматизація – 2023». – Ukraina: Odessa, 2023. – 393-396.
  • Ким Е.Р., Багданов Р.Б. Создание мобильного приложения для обучения студентов алгоритмизации и основам программирования. // Сборник научных статей по итогам работы седьмого международного круглого стола. – Казань, Россия, 2018. – С. 199-204.

Security documents

  • Kim Ye.R., Ismailova R.T. Forecasting the volume of traffic and cargo turnover by road based on the moving average method. Certificate of entry of information in the state register of rights to objects protected by copyright No. 33560 dated March 14, 2023
  • Kim Ye.R., Kusainov M. Software for the educational opportunities service. Certificate of entry of information in the state register of rights to objects protected by copyright No. 33664 dated 03/17/2023.
  • Aitzhanov A.S., Kim Ye.R. Development of a mobile application for tracking CS:GO statistics. Certificate of entry of information in the state register of rights to objects protected by copyright No. 35406 dated 05/04/2023

Study guides/textbooks

  • Python programming in Visual Studio 2017 / Educational and methodical manual. Recommended by the UMS KazATK named after M.Tynyshpaeva. – Almaty: KazATK, 2019. – 140 p.
  • Shukayev D.N., Tussupova B.B., Kim Ye.R. Computer modeling. Methods and Applications: Tutorial. – Almaty: AUPET, 2020. – 199 p. ISBN 978-601-7939-52-6. Recommended by the ROOMS.
  • Sydybaeva M.A., Moldakalykova B.J. Algorithmder, dereckter kurylymy zhane Python tilinde bagdarlamalau. / Oku kuraly. – Almaty: Turan University, 2022.

Professional development

  • IT-Aiel program, 08/01/2023-10/23/2023, AstanaHub
  • KPC “Startup Academy”, September 2023, AstanaHub
  • CPC “Designing artificial intelligence systems” (72 hours), December 2023, National Open University “INTUIT”, Moscow
  • CPC “Development of a training course on the Canvas platform” (36 hours), September 2022, Turan University, Almaty
  • The course “Methods of teaching students entrepreneurship (72 hours)”, January 2021, Turan University, Almaty
  • Course “Secrets of effective online learning”, Alina Slipushkina, January 2021, Moscow
  • CPC “Digital distance learning technologies in higher education” (36 hours), January 2020, KazNRTU named after K.I. Satpayev
  • PDA “Modern software development technologies” (72 hours), 2020, KazRENA, Almaty
  • PDA “Introduction to Python Programming” (72 hours), September 2019, National Open University “INTUIT”, Moscow
  • Seminar “Digital Technologies in Education” (72 hours), January 2019, Turan University, CenterSoft Academy, Almaty


Scientific direction: development of simulation models and methods of socio-economic systems, methods of teaching programming disciplines


E-mail: e.kim@turan-edu.kz

Kuanova Saule Baitureevna

Associate professor at the Department of Information Technologies

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

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  •  1979-1984. Astrakhan Pedagogical Institute named after S.M.Kirov
  • Specialty: Mathematics and Physics, teacher of mathematics and physics
  • 1997-2000. Full-time postgraduate study at Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University, specialty: 13.00.02 – Theory and methodology of education and upbringing
  • 2001 Almaty State University named after Abai
  • Defense of a PhD thesis on the topic: “Development of logical thinking of primary school students based on teaching the qualitative aspect of mathematics”, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences


Academic and practical experience

40 years of scientific and pedagogical experience, namely:

  • 1984-1996 – mathematics teacher at school No. 112, Kyzylorda
  • 1996-2001 – Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University:
    Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics
    Senior lecturer of the Department of Mathematics and Methods of Teaching Mathematics
  • 2001 -2016 – Bolashak University, Kyzylorda:
    Dean of the Faculty of Education;
    Vice-rector for Scientific and Educational Work;
    Head of the Department of Mathematics, Computer Science and Information Technology; Head of the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Defectology
  • From 2016 to the present – Associate Professor of the Department of Information Technology at Turan University, Almaty

Subjects taught

  • Mathematical analysis
  • Mathematics in Economics
  • Discrete mathematics
  • Higher Mathematics
  • Mathematics


Main scientific publications

more than 50 scientific papers have been published, 3 publications in scientific journals with a high citation rating and abstracts in the Republic of Kazakhstan and neighboring countries in the field of improving and improving the quality of education, a textbook, a monograph, methodological recommendations.


Research work on the topic

  •  “Problems of quality management of students’ education in mathematics, computer science and technical disciplines based on modern educational technologies” (registration number 0113RK00621)



  • Monitoring the technical condition of unique buildings //Материалы международной научной конференции «Modern scientific challenges  and trends»// issue 10 (32) / Collection of Scientific Works/ Warsaw, Poland: Wydawnictwo Naukowe “iScience”. 2020.-C.87-89. ISBN 978-83-949403-3-1
  • Применение информационно-коммуникационных технологии для метода проектов при обучении математике в вузе//Материалы Ш Международной научно-практической онлайн-конференции «Инновационно-предпринимательское образование в контексте  повышения качества жизни»,  университет Туран, Алматы, 2020, С.-524-528
  • Педагогические условия формирования  культуры  учебно-исследовательской деятельности студентов вуза // Международный журнал прикладных и фундаментальных исследований.- Научный журнал РАЕ, №2, 2017г.
  • Инновации в области методики обучения и воспитания // Научный журнал «Молодой ученый» №2 (82), 2016
  • Пути развития  логического мышления учащихся на основе обучения их качественному аспекту математики // Успехи современного естествознания.- Научный журнал РАЕ, № 12,2015.


Professional development

  • Coursera,11/22/2023. Discrete Mathematics, University of Michigan
  • Coursera, 10/17/2023 Algorithms, Data Collection, and Starting to Code, University of Colorado
  • Coursera, 10/22/2023 Python Functions, Files, and Dictionaries, University of Michigan
  • Coursera,10/28/2023 Python Basics, University of Michigan
  • Intensive development of mobile applications. Moscow 08.10.2023, Zerocoding University
  • Management in Education, Astrakhan State University, Certificate No. 302401798759, Registration number No. 1643
  • Information Technologies in Science and Education, Astrakhan State University, Certificate No. 302400399919, Registration number No. 535


E-mail:   s.kuanova@turan-edu.kz

Mamyrova Aisha Kuanyshevna

Associate professor at the Department of Information Technologies

Candidate of Technical Sciences

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  • Dzhambul Institute of Technology, Engineering Technologist,
  • Turan University, OP “Information Systems”
  • Candidate of Technical Sciences, specialty 05.13.15-Computing machines and Systems, 2008


Academic and practical experience

The experience of scientific and pedagogical activity for 30 years, namely in recent years:

  • Gumarbek Daukeev AUES (2019-2021)
  • Turan University, Department of Information Technology (from 2021 to present. time)

Subjects taught

Bachelor course

  • Parallel computing
  • Basics of 1C: Company configuration
  • Design and development of client-server software architecture (Cisco)



  • Systems theory and system analysis


Main scientific publications


Security documents

  • Copyright certificate for the program -Certificate of Copyright: Computer program “Geographic Information System (GIS) for monitoring the megalopolis air basin”, September 26, 2017, No. US-01-001325, INTERNATIONAL ONLINE COPYRIGHT OFFICE – International Depository of Copyrighted works. Bisarinova A.T. , Mirgaleev A.B.


Study guides/textbooks

  • Аманжолов У.С., Мамырова А.К., Бисаринова А.Т. «Основы и надежность информационных систем», Учебное пособие, Алматы, Университет «Туран»,  2023г., 207стр., 13 п.л.
  • Аманжолов У.С., Мамырова А.К., Бисаринова А.Т. «Ақпараттық жүйелердің негіздері мен сенімділігі», Оқу құрал, Алматы «Тұран» университеті, 2023ж., 208б.,13 п.л.


Advanced training

  • “Digital technologies in education” Training Resource Center “Centrosoft Academy”, 2019 (72 hours)
  • Theory of systems and system analysis, 2023 (72 hours)

Scientific field

  • Parallel computing, geoinformation technologies, computer networks, computer modeling



E-mail: a.mamyrova@turan-edu.kz

Moldakalykova Bayan Zhoyamergenovna

Senior Lecturer at the Department of Information Technologies

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Образование, ученая степень, ученое звание:

  • 1985-1990г. КазГУ имени С.М.Кирова
    факультет механики и прикладной математики
    Специальность: Мехник-математик-прикладник
  • 1990-1993г. Аспирантура  КазГУ имени С.М.Кирова


Стаж работы:

Стаж работы –36 / пед стаж-31/

  • 1990-2000г.- КазСХИ, ассистент кафедры ««Экономика и математические методы»
  • 2000-2008г КазГЮА, ст. Преподаватель кафедры «Информатики»
  • 2009-2010г КазНИТУ им. К.И. Сатпаева ИИиИТ, кафедра “Автоматизация технологических процессов и производств”
  • 2011-2016г университет им. Д.А.Кунаева, ст. преподаватель Экономика и ООД
  • 2016- по настоящее время университет Туран ст.преподаватель кафедры «Информационные технологий»


Курсы: «UML-ориентированный язык моделирования, структурный анализ и методы проектирования», «База данных в IP», «Математика», «Алгоритмы, структура данных и программирование», «Объектно-ориентированное программирование», «Компьютерная графика и мультимедийные технологии»



Bimoldina Zharkyn

Senior Lecturer at the Department of Information Technologies

Master of Technical Sciences

Read the summary »


  • 2006-2009 KazNAU, specialty: “Information systems”
    Qualification: Bachelor of Engineering and Technology.
  • 2009-2011 KazEU named after T. Ryskulov, specialty: “6M070300- Information systems”
    Qualification: Master of Technical Sciences


Academic and practical experience

12 years of experience in scientific and pedagogical activities, namely:

  • 2011-2018 Narkhoz – teacher of the Department of Technology and Ecology
  • 2018 to the present time, senior lecturer at the Department of Information Technologies, Turan University


Disciplines taught

  • Computer systems architecture;
  • Pl/SQL Basics
  • IT Business
  • ICT


Main scientific publications

  • Бектемесов А.Т., Мендыбаев А.Е. , Бимолдина Ж.А., Верификация программ с применением Model Checking. //«Ұлағат» КазНПУ им. Абая, Алматы 2019
  • Молдакалыкова Б.Ж., Бимолдина Ж.А., «ОLАР технологиясын колданып деректер қорын өңдеу» //«Вестник» Евразийской юридической академии имени Д.А. Кунаева. 2019 С26-33
  • Бимолдина Ж.А., Молдакалыкова Б.Ж., Халиков Р., Тhе protection оf регsопа1 information in computer networks.// Университет «Туран» международный форум «Вклад университетов в развитие инновац 2019ж.  С105-110
  • Молдакалыкова Б.Ж., Бимолдина Ж.А., Пак Я. «Развитие систем “Умных зданий” как решение глобальных проблем».// Вестник университета С.Демиреля 2019.С106-113
  • Бимолдина Ж.А., Исмаилова Р.Т., Влияние уровней имитационного моделирования в образовании. Материалы Ш МНПК «Инновационно-предпринимательское образование в контексте повышения качества жизни» Университет Туран, Алматы, 2020г.С.510-С514.
  • Бимолдина Ж.А., Кусаинов М., Улучшение нашей жизни с помощью технологии виртуальной реальности. Международная студенческая научно-практическая онлайн-конференция «Молодежь, наука и инновации – 2020». с 180-183
  • Бимолдина Ж.А., Какимбеков Е. Мобильді қосымшалардың білім беру саласындағы рөлі. Turan Science Forum “Интеграция образования, науки и бизнеса: инновации и векторы развития”. Алматы, 2022г.



  • 01/08-01/18/2019 Advanced training course “Professional development of higher education teachers” Certificate No. 012186 -72 hours
  • 01/06-01/31/2020 Advanced training course “Information and communication technologies” Certificate No. 3029 -72 hours
  • 01/06-01/31/2020 Advanced training course “Modern software development technologies” Certificate -72 hours
  • 01/20-01/24/2021 Advanced training course “Education, mental health and emotional intelligence” Certificate No. 198 – 36 hours
  • 11.01-21.01.2022 Advanced training course “Debates as a teaching method” Certificate No. 274 – 36 hours
  • 01/20-01/24/2021 Advanced training course “Databases and DBMS” Certificate No. PK/SE/362313 – 72 hours



E-mail: zh.bimoldina@turan-edu.kz

Online admissions