
Visit of the delegation from Kalish University (Poland) under the Erasmus+ program
Visit of the delegation from Kalish University (Poland) under the Erasmus+ program
University professor from Turan University participated in the Erasmus+ KA171 academic mobility program
University professor from Turan University participated in the Erasmus+ KA171 academic mobility program
Foreign scientific internship of PhD students in Hungary
Foreign scientific internship of PhD students in Hungary
The Department of Psychology with colleagues from Russia conducts a series of scientific and practical seminars
The Department of Psychology with colleagues from Russia conducts a series of scientific and practical seminars
Congratulations to Durru Oguz on awarding the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)!
Congratulations to Durru Oguz on awarding the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)!
Defense of the doctoral dissertation of Kozhabaev Khairulla Baidildaevich at Turan University
Defense of the doctoral dissertation of Kozhabaev Khairulla Baidildaevich at Turan University
Defense of doctoral dissertation by Mutaliyeva Aigul at Turan University
Defense of doctoral dissertation by Mutaliyeva Aigul at Turan University
International scientific and practical conference for students, graduate students, doctoral candidates, and young scholars “Innotech Connect: connecting ideas and technologies”
International scientific and practical conference for students, graduate students, doctoral candidates, and young scholars “Innotech Connect: connecting ideas and technologies”
Foreign scientific internship of PhD students in Turkey
Foreign scientific internship of PhD students in Turkey
Congratulations to Kulik Xeniya Viktorovna on awarding doctor of philosophy (PhD)!
Congratulations to Kulik Xeniya Viktorovna on awarding doctor of philosophy (PhD)!
Congratulations to Sutbayeva Raikhan on awarding the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)!
Congratulations to Sutbayeva Raikhan on awarding the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)!
Foreıgn vısıtıng professor Edvardas Juchnevicius (Unıversıty of Gdańsk, Poland) conducted classes ın the doctoral study
Foreıgn vısıtıng professor Edvardas Juchnevicius (Unıversıty of Gdańsk, Poland) conducted classes ın the doctoral study
PhD degree in Psychology
PhD degree in Psychology
PhD degree in Psychology
PhD degree in Psychology
PhD Degree Award in 6D050300 – Psychology EP
PhD Degree Award in 6D050300 – Psychology EP
On the award in the specialty PhD 6D050300 – Psychology
On the award in the specialty PhD 6D050300 – Psychology
Congratulations to Kusmambetov Kuanysh Daniyarovich on being awarded the degree of doctor (PhD) of philosophy!
Congratulations to Kusmambetov Kuanysh Daniyarovich on being awarded the degree of doctor (PhD) of philosophy!
Qaztest exam was held at Turan University
Qaztest exam was held at Turan University
Partıcıpatıon of Nıyetalına Gaukhar, dırector of of doctoral studıes department, ın the Internatıonal EMI Congress (Entrepreneurshıp & Socıal Scıences Congress)
Partıcıpatıon of Nıyetalına Gaukhar, dırector of of doctoral studıes department, ın the Internatıonal EMI Congress (Entrepreneurshıp & Socıal Scıences Congress)
Congratulations to Akimbekova Meruert Aminovna on being awarded the degree of doctor (PhD) of philosophy!
Congratulations to Akimbekova Meruert Aminovna on being awarded the degree of doctor (PhD) of philosophy!
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