
Doctoral students of Turan University have passed foreign internship at the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov (Moscow, Russia)
Doctoral students of Turan University have passed foreign internship at the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov (Moscow, Russia)
Turan University holds grandoise conference on Central Eurasian Studies
Turan University holds grandoise conference on Central Eurasian Studies
The vice-rector for external relations and doctoral studies at Turan University completed a research internship in the USA
The vice-rector for external relations and doctoral studies at Turan University completed a research internship in the USA
Meeting of Turan University graduates
Meeting of Turan University graduates
Career quest “Flavor Go”
Career quest “Flavor Go”
Results of the II round of the Republican competition of research works of undergraduates  on the educational program «Management»
Results of the II round of the Republican competition of research works of undergraduates on the educational program «Management»
Results of the II round of the Republican competition of research works of students  in the educational program «Management»
Results of the II round of the Republican competition of research works of students in the educational program «Management»
Results of the competition “Best Scientific Research – 2024” at the Department of Psychology
Results of the competition “Best Scientific Research – 2024” at the Department of Psychology
Psychology Department with colleagues from EMDR Kazakhstan held an open lecture
Psychology Department with colleagues from EMDR Kazakhstan held an open lecture
Strategic session on developing the Concept for the Development of Legal Education
Strategic session on developing the Concept for the Development of Legal Education
Foreign internship of PhD doctoral student at M.V. Lomonosov MSU
Foreign internship of PhD doctoral student at M.V. Lomonosov MSU
Scientific internship of PhD student at the peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (Moscow, Russia)
Scientific internship of PhD student at the peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (Moscow, Russia)
PhD students’ internship at the University of Leipzig in Germany
PhD students’ internship at the University of Leipzig in Germany
International scientific and practical conference “Independent and fair court is a condition for approval of New Kazakhstan”
International scientific and practical conference “Independent and fair court is a condition for approval of New Kazakhstan”
Students of the educational program “Information systems” at the XVI Republican Student Subject Olympiad
Students of the educational program “Information systems” at the XVI Republican Student Subject Olympiad
Students of the educational program “Intelligent robotics” at the XVI Republican Student Subject Olympiad
Students of the educational program “Intelligent robotics” at the XVI Republican Student Subject Olympiad
Third place of the Turan University Team at the olympiad on the educational program «Restaurant business and hotel business»
Third place of the Turan University Team at the olympiad on the educational program «Restaurant business and hotel business»
Certified course from the UN Peacekeeping Operations Center in Kazakhstan for students of the Department of Regional Studies and International Relations
Certified course from the UN Peacekeeping Operations Center in Kazakhstan for students of the Department of Regional Studies and International Relations
The Department of Regional Studies and International Relations of the University of Turan, together with the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland, held an international conference
The Department of Regional Studies and International Relations of the University of Turan, together with the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland, held an international conference
Meeting with a representative of business structures on the topic: “Development of e-commerce in Kazakhstan”
Meeting with a representative of business structures on the topic: “Development of e-commerce in Kazakhstan”
Online admissions