
Dedication of students 2024
Dedication of students 2024
Open Day for the students of the college of the “Turan” University on the specialty “Tourism”: “Dreams, career, success and how to achieve it”
Open Day for the students of the college of the “Turan” University on the specialty “Tourism”: “Dreams, career, success and how to achieve it”
On october 31, 2024, the III International student scientific and practical conference “Topical issues of the development of modern public law” was held
On october 31, 2024, the III International student scientific and practical conference “Topical issues of the development of modern public law” was held
Career workshop of the recruiting company “Bolashak group” at the Turan University
Career workshop of the recruiting company “Bolashak group” at the Turan University
Teaching practicum for graduate students in the Higher school of Psychology
Teaching practicum for graduate students in the Higher school of Psychology
A Professor from the Higher school of Psychology Presents at an International Conference
A Professor from the Higher school of Psychology Presents at an International Conference
«Тұран» университетінің  құқық жоғары мектебінің «Саналы Ұрпақ» ұйымының белсенділері БҰҰ-ның № 16 ОДМ сәйкес келетін тұрақты даму аясында «Бала құқықтарын қорғаудың өзекті бағыттары мен практикасы» тақырыбында дөңгелек үстел өткізді
«Тұран» университетінің құқық жоғары мектебінің «Саналы Ұрпақ» ұйымының белсенділері БҰҰ-ның № 16 ОДМ сәйкес келетін тұрақты даму аясында «Бала құқықтарын қорғаудың өзекті бағыттары мен практикасы» тақырыбында дөңгелек үстел өткізді
Practice in the classes of the educational program «Tourism»
Practice in the classes of the educational program «Tourism»
«The best teacher of a higher educational institution»-2024
«The best teacher of a higher educational institution»-2024
Field trip of the students of the Higher School of Tourism and Hospitality to the UNESCO World Heritage site “Tanbaly”, timed to the celebration of the Republic Day
Field trip of the students of the Higher School of Tourism and Hospitality to the UNESCO World Heritage site “Tanbaly”, timed to the celebration of the Republic Day
Second place at the XI Youth Forum of Transport Workers
Second place at the XI Youth Forum of Transport Workers
Marketing tools in entrepreneurship
Marketing tools in entrepreneurship
Marketers of Almaty Discussed the Relevance of Archetypes in Branding
Marketers of Almaty Discussed the Relevance of Archetypes in Branding
Congratulations to the winners of the competitions “Activist of the year – 2024”, “Breakthrough of the year – 2024”, “Best student – 2024”, “Best group – 2024”, “Best adviser-curator – 2024”
Congratulations to the winners of the competitions “Activist of the year – 2024”, “Breakthrough of the year – 2024”, “Best student – 2024”, “Best group – 2024”, “Best adviser-curator – 2024”
A member of the Board of Trustees of Turan University took part in the ALMATY MARATHON 2024
A member of the Board of Trustees of Turan University took part in the ALMATY MARATHON 2024
Turan University has successfully passed the Quality management system inspection (ISO 9001:2015)
Turan University has successfully passed the Quality management system inspection (ISO 9001:2015)
November 15, 2024 exhibition-competition “People and Mountains” for a prize
November 15, 2024 exhibition-competition “People and Mountains” for a prize
International conference «Connected-2024: Reimagining the future»
International conference «Connected-2024: Reimagining the future»
The international scientific and practical conference “Silk Road: Cooperation through the prism of tourism” was held in Tashkent
The international scientific and practical conference “Silk Road: Cooperation through the prism of tourism” was held in Tashkent
Teachers of the Higher School of Law of the University “Turan” Koshkinbayeva A.S., Toktybekov T.A. and Atalykova G.S. held a meeting with employees of the UP Medeu district within the framework of career guidance work
Teachers of the Higher School of Law of the University “Turan” Koshkinbayeva A.S., Toktybekov T.A. and Atalykova G.S. held a meeting with employees of the UP Medeu district within the framework of career guidance work
Online admissions