All news

Students of the educational program “Psychology” at the XV Republican Student Subject Olympiad in Psychology!
Students of the educational program “Psychology” at the XV Republican Student Subject Olympiad in Psychology!
“Center for Regional Studies” at the Department of “Regional Studies and International Relations” held an international Round table “Phenomenon of the Kyrgyz epic poem “Manas” in world culture”
“Center for Regional Studies” at the Department of “Regional Studies and International Relations” held an international Round table “Phenomenon of the Kyrgyz epic poem “Manas” in world culture”
The winners of the Sirius Cup VI School League tournament have been determined
The winners of the Sirius Cup VI School League tournament have been determined
The sixth SIRIUS CUP VI debate tournament has ended
The sixth SIRIUS CUP VI debate tournament has ended
Student Live Music Festival
Student Live Music Festival
The annual Republican Sirius Cup tournament has come to an end
The annual Republican Sirius Cup tournament has come to an end
The First Republican Olympiad on Financial Security
The First Republican Olympiad on Financial Security
III place of the students in the 4th International Distance Olympiad on the educational program “Restaurant and Hotel business” (Direction: “Identity”)
III place of the students in the 4th International Distance Olympiad on the educational program “Restaurant and Hotel business” (Direction: “Identity”)
Competition «TURAN Next Generation (science project)» 2023
Competition «TURAN Next Generation (science project)» 2023
International conference “Turan Model of United Nations 2023”
International conference “Turan Model of United Nations 2023”
A Series Of Lectures On Financial Literacy With The Support Of The Agency Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan For Regulation And Development Of The Financial Market
A Series Of Lectures On Financial Literacy With The Support Of The Agency Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan For Regulation And Development Of The Financial Market
4th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Logistics of the Great Steppe”
4th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Logistics of the Great Steppe”
Alexandra Steinpress took 1st place at the Republican intellectual and cognitive Olympiad
Alexandra Steinpress took 1st place at the Republican intellectual and cognitive Olympiad
Webinars «EDP Hub»
Webinars «EDP Hub»
Prizes for students of the ЕP «Restaurant business and hotel business» for reports at the conference «Farabi Alemi»
Prizes for students of the ЕP «Restaurant business and hotel business» for reports at the conference «Farabi Alemi»
The International Festival of Transformation Games “HEPHAESTOS visiting YOURGAME.KZ” 2023 together with the Department “Psychology”!
The International Festival of Transformation Games “HEPHAESTOS visiting YOURGAME.KZ” 2023 together with the Department “Psychology”!
XV Republican Subject Olympiad   by specialty «Cinematography»
XV Republican Subject Olympiad by specialty «Cinematography»
Signing of a memorandum of understanding with Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University (Kyrgyzstan)
Signing of a memorandum of understanding with Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University (Kyrgyzstan)
Second place in the Olympiad on RD&H for the team of «Turan» University
Second place in the Olympiad on RD&H for the team of «Turan» University
Signing of a memorandum of understanding with Southern Federal University (Russia)
Signing of a memorandum of understanding with Southern Federal University (Russia)
Online admissions