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Professor of Turan University Ablet Kamalov delivered a lecture to students of Central Eurasian Studies Summer Institute, Wisconsin University (Madison, USA)
Professor of Turan University Ablet Kamalov delivered a lecture to students of Central Eurasian Studies Summer Institute, Wisconsin University (Madison, USA)
Meeting of the rector with the winners of the 12-year Universiade
Meeting of the rector with the winners of the 12-year Universiade
Annual team building in the “Tau Turan”
Annual team building in the “Tau Turan”
ATTENTION! Announcement for graduates of 2023
ATTENTION! Announcement for graduates of 2023
Foreign scientific internship of PhD students at N.I.Lobachevsky National Research University (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)
Foreign scientific internship of PhD students at N.I.Lobachevsky National Research University (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)
Rector’s public report
Rector’s public report
Participation of the President of the Society for Central Eurasian Studies prof. Ablet Kamalov in the CAMCA (Сentral Asia-Mongolia-Caucasus-Afghanistan) Regional Forum
Participation of the President of the Society for Central Eurasian Studies prof. Ablet Kamalov in the CAMCA (Сentral Asia-Mongolia-Caucasus-Afghanistan) Regional Forum
Signing of a memorandum of cooperation between Turan University and the leading online educational platform Coursera
Signing of a memorandum of cooperation between Turan University and the leading online educational platform Coursera
Congratulations to the winner of the silver medal in Greco-Roman wrestling!
Congratulations to the winner of the silver medal in Greco-Roman wrestling!
Turan University adds another medal of the Universiade of the Republic of Kazakhstan to its collection!
Turan University adds another medal of the Universiade of the Republic of Kazakhstan to its collection!
Results of the academic mobility selection process in the 2023-2024 academic year
Results of the academic mobility selection process in the 2023-2024 academic year
International conference “Current Trends in Education Development: Best Russian and International Practices”has been held
International conference “Current Trends in Education Development: Best Russian and International Practices”has been held
Memorandum of Understanding signed with Bilecik Şeyh Edebali University, Turkey
Memorandum of Understanding signed with Bilecik Şeyh Edebali University, Turkey
Congratulations to Ten Vitaly Vladimirovich on awarding the degree of doctor (PhD) of philosophy!
Congratulations to Ten Vitaly Vladimirovich on awarding the degree of doctor (PhD) of philosophy!
Congratulations to 2nd year student Darya Gridasova!
Congratulations to 2nd year student Darya Gridasova!
Center for Regional Studies held International Round Table on enlightenment activity of jadids in Uzbekistan
Center for Regional Studies held International Round Table on enlightenment activity of jadids in Uzbekistan
Participation of the Vice-President of the Association of Medical Tourism in Almaty, Professor, Doctor of Economics Kalenova S.A. in the international forum
Participation of the Vice-President of the Association of Medical Tourism in Almaty, Professor, Doctor of Economics Kalenova S.A. in the international forum
Winners of the «Turan Innovations»
Winners of the «Turan Innovations»
International Programming Olympiad Proggy-Buggy Towel Contest
International Programming Olympiad Proggy-Buggy Towel Contest
Results of the II stage XV of the Republican Student Subject Olympiad on the educational program “World economy”
Results of the II stage XV of the Republican Student Subject Olympiad on the educational program “World economy”
Online admissions