Dissertation council in Jurisprudence

The Dissertation Council for the educational program 8D04201 (6D030100) “Jurisprudence” actively conducts work on the defense of doctoral dissertations by graduates of Turan University and other universities in Kazakhstan.


For inquiries regarding the Dissertation Council for the “Jurisprudence” educational program, please contact:


Scientific Secretary of the Dissertation Council: Nonna Aldabergenovna Aldabergenova


E-mail: u_dissovet@turan-edu.kz


Tel.: +7 727 260-40-29 (ext. 1083)


Mobile: +7 701 745 54 15

Talgat Akimzhanov
Doctor of Juridical Science, Professor, Turan University
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  • Higher, Karaganda higher school of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the USSR (1977-1981);
  • Doctor of law (decision of Committee on supervision and certification in education sphere and science MES RK dated December 25, 2007, No. 7), 12.00.08 – Criminal law and criminology; criminal-executive law);
  • Professor of law (decision of Committee on supervision and certification in education sphere and science MES RK dated 30 may 2008 №5)

Academic and practical experience

  • In 1981-1982, y.y., inspector of group of the ESD investigation of Ulba police Department
  • In 1981 – 1991 he worked at the Karaganda higher school of MIA USSR in positions of lecturer, senior lecturer
  • In 1981-1985 – associate head postgraduate studies at the research Institute of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the USSR,
  • In 1987 he defended thesis
  • In 1991-1997 worked as a senior inspector, head of scientific-methodical center of UCUZ of the Ministry of internal Affairs, the Deputy chief of Management of educational Institutions, head of Department of educational institutions of Ministry of internal Affairs
  • 1997-2001 worked as Deputy head of the Department of personnel and educational work of the MIA of RK, he is the head of Department of educational institutions of the Department of personnel and educational work of the Ministry of internal Affairs, Deputy head of the Almaty legal College of Ministry of internal Affairs of RK IPO education
  • In 2008-2009 he worked as a Professor of criminal law and criminology of the Karaganda law Institute of the MIA of RK, Professor of the Department of criminal law and criminology of the Academy of the Ministry of internal Affairs
  • In 2009-2010. – the Deputy chief of Academy on educational work, chief of the Institute of law Academy of Committee of the penal correction system of the Ministry of justice of RK
  • In 2010-2012 worked at the Central Asian University as Dean of the law faculty, Vice-Rector on scientific work
  • In 2012-2014, he worked in the Almaty humanitarian technical University in the position of Vice-Rector for scientific work and international cooperation
  • 2014-2015 – Vice-Rector for academic work of the Humanitarian University of transport and law named after D.A. Kunaev
  • 2015 works at Turan University as a Professor of the Department of Jurisprudence and international law, since 2017 as Director of the research Institute of law.

Scientific internships, advanced training

  1. Internship at the University of Tsukuba (Tokyo, Japan) (2018)
  2. Internship at the International center of education and scientific information (Dusseldorf, Germany) (2018)
  3. Internship at the International center of education and scientific information (Dusseldorf, Germany) (2019-2020)
  4. Advanced training courses in Almaty (2019)

Main publications

A published author of 300 scientific works, including 22 textbooks, 6 monographs; 18 scientific articles indexed in the database “Scopus”, more than 80 articles published in journals recommended Committee of control in the sphere of education and science of the MES RK, proceedings of conference of the countries of near and far abroad


Textbooks and monographs

  1. Акимжанов Т.К. Взаимодействие инспекций по делам несовершеннолетних и оперативных комсомольских отрядов дружинников в профилактике правонарушений: Учебное пособие Караганда: КВШ МВД СССР, 1989.-97 с.
  2. Акимжанов Т.К., Джакубакынов Б.Б. Обеспечение профессиональной направленности подготовки специалистов для ОВД: Учебно-методическое пособие Караганда: ВШ ГСК РК, 1996.-46 с.
  3. Акимжанов Т.К., Шиктыбаев Т.Т.,Шубин Н.М., Бабишев Г.С., Жагипаров К.Ч., Зернов И.П.Правовые и организационные основы применения огнестрельного оружия сотрудниками ОВД и методика их обучения правилам стрельбы: Учебное пособие Алматы, 1997.-63 с.
  4. Акимжанов Т.К., Шиктыбаев Т.Т.,Шубин Н.М., Бабишев Г.С., Жагипаров К.Ч., Зернов И.П  Ішкі істер орган-дары қызметкерле-рінің атыс қаруларын қолдануға құқықтық және ұйымдастырушылық негіздері мен оларды атыс ереже-леріне үйрету әдістемесі: Оқу құралы Ақмола: Қазақстан Республикасы Ішкі істер министрлігі, 1998.-63 с.
  5. Акимжанов Т.К., Мауленов Г.С. Преступность несовершеннолетних. Раздел научного издания Криминологическая характеристика и профилактика современных проявлений преступности в Республике Казахстан Алматы: Данекер, 2001, с.222-259..
  6. Акимжанов Т.К. Криминологические и уголовно-правовые проблемы борьбы с организованной преступностью: Монография. Алматы. – Академия экономики и права: 2005.- 320 с.
  7. Акимжанов Т.К. Организованная преступность как самостоятельный вид преступности: Учебное пособие. Алматы: Академия экономики и права, 2007.- 200 с.
  8. Акимжанов Т.К., Тауова Г.С. Пенитенциарная преступность (Криминологические и уголовно-правовые аспекты). Монография Монография. Алматы: ИЦ ОФППИ «Интерлигал», 2015, 184 с.
  9. Акимжанов Т.К., Бегимбаев С.А. Организованная преступность на региональном уровне (Криминологические и уголовно-правовые аспекты): Учебное пособие. Учебное пособие. Алматы: ИЦ ОФППИ «Интерлигал», 2015, 188 с
  10. Акимжанов Т.К., Торгаутова Б.А., Цой А.Н. Экономическая безопасность в Казахстане (Криминологические и уголовно-правовые аспекты) 2-е издание, дополненное и переработанное: Монография.- Алматы: НИИ права, Университете «Туран», ИЦ ОФППИ «Интерлигал», 2017.- 196 с.
  11. Акимжанов Т.К. Основы противодействия организованной преступности на современном этапе (Криминологические и уголовно-правовые аспекты) Алматы, Университет «Туран», 2018 .-304 с.
  12. Акимжанов Т.К., Торгаутова Б.А., Рысалдиева А.Е.  Альбом схем по уголовному праву Республики Казахстан. Общая часть: Учебное пособие. Аматы: Университет «Туран», НИИ права, 2018 ,- 173с.
  13. Акимжанов Т.К., Торгаутова Б.А., Рысалдиева А.Е. Қазақстан Республикасының қылмыстық құқығы бойынша схемалар альбомы. Жалпы бөлім: оқу құралы Қазақстан Республикасының қылмыстық құқығы бойынша схемалар альбомы. Жалпы бөлім: оқу құралы


  1. Medal for the 10th anniversary of the Constitution of Kazakhstan (2005)
  2. Medal “Kazakhstan police 25 years” (2017)
  3. Winner of the state grant “Best University teacher” (2017)
  4. Best scientist of Turan (2019)



Phone: +7 (727) 260 40 08

E-mail: akimzhanovtk@mail.ru

Gulnaz Alayeva
Deputy Chairman
Candidate of Legal Sciences, Professor at the Higher School of Law, Turan University
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  • Higher, Higher School of Law “Adilet” (1998-2000);
  • Candidate of Legal Sciences (decision of the Higher Attestation Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 23, 2004, protocol No. 1), 12.00.09 – criminal procedure, forensic science, forensic examination, ARD;
  • Associate Professor of the University of Turan, specializing in Jurisprudence (decision of the Academic Council of the University of Turan of January 26, 2006, protocol No. 5).



Academic and practical experience

  • In 1994-1997, a judicial expert at the KazNIISE of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • In 1997-2001, the head of theby the sector of the Department of Forensic Commodity Expertise of the Center for Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • In 2001-2002 –Head.the sector of forensic examination of assets
  • 2002 – 2005 – Deputy Head of the Forensic Asset Examination Service of the Central NPLSE
  • In 2003, she defended her PhD thesis in the Doctoral Council of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • In 2005 – 2010, Head of the Department of Criminal Law and Special Disciplines at Turan University,
  • In 2010-1015 – Head of the Educational and Methodological Council of Turan University
  • 2015-2018 – Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Law at Turan University
  • In 2018-2022 – Associate Professor of the Department of Jurisprudence and International Law at Turan University
  • Professor of the Department of Jurisprudence and International Law in 2022-2024
  • Professor at the Turan University Graduate School of Law in 2024-2025



Scientific internships, advanced training

  • Continuing education courses in Almaty (2005-2024)


Scientific and pedagogical experience – 20 years



Main publications


He is the author of 160 published scientific papers, including 11 textbooks, 8 scientific articles indexed in the Scopus database, and more than 40 articles published in publications recommended by the KKSON of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, RSCI, and conference materials from near and far abroad.



Teaching posts and monographs

  • Alaeva G. T., Rehson S. N. Sudebnaya rhetoric school post Almaty, Turan University, 2024-288 P.
  • Alaeva G. T., Rehson S. N., Daubasova S. Sh.Criminalistics Учebnik, Almaty, University “Turan”, 2021-89 P.
  • Alaeva G. T., Rehson S. N., Daubasov S. Sh. Forensic expertology, academic post Almaty, Turan University, 2023 -280 P.
  • Alaeva G. T. licensed legal professionals of the educational institution, Almaty, Turan University, 2021-89 P.
  • Alaeva G. T. Migrationnoe law of Учebnik, Almaty, University “Turan”, 2023
  • Alaeva G. T., Aldabergenova N. A. licensing of legal professions, Учebnoe posobie, Almaty, University “Turan”, 2022
  • Alaeva G. T., Kalinin A. N., Kalinin A. A. The main cost estimates of the production of research.- Almaty: University “Turan”, 2020. -134 P.
  • The International Migration and regional identity of Central Asia under the general editorial board of CHL.Corr.. Ran, D. E. N. S. V. Ryazantseva (2020), migration: international and regional identity of Central Asia. “I don’t know,” he said. International Organization for Migration – mom) – Oon Migration Agency, Almaty. -231 s
  • Alaeva G. T., Rehson S. N. Sudebnaya expertology-Almaty: University “Turan”, 2019 -368 P.
  • Alaeva G. T., Rehson S. N.”Criminalistics” of the University “Turan”, Almaty, 2017
  • Alaeva G. T., Tatarinova L. F., Tatarinov D. V. International Private Law Almaty, “Kazakh university”, 2016.



Awards, rewards, contests

  • Medal for conscientious work in the field of Forensic expertise by the Republican Chamber of the Council of Europe 2024
  • Commendation of the Minister of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2017)
  • Certificate of Honor from the Minister of Education and Science (2022)
  • State license No. 0000075 dated November 23, 2005 in the areas of “forensic commodity expertise”, “forensic examination of business operations”, “forensic examination of intellectual property objects”





Phone: +7 727 260 40 20

E-mail: g.alayeva@turan-edu.kz

Nonna Aldabergenova
Academic Secretary
Candidate of Law, Associate Professor
Professor of the Higher School of Law, Turan University
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Higher Legal education, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor. In 2006, she defended her PhD thesis in the specialty 12.00.11 – judicial power, law enforcement agencies, organization of law enforcement activities, advocacy. Scientific supervisor – Doctor of Law, Professor Khalikov K.H. On November 30, 2006, by the decision of the Committee for Supervision and Certification in the field of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Protocol No. 13), the academic degree of Candidate of Law was awarded. In 2024, by Order of the Chairman of the Committee for Quality Assurance in the field of Science of Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 698, he was awarded the academic title of associate professor (associate professor) in the scientific field 50500-Law



Academic and practical experience


Over the years, she taught at leading universities in Almaty. The total work experience in the specialty is 23 years, scientific and pedagogical – 22 years. He has a state license to engage in notarial activities.



Subjects taught, practical courses


“Criminal Procedure law”, “Advocacy in the Republic of Kazakhstan”, “Notary and notary activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan”, “Court and Justice”, “Migration law”.



Main publications


He is the author of more than 90 scientific papers, including: a textbook, textbooks, articles in the Scopus database, 17 articles in journals recommended by the authorized body. In 2018, the textbook “Kazakhstan Republikasyndagy notary” was published, in 2021 the textbook “Kazakhstan Republikasyndagy advocate, kazmet zhane advocacy” was published. Co-author of the textbook “Criminal procedure of the Republic of Kazakhstan: general part (in diagrams)”; “Criminal procedure of the Republic of Kazakhstan: special part (in diagrams)”; “Kazakhstan Republikasyndagi Kylmystyk process: zhalpa bolim (schemada); “Kazakhstan Republikasyndagi Kylmystyk process: erekshe bolim (schemada)”; co-author of the educational and methodological manuals “Anti-corruption education (in three languages)”; co-author of the workshop “Non-profit organizations”; co-author of the textbook “Turgyny kukygy”

Aigul Bizhanova
Member of Dissertation Council
Doctor of Juridical Science, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University
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Scientific internships, professional development


  1. Internship at the International Center for Education and Scientific Information (Dusseldorf, Germany) (2019)
  2. International online internship “Bullying Prevention Strategies: Ways to create an atmosphere aimed at combating bullying at school” (2023)
  3. Advanced training courses in Almaty (2018-2023).

Scientific and pedagogical experience – 26 years.




  • Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Specialty “Jurisprudence”. Bachelor’s degree (1992-1996)
  • Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Master’s degree (1996-1998)
  • Doctor of Law (decision of the Committee for Supervision and Certification in the Field of education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 25, 2012), 12.00.08 – Criminal Law and Criminology; criminal law).

Academic and practical experience


  • In 1999-2001. Senior Lecturer of the Department “Law and International Relations” of the Almaty University of Technology and Business
  • In 2001-2003. Lecturer of the Department of “Criminal Law and Criminalistics” of the Kazakh Academic University
  • In 2003- 2011. Senior Lecturer of the Department of “Criminal Law Disciplines” of South Kazakhstan State University
  • In 2011-2014. Professor of the Department of “Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics” of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • In 2014-2015 . Professor of the Department “Criminal Law and Pre-Trial Proceedings” of the Academy of Financial Police
  • From 2016 to the present, Acting Associate Professor of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai

Main publications


Author of 160 scientific papers, including: 7 textbooks, 3 monographs, 3 scientific articles indexed in the SCOPUS database, in journals recommended by the Committee for Control in the Field of Education and Science of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, materials of international scientific and practical conferences.


Textbooks and monographs


  1. Bizhanova A.R. Criminal liability for the manufacture, storage, or sale of counterfeit money and securities. Study guide. Shymkent: Skif-Graph, 2009. -84 p. (Kazakh)
  2. Bizhanova A.R. Criminal liability for crimes directly related to securities. Study guide. – Almaty: Kazakh University, 2012-116 p. (Kazakh)
  3. Bizhanova A.R. General characteristics of crimes indirectly related to securities under the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Study guide. – Almaty: Kazakh University, 2012.-67 p. (Kazakh)
  4. Bizhanova A.R. Criminology. Educational and methodical manual. – Almaty: Kazakh University, 2015. – 96 [2] p.
  5. Bizhanova A.R., Zhunisova G.Criminology: general and special part: textbook. Second edition. Volume 1. -Almaty: Evero, 2021. -256 p. (Kazakh)
  6. Bizhanova A.R., Zhunisova G.Criminology: general and special part: textbook. Second edition. Volume 2. -Almaty: Evero, 2021. -232 p. (Kazakh)
  7. Bizhanova A.R., Zhunisova G.Criminology: general and special part: multimedia textbook.- Almaty: Epigraph, 2021// https://mbook.kz/ru/index / (Kazakh)
  8. Bizhanova A.R. Measures to prevent the manufacture, storage, or sale of counterfeit money and securities. Monograph.- Almaty: Kazakh University, 2012-163 p. (Kazakh)
  9. Bizhanova A.R. Preventive measures of crimes in the securities market. Monograph.- Almaty: Kazakh University, 2012-126 p. (Kazakh)
  10. Bizhanova A.R. Criminal law and criminological aspects of criminal offenses against the family and minors. Monograph.- Almaty: Salem, 2020. – 88b. (Kazakh)

Awards and achievements


Badge “Abai Kunanbaevich” for a special contribution to the development of Sarsen Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University

Online admissions