Director of the Higher School of Economics and Management
Doctor PhD
Director of the Higher School of Economics and Management
Doctor PhD
Bachelor’s Courses: Project Management, Introduction to Entrepreneurship, Innovation Management, Agglomeration Process Management
Master’s Courses: Corporate Governance, HR Management
Professional qualification “Assistant of a project manager” with entry into the Register of the certification center for specialists approved by the decision of the Board of the NCE RK “Atameken” dated December 28, 2016 in the Union of project managers of the Republic of Kazakhstan by order of No. 299 dated 08.12.2017 NCE RK “Atameken”
Phone: +7 727 260 40 26
Professor of the Higher School of Economics and Management
Candidate of Economic Sciences
Institute of Economics of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 1984-1996
Position – Researcher
Turan University, 1996-present
Bachelor’s Courses: Public Administration Theory, Government and Business, Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Master’s Courses: Management, Management of Innovative Entrepreneurship
Phone: +7 727 260 40 26
Director of the Institute of World Economy and International Relations
PhD in Economics
Conducts classes in bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral programs
In 2007, he was awarded the title of “Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. In 2006 and 2014, he won a grant and the title “Best University Teacher” of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Phone: +7 727 260 40 26
Professor of the Higher School of Economics and Management
Сandidate of economic sciences
Experience of scientific and pedagogical activity – 34 years
Bachelor degree: International Economics; World economy; International Business; Economy of the countries of the region of specialization
Master’s Courses: International Business (advanced)
Doctorate: Research Methodology
Publications for 2015-2020 (indexed):
Publications included in the CQAES of the MES RK list:
Publications in foreign publications, materials of scientific conferences, etc.:
Telephone: +7 727 264 00 26
Professor of the Higher School of Economics and Management
Doctor of Economics
Phone: +7 (727) 264 00 26
Professor of the Higher School of Economics and Management
Award for Young Scientists named after V. I. Abramovich. Academician Karatai Turysov for 2015 for achievements in the development of science and technology, active promotion of industrial and innovative development of the economy of Kazakhstan
Phone: +7 727 260 40 26
Professor of the Higher School of Economics and Management
Doctor of Economics
VAK Professor
Work experience -44, of which 43 years in the university system of Kazakhstan. She worked as the head of the departments “Marketing and Commerce” at the Zhambyl Higher School of Entrepreneurship, “Economics and Management” at KAZUE and MT at Kaz EU named after T. Ryskulov, “Economics and Business” at Kaz NPU named after Abai, “Marketing” at Kaz UMO and MYA named after Abylai Khan, for a total of about 20 years. Since September 1, 2019, he has been working as a professor of the Department of Management at Turan University
Bachelor’s degree: Development of management solutions, Introduction to Entrepreneurship, Quality Management, Innovation Management, Change management
Has certificates of advanced training of KazEU named after T.Ryskulov, KazNPU named after Abai, KazUMO and MYA named after Abylai Khan, University “Turan”, was a member of the Dis.Council at the University of International Business, Academic Secretary of the Dissertation Council at Kaz National University named after Abai, was a reviewer and opponent of candidate and doctoral dissertations, doctoral dissertations under the PhD program, constantly supervised diploma, master’s, candidate’s and doctoral dissertations, under her leadership defended candidate dissertations – 5 applicants. She has repeatedly been the chairman of the SAC for the defense of theses in many Universities of Kazakhstan, was a member of the commission for the certification of Universities of Kazakhstan, was a member of the commission for the award of annual nominal prizes of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, reviewed scientific articles and textbooks of university teachers, has repeatedly appeared on television on the Strategy of industrial and innovative development of the country, is fluent in computer technology and Kazakh and Russian languages, as well as constantly studying English
Professor of the Higher School of Economics and Management
Candidate of Economic Sciences
Almaty Institute of Technology.
Specialty “Economics and management in the branches of the agro-industrial complex”.
Qualification “Engineer – economist”
Bachelor’s degree: “Introduction to Entrepreneurship”, “Development of management solutions”.
Phone: +7 727 240 66 24
Research Professor of the Higher School of Economics and Management
Candidate of Economic Sciences
Master’s and doctoral degree programs: Enterprise Economics, Behavioral Economics
Lettersof appreciation: ZerdeJSC, University of International Business, КазНИТУK. I. KazNITUSatpayev
Phone: +7 727 260 40 26
Associate professor of the Higher School of Economics and Management
Диссертационная работа на тему «Қазақстан Республикасындағы инклюзивтік білім беруді басқару механизмін дамыту» (Развитие механизма управления инклюзивным образованием в Республике Казахстан) выполнена и защищена на кафедре «Менеджмент» Университета Нархоз
Associate Professor of the Higher School of Economics and Management
Сandidate of economic sciences
Bachelor’s Courses: Management of Technological Modernization, Business Process Management, Investment Process Management
Phone: +7 727 260 40 26
Associate Professor of the Higher School of Economics and Management
Сandidate of economic sciences
Introduction to entrepreneurship, Corporate governance
Associate Professor of the Higher School of Economics and Management
PhD in Economics
Bachelor’s Courses: Management, Human Resources Management, Crisis Management
Master’s Courses: Leadership and Team Building, HR Management
Associate Professor of the Higher School of Economics and Management
PhD in Economics
Undergraduate: Higher Mathematics, Mathematics for Economists, Discrete Mathematics, Econometrics, Quality Management, Innovation Management, Data Analysis and Economic Forecasting
Phone: +7 727 260 40 26
Associate professor of the Higher School of Economics and Management
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Bachelor’s Courses: Foreign economic activity of an enterprise, Customs and transport services for Foreign economic activity, Negotiation Technique
Magistracy: World Integration Processes, International Economics and Trade
Phone: +7 727 264 00 26
Senior Lecturer of the Higher School of Economics and Management
Master of Economics
Senior Lecturer of the Higher School of Economics and Management
Master of Business Administration
Bachelor: quality management, strategic management, technological modernization management
Master: strategic management
Phone: +7 727 260 40 26
Senior Lecturer of the Higher School of Economics and Management
Master of Economics sciences
11 years
10 years
Senior lecturer of the Higher School of Economics and Management
Образование – высшее. Окончил Философско-экономический факультет КазГУ по специальности «политическая экономия» в 1980 году.
Окончил аспирантуру кафедры политэкономия Экономического факультета МГУ в 1986 году.
До 1992 года работал на кафедре политэкономии Целиноградского СХИ.
С 1992 года по 2016 годы работал в финансово-кредитной системе РК: заместитель директора, главный ревизор регионального филиала коммерческого банка, с 1995 по 2000 годы работа в Департаменте банковского надзора Национального Банка РК (зам начальника управления, начальник отдела), с 2000 по 2003 гг. начальник Управление внутреннего аудита АО Казпочта, в период с 2004 по 2016 гг работал в Департаменте внутреннего аудита Народного банка (старший аудитор).
С 2016 года и по сей день преподаю в университете Туран.
Сертифицированный Профессиональный внутренний аудитор.
Senior lecturer of the Higher School of Economics and Management
Master of economic sciences
Bachelor’s Courses: Macroeconomics, Enterprise Economics, Business Analytics, History of the World Economy
Phone: +7 727 264 00 26
Senior lecturer of the Higher School of Economics and Management
Master of Economic Sciences
Bachelor’s degree: Entrepreneurship, Competitiveness of Entrepreneurship, Public and private partnership