Higher School of Telecommunications

Kulambaev Bakhytzhan Orazalievich

Head of the Department “Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications”

Candidate of Technical Sciences

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  • Bachelor’s/Specialist
    1997-2001 Kyzylorda State University named after. Korkyt-ata, Physics, additional mathematics
  • Master’s degree
    2001-2003 Kazakh National University named after. al-Farabi, Master, mechanics
  • Doctoral/Postgraduate studies
    2003-2006 “Center for Geosciences, Metallurgy and Enrichment”


Academic work experience

  • 2006 – 2015 KazEU named after. T. Ryskulova, KazEU, New University, Narxoz University, Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists, Acting Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Informatics
  • 2015-2016 KazEU named after. T. Ryskulova, KazEU, New University, Narxoz University, Director of educational programs for the specialties “Information Systems” and “Computer Engineering and Software”
  • 2019-2020 Narxoz University, Director of the Information Technology Center
  • 2020-2021 associate professor, scientific and educational activity “Digital technologies and data analysis”
  • 2021 -2022 Head of the Department of Computer Engineering, JSC MIIT
  • 2023 to current time Head of the Department of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications, University of Turan


Subjects taught


Bachelor’s degree:

  • “Information systems architecture”
  • “Database management systems”
  • “Computer systems architecture”
  • “Organization of computing systems”
  • “Operating systems, environments and shells”
  • “Design of information systems”
  • Introduction to Big Data
  • Cybersecurity
  • Mobile application development
  • “R programming”
  • “Information communication technology”
  • Quantitative methods in business


Master’s degree:

  • Data Lake
  • Cloud Computing and technologies
  • “Information systems infrastructure”


Doctoral studies:

  • Organization of scientific research
  • Internet Behavior (IoB)


Awards and achievements


Language classes

  • November 2013 to April 2014 University of East Anglia (GB)
  • Certificate of completion of language courses, September 2014. to February 2015



  • Universidad Castilla La Mancha (Spain), specialty 1.23T – System information analysis, management and information processes. Certificate of internship under the Bolashak program


List of scientific papers

  • Kulambayev, B., Beissenova, G., Katayev, N., Abduraimova, B., Zhaidakbayeva, L., Sarbassova, A., … & Shyrakbayev, A. (2022). A Deep Learning-Based Approach for Road Surface Damage Detection. Computers, Materials & Continua, 73(2). percent- 79
  • L. Jayakumar, R. Jothi Chitra, J. Sivasankari, S. Vidhya, Laura Alimzhanova, Gulnur Kazbekova, Bakhytzhan Kulambayev, Alma Kostangeldinova, S. Devi, and Dawit Mamiru Teressa. (2022). QoS Analysis for Cloud-Based IoT Data Using Multicriteria-Based Optimization Approach. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2022.prot-91
  • Bauyrzhan Omarov, Alma Kostangeldinova, Lyailya Tukenova, Gulsara Mambetaliyeva, Almira Madiyarova, Beibut Amirgaliyev and Bakhytzhan Kulambayev, “Artificial Neural Network for Binary and Multiclassification of Network Attacks” International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications(IJACSA), 14(7 ), 2023. http://dx.doi.org/10.14569/IJACSA.2023.0140780, proc-44
  • Kulambayev Bakhytzhan, Nurlybek Magzat, Astaubayeva Gulnar, Tleuberdiyeva Gulnara, Zholdasbayev Serik, Tolep Abdimukhan. “Real-Time Road Surface Damage Detection Framework based on Mask R-CNN Model”, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), 14(9), 2023. DOI 10.14569/IJACSA.2023.0140979, proc-44
  • S.K. Dzholdasbaev, B.O. Kulambaev Application of load balancing algorithms to improve the quality of service provision, BULLETIN of KazNPU named after. Abay, series “Physical and Mathematical Sciences”, No. 1(69), 2020 KKSON
  • S.T. Mambetov, U.U. Begimbaeva, S.K. Dzholdasbaev, B.O. Kulambaev On monitoring threats to information system vulnerabilities, BULLETIN of KazNPU named after. Abay, series “Physical and Mathematical Sciences”, in print, 2022, KKSON
  • Dzholdasbaev S.K., Balakaeva G.T., Aidarov K.A. Kulambaev B.O. Design and research of an intelligent service delivery system Fourteenth International Asian School-seminar “Problems of optimization of complex systems”, Kyrgyz Republic
  • Kulambaev B.O., Orynbay E.A. DEREKTER BAZASYN SHABUYLDAN KORGANU ZHOLDARY. Bulletin of Toraighyrov University. Physics & Mathematics series, 2021
  • Kulambaev B.O Salykov N.N. Modern methods for assessing the effectiveness of information systems Proceedings of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference, 2020
  • Kulambaev B.O. Mambetov S.T. Matіndі zhikteu algoritіnіn daldіgі men tolyktygyn arttyru zholdary. Proceedings of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference, 2020
  • Ponomarev Yu.V. Kulambaev B.O., Turekulov E.K. Development of mobile communication networks. SCIENTIFIC WORKS of the Military Engineering Institute of Radio Electronics and Communications Military scientific and technical journal, 2021




E-mail: b.kulambayev@turan-edu.kz

Nusupbekov Serik Imanserikovich

Professor of the Department “Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications”

Doctor of Technical Sciences


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  1. Tashkent Order of the Red Banner of Labor Institute of Railway Transport Engineers, specializing in automation, telemechanics and communication in railway transport, with the qualification of an electrical engineer, 1977
  2. Alma-Ata Institute of Political Science and Management, specializing in the theory of socio-political relations, with the qualification of a political scientist. teacher of socio-political disciplines, 1993

Academic work experience


More than 30 years


Subjects taught


Theory of electrical communication( RET), Metrology, standardization and certification of communication equipment


Awards and achievements


  1. The breastplate ” s.Altynsarin” 28.07.2007,
  2. Badge “Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan” 25.02.2009, 3)The Order of “Kurmet” 04.12.2009.
  3. The badge of military valor “Aiba” – I degree, 23.03.2009
  4. Badge “Excellent student of cinematography of Kazakhstan”, 25.08.1994 6) Badge “Excellent student of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, 13.01.1993

List of scientific papers


  • Research of GPRS technologies based on the GSM standard / / Young scientist. Materials of the III International Scientific Conference. Technical sciences: theory and practice-Chita. – 2016. – from 52-54 (co-authored);
  • Calculation of the required number of optical devices for the subscriber access network model// Bulletin of “KazATK”. – Almaty, 2019. – No. 2. – p. 53-56 (co-authored);
  • Nusupbekov S. I. Basic probabilistic indicators of trouble-free operation of a railway track. Bulletin of KazATK, 2003, No. 7, pp. 73-78;
  • Nusupbekov S. I. Methods for evaluating the values of technical condition indicators. Materials of the Second International Conference.Transport of Eurasia:Vzglyad Vkhkhivek., Almaty, KazATK, 2003, Vol. 7., p. 82-84;
  • Nusupbekov S. I. Problems of ensuring the required level of security. Problems and ways of development of industrial transport:inter-university.sat.nauch.tr, Almaty, KUPS, 2005, Issue -2., pp. 21-24;
  • Nusupbekov S. I. Calculation of reliability of non-recoverable reseved and non-reseved systems. Problems and ways of development of industrial transport:mezhvuz. sat. nauch. tr, Almaty, KUPS, 2005, Issue -3., p. 5-9;
  • Nusupbekov S. I. Assessment of the reliability of the ballast layer and the study of elastic sediments of sleepers. Materials of the IV International Conference.scientific.practical conf.Nauchni days-2008. Technologies, 2008, vol. 17., p. 13-19;
  • Nusupbekov S. I. Automated traffic safety management system. Industrial transport of Kazakhstan, Almaty, KUPS, 2008, No. 2, pp. 79-81;
  • Nusupbekov S. I. Unevenness of the transverse sediments of the path. Industrial transport of Kazakhstan, Almaty, KUPS, 2008, No. 2, p. 24-27;
  • Nusupbekov S. I. Evaluation of the reliability of rail fasteners. Bulletin of the Engineering Academy.Russian Federation, Almaty, 2008, No. 2(28), pp. 93-97;
  • Nusupbekov S. I. Ways to improve the vibration-proof properties of the structures of the upper structure of the path. Industrial Transport of Kazakhstan, Almaty, 2008, No. 1, pp. 46-50



Phone number: +7 727 264 63 95

E-mail: s.nussupbekov@turan-edu.kz

Mirzakulova Sharafat Abdurakhimovna

Associate Professor of the Department “Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications”


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  • Higher education diploma TEIS – A-II No. 176329 dated June 18, 1975, specializing in “Multichannel telecommunications”
  • Diploma of the candidate of technical sciences – ICD No. 001634 dated 09/29/2016. specialty 05.13.01 – “System analysis, management and information processing” PhD diploma – FД No. 0002704 dated December 6, 2018. in the specialty 6D070200 “Automation and Control”

Academic work experience


  • 1975 – 2003 – engineer, senior engineer, leading engineer, chief specialist, head of the local telephone communication department of the Tashkent region, leading engineer of the center for scientific, technical and marketing research
  • May 26, 2003 – 09/29/2016 – Engineer of the NPP Department, Senior Lecturer of the NPP Department (ICT)
  • 03/14/2017 – 06/27/2018 Associate Professor of the Department of TCSiS
  • 08.2018 to the present, Associate Professor of the RET Department of Turan University

Subjects taught


Bachelor’s Courses: Subscriber Access, Fundamentals of IP Television and NGN, Fundamentals of Mobile Communication, Network Technologies, Networks and Telecommunication Systems, Digital Switching, Management of communications and computer systems in teamwork


Awards and achievements


  • In 2019, she received a diploma of the winner of the 1st place for winning the International Competition “Worldview of Science – 2019” in the nomination “Scientific Approach of the Year” with a competitive work (together with students) “Study of the Time Series for Stationarity”
  • In 2021 Turan University was awarded an award for good work

List of scientific papers


  1. Mirzakukuva Sh.F., Shuvalov V.P., Mekler A.A. Studying network traffic using nonlinear dynamics methods. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology Volume 95, No.21, Year 2017
  2. Мирзакулова Ш.А., Обухова П. В. Особенности архитектуры программно-конфигурируемой сети. Международный научный журнал –приложение республики Казахстан «Поиск», Алматы, 2017. – №4. С.210-213
  3. Мирзакулова Ш.А., Обухова П. В. О самоорганизации на основе многоагентных систем. Международный научный журнал – приложение республики Казахстан «Поиск», Алматы, 2017. – №4. С.204-209
  4. Мирзакулова Ш.А. Монография «Разработка алгоритмов управления информационными потоками, поступающими на порт Ethernet-коммутатора». Алматы. Альманах 2017. – 195 с.
  5. Якубова М.З., Мирзакулова Ш.А. Анализ и построение телекоммуникационных систем. Учебное пособие. г.Алматы, ул. Наурыз, 74а. 2017.– 111 c.
  6. Якубова М.З., Мирзакулова Ш.А. Analysis and construction of telecommunication systems. Textbook. г.Алматы, ул.Наурыз, 74а. 2017.– 111 с.
  7. Мирзакулова Ш.А., Исакова С.У. Статистическая оценка основных тенденций измеренного временного ряда Бишкек «Вестник КРСУ» 2018г. – Том 18. – № 12
  8. Якубова М.З., Мирзакулова Ш.А. Телекоммуникациялық қызметтердің конвергенциясы. Оқу құралы. Алматы: АЭжБУ, 2018. – 71 бет: кесте.
  9. Якубова М.З., Мирзакулова Ш.А. Конвергенция телекоммуникационных услуг. Учебное пособие. г.Алматы, ул.Наурыз, 74а. 2018.– 72 c.
  10. Якубова М.З., Мирзакулова Ш.А. Convergence of telecommunication services. Manual г.Almaty: AUPET, 2018.– 71 p.
  11. Мирзакулова Ш.А., Юсупова Г.М., Зильгараева А.К. Интернет вещей – новое качество жизни. Инновационно-предпринимательское образование в контексте повышения качества жизни: Материалы международной научно- практической конференции 12 декабря 2018 г.: в 3-х частях. – Алматы: Университет «Туран», 2019. – 223-228 с.
  12. Мирзакулова Ш.А., Юсупова Г.М., Нурпеисова Д.А. Анализ временного ряда в программе Fractan. – Евразийское научное объединение. – Москва, 02.2019. – № 2(48) – 66-69 с.
  13. Мирзакулова Ш.А., Жаналинова А., Наушатова А. Исследование временного ряда на стационарность. – Образовательная система: новации в сфере современного научного знания МНП мероприятие Общества науки и творчества. – Казань, 02.2019 – 318-333 с.
  14. Мирзакулова Ш.А., Серіков Т. Ғ., Юсупова Г. М., Авелбекова С.Ш., Сабитова А. Ж. Анализ временного ряда методом ССА. Павлодар. – Вестник ПГУ, 2019. – №3. – С. 328-339
  15. Мирзакулова Ш.А., Юсупова Г.М., Карымсакова Д.Т. Декомпозиция временного ряда на основе метода SSA. – МНК «Научные разработки: евразийский регион». – Москва, 2019. – 155-160 с.
  16. Шаршеналиев Ж.Ш., Мирзакулова Ш.А., Юсупова Г.М. Оценка спектра мощности временного ряда // Материалы научной конференции ИИВТ КН МОН РК «Инновационные IT и Smart-технологии» – Алматы, 03. 2019. – 332-337 с.
  17. Мирзакулова Ш.А., Шаршеналиев Ж.Ш., Исакова С.У. Прогнозирование сетевого трафика. Проблемы автоматики и управления (Бишкек). 2019г. №2 (37)
  18. Мирзакулова Ш.А., Юсупова Г.М., Аннабаев А.А. Моделирование спектрального коэффициента отражения и дисперсии брэгговской решетки Алматы: ИИВТ КН МОН РК Март,2019
  19. Mirzakulova A., G.Yussupova, D.Daniyarova, D.Zhamangarin, A.Annabayev, S.Nurymova Analysis of Gaussian and Sinus Apodization Profiles Ufa, Russia. 2019 International Conference on Electro technical Complexes and Systems (ICOECS) Oct. 2019
  20. Мирзакулова Ш.А., Бекмагамбетова Ж.М., Юсупова Г.М., Искакова А.Ж., Отепханова Б.С. Непараметрическая регрессия временного ряда Мат.IV МНПК «Информатика и прикладная математика» Сентябрь 2019
  21. Мирзакулова Ш.А., Юсупова Г.М. Учебное пособие. Применение сетевого оборудования для локальных сетей. Алматы. Альманах 2019. – 195 с.
  22. Мирзакулова Ш.А., Бекмагамбетова Ж.М., Юсупова Г.М. Учебное пособие. Основы IP-телевидения и NGN. Алматы. Альманах 2019. – 195 с.
  23. Mirzakulova Sh. A., Sharshenaliev Z. S., Yussupova G. M., Annabayev A. S., Sadikova Gulnar, Zhanalinova A., Assylbek T. Spectral-temporal decomposition of the measured series of packet intensity. Information Innovative Technologies: Materials of the International scientific – рractical conference. /Ed. Uvaysov S. U., Ivanov I.A. – M.: Association of graduates and employees of AFEA named after prof. Zhukovsky, 2020, 332 p. (Прага). 318-324 с.
  24. Мирзакулова Ш.А., Жаналинова А. Серіков Т. Ғ., Анарбаев А.Е. Уақытша қатардың ығысуын статистикалық зерттеу. Павлодар. – Вестник Торайгыров университета. ISSN 2710-3420., 2020. – №4. – С. 227-234
  25. Мирзакулова Ш.А., Тойбаева Ш.Ж., Юсупова Г.М., Искакова А.Ж., Кожабаева И.Б. Анализ разработанных алгоритмов прогнозирования временного ряда на основе методов нечеткой логики. Международная научно-практическая конференция «Инновационные, информационные и коммуникационные технологии», Сочи, 2020
  26. Мирзакулова Ш.А., Жақан Ә.Қ., Кожаева Д.Т., Жолдасов Б.Ж. Анализ нестационарного временного ряда. Международная научно-практическая конференция «Инновационные, информационные и коммуникационные технологии», Сочи, 2020. – 354-358.
  27. Mirzakulova Sh. A., Tansaule G. Serikov, Ainur Zhetpisbayeva, Аinur Аkhmediyarova, Aigerim Kismanova, Aray Tologenova, Waldemar Wójcik. City backbone network traffic forecasting. International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications Volume 67, No.3, (Year 2021). 319-324



Phone number: +7 727 264 63 95

E-mail: sh.mirzakulova@turan-edu.kz

Munasbayeva Karlygash Kizaybaevna

Associate Professor of the Department “Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications”

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

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  • 1997-2001 Bachelor’s degree in Physics at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
  • 2001-2003 Master’s degree in Physics at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Bachelor’s degree- No. 0197757, Teacher of Physics, specialty 01.04-Physics
  • Master’s degree-MTB No. 0006852, Master of Physics, 510450-Physics
  • Candidate’s diploma-GC No. 0005630, Candidate of Ph. D., KKSON of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Protocol No. 1 of January 31, 2011

Academic work experience


  • From 2001 to 2013 – Engineer, junior researcher, Senior Researcher at the Radiation Diffusion Laboratory of the Institute of Nuclear Physics
  • From 2013 to 2016 – Senior Lecturer of the Department of Chemical Physics and Materials Science of the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • From 2016 to 2019 – Assistant to the Scientific Secretary of the RSE “Institute of Nuclear Physics”
  • From 2019 to 2021 – Deputy Scientific Secretary of the RSE “Institute of Nuclear Physics”


Non-academic work experience


2018-2021 Associate Professor of the Department of RET, Faculty of Digital Technologies and Art, “Turan Institution”


Subjects taught



Awards and achievements


  • Winner of the State Scientific Scholarship for Young talented Scientists 2010-2012.
  • Almaty, 2013. The best report at the conference of young scientists and specialists of the RSE INP
  • She attended the full course of the Institute of Advanced Training of University Teachers of Al Farabi Kazakh National University in the specialty “Materials Science and technology of new materials” in the amount of 144 hours. 01.02.2015 – 01.03.2015
  • In the period from June 12 to September 2, 2017, K. K. Munasbayeva took a course of the Institute for Advanced Training of Teachers of KazNU in English in the amount of 360 hours and received a certificate confirming the Intermediate B1 level.

List of scientific papers


  • Khromushin, I. V.; Aksenova, T. I.; Tuseev, T., Munasbaeva, K.K. Particularities of Radiation Defect Formation in Ceramic Barium Cerate.// INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE ON RADIATION-THERMAL EFFECTS AND PROCESSES IN INORGANIC MATERIALS. Серия книг: IOP Conference Series-Materials Science and Engineering. Том: 81. Номер статьи: 012037.Опубликовано: 2015.
  • I.V. Khromushin, T.I. Aksenova,  T. Tuseev, K.K. Munasbaeva, Yu.V. Ermolaev, V.N. Ermolaev, A.S. Seitov. Radiation effects in ceramic barium cerate. // The 9th APCTP-BLTP JINR Joint Workshop, Abstract, 27 Jun – 4 Jul 2015.
  • A. Mansurov, M. I. Tulepov, Yu. V. Kazakov, A. N. Dzhubanshkalieva, D. A. Bayseitov, S. Tursynbek, F. Yu. Abdrakova, G. A. Esen, K. K. Munasbayeva. Chemical gas generators (HC) with zero oxygen balance for the destruction of rocks in underground workings. // “Izvestiya NAS RK. Chemistry and Technology Series”. № 6 (414) – 2015, C. 61-67.ISSN 2224-5286.
  • Khromushin I. V., Aksenova T. I., Tuseev T. T., Munasbayeva K., Ermolaev Yu. V., Ermolaev V. N., Seitov A. S., Izmukhan Zh. N., Tursynbay D. Zh. Investigation of the effect of proton irradiation on the structure and properties of barium cerate doped with gadolinium and samarium. // Collection of scientific articles based on the results of the International scientific and practical Conference. Russia. – 2016. – p. 96-100.
  • Munasbayeva K. K., Tulepov M. I., Spanova G. A., Tulepova S. I. Modernization of educational programs for quality assurance of personnel training in accordance with the goals of SPIID-2. // Materials of the 46th scientific and methodological conference: “Modernization of educational programs: accreditation and quality assurance of personnel training”. – Almaty: Kazakh University, January 15-16, 2016.
  • Munasbayeva K. K., Kim D. S. Credit technology of training: experience and results of implementation in the educational system on life safety and environmental protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan. // Materials of the 46th scientific and methodological conference: “Modernization of educational programs: accreditation and quality assurance of personnel training”. – Almaty: Kazakh University, January 15-16, 2016.
  • Munasbayeva K. K., Tulepov M. I., Spanova G. A., Tulepova S. I. Experience of integration of educational and research programs in the training of chemical technologists and chemical engineers. // Development of educational programs on the basics of professional standards and requirements of the labor market: a collection of works of the educational and methodological association of the room. – Almaty: azaza University University, 2016. From-for. 94-99.
  • Khromushin I. V., Aksenova T. I., Tuseev T. T., Munasbayeva K. K. Synthesis of high-efficiency proton conductors by radiation modification of perovskite ABO3 nanostructures. // Collection of scientific articles based on the results of the international scientific and practical conference “Modernization vector of science development in the XXI century: traditions, innovations, continuity”. April 30, 2016



Phone number: +7 727 264 63 95

E-mail: k.munasbaeva@turan-edu.kz

Nurpeisova Dinara Abdizhamilovna

Senior Lecturer of the Department “Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications”

Master of Technical Sciences

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  • Higher education, KazNTU named after K. I. Satpayev, specialty 350340-Mechatronics and Robotics
  • KazNTU named after K. I. Satpayev, Master of Technical Sciences, specialty 6M071600-Instrument Engineering

Academic work experience

Turan University, Faculty of Digital Technologies and Art, Department of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications


Subjects taught

Digital systems and transitions, operation of infocommunication networks, theory of electromagnetic wave transmission


List of scientific papers

  1. Introduction of the M2M market in Kazakhstan. “Vestnik”, KazATK No. 3, 2017
  2. Development of a laser communication network. “Vestnik”, KazATiSO, No. 52, 2017
  3. Analysis of the reliability of wireless communication networks by the method of simulation modeling in the ANYLOGIC environment. “Vestnik”, KazNITU named after K. I. Satpayev No. 5, 2017
  4. Research of dependence of output and reflected signals power at wavelengths 1.31 µm and 1.55 µm. Magyar Tudományos Journal No. 7, 2017
  5. Communication networks and switching systems. Study guide”Turan” University
  6. Analysis of the constructions of the monitoring system using an emulator under the influence of interference. MCI “OMEGA SCIENCES” Modern conditions of interaction of science and technology, 2017
  7. Construction of M2M networks based on fixed satellite communication access networks. “Vestnik”, KazNITU named after K. I. Satpayev, 2018
  8. Investigation of the energy losses of the photovoltaic converter of a solar photovoltaic station. Materials of the Republican scientific and practical conference of young scientists Zhas-Turan, Turan University, 2018
  9. Creation and organization of production of fire and security systems. Materials of the Republican scientific and practical conference of young scientists Zhas-Turan, Turan University, 2018.
  10. Research of ways to improve the reliability of wireless communication networks. The journal “Bulletin of KazNITU”, 2018.


Phone number: +7 727 264 63 95

E-mail: a.zilgarayeva@turan-edu.kz

Zilgarayeva Aliya Kylyshbaevna

Senior Lecturer of the Department “Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications”

Master of Physics in Radiophysics

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Master of Physics in Radiophysics 510450, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University


Academic work experience

Turan University, Faculty of Digital Technologies and Art, Department of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications


Non-academic work experience

1993-1995. Turgay TV and Radio company “Kazakhstan”, “Master of technical control”.


Subjects taught

Theory of electrical circuits, Fundamentals of electronics and measurement technology.


Awards and achievements

  • 2019 Winner’s diploma 1st place for winning the International Research Competition
  • 2017 Winner’s diploma 3rd place for winning the International Research Competition

Internships and academic mobility

Internship Vinnytsia National Technical University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine 15.12.2019-15.01.2020 (certificate)


List of scientific papers

  1. Article “Zastosuvannya spectrophotometric methods for additional optical displays of biot fabrics”, International Journal “Optoelectronic information and Energy Technologies”, Republic of Ukraine, Volume 39 No. 1, pp. 52-60, https://oeipt.vntu.edu.ua/index.php/oeipt/article/view/570/544.
  2. article ” Recommendations for the implementation of a spectrophotometer for biomedical research”, Materials of the “International Scientific and Technical Conference of Students and young scientists” INFORMATICS, MATHEMATICS, AUTOMATION.G. Sumi. Ukraine, April 19-23, 2021
  3. Article “Transmitting optical modules”, Materials of the “International Scientific and Technical Conference of students and young scientists” INFORMATICS, MATHEMATICS, AUTOMATION. G. Sumi. Ukraina19-April 23, 2021
  4. Article “Personal Data Protection with Smart Cards Using EyeGround Image Recognition Technique”, Materials of the 1st International Seminar on Computing and Information Technologies for Risk-based Systems (CITRisk 2020), held jointly with the XX International Scientific and Technical Conference on Information Technologies in Education and Management (ITEM 2020), Kherson, Ukraine, October 15-16, 2020, pp. 144-161 ISSN 1681-0073
  5. Article “Zastosuvannya spectrophotometric methods for advanced optical displays biotkanin”, International Journal “Optoelectronic information and Energy Technologies”, Republic of Ukraine, Volume 39 No. 1(2020), pp. 52-60 ISSN 1681-7893
  6. Article “Digital television broadcasting”, Collection of materials of XCI ” International scientific and practical Conference. The development of natural sciences and the spread of modern technologies as progressive trends in education”. Kazan, Russia (December 28, 2020) pp. 391-394, ISBN 978-5-6044999-5-5
  7. Article “Study of the state of biological tissues using spectrophotometric methods”, Collection of materials of the IX International Conference on Optoelectronic information Technologies Photonics-ODS 2020, Vinnytsia, Republic of Ukraine (October 5-7, 2020) ISBN 978-617-7237-82-1 pp. 63-65
  8. Article “Spectrophotometric technologies for studying the state of biological tissues”, Collection of materials of the XLIX scientific and technical Conference of the Vinnytsia National Technical University (NTCP VNTU-2020), Vinnytsia, Republic of Ukraine (May 18-29, 2020) ISBN 987-966-641-809-1
  9. Article “Optical effects of polarized light on biological tissue”, Collection of materials of the II International Scientific Forum “Nuclear Science and Technology”, Almaty, June 24-27, 2019. ISBN 978-5-601-332-323-7
  10. Article “Interaction of polarized light with tissues”, Collection of works Satpayev readings. Volume II 12.04.2019
  1. Article “Frequency synthesizer – a device for receiving and processing a radio signal of mobile radio communication systems”. Collection of materials of the International scientific and Practical conference “Society of Science and Creativity”, (Kazan, April, 2018) ISBN 978-5-9500471-1-4
  2. Article “Reception of signals under the influence of masking interference” Collection of materials of the II International Scientific Conference “Informatics and Applied Mathematics”, MES RK Almaty, September 2017. ISBN 978-601-04-3101-0



Phone number: +7 727 264 63 95

E-mail: a.zilgarayeva@turan-edu.kz

Alimova Madina Abutalipovna

Senior Lecturer of the Department “Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications”

Master of Pedagogical Sciences


Read the summary »


  • 2011 – 2015 Bachelor of Engineering and Technology in the specialty “5B071900 – Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications”
  • 2015 – 2017 Master of Pedagogical Sciences in the specialty “6M011000 – Physics”

Academic work experience

  • 2016 – 2017 Physicist-laboratory assistant, No.139 A.Baitursynov Gymnasium
  • 2017 – 2018 Physics teacher, No.131 B.Momyshuly Lyceum School
  • 2018 – 2021 Lecturer of the Faculty of Physics and Technology, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • 2021 – 2022 Lecturer at the Faculty of Information Technology, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Subjects taught


Bachelor course:

  • Antenna feeder devices
  • Electric Communication Theory
  • Physics I
  • Physics II
  • Basics of programming in the LabVIEW environment
  • Wireless communication technology
  • FPGA Workshop
  • Programming of logic integrated circuits
  • Fundamentals of radio engineering and telecommunications
  • Computer methods of radio electronics
  • Digital electronic circuits
  • Circuit design of analog devices
  • Information protection in telecommunication systems
  • Computer modeling of technological processes
  • IP telephony
  • Graphical programming of electronic systems
  • Professional programming
  • Programming systems on the ZigBee protocol

Awards and achievements


Advanced training courses


  • Bilim beru mazmunyn zhanartu zhagdayynda mugalimnin pedagogikalyk sheberligin zhetildiru”  № 028525
  • “Digital electronics and integrated circuits” in the amount of 72 hours No. 5824
  • «Charge Management: Educational Program Management, Innovative Approach to Teaching and Learning» 14 ECTS module, December 2021 – February 2022, SPCM-ALI1221
  • “Process mining – fundamentals of process analytics”. The volume of 16 academies.hours, April 14-19, 2022

List of scientific papers


  1. Jamanshalov, Muratbek, Kunelbayev, Murat, Mansurova, Madina, Amirkhanova, Gulshat, Tyulepberdinova, Gulnur, Alimova, Madina, Tergeussizova, Aliya. Methods for Measuring EMC in Telecommunications Systems // WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control, 2022, 17, pp. 300–304, 34.
  2. Alimova M.A. Semiconductor device based on porous silicon films // International Scientific Conference of students and young scientists “FARABI ALEMI”, Almaty. – 2022. – P. 177.
  3. M.K. Ibraimov, S.T. Tynymbayev, J.T. Park, D.M. Zhexebay, M.A. Alimova. Hardware implementation of the coding algorithm based on FPGA // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2021, 1047(1), 012137. DOI:10.1088/1757-899X/1047/1/012137
  4. Sagynbekov B.M., Alimova M.A. I-V characteristics of the heterostructured nanofilms // International Scientific Conference of students and young scientists “FARABI ALEMI”, Almaty. – 2021.
  5. Alimova M. A., Tileu A. O., Erekesh B. A. Memristive properties of nanostructured porous silicon // International Scientific Conference of students and young scientists “FARABI ALEMI”, Almaty. – 2021.
  6. D.M. Zhexebay, M.A. Alimova. Entropy analysis in assessing the quality of spatial electromagnetic noise // International Scientific Conference of students and young scientists “FARABI ALEMI”, Almaty. – 2020.
  7. M.A. Alimova, D.M. Zhexebay, M.K. Ibraimov. Estimating the quality of spatial electromagnetic noise // VESTNIK KazNRTU. – 2020. – №5 (141). – p. 94-97.
  8. M.A. Alimova, D.M. Zhexebay, M.K. Ibraimov. Entropy analysis in estimating the quality of spatial electromagnetic noise // VESTNIK KazNRTU. – 2020. – №4 (140). – p. 242-245.
  9. U. Amrenova, M. K. Ibraimov, M. A. Alimova, N. Zh. Development of a program interface for monitoring gas resources on the basis of nanostructured silicon Valley // International Scientific Conference of students and young scientists “Farabi Alemi”, Almaty. – 2017
  10. K. Ibraimov, E. Sagidolda, M. A. Alimova, N. Zh. High electrical characteristics of gas sensors on the basis of Silicon nanonites // Vestnikaznitu. Almaty. – 2017. – № 1. – pp. 369-372.
  11. M.K. Ibraimov, M.A. Alimova, M.H. Iskhaz. Silicon nanowires based gas sensors // International Scientific Conference of students and young scientists “FARABI ALEMI”, Almaty. – 2017.



The Main Directions Of The Work Are: Reception and processing of signals // tutorial. – Almaty: Kazakh University, 2020 – – 318 P.



E-mail: m.alimova@turan-edu.kz

Abylay Nazerke Patshakhankyzy

Senior Lecturer of the Department “Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications”

Master of Technical Sciences

Read the summary »


  • Bachelor’s degree – Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications – 5B071900 (Bachelor’s degree in Engineering and Technology) 2016-2020, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Master’s degree – Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications – MD00016681233 (Master of Technical Sciences) 2020-2022, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University


Academic work experience

  • September 2021 – August 2023 – Almaty College of Telecommunications and Mechanical Engineering, Almaty city – teacher of special disciplines
  • September 2023 – to the present – “Turan” University – Senior Lecturer of the department of “Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications”


Teaching disciplines

  • Computer graphics and applied packages for modeling telecommunication networks
  • Digital circuitry
  • Digital television and video equipment


Awards and achievements

  • The Republican competition of students’ research works (R&D) in the specialty 5B071900 – “Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications” for the 2019-2020 academic year – the third place.
  • 2021 – second place in the intra-university competition of student business incubators

List of scientific papers

  • Бір типті ФитцХью-Нагумо нейрондарынан құралған жүйенің динамикасын аналогты электроника көмегімен зерттеу – // MATERIALS International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists «FARABI ALEMI» Almaty, Kazakhstan, April 6-8, 2022, P. 181.
  • ФитцХью-Нагумо нейрондарынан құралған жүйелердегі Хопф бифуркациясының орындалуын аналогты электроника көмегімен зерттеу – // MATERIALS International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists «FARABI ALEMI» Almaty, Kazakhstan, April 6-8, 2022, P. 200.
  • Метеорологиялық параметрлерді өлшеуге арналған автоматтандырылған электронды жүйе әзірлеу – // VIII Международная научно-практическая конференция «Инновационный менеджмент и технологии в эпоху глобализации» – г. Бирмингем (Великобритания) 6-8 января 2021 г., P. 232-238
  • Жаңа ақпараттық технологияларды сабақта қолданудың маңызы – Горизонт знаний, №11 (148) – Алматы, 2022.  P. 27-30.




E-mail: n.abylay@turan-edu.kz

Shaimerden Zhansaya Zhanatkyzy

Senior Lecturer of the Department “Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications”

Master of Science

Read the summary »


  • Bachelor’s degree of technique and technology in «5B071900 Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications» – Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications, 2012-2016yy.
  • Master’s degree of Science in «6М071900 Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications» – Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications – 2016-2018yy.


Academic work experience

  • January 2019 – August 2019 – Eurasian National University named after Gumilyov, Astana city – Lecturer of the department “Space Engineering and Technology”
  • September 2022 – June 2023 – Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications, Almaty city – Lecturer of the Department of Telecommunication Engineering
  • September 2023 – to the present – “Turan” University – Senior Lecturer of the department of “Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications”


Non-academic work experience

  • January, 2020 – present – Manager of GPS Trans Asia LLP


Teaching disciplines

  • Computer graphics and applied packages for modeling telecommunication networks


List of scientific papers

  • Semi-distributed Sensors: Prospects of Development – // Материалы Международной научно-практической конференции «XIII Торайгыровские чтения». – Павлодар, 2021. – Том 6, С. 202-206
  • Основы и обзор технологии волоконной брэгговской решетки – // Материалы Международной научно-практической конференции «XIII Торайгыровские чтения». – Павлодар, 2021. – Том 6, С. 207-216
  • Fiber Bragg grating and its refractive index – // Материалы XI Международной научно-технической конференции «Энергетика, инфокоммуникационные технологии и высшее образование», посвященное 45-летию образования Алматинского университета энергетики и связи имени Гумарбека Даукеева. – Алматы, 2020. – С. 166-169
  • Prospects of development of semi-distributed sensors – Вестник технических наук Костанайского социально-технического университета имени академика Зулхарнай Адамжар. – Костанай, 2019. – С. 74-78




E-mail: zh.shaimerden@turan-edu.kz

Online admissions