Higher school of International Relations and Diplomacy

Mukhambedyarova Altynay Tuleuovna

Director of the Graduate School of International Relations and Diplomacy

Doctor of Political Science

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  • MGPI named after Lenin. Department of History. Specialty: History.
  • ASU named after Abai. Department of History. Specialty: History.
  • Institute of philosophy and political science of Academy of MAUN RK. Postgraduate studies. In 2000, she defended her thesis “Formation of democratic mechanisms for ensuring the political security of Kazakhstan” with a degree in 23.00.02 – political institutions and processes.
  • In 2003, she was awarded the academic title of associate professor in the specialty of political science.
  • In 2008, she defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic “Implementation of the idea of ​ ​ democracy in the context of the democratization of the political system of the Republic of Kazakhstan” “with a degree in 23.00.02 – political institutions, ethno-political conflictology, national and political processes and technologies in the dissertation council of the KazNPU named after Abai.



  • Since September 1994, secondary school No. 21, a history teacher.
  • 2000-2001 Central Asian Agency for Policy Studies under the leadership of E.T. Karin.
  • 2001-2008 – 2005-2011 Editor-in-Chief of the Legal Newspaper of the Media Corporation ZAN.
  • 2005-2011 Editor-in-Chief of the Legal Newspaper of the Media Corporation ZAN.
  • 2011-2023 Professor, Department of Social Disciplines, AUES named after G. Daukeev.
  • Since 2023, professor at the Department of «Regional Studies and International Relations» of «Turan» University.

Research and innovation experience


Participates in research projects in the field of fundamental and applied research:

  • The city commission for the rehabilitation of victims of political repression within the framework of the project of the State commission for the complete rehabilitation of victims of political repression at the initiative of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan K.K. Tokayev.
  • Social research project for the prevention of religious extremism and terrorism. Department of Religious Affairs of Almaty, Center for the Study of Religions of Almaty.
  • More than 150 publications on the history of political teachings, history and problems of democracy, national and political security.
  • Social research project for the prevention of religious extremism and terrorism. Department of Religious Affairs of Almaty, Center for the Study of Religions of Almaty.
  • More than 150 publications on the history of political teachings, history and problems of democracy, national and political security.

Monographs and tutorials


He is the author of monographs and textbooks “The idea of ​ ​ democracy in modern Kazakhstani society: concepts, state and trends in development,” “The problem of democracy in the history of political thought,” “Political security as a problem of the transitional period of modern Kazakhstani society.”

Awards and Prizes

  • A letter of gratitude from the President of Kazakhstan K.K. Tokayev for the contribution and development of democracy and Kazakh science in the Republic of Kazakhstan.




Phone: + 7 (727) 260-40-29

Е-mail: a.mukhambedyarova@turan-edu.kz

Arystanbekova Akmaral Khaidarovna

Professor of the Graduate School of International Relations and Diplomacy

Doctor of Historical Sciences

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Kazakh State University named after S. M. Kirov (1971), postgraduate studies at KazSU (1974), Candidate of Chemical Sciences (1974), Doctor of Historical Sciences (2004)


Work experience

  1. November 1989 – December 1991 – Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kazakh SSR
  2. August 10, 1990 – M. Gorbachev awarded the diplomatic rank of Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Envoy of the 1st class
  3. December 1991 – April 1992 – Senior Adviser of the Representation of the Russian Federation to the United Nations (UN) – Representative of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  4. From April 15, 1992-1999 – the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev appointed Arystanbekova Permanent Representative of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the UN.
  5. March 12, 1999 – Authorized the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the United Nations Arystanbekova Akmaral Khaidarovna to sign the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, adopted on December 11, 1997 in the city of Kyoto.
  6. from October 1996 – Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Republic of Cuba, concurrently.
  7. October 27, 1999 – April 3, 2003 Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the French Republic, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Kazakhstan to UNESCO concurrently.

Main publications

  1. Problems of disarmament and international security: textbook. allowance
  2. Economy based on knowledge (World economy and international relations. – 2008)
  3. Kazakhstan in the UN: history and prospects – monograph, Almaty: Dyk-Press, 2004
  4. “Globalization: history, dynamics, aspects, facets, prospects” – monograph, Almaty: Dyk-Press, 2007
  5. Awards and prizes
  6. Order of Kurmet (1996)
  7. Medal named after Nazir Tyuryakulov (2008)


Phone: + 7 (727) 260-40-29

E-mail: a.arystanbekova@turan-edu.kz

Ablet Kamalov

Professor of the Graduate School of International Relations and Diplomacy

Doctor of Historical Sciences

Associate Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission

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Work experience

  • University “Turan” (professor, head of the department);
  • Institute of Oriental Studies, KN MES RK (Chief Researcher);
  • Educational Center “Bilim – Central Asia” (director and academic leader in history);
  • Institute of Uyghur Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan (senior researcher, head of the department);
  • Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi (associate professor).
  • International Academy of Business (head of the international department)

Experience in research and innovation

  • President of the European Society for Central Asian Studies / ESCAS, Netherlands (2020-2022)
  • Scientific supervisor of the grant financing project, chief researcher: “Oral history of migration in the 1950-1970s. from China to Kazakhstan “(2020-2022)
  • Co-head of the joint research project with the University of London “Sustainable Development (funding by the British Academy) (2018-2021).
  • Member of the Board of the Society for the Study of Central Eurasia (Central Eurassian Studies Society / CESS, USA) (2003-2006)
  • Scientific internship at: University of Washington (Seattle, USA), Oxford University (UK), Library of Congress, Indiana University (Bloomington, USA), House of Human Science (Paris, France)
  • Manager of international projects of the Open Society Foundation in the field of higher education) (2007-2012)
  • Academic expert of the European Commission, Volkswagen Foundation, Open Society Foundation, Radio Free Asia (2003-2021), OSCE expert
  • Director of Summer Courses in Social Sciences, Central European University (Budapest) (2004-2005)
  • Member of the editorial boards of the scientific journals “Central Asian survey” (London, Scopus), “Doğu Asya Araştırmaları Dergisi” (Ankara), “Bulletin of Karaganda University. Ser. Philosophy and History “(KOKSON),” The World of Greater Altai “(Ust-Kamenogorsk), etc.

Main publications


More than 300 publications on the history and culture of Central Asia and China.


Monographs and tutorials:

  • Social institution ottuz-ogul: history and modernity. (Almaty, 2018 et al.);
  • Turks and Iranians in the Tana Empire (Almaty, 2017);
  • Great Game in Chinese Central Asia: A Reader (Almaty, 2017);
  • Dungans of Kazakhstan (Astana, 2016 (co-ed.);
  • Uyghurs of Kazakhstan (Astana, 2016);
  • Ancient Uighurs. VIII-X centuries. (Almaty, 2001),
  • Anthology of the history of Kazakhstan (Almaty, 2006).

Articles in publications from the Scopus database:

  • “Nation, religion and social heat: heritaging Uyghur mäshräp in Kazakhstan”, Central Asian Survey. 40, # 1.2021. P. 9-33 (co-authored with R. Harris)
  • Book review. Timothy Grose. Negotiating Inseparability in China: the Xinjiang Class and the Dynamics of Uyghur identity. Hong-Kong: HK University Press, 2019.146 p., Central Asian Survey. # 41. #1. 2021.
  • “Binary opposition in traditional culture of Japanese and Kazakh people”, Astra Salvensis. Reistra istorie si cultura. An VI, numar 11, Salva 2018. – P. 463-480 (co-authored)
  • Book review. Russkiye konsulstva v Sintsiane (konets XIX – nachalo XX vv.) [Russian consulates in Xinjiang (late XIX – early XX centuries)] by V. Galiyev, Central Asian Survey. # 37, iss. 1.2018.P. 180-183.
  • Book review. Review. Uyghur Nation: reform and revolution on the Russia-China Frontier by David Brophy, Central Asian Survey. # 36, iss. 4. 2017. P. 585-588.
  • “Birth of Uyghur National History in Semirech’ye”, Orientе Moderno. Vol. 96, iss. 1. 2016. P. 181-196.
  • “Ethno-national and local dimensions of the historiography of Kazakhstan’s Uyghurs,” Central Asian Survey. vol. 31, # 3. 2012.R. 343-354.
  • “Uighur community in 1990s Central Asia: Decade of change”, Central Asia and the Caucasus. Transnationalism and Diaspora. London-New York: Rutledge, 2005. P. 148-168.
  • “Uighur migration across Central Asian frontiers”, Central Asian Survey. # 23 (2). 2004. P. 167-182 (co-authored with William Clark)
  • “The Moghon Shine Usu Inscription as the Earliest Uighur Historical Annals,” Central Asiatic Journal. 47 (1). 2003. P. 77-90.

Awards and prizes


Breastplate of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “For merits in the development of science in the Republic of Kazakhstan” (2011); Certificate of honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2020); Letter of thanks from the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan (2019); The title “The best teacher of the university” (2016) KN MES RK; Laureate of the Prize of the Club of Patrons of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2008).




Phone: + 7 (727) 260-40-29

E-mail: a.kamalov@turan-edu.kz

Torlanbaeva Kenzhe Uskenbaevna

Associate Professor of the Graduate School of International Relations and Diplomacy

Doctor of Historical Sciences

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  • 1993-1998 – Almaty State University. Abai, Faculty of History, Department of Oriental Studies
  • 2010 – Doctor of Historical Sciences
  • Academic and practical experience
  • Scientific supervisor of grant financing projects, chief researcher: 1. 2015-2017. – “Local religious beliefs and practices as part of the cultural heritage of the Kazakhs”, University “Turan”;
  • 2015-2017 – “The Institute of Political Power in the Ancient and Medieval History of Kazakhstan and Neighboring Countries”

Courses taught, practical courses

The history of international relations in modern and recent times. History of International Relations, International Organizations, Systemic History of International Relations


Main publications

  1. Collective monograph Zhusupov LK, Torlanbaeva KU. Turkic sources. – Pavlodar: kereku, 2015 .– 126 p. (kaz.)
  2. Torlanbaeva K., Zhusupova L., and others Mashkhur Zhusip and oral historical tradition – Life Science Journal 2014; 11 (11s) http://www.lifesciencesite.com, Scopus.
  3. Torlanbaeva K., Zhusupova L., and others Mashkhur Zhusip and Turkics sources – Life Science Journal 2014; 11 (11s) http://www.lifesciencesite.com, Scopus.
  4. Torlanbaeva KU, Zhusupova LK, et al. Türkic-language sources and their features. – Sat. articles “Humanities and Social Sciences in Europe: Achievements and Perspectives” 4th International symposium 30-th June, 2014. “East West” Association for Advanced Studies and Higher Education GmbH, Vienna, Austria – pp. 17-23.

More than 50 publications in scientific journals and collections


Awards and prizes

Prize and award of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Auezov for young scientists (2005)




Phone: + 7 (727) 260-40-29

E-mail: k.torlanbayeva@turan-edu.kZ

Karimova Risalat-Bibi Usmanovna

Professor of the Graduate School of International Relations and Diplomacy

Doctor of Historical Sciences

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  • 1970-1976 – Kazakh State University named after. S.M. Kirov
  • 1976-1980 – postgraduate studies at the Institute of Ethnography of the Peoples of the USSR named after. N.N. Miklouho-Maclay (Leningrad).
  • 1989 – Candidate of Historical Sciences
  • 2007 – Associate Professor, specialty “History”
  • 2006 – Doctor of Historical Sciences

Work experience

  • Kazakh State University named after CM. Kirov. Faculty of History. Specialty: Historian, teacher of history and social studies (1976)
  • Scientific internship at the Institute of Ethnography of the Peoples of the USSR named after V.I. N.N. Miklouho-Maclay of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Leningrad part). Leningrad.
  • Institute of Ethnography of the Peoples of the USSR named after N.N. Miklouho-Maclay of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Leningrad part). Specialty: History (Candidate of Historical Sciences). (1989).
  • Institute of Oriental Studies. R.B. Suleimenova KN MES RK. Specialty: General History (Doctor of Historical Sciences). (2008).
  • Committee for supervision and certification in the field of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Specialty: history (Associate Professor, Associate Professor). (2007)
  • Turan University. Specialty: history (Professor). (2010)
  • 1976-1984 Ministry of Culture of the Kazakh SSR. State Museum of Arts. A. Kasteeva. Senior Researcher.
  • 1984-1986 Junior Researcher of the Department of Uyghur Studies of the Institute of Linguistics of the ANKazSSR.
  • 1986-1996 Researcher at the Institute of Uyghur Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR.
  • 1996-2000 Senior Researcher at the Institute of Oriental Studies named after R.B. Suleimenov NAS RK
  • 1997-1999 Senior Lecturer KazNPU named after Abay
  • 1999-2000 Senior Lecturer of the Department of International Relations KazUIR & WL
  • 2000-2021 Head of the Department of History and Ethnology of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • 2000-2010 Senior Lecturer of the University “Turan”

Main publications

  1. Традиционные художественные ремесла и промыслы уйгуров. Алматы: Дайк-Пресс, 2005. – 170 с., илл. ISBN 9965-699-52-6
  2. Раритеты декоративно-прикладного искусства казахов за рубежом. (В соавторстве с Ш.Ж. Тохтабаевой). Алматы: Таймас, 2008, 203 с., илл. ISBN 9965-806-76-4
  3. Восточнотуркестанские источники по истории и культуре Казахстана и Центральной Азии (XVIII – начало XX вв.). Коллективная монография. – Collective monograph. – Almaty: Mir, 2017 .– S. 5-8, 89-143
  4. On the History of Cultural Traditions Transformation (Example of Arts and Crafts of Kazakhstani Uighurs) // Oriente Moderno. – 96 (2016) 1-22. – S. 3-24.
  5. From the history of architecture of East Turkestan // “Bulletin of the Turkic world”. International scientific and practical journal. No. 1 (8) – Makhachkala, 2015. – P. 52-60 (RSCI).
  6. Traditional Handicrafts of Uyghurs. // Arts and Crafts in the Muslim World. Proceedings of the International Congress on Islamic Arts and Crafts, Isfahan, 04-09 October, 2002. Istanbul: Research Center for Islamic History, Art and Culture, 2008. – S. 297-309.
  7. Two architectural monuments of East Turkestan // Eastern collection. – M .: Russian State Library, 2005 .– S. 44-49.
  8. Hun İmparatorluğu ile Çİn’in Doğu Türkistan Mücadelesi // Türkler. – Ankara, 2002. – T. 1. – S. 747-749.
  9. Traditional Uighur Carpets // Traditional Carpets and Kilims in the Muslim World: Past, Present and Future Prospects. – Istanbul, 2002 .– P. 445-451.
  10. On the issue of Uyghur musical instruments of the 19th – 20th centuries. // Materials of the international conference “Art and Culture of Mongolia and Central Asia”. – M .: Nauka, 1983. – Part I. – S. 148-154.

Awards and incentives

  1. Traditional arts and crafts of the Uyghurs. Almaty: Daik-Press, 2005 .– 170 p., Ill. ISBN 9965-699-52-6
  2. Rarities of Kazakh arts and crafts abroad. (In collaboration with Sh.Zh. Tokhtabayeva). Almaty: Taimas, 2008, 203 p., Ill. ISBN 9965-806-76-4
  3. East Turkestan sources on the history and culture of Kazakhstan and Central Asia (XVIII – early XX centuries). Collective monograph. – Almaty: Mir, 2017 .– S. 5-8, 89-143
  4. On the History of Cultural Traditions Transformation (Example of Arts and Crafts of Kazakhstani Uighurs) // Oriente Moderno. – 96 (2016) 1-22. – S. 3-24.
  5. From the history of architecture of East Turkestan // “Bulletin of the Turkic world”. International scientific and practical journal. No. 1 (8) – Makhachkala, 2015. – P. 52-60 (RSCI).
  6. Traditional Handicrafts of Uyghurs. // Arts and Crafts in the Muslim World. Proceedings of the International Congress on Islamic Arts and Crafts, Isfahan, 04-09 October, 2002. Istanbul: Research Center for Islamic History, Art and Culture, 2008. – S. 297-309.
  7. Two architectural monuments of East Turkestan // Eastern collection. – M .: Russian State Library, 2005 .– S. 44-49.
  8. Hun İmparatorluğu ile Çİn’in Doğu Türkistan Mücadelesi // Türkler. – Ankara, 2002. – T. 1. – S. 747-749.
  9. Traditional Uighur Carpets // Traditional Carpets and Kilims in the Muslim World: Past, Present and Future Prospects. – Istanbul, 2002 .– P. 445-451.
  10. On the issue of Uyghur musical instruments of the 19th – 20th centuries. // Materials of the international conference “Art and Culture of Mongolia and Central Asia”. – M .: Nauka, 1983. – Part I. – S. 148-154.

Awards and incentives

Badge “For contribution to the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan”



Phone: 2604029

E-mail: r.karimova@turan-edu.kz

Eserkemisova Bayan Abishkenovna

Associate Professor of the Graduate School of International Relations and Diplomacy

Candidate of Historical Sciences

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  • 1986 – KazPI named after Abai, Faculty of History, history teacher
  • 2001 – defense of the candidate’s dissertation on «National history»


Work experience

  1. 1978-1980 KazSU named after S.M. Kirov (laboratory assistant, senior technician, engineer of the NIS PTG)
  2. 1980-2005 KazPI named after Abai (chairman of the trade union committee of students, worked part-time as a senior lecturer at the Department of Culturology and History of Kazakhstan, Acting Associate Professor at the Department of History of Kazakhstan,
  3. 2006-2012 KazEU named after T. Ryskulov Associate Professor of the Department of SGBV, Acting Head of the Department of Philosophy and History, chairman of the trade union committee of the university staff.
  4. 2012-2013 University of International Business (Vice-rector for educational work, part-time associate professor of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Sciences)
  5. 2013 University “Turan” (Director of the Department of Marketing and Admissions Committee, Associate Professor of the Department of Regional Studies and Ministry of Defense)

Main publications

  • Textbook “Economic history of Kazakhstan”
  • Monograph “Kazakhstan in the Russian revolutions of 1917”



  • Certificate of honor of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan 10.09.1998
  • Breastplate “Bilim zhane gylym kyzmetkelerinin kusipodaagynna sinirgen enbegi ushin” 2010
  • Certificate of honor of the Almaty Union of Trade Unions 2011



Phone: + 7 (727) 260-40-29

E-mail: b.yeserkemisova@turan-edu.kz

Samay Alina Diasovna

Associate Professor of the Graduate School of International Relations and Diplomacy

Doctor of Political Sciences

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KazGu named after Kirov, 1983-1988, candidate of political sciences, associate professor


Academic and practical experience


general experience – 36 years, teaching 23 years.

  • Kazakh National Agrarian University, KazNPU named after Abay,
  • University “Turan”.

Teaching disciplines, practical courses


Bachelor’s Courses: Political Science, Contemporary Issues of International relations, Management of social processes, Modern system international relations, Actual problems of world politics, etc.

Master’s program: Modern problems of interethnic relations, etc.


Main publications

  1. Political culture: East and West. Tutorial. Almaty, Turan University. 8.8 pp 2012.
  2. Ilyas Omarov is a politician and citizen. Almaty, Turan University. 8.8 n.p. 2012.
  3. Contemporary problems of international relations. Tutorial. Almaty, Turan University. 10 pp., 2017.
  4. Russian-Turkish and Turkish-Russian conceptual dictionary of international relationships. Almaty, Turan University. 11 pp., 2021.

I have over 30 publications in scientific journals and collections, including


See article with non-zero impact factor:

ISSN 2457-9807 ISSN-I. 2457-9807

Asta Salvensis – review of history and culture, year VI, no (11), 2018 Explorations of the Kazakh Lands by European Scientists at the turn jf the 18th-19th Centuries (93 107).


Awards and prizes

  • Holder of the title “Ulagatty Ustaz” of the educational and scientific portal “Orleu” (2016)




Phone: +7 (727) 260-40-29

E-mail: a.samay@turan-edu.kz

Orzhanova Ulzhan Kerimbekovna

Associate Professor of the Graduate School of International Relations and Diplomacy

Candidate of Historical Sciences

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  • 1987-1992 y. – Shymkent Pedagogical Institute named after Auezov, Faculty of History and Pedagogy;
  • 2006 y. – defense of a candidate’s thesis in specialty 000702 – “National History (History of the Republic of Kazakhstan)”

Work experience

  • 1992-2003 Almaty Industrial College. General education teacher; methodologist of the correspondence department, deputy. Director of Youth Affairs.
  • 2004-2006 Female PI. Lecturer at the Department of General History.
  • 2006-2009 Almaty Humanitarian and Technical University. 2006-2007 Head. Department of the State Revenue Service. 2007-2009 Lecturer at the SRS Department.
  • 2009-2015 IOC KAU. Associate Professor. Deputy Dean for ViNR.
  • 2015-2021 Turan University. Associate Professor of the Department of Regional Studies and International Relations.


  • Bulletin of KazNPU them. Abay, series “International Affairs and Politics”, No. 1-2 (56-57), 2019 Dynamics of the national composition of the population of Central Asia in the modern period.
  • Bulletin of KazNPU them. Abai, series “International Affairs and Politics”, No. 1-2 (56-57), 2019. Regional features of the ethnic structure of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • Bulletin of KazNPU them. Abay, series “Historical and socio-political sciences”, №1 (64), 2020. The role of NGOs in “color revolutions”.
  • Bulletin of KazNPU them. Abay, series “Historical and socio-political sciences”. No.1 (64), 2020. Opportunities and Prospects for the Central Asian Dialogue.


  • Certificate of honor of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan 09/10/1998,
  • Breastplate “Bilim zhane gylym kyzmetkelerinin kusipodaagynna sinirgen enbegi ushin” 2010
  • Certificate of honor of the Almaty Union of Trade Unions 2011



Phone: + 7 (727) 260-40-29

E-mail: u.orzhanova@turan-edu.kz

Karimova Zulfiya Karimovna

Associate Professor of the Graduate School of International Relations and Diplomacy

Candidate of Historical Sciences

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  • 1993-1997 – Bachelor’s degree, specialization philologist-historian, ASU named after Abai
  • 1997-1999 – Master’s degree, specialization philologist-historian, ASU named after Abai
  • 2010: defense of a dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Historical Sciences

Work experience

  • Institute of Oriental Studies. R.B. Suleimenova KN MES RK 1999-2020.
  • Manuscript collection, Institute of Oriental Studies. Abu Rayhona Beruni Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan 2008
  • Joint project with School of Oriental and African Studies, London University, UK “Towards an alternative model of heritage as sustainable development”, 26 September 2018 – 25 October 2020 (applicant Dr Rachel Harris, co-applicant – Ablet Kamalov)
  • Since 2014, Associate Professor of the University “Turan”

Main publications

  • Karimova Z.K. East Turkestan sources on the history and culture of Kazakhstan and Central Asia (XVIII – early XX centuries) // Collective monograph. – Almaty: Publishing House “Mir”, – 2017. – 245 p.
  • Karimova Z.K. Reader on the medieval history of Kazakhstan (VI-XIX centuries) / edited by M.Kh. Abuseitova. Co-sponsors: Abuseitova M.Kh., Duisenov B., Karimova Z.K. and others – Almaty: – “Shygys pen Batys” – 2020.
  • Karimova Z.K. XVIII kasyrdaky kazak-zhogar baylanystary Molla Abd al-alimdin “Islam-name” derekkuzinde // Izvestia of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. A series of social sciences and humanities. – 2015. –S.79-84. – 0.4 pp.
  • The state of Yettyshar in the system of international relations in Central Asia in the second half of the 19th century. // “Bulletin of the Turkic world”. – Makhachkala, 2015 – pp. 60-66. – 0.4 pp. L
  • Karimova Z.K. XVIII – XIX ғғ. Kazakh khalgy tarikhynyk shykysturkistandyk tarikhnamasy // Izvestia of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. A series of social sciences and humanities. – 2016. – P.43-8.
  • More than 40 articles in scientific journals and collections

Awards and prizes

  • Letter of gratitude from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2019)
  • Letter of thanks from the rector of Turan University (2021)



Phone: + 7 (727) 260-40-29

E-mail: z.karimova@turan-edu.kz

Ishmukhamedov Sharip Abdrakhmanovich

Associate Professor of the Graduate School of International Relations and Diplomacy

Doctor of Political Sciences

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  • 1997 – 2002 KazNPU named after Abai. Specialty: political science. Degree: specialist.
  • 2002-2005 postgraduate study at KazNU named after al-Farabi and defense of candidate thesis, code 23.00.02 – Political institutions, processes and technologies.
  • 2007-2009 KazEU named after T. Ryskulov with a degree in economics. Bachelors degree.
  • 2010-2011 Scientific internship under the Bolashak program at the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain).

Academic and practical experience

  • 2002-2004 – the youth wing of the “Asar” party. Analytical department coordinator.
  • 2005-2008 – KazNU named after al-Farabi. Post-graduate student of the Department of Political Science.
  • 2008-2010 – KazNPU named after Abay. Deputy Dean of the Preparatory Faculty for foreign students.
  • 2012-2014 – KazNPU named after Abay. Department of «World History». Teacher of subjects: «Political Science», «History of Modern Times» in English.
  • 2014-2016 – Turan University. Lecturer in bachelor's subjects: «Political Science», «Foreign Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan», «Introduction to the specialty of international relations».
    Lecturer in in the subjects: «Theory of IR».
  • 2016-2021 – University of International Business. Teacher of the following subjects: «History of Kazakhstan», «Foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan», «Introduction to the specialty of international relations», «Diplomatic and consular service», «Technique of conducting diplomatic negotiations».
  • 2021 to the present – Turan University. Lecturer in the following subjects: «Main stages of development of the EU», «The process of decolonization and transformation of IR», «Technique of conducting of diplomatic negotiations».

Courses taught, practical courses


Conducts lessons in the subjects of the bachelor's degree for “International relations” and “Regional studies” specialties: «Main stages of development of the EU», «The process of decolonization and transformation of IR», «Technique of conducting of diplomatic negotiations.»


Main publications

  • Modern problems of the «Dutch disease» in Kazakhstan / Materials of the international scientific-practical conference «Social conflicts: the search for agreement and reconciliation». Almaty: University «Turan», 2016. – pp. 31-35.
  • The problems of influence of instability in Ukraine on Kazakhstan // Bulletin of Turan University. – 2015. – No. 3.
  • Features of coverage of the Astana process in Turkish and Iranian media // Bulletin of KazNPU named after Abay. – 2017. – No. 3. – pp.84-91.
  • Repatriation of foreign-terrorist fighters: the role of the UN / Proceedings of the International Conference. Almaty: Turan University, 2020.
  • Features of digitalization of political processes in Kazakhstan. // Bulletin of KazNPU named after Abay. – 2021. – No. 3. – pp.63-77.

Awards and prizes

  • Gratitude for personal contribution to the development of the education system in Kazakhstan.
  • The Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan. 2018 year.



Phone: + 7 (727) 260-40-29

E-mail: sharipkz@mail.ru

Tuleyev Murat Sergazievich

Senior-lecturer of the Graduate School of International Relations and Diplomacy

Candidate of Political Sciences

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  • Kazakh State University named after. S. M. Kirov.
  • Postgraduate studies at KRSU, candidate of political sciences.



  • Central Asian Development Corps
  • Ablai khan university of international relations and world languages
  • «Turan» university


Disciplines taught, practical courses

  • Modern conflicts and methods of their resolution
  • Issues of religious extremism in modern international relations.
  • Geopolitical concept of world regions
  • Ethnosociology and communications


Monographs and textbooks

  • Тулеев М.С. «Международный терроризм как угроза безопасности стран Центральной Азии. Исследование в контексте современной геополитики и г
    Азия: терроризм геополитика безопасность доклады, статьи, исследования
  • Тулеев М.С. «Терроризм в Центральной Азии: Характеристика. Формы. Причины»
  • Төлеев М.С. «монография).
  • Төлеев М.С. «Орталық Азиядағы терроризм: Сипаты.Түрлері. Себеп-салдары»


Main publications

  • Геополитическая стратегия и безопасность в Центральной Азии: проблемы и перспективы // Вестник КРСУ. – Бишкек, 2016. – Т. 16. – № 6, (0,5 п. л.).
  • Центральная Азия: Афганистан и современные аспекты геополитики // Вестник КРСУ. – Бишкек, 2016. – Т. 16. – № 6 (0,5 п. л.).
  • Влияние глобализационных процессов на международный терроризм // Вестник КазНУ. Серия: Международные отношения и международное право – Алматы, 2016. – 2(74)2016 (0,5 п. л.).
  • Международный терроризм в станах Центральной Азии: региональные особенности // Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая. Серия: Исторические и социально-политические науки – Алматы, 2016. – №2(49)2016 (0,5 п. л.).
  • Политическая безопасность Казахстана: угрозы и риски терроризма // Вестник КРСУ. – Бишкек, 2013. – Т. 13. – № 9 (0,5 п. л.).
  • Проблемы в изучении и определении феномена терроризма // Вестник КРСУ. – Бишкек 2013. Т. 13. №9
  • Молодежь в «цветных революциях» // Мысль. – Алматы, 2017. – № 4 (0,5 п. л.).
  • О гибридных угрозах // Мысль. – Алматы, 2019. – № 8 (0,5 п. л.).
  • О технологиях управляемого хаоса // Мысль. – Алматы, 2019. – № 11 (0,5 п. л.).
  • Афганистан: до и после вывода международных сил содействия безопасности. Сайт:Аналитический центр
  • «Prudent solutions (Разумные решения)» editor analitika- создано: 03 февраль 2016
  • Гибридные методы войны: современные реалии и перспективы. Сайт: Аналитический центр «Prudent solutions (Разумные решения)» editor analitika- создано: 05 марта 2018




Phone: + 7 (727) 260-40-29

Е-mail: m.tuleyev@turan-edu.kz

Asyltaeva Elnura Beisenbekovna

Associate Professor of the Graduate School of International Relations and Diplomacy

PhD in political science

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  • Al-Farabi KazNU. Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science. Specialty: Political Science (Bachelor’s, Master’s, Doctorate).
  • Academic degree – PhD in Political Science (2014).



  • Oklahoma State University, Oklahoma, USA.
  • The New School University, New York, USA


Work experience

  • 2009-2010 – Chief Specialist of the State Enterprise “House of Friendship – Center for the Study of Problems of Interethnic Relations” under the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • 2009-2010 – Lecturer in the Department of Political Science, KazNU named after al-Farabi.
  • 2013-2014 – Head of the department of information and analytical work of the State Enterprise “Center for Information and Analysis” of the Internal Policy Department of Almaty
  • 2016-2017 – Senior Lecturer at the Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov
  • 2014-2016 – Leading expert, chief expert, head of the regional media monitoring department of the Republican State Enterprise “Center for Analysis and Information” of the Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • 2016-2017 – Head of the Information Work Department of the Department of Analysis and Strategic Planning of the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Civil Society of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • 2017-2018 – Head of the Department of Interdepartmental Coordination of the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Civil Society of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • 2018-2022 – Business Analyst, Head of the Thematic Monitoring Department, Head of the New Media Monitoring Department of the Republican State Enterprise “Center for Analysis and Information” of the Ministry of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • From September 1, 2022 to the present – Associate Professor of the Department of Regional Studies and International Relations, Turan University


Main Publications

  • The state language as the basis of stability and security of the Kazakh society // Materialy VIII mezinarodni vědecko – prakticka conference “Moderni vymoženosti vědy – 2012”. – Dil 12. Philosophy. Politicke vědy: Praha. Publishing House “Education and Science” s.r.o – 72 country, 2012, pp. 31-37
  • Azamatyk beregeilik memlekettin berik negizi retinde // KazU Khabarshysy No. 1(38) 2012. 62-67b.
  • Formation of civic identity in the process of globalization: the example of the U.S.A. and Kazakhstan // Pensee Journal Vol 75, No. Oct 10, 2013
  • Ult kauіpsіzdіgіn kamtamasyz etu contextindegi tіl maselesі // Akikat. 2012. No. 5. mamyr. -p.39-42
  • Formation Of Civil And Patriotic Education Of Youth In Kazakhstan // Materials of 5th World Conference on Educational Sciences, 05-08 February 2013, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.
  • Kazakhstan Republicsyndagy biregeilenu uderisinin kezenderi // Kazakh Khabarshysy, Philosophy of the series. Madeniettanu seriasy. Sayasattanu seriasy. No. 1 (42). 2013, 72-79b.
  • Kazakhstan as a model for regulating interethnic relations // Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 114, 21 February 2014, Pages 291–297


Awards and prizes

  • Awarded with honorary diplomas of the Chairman of the Committee for Communications, Informatization and Information of the Ministry for Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • Awarded with the badge “Akparat salasynyn uzdigi” (2021).
Nurov Markhabbat

Associate Professor of the Graduate School of International Relations and Diplomacy


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  • Bachelor’s degree: Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay. Faculty of History, specialty: “Regional Studies” (2007-2011).
  • Master’s degree: Kazakh National Pedagogical University. Abay, Institute of Master’s and PhD doctoral studies. Specialty: “Religious Studies” (2012-2014)
  • Doctorate: Kazakh National Pedagogical University. Abay, Institute of History and Law, “Political Science” (2018-2021).

Work experience

  • Kazakhstan Center for Humanitarian and Political Conjuncture, leading expert, 2014 – present.
  • University “Turan” – Senior Lecturer of the Department of “Regional Studies and International Relations” 2021 – present.


  1. “The factor of informal religiosity of youth” // Abay atyndagy KazuPU, KHABARSHY “Aleumettik zhane sayasi Gylymdar” series, No. 3 (71), 2020. – 150-156 bb.
  2. Formation of ecological consciousness in modern Islamic adab // Adam alemi. – Almaty. – No. 3 (85) 2020. – 65-74 bb.
  3. Directions of Kazakh culture // Critical Muslim 36: Directions. Autumn 2020. – 110-117 p.
  4. EKI Korea memleketterinin birigu zholyndagy presidentterinin ruli men ustangan sayasaty.
  5. The essence and content of Islamic education in the Republic of Kazakhstan: theoretical and methodological foundations // ҚР А Khabarshys. – Almaty. – No. 5. – 2020. – 280-285 bb.
  6. Islamic studies as problems and perspectives of a dialogical project // European Journal of Science and Theology, Romania, 2021, Volume 17, No. 3, 171–180 p. SCOPUS, Q1.
  7. Occultism in the minds of the citizens of Kazakhstan // Sociological research. 2021. No. 9. S. 137-142. SCOPUS, Q2.

Experience in research and innovation

  • 22.11.2013-03.12.2013 – Foreign scientific internship at Chonnam National University, Korea, Kwang Joo




Phone: + 7 (727) 260-40-29

E-mail: m.nurov@turan-edu.kz

Aytymbetov Nurken Iskakovich

Associate Professor of the Graduate School of International Relations and Diplomacy


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  • 2004-2008 – Bachelor’s degree: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of History, specialty: “History”
  • 2009-2010 – Master’s degree: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science, specialty: “Political Science”
  • 2012-2015 – Doctoral studies: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science, specialty: “Political Science.” Dissertation topic: “National identity as a factor in the formation of the political culture of Kazakhstan”


Work experience

  • 29.11.2010-02.03.2012 – translator of the combat department of the headquarters of the Military Engineering Institute of Radioelectronics and Communications, Almaty.
  • from 05.03.2012 to the present, leading researcher at the Center Political Studies Institute of Philosophy, Political Science and Religious Studies Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • from 01.09.2017 – to the present, senior lecturer at the department of «Political science and political technologies» of the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science of Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi (part-time).
  • from 01.09.2020 to the present, associate professor of the department of “Regional studies and International Relations” University “Turan” (part-time).


Teaching aids, monographs

  • Трансформация идеологического пространства в Казахстане. Коллективная монография// под общ. ред. З.К. Шаукеновой. – Алматы: ИФПР КН МОН РК, 2014. – 142 с.
  • Қоғамдық сананы жаңғырту міндеттері аясындағы қазақстандық бірегейлікті қалыптастыру»1 кітап. Коллективная монография // под общ. ред. А.Х. Бижанова. – Алматы: ИФПР КН МОН РК, 2018. – 474 с.
  • Nation-Building in Kazakhstan: Kazakh and Kazakhstani Identities Controversy. Türk Cumhuriyetlerinde Bağımsızlık ve Devlet İnşa Süreci. – Ahmet Yesevi Üniversitesi, Аnkarа, 2018– С. 435-454
  • 2019 Қазақстандағы ұлттық бірегейлікті қалыптастырудың ерекшеліктері. Индивидуальная монография. – Алматы: ИФПР КН МОН РК, 2018. – 200 с.
  • Қазақстандағы ұлттық бірегейліктің қалыптасуы аясындағы этносаралық қарым- қатынас мәселесі. Қоғамдық сананы жаңғырту міндеттері аясындағы қазақстандық бірегейлікті қалыптастыру: 3 кітап. Формирование казахстанской идентичности в контексте задач модернизации общественного сознания: книга 3. – Алматы: ИФПР КН МОН РК, 2020. – С. 468-489




Author of more than 30 scientific papers, including 3 articles in a journal indexed in the Scopus database. General number of citations – 4, Hirsch index – 1.

  • Nation-Building in Kazakhstan: Kazakh and Kazakhstani Identities Controversy. Bilig. Journal of Social Sciences of the Turkish World. ISSN 1301-0549. – Ankara, Turkey.– 2015. – № 74. – P. 1-20. (Статья с ненулевым импакт-фактором в базе данных Scopus).
  • Tribalism in Kazakhstan: Tradition reborn or Social instrument. Journal Central Asia and the Caucasus CA&C Press AB Sweden. Volume 21, Issue 4, 2020. – Р. 33-41. ISSN:1404- Political science and International relations, процентиль 70 (Статья с ненулевым импакт-фактором в базе данных Scopus).
  • Islamic revival in Kazakhstan: state policy. Journal Central Asia and the Caucasus CA&C Press AB Sweden. Vol. 22, Issue 3, 2021. – P.168-179. ISSN:1404-6091. Political science and International relations, процентиль 70 (Статья с ненулевым импакт-фактором в базе данных Scopus).


Awards and prizes

  • 8-12 апреля 2019 г. Награжден дипломом за III место в XXVI Международной научной конференции студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых «Ломоносов-2019» МГУ.




Phone: + 7 (727) 260-40-29

Е-mail: n.aitymbetov@turan-edu.kz

Shakeeva Botakoz Rakhimbekovna

Senior lecturer of the Graduate School of International Relations and Diplomacy

Master’s degree

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  • Bachelor’s degree: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of International Relations, specialty: “International Relations” (2007-2012).
  • Master’s degree: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of International Relations, specialty: “International Relations” (2012-2014)
  • Doctoral degree: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty philosophy and Political science, specialty: “Political Science” (2018-2021).


Work experience

  • August 2013 – September 2016. Institute of World Economy and Politics under the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Project expert on social issues.
  • From 2019 – 2020 – lecturer in the discipline “Political Science” at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in Kazakh.
  • since 2020 – a teacher in the discipline “Modern History of Kazakhstan” in KazMUNO concurrently.
  • From 2020 to the present – Associate Professor of the Department of Regional Studies and International Relations at Turan University.



  • The idea of “Mangilik yel” and the development of a common national identity of Kazakhstan//European Scientific Conference: collection of articles of the XIX International Scientific and Practical Conference. – Penza: ICNS “Science and Education”. – 2020. / co-authored with PhD Aitymbetov N.Y. / pp. 206-211.
  • The role of language in the formation of national identity in Algeria and Kazakhstan (comparative analysis) // Materials of the X All-Russian Scientific and Practical conference “Development of political institutions and processes: foreign and domestic experience”. April 26, 2019 – Omsk, 2019. – pp. 248-255
  • President of the institutes of zhane Kazakhstan ulttyk kurylystyn kalyptasuy // Al-farabi No.3, 2018. /PhD Aitymbetov N.Y. birge. / pp.143-155.
  • Kazakh village at the present stage: the evolution of social ties // Social portrait of modern Kazakh society (collection of articles), Astana-Almaty 2015. C151-176.
  • The problem of reforming the OIC //Kazakhstan in Global Processes No. 3, 2014. ISSN 1813-44467. C62-69.
  • The Kazakhstan chairmanship of the OIC council of foreign ministers 2011-2012 // Scientific potential of the World-2013. Material for the IX International Scientific Practical Conference, September 17-25, 2013, Volume 7, Sofia “Byal GRAD-BG” OOD 2013 /co-authored with Ph.D. Associate Professor B.M.Balaubaeva/ S45-49.
  • Syrian problem in the context of the UN and the OIC // Abai at. Kazak Ulttyk pedagogicalyk University Khabarshy “Halykaralyk omir zhane sayasat” series No. 4 (31), 2012zh. ISSN 1728-550X. C81-84.


Research and innovation experience

  • 01.2013- 25.01.2013 foreign internship at Columbia University in New York, New York (USA).
  • 05.2019 – 07.08.2019 foreign internship at Pitzer College, Claremont in Los Angeles, California, USA.




Phone: + 7 (727) 260-40-29

E-mail: b.shakeyeva@turan-edu.kz

Saule Yussupova

Senior-lecturer of the Graduate School of International Relations and Diplomacy

PhD In Sociology

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ORCID ID: orcid.org/0000-0001-6100-8194



  • 1998-2003 – Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi,  Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science
  • 2012-2014 – MKTU named after A.Yassavi, Master of Arts
  • 2015-2021 – Gazi University, Ankara, PhD in the educational program “Philosophy


Academic history

  • 2016-2021 PhD In Sociology, Philosophy and Related fields Teaching, in the Institute of Educational Sciences, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey.
    DISSERTATION: “Gender Equality Debates in Modernist Islamic Schools”
    Muslim women’s rights and struggle for gender equality in Turkey, post- Soviet Republics, Malaysia as well as in USA.
  • 2012 – 2014 Master’s degree in Philosophy, International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Ahmet Yassavi Turkistan, Kazakhstan (awarded with distinction).
    Master’s Dissertation: “Comparative analyses of Western and Eastern Women’s Position”
  • 1998 – 2003 Specialist’s Degree: Teacher of Philosophy, Philosophy and Politic Science, Kazakh National University named after Al – Farabi Almaty Kazakhstan (awarded with distinction). The title of the diploma work on “Philosophical aspects of feminism”


Professional experience

  • 2018 – 2020 — Teacher of English and Philosophy for children (P4C) at Suje School Ankara/Turkey
  • 2015 – 2018 — Teacher of English at Beysukent High School in Ankara/Turkey
  • 2014 – 2017 — Translator (Russian-Kazakh-Turkish) at “Yerli Dusunce” NGO in Ankara Ankara/Turkey
  • 2014 – 2015 — Lecturer of Russian and Kazakh Languages at Police Academy in Ankara/Turkey
  • 2007 – 2011 — International Department Officer and Translator (assisting in lectures of Fulbright Fellow Professors: Dr.Jerry GALM and Dr. M.Glantz) at Auezov Technical University of Shymkent/Kazakhstan
  • 2004 – 2006 — Teacher of Sociology courses at Kazakh State Technical University in Almaty / Kazakhstan
  • 2003 – 2004 — Lecturer of Philosophy Course, Kazakh Economy University in Almaty/Kazakhstan


Educational scholarships & awards

  • 1998 – 2003 — Grant for education and received honors degree stipend from Ministry of Education Kazakhstan.
  • 2012 – 2014 — Kazakh Ministry of National Education, Stipendiary Clergy during Master’s Degree
  • 2012 – 2013 — Scholarship of International Exchange Program “Mevlana” at Gazi University Ankara/Turkey
  • 2013 – 2014 — Scholarship of Ahmed Yassawi University, to make research in Malaysia and Singapore, for Master Thesis
  • 2016 – 2019 — TUBITAK Graduate Scholarship Program for International Students 2215 Ankara/Turkey



  1. January 2020 “The Rise of Populism” International Workshop in Konya, Turkey. Presented paper on ‘Post-Soviet Women as victims of Islamophobia and Xenophobia’
  2. March-July 2019 “Women’s Academy” Ankara, Presenting Books on Feminism
  3. December 2018 “Turan Dogru” Ankara, Speaker “Women in Ancient Turkic
  4. World”
  5. June 2018 Yayladagı Town Hatay/Turkish-Syrian border, “Seminar on Women Rights” at Syrian refugee camp.
  6. July 2018 Ankara, “Recel blog, Feminism and Islam,” Presenting paper on “Islamic Feminism in the world”
  7. January 2018, Women Platform of Ankara presenting “Post-Soviet Women and Islam”
  8. December 2018, Ankara – Presentation of paper by Yussupova S. & Zabun B. “Contemporary Religious Debates and Gender Problems in Russia and Central Asia”, International Turkish-Russian Research Symposium 10-14 December, 2018, Yildirim Beyazit University, Ankara, Turkey
  9. December 2016, ASTANA / KAZAKHSTAN – Translator and assistant for 63rd Minister of Culture and Turizm in Turkish Republic – Yalchin TOPCHU during a Project dedicated for 25th anniversary of Kazakhstan independence.
  10. December 2016, ANKARA – Effective Communication Skills and Conflict Management Seminar at Beysukent College, Ankara, TURKEY
  11. January 2015, ANKARA – Organiser of meeting at Ministry of Turks abroad (YTB) on international female students security at Ankara.
  12. July 2015, ALMATY / KAZAKHSTAN – Translator (from Turkish to Kazakh) and organiser of seminar by Dr.Mehmet EVKURAN for educators of Al – Farabi University Almaty, KAZAKHSTAN
  13. May 2015, ANKARA – Speaker and translator (from Russian to Turkish) during International Symposium of Hitit University, Chorum, TURKEY
  14. March 2014, Internship (İnterviewing at Faculty of Law on Women rights and security in Malaysia) at Law Faculty of Sultan Zeynel Abidin University (UniSZA) KUALA – Terengganu / Malaysia
  15. IIUM, İnternational İslamic University of Malaysia KUALA – Lumpur / Malaysia
  16. April 2014, National Library of Singapore.
  17. June 2014, ALMATY – Presenting a paper on “Women’s surpression by traditions
  18. and customs” İnternational Languages University Symposium
  19. December 2013, Eskishehir/TURKEY – Assistant and translator of Coordinator of
  20. Presenting paper about “Youths of Future”


Selected articles & other publications

  1. Exploring Gender Problems of Post-Soviet Muslim Women: Between Ethno-Nationalism, Islamization and Secularization (October, 2020)
  2. Post-Soviet Women as Victims of Islamophobia and Xenophobia. (January 2020, Konya)
  3. Social trust. Women in Turkish culture (April 2016, Chorum)
  4. Status of Kazakh women in 21st century (May 2015, Chorum)
  5. The Future Youth (December 2012, Eskishehir)
  6. Women’s Problems in Turkish society: violence, surpression of traditions and customs on women’s life (June 2014, Almaty)
  7. The role of Muslim women in progress of Science. (December 2012, Shymkent)
  8. The importance of knowledge in Islam (April 2013, Turkistan)
  9. İmportance of women’s contribution to Science Progress in İslamic World (March 2013, Prague)
  10. The Evolution of women as person in Middle Ages (March 2013, Turkistan)
  11. The fear of motherhood in eastern and western women today (April 2013, Nevinominsk)
  12. The importance of scientific knowledge in Kazakh society nowadays. (April 2013, Kostanay)
  13. Women status in 3 monoteistic religions (April 2013, Omsk)
  14. Poligamy issues in Kazakh societytoday (November 2013, Almaty) 15. Gender politics of Kazakhstan today (December 2013,Almaty)



  • Associate Professor Dr. Bülent Tarman
    Editor-in-Chief, Research in Social Sciences and Technology Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Social Studies Education Research Tel: +90 (507) 310-4933
    E-mail: btarman@gmail.com
  • Dr. Gulzira SHADINOVA
    Department of Philosophy and History of International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Ahmed Yassawi, Turkestan/ KAZAKHSTAN
    Tel: +7 705 722 1867
    E-mail: shadinova.g@mail.ru
  • Associate Professor in Sociology
    Department of Sociology and Islamic Theology at Kirikkale University, TURKEY Tel: +90 533 253 33 91
    Dr.Hidayet TUKSAL
    E-mail: htuksal@gmail.com
  • Dr. Mehmet EVKURAN
    Professor of Islamic Theology
    Director of Social Science at Hitit University, Chorum / TURKEY Tel: + 90 535 658 25 13
    E-mail: mehmetevkuran@hotmail.com




Phone: + 7 (727) 260 40 29

E-mail: s.yusupova@turan-edu.kz

Medetkanov Zhandos Sabyrzhanovich

Senior-lecturer of the Graduate School of International Relations and Diplomacy

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  • Al-Farabi Kazakh State University, 1999-2003, bachelor, specialty “History”
  • Al-Farabi Kazakh State University 2003-2005, Master’s degree, specialty “World History”

Academic and practical experience

  • General experience – 13 years, teaching 13 years.
  • 2005-present – Turan University.

Main publications

  • Medetkanov Zh. Kazirgi zamandagy khalygaralyk katynastar tarikhy (1918-1945 fzh.): Onu kraly / Nubizhan Mkametkanuly, Kabit Zhummatay, Zhandos Medetkanov; Al-Farabi atyn. KazҰU. – Almaty: Kazakh un-ti, 2015. – 364, [2] b.
  • Akylshyn reformationas tsyndagy Angliyshy syrtky sayasaty // Materials of the international scientific conference. Socio-economic and political aspects of overcoming the crisis in the Republic of Kazakhstan. №-Almaty, 2009. November 6-7. 273-277 bb.



Phone: +7 (727) 260-40-29

E-mail: z.medetkanov@turan-edu.kz

Arenova Almasha Arystanovna

Senior lecturer of the Graduate School of International Relations and Diplomacy

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  • 1983 – 1986 — KazGU named after S.M.Kirov, Faculty of Philology;
  • 1986 – 1993 — Gorky Moscow Literary Institute Union of Writers of the USSR, workshop of Ch.T.Aitmatov
  • 1996 – 2000 — Postgraduate study of the Faculty of Political Science of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • 2005 – 2008 — TURAN University, Faculty of Law, Specialty: Lawyer
  • 1997 — Internship at the diplomatic courses “Political negotiations” at the Netherlands Institute of International Relations (The Hague).
  • 1998 — At the invitation of the US Embassy in Kazakhstan, she completed Advanced training courses for Senior management “National Security and Democracy in the Media”, organized by the George Marshall European Center for Security Studies (Garmisch Parterkirchen – Munich).

Work experience

  •  Редактор-переводчик Республиканской газеты «Каз.правда», “Егемен Қазақстан”, в период с 2002 по 202 гг. автор и переводчик в социально-политических журналах “Мысль” и “Ақиқат”, газете “Қазақ әдебиеті” .
  •  Министерство иностранных дел Республики Казахстан – специалист 2,1 категории, Референт, Атташе Управления информации и печати; Третий секретарь, Второй секретарь  Управления информационного анализа и планирования внешнеполитических мероприятий.
  • 1999 — Первый секретарь Пресс-службы МИД РК; Дипломатический курьер РК в Пакистане и Индии (организация и проведение выборов в Парламент РК в гг. Исламабаде и Дели).
  • 1993 – 1994 Editor-translator of the Republican newspaper “Kaz.pravda”, “Egemen Kazakhstan”, in the period from 2002 to 202. author and translator in the socio-political magazines “Thought” and “Akikat”, the newspaper “Kazak adebieti”.
  • 1994 – 2002 — Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan – 1 category specialist, Referent, Attache of the Department of Information and Press; Third Secretary, Second Secretary of the Department of Information Analysis and Planning of Foreign Policy Events.
  • 1999 — First Secretary of the Press Service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Diplomatic Courier of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Pakistan and India (organization and conduct of elections to the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Islamabad and Delhi).
  • 1999-2001 First Secretary – Editor of the journal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Diplomatic courier – Diplomacy of Zharshysy”. She was awarded the diplomatic rank of Second Secretary of the First Class.
  • 2002 Consul of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the Consular Post of the Department of Consular Service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan in “TCO” (Tengizchevroil);
    Consul of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Atyrau International Airport; combined the work of a Consul in “AJIP CSR” – provided visa services, actively promoted the employment of the local population in the above-mentioned companies.
  • 2003 Press Secretary of the Customs Control Agency of the Republic Kazakhstan, (Astana).
  • 2003 – 2008 — Press Secretary of the Customs Control Department of the CPC of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the city of Almaty.
  • 2004, May Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the newspaper ATK RK “Keden-Customs” Responsible for the release of the Almaty branch of the newspaper “TNB” (Customs and Tax Bulletin).
  • 2008, April-May 2011 Deputy Head of the Press Service of the Mayor of the city Almaty (Chief Specialist of the Public Relations Department of the Akim’s Office of Almaty)
  • 2011, June – to the n/a Department of Internal Policy of the city of Almaty of the Akim’s Office Almaty, Chief specialist of the Media Department.
  • 2018 – by n/a Head of the Department of Political Cooperation Representative offices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan in Almaty

Awards, acknowledgements

  • 2001 — December 16 In connection with the 10th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan
    Gratitude on behalf of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Tokayev K.K.
  • 2003 — December 12 Gratitude of the Chairman of the ATK of the Republic of Kazakhstan Saparbayev B.M. for organizing and participating in the First international journalistic landing, along the route of the Great Silk Road, along the state border from the customs post “Turkestan” to the customs “Korgas” (participation of 50 journalists from the Republic of Kazakhstan, Russia, Kyrgyzstan and China).
  • 2007 — Certificate of Honor of the Chairman of the CPC of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan for conscientious work and impeccable service.

Military ranks

  • 2004, May — Was awarded the military rank of “Captain of the Customs Service”
  • 2007, December — Was awarded the military rank of “Lieutenant Colonel of the Customs Service”.



In the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, she oversaw issues of consular cooperation with France, Belgium, Italy, Spain and European CIS countries. She was engaged in the preparation of draft agreements on mutual travel of citizens between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation, Georgia, Armenia, Moldova, the Baltic states, the Agreement on visa-free regime of the EurAsEC countries, the preparation of draft comments in the media on bilateral and multilateral treaties, consular issues regarding confirmation of citizenship of the Republic of Kazakhstan from the internal affairs bodies of the Republic, issues of combating illegal migration, etc.issues within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Cooperation. She prepared draft speeches to the first leaders (Minister, Vice-Ministers), press releases, news digests for the Security Council under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, based on materials received through diplomatic channels from the Embassies of the Republic of Kazakhstan abroad, ensured the publication of articles by the Ambassadors of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the media and scientific publications. Participated in the development and preparation of image materials about Kazakhstan for foreign policy events abroad. She was engaged in organizing press conferences, briefings, the filming process during interviews, controlled the release time of broadcasts, publications; She kept the archive of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Together with the Press Services of the President and the Government, she was engaged in the accreditation of Kazakhstani and foreign journalists to the summits and meetings of leaders of the CIS/EurAsEC/CICA/SCO countries/official visits of heads of state and government to Kazakhstan (Astana-Almaty).


From 2018 to the present (2022), I am the Head of the Department of Political Cooperation of the Representative Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Almaty, I oversee issues of bilateral and multilateral cooperation with the diplomatic corps accredited in Almaty. I am the head of the Secretariat of the Diplomatic Club of Almaty, one of the founders of the DKA, the head of the Secretariat of the Regional Public Association “Association of Kazakh Diplomats” of Almaty. Master of Data Science Journalism, Academician of the International Academy of Informatization, Honored Worker of the Diplomatic Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan. She was awarded a Certificate of Honor of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a Letter of Thanks from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Kemelevich Tokayev and the Barys badge, jubilee medals: Al-Farabi gold medal, to the 80th anniversary of KazNU. Al-Farabi, 20, 25, 30 years of the diplomatic service of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 30 years of the Customs Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 30 years of the “Nevada-Semey Anti-Nuclear Movement”, medal “85th anniversary of Omirbek Zholdasbekov”, “175th anniversary of Abai Kunanbayev”, certificate of honor and medal, badge “Honored Cultural Worker of the Eurasian Foundation Member of the International Union of Writers, Playwrights and Journalists (g. Moscow), holder of the Honorary Badge of the World nations writers union (2020), medal of the Republic of Kazakhstan”Kazakhstan Republikasynn Tauelsizdigine 30 zhyl”, Honorary badge “Kazakhstan Republikasynn Tauelsizdigi 30 zhyl” Alem halyktary zhazushylary odagyn, honorary title of the Academy of Public Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Uzdik memlekettik kyzmetshi”, medal “Turkistan 1500 zhyl”, Certificates of honor and Letters of Thanks from the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Chairmen of the Customs Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Akim of Almaty, Ambassadors of the Republic of Kazakhstan, heads of diplomatic missions, Consulates General, consulates accredited in Almaty.


Representative Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan in Almaty

Head of the Department of Political Cooperation.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Diplomatic rank: Adviser of the first class.


Representative Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan in Almaty

Almasha Arystanovna (Head of the Department of Political Cooperation)

Komekova Moldir Oralkhanovna

Senior-lecturer of the Graduate School of International Relations and Diplomacy

Read the summary »


  • 2001-2006 – KazUMO & WL named after Abylai Khan
  • 2013-2015 – Al-Farabi Kazakh State University

Work experience

  • 2008-2011 University “KazUMOiWL”. Senior teacher of Turkish language and literature.
  • From 2011 to the present – Turan University. Senior Lecturer.
  • 2016-read a course of lectures on the theory and history of international relations: Arel University (Istanbul, Turkey).

Main publications

  • “Elements of Tengrianism in the modern religious tradition of Kazakhstan” November 2020
  • “Language in a multicultural space: the experience of Kazakhstan” 2021 RSCI magazine
  • “Kazakhstan Respublikasyndagy zhagandanu Ordisinin ereksheligi”
  • “Kazakh bi Onerinin Asip Orkendeuі” Bulletin No. 1 (59) (KazNU named after Al-Farabi)
  • “Turkiya zhune Kazakhstan arasyndagy medeny yntymaaktastyktyk negizgi baqyttary”

Awards and prizes

  • Holder of the title “Ulakatty Ustaz” of the educational and scientific portal “Orleu” (2016)
  • Awarded the Certificate of Honor by the Ministry of Education of Turkey (2018)


Experience in research and innovation


Foreign internship at the Department of Culturology at the University of Mimar Sinan. Turkey, Istanbul. 19-29.06.2013




Phone: + 7 (727) 260-40-29

E-mail: m.komekova@turan-edu.kz

Tayzhenbetova Aigul Bizhanovna

Senior-lecturer of the Graduate School of International Relations and Diplomacy

Master of Humanities

Read the summary »


  • 1997-2002 – Kazakh National University named after al – Farabi
  • 2002-2003 – postgraduate study at Al – Farabi KazNU,
  • 2016-2018 – Master’s degree at KazNU named after al – Farabi, Master of Arts.

Work experience

  • 2002-2003 College of Economics and Law. Teacher of OOD
  • 2003-2005 KazEU named after T. Ryskulov. Teacher of OOD
  • 2005-2021. Turan University. Senior Lecturer of OOD

Main publications

  1. Khalygaralyk terrorismmen kuressudің conventionallyқ mechanisms. Materials of the scientific-practical conference “Historical, cultural and economic aspects of the relationship between Central Asia and China” April 2015
  2. Kazirgi Alemdegi terrorism taraluynyk basty factorlary Materials of the scientific-practical conference “Historical, cultural and economic aspects of the relationship between Central Asia and China” April 2015
  3. Қazirgі lured terrorism ylym taldaudyk basty objects і retіnde. Collection of articles of the MNPK “Social conflicts: search for harmony and reconciliation”, Almaty 2016.
  4. Zhagandanu zhadayyndagy Kazakhstan Respublikasyk ulttyk kauіpsizdik sayasatynyk basty bauyttary. Collection of articles of the MNPK “Social conflicts: search for harmony and reconciliation”, Almaty 2016.
  5. Aleumettik zhauapkershiliktin formalars “Gylym Ordasy”, May 18, 2018
  6. Kazirgi Kazakhstandyk Kogamdaғy tulғanyk Aleumettik zhauapkershiligi. Innovative and entrepreneurial education in the context of improving the quality of life: Materials of the MNPK .: in 3 parts. – Almaty: University “Turan”, 2019. – 368 p.
  7. Aleumettik zhauapkershilik kogamdy damytushy basty bauyttardyk biri retinde. “Strategy of international cooperation in the field of youth policy”: Materials of the international scientific and practical conference – Almaty: University “Turan”, 2020 – 326 p.

Overseas internship

Foreign internship at the Department of Philosophy at Istanbul University. Turkey, Istanbul. 19-29.06.2017



Phone: + 7 (727) 2604029

E-mail: a.taizhenbetova@turan-edu.kz

Agybay Zhangeldi Rakhmetkazyuly

Senior-lecturer of the Graduate School of International Relations and Diplomacy

Master in Public International Law

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  • Bachelor, International Relations at Suleiman Demirel University, (2012).
  • Bolashak MSc, Public International Law (LLM) City University of London, Merit (2015).

Work experience

  • C “2016. -2019 g “University named after Suleiman Demirel
  • From “2019. – present “University” Turan “.

Main publications

  • Protecting the rights of Minorities in International Law, SDU Journal, 2017
  • Applicability of the law in the armed conflict, SDU Journal, 2018
  • Factors affecting SME performance in Kazakhstan, SDU Journal, 2018
  • The rights of Indigenous Peoples in International Law, VAC KazGU, 2020
  • Central Asia in the system of IR: conceptual analysis, KazGU, 2021



Phone: +7 (727) 260-40-29

E-mail: zh.agybai@turan-edu.kz

Rakhmatulina Dilyara Miratovna

Senior-lecturer of the Graduate School of International Relations and Diplomacy


Read the summary »


  • 2015-2019 – Bachelor of Social Knowledge, specialty “Regional Studies”, “Turan” University;
  • 2019-2021 – Master of Social Sciences in the educational program “International Relations”, “Turan” University


Work experience

  • 2019-2021 – methodologist of the Department of Regional Studies and International Relations;
  • From 2021 to present – senior-lecturer at the Department of «Regional Studies and International Relations»



  1. Рахматулина Д.М. Понятие «водные ресурсы» в науке о международных отношениях // Стратегия международного сотрудничества в сфере молодежной политики: материалы науч.-прак. конф. – Университет «Туран», 2020. – С. 275-279
  2. Рахматулина Д.М. Конфликтный потенциал «водных ресурсов» в международных отношениях // Гармонизация межнациональных и межрелигиозных отношений в условиях поликультурного общества: материалы науч.-прак. конф. – Университет «Туран», 2021. – С. 154-160
  3. Рахматулина Д.М., Исова Л.Т., Самай А.Д. Исторический аспект понятийного контента «Экологическая миграция» в международных документах // Казахстан – Спектр. – 2023/1, (105). – С. 55-68 https://doi.org/10.52536/2415-8216.2023-1.04
  4. Рахматулина Д.М., Исова Л.Т., Самай А.Д. Теневая экологическая миграция в Приаралье как новый ареал экологических проблем // Известия. Серия: Международные отношения и регионоведение. – 51(1). – С. 138-155





Phone: + 7 (727) 260 40 29

Е-mail: d.rahmatulina@turan-edu.kz

Nyshanbaev Nurbolat Kairatovich

Senior-lecturer of the Graduate School of International Relations and Diplomacy

Master in International Relations, PhD

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  • 2018 –2020 Master of International Relations. The University of Queensland. School of Political Science and International Studies (Australia, Brisbane)
  • 2016- June Bachelor of International Relations [semester] Warsaw University (Poland, Warsaw)
  • 2014-2015 Bachelor of Political Science [semester] Kookmin University (South Korea, Seoul)
  • 2013-2017 Bachelor of Political Science, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Kazakhstan Republic, Almaty).

Work experience

  • January 2020, lecturer at the Department of Regional Studies and International Relations, Turan University.
  • August-December 2017. Sociology, Political Science Lecturer, Almaty State Business College
  • September-December 2016 Coordinator of programs of the Public Fund “Astana Alemi”.

Publications (indexed) KKSON

  • Nyshanbaev N. 2020 “Modern Pentathlon halyқaralyқ қatynastardaғy memleketterdің syrtқy sayasatyndaғy kөpvektorly syrtқy Sayasat қaғidaty: Kazakhstan Respublikasynyң mysalynda” “Kөpmәdeniettі қoғamdaғy etnosaralyқ zhane dіnaralyқ қatynastardy үylestіru” Halyқaralyқ ғylymi-zertteu Materialdary zhane praktikalyқ conference – Almaty, 28 zheltoқsan 2020 Well, “Tұran”. university. 260 b.
  • Nyshanbaev N. 2020, “Kazakstannyk syrtky sayasatynyk zhana tzhyrymdamasynyk erekshelikteri: theorylyk taldau” Abai atyndagy KazKPU khabarshysy, “Sociologylyk zhune sayasi kylymdar, N 4, series, 72, 2020: 72
  • Nyshanbaev N., Tulen Zh., Akybay Zh., 2020, Khalygaralyk Katynastar zhuyesindegi Ortalyk Asia Aimagy: tұzhyrymdamalyk taldau, (Central Asia region in the system of international relations: a conceptual analysis,) l-Farabi ҚazyҰsynday zhne khalygaralyk kyk ”series No4 (92).
  • Tulen Zh., Nyshanbaev N., 2020 “Khalykaralyk tәzhiribedegi memlekettin Aleumettik-sayasi, economics of damudagy ruli: sayasi taldau” (“The role of the state in socio-political, economic development in international practice: polit analysisological”) humanitarianқ zertteuler journals no. 3 (71) b. 118- 129.
  • Nyshanbayev N. 2020, The impact of youth migration to the state’s security, Abay National Pedagogical University’s Herald, Section on political science and sociology. Vol 71, No 3. Available at Nyshanbaev N 2020, Zhastardyң kөshі-onynyң memlekettin қauіpsіzdіgіne aseri, Abai atyndagy ulttyk pedagogical university series Habarshysy, Sayasattanu zhune asyleumet. 3 (71) –

Monographs, textbooks

  • Tulen Zh.M., Nyshanbaev N.K. Khalygaralyk katynastarga kirispe: Electronic edition / Tulen Zh.M., Nyshanbaev N.K. – Almaty: Turan University, 2021 – 262 p. – ISBN 9786012144703.



Phone: +7 (727) 260-40-29

E-mail: n.nyshanbayev@turan-edu.kz

Алтынбек Әйгерім Асылханқызы

Senior-lecturer of the Graduate School of International Relations and Diplomacy

Master of Humanities

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  • 2013-2017 – Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages ​​named after Abylai Khan, Almaty, specialty “Translation studies (translator)”. Degree – Bachelor of Translation Studies.
  • 2018-2020 – Master’s degree. Turan University. Specialty 6M020200 “International Relations”. Degree – Master on the specialty and (or) educational program Humanities specialty 6M020200 “International Relations”. Direction – scientific and pedagogical.

Academic and practical experience

  • 2017-2021 – University Turan. Translator.
  • 2021- present – Turan University. Senior lecturer at the Department of Regional Studies and International Relations.

Courses taught, practical courses


Conducts classes for undergraduate programs


Main publications

  • Application of the Kazakhstan’s inter-ethnic harmony model in international practice: Russia, Kyrgyzstan. “Information and entrepreneurship education in the context of improving the quality of life.” Materials of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference. November 2019.
  • Interethnic relations and public safety in Kazakhstan. University “Turan” “Zhas Turan”. March 2020
  • Activity of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan on strengthening international relations of the state”. “Information and entrepreneurial education in the context of improving the quality of life” Materials of the international scientific and practical conference I volume. December 2018




Phone: +7 (727) 260-40-29

E-mail: a.altynbek@turan-edu.kz

Abayeva Aigerim Bulatovna

Senior-Lecturer of the Graduate School of International Relations and Diplomacy

Master of Political Sciences

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  • Ablai khan university of international relations and world languages, 2008-2012, bachelor, specialty: Translation profeciency (Chinese and English).
  • Kazakh Academy of Labor and Social Relations, 2012-2014, second higher, bachelor, faculty: economics and business, specialty: finance.
  • Xinjiang University (PRC) 2012-2016, MSc, Faculty: International Relations, Major: International Politics

Academic and practical experience


Total experience – 8 years, pedagogical 1 year.

  • Consulate of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Urumqi (PRC) Passport and Visa Service.
    Position: Customer Service Specialist
  • YOMA Limited consulting Hong Kong company
    Position: Chinese Language Sales Manager
    Position: Chinese translator, personal assistant to the CEO
    Position: Marketer, Project Manager China
  • LLP College “International Academy of Business”
    Position: Head of Marketing
    Lecturer in Economics and Language Disciplines
  • From September 1, 2023 – senior lecturer at the Department of Regional Studies and International Relations of Turan University.




Phone:  + 7 (727) 2604029

Е-mail: a.abaeva@turan-edu.kz

Kogambayeva Akerke Yerzhanovna

Senior-lecturer of the Graduate School of International Relations and Diplomacy

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  • 2008-2012 – Ablai khan university of international relations and world languages. Foreign philology: Turkish philology
  • 2018-2020 – Ablai khan university of international relations and world languages. Pedagogy and psychology


Work experience

  • From January 2023 to the present – «Turan» University. Senior-lecturer.
  • 2021-2023. Educational center “Dialogue.kz”. Turkish language teacher.
  • 2019-2021 Ablai khan university of international relations and world languages linguistic College. Turkish language teacher.
  • 2015-2019 Ablai khan university of international relations and world languages. Tutor of the Department of «Pedagogy and Psychology».
  • 2012-2015. Turkish translator for private companies.



  • Қоғамбаева А. Қазақстандағы инклюзивті білім берудің бүгінгі жағдайы және перспективалары,  Абылай хан атындағы ҚазХҚжӘТУ хабаршысы “Педагогика ғылымдары”, 2020
  • Қоғамбаева А. «Білім беру жүйесіндегі инклюзивті білім берудің және оны жүзеге асырудың ерекшелігі» Международная научно-практическая конференция «Модернизация системы образования: тенденции, проблемы и перспективы в контексте реализации национальной идеи «Рухани жаңғыру». 2019
  • Ұзақбаева С.А., Қоғамбаева А. «Инклюзивті білім беру аясындағы педагогикалық іс-әрекеттің кәсіби біліктілігі», Абылай хан атындағы ҚазХҚжӘТУ хабаршысы “Педагогика ғылымдары”, 2018

Advanced training and certificates

  • 2023 – Innovative teaching technologies in the direction of “Certified Turkish language”
  • “Global professional development”, Almaty
  • 2020- “Non-standard forms of organizing educational activities”
  • RIMC “Prosveshcheniye”, Nur-Sultan
  • 2018- Management in Education ICIE “Protecta” LTD, Bulgaria
  • 2018- Interpersonal Communication of Ablai khan university of international relations and world languages linguistic  together with Ivy Tech College (USA), Almaty
  • Internship at TOBB ETÜ University, Türkiye, Ankara, 2010.




Phone: + 7 (727) 260-40-29

Е-mail: a.kogambayeva@turan-edu.kz

Sekerbayeva Aigerim Maratovna

Senior-lecturer of the Graduate School of International Relations and Diplomacy

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  • Bachelor’s degree 2005-2009, Kazakh University of International Relations named after Abylai Khan / PFFL: English, Korean
  • Master’s degree 2009-2011 University of International Business
  • PhD program 2020-2023 – «Turan» University
  • International certificates – Microsoft Badge, Microsoft Technology Associate (Python programming), TESOL (ASU)



  • 2008-2009: Freelancer and guide for South Korean tourists
  • 2010-2011: manager-translator, PosukTitanium LLP
  • 2011-2015: English teacher, NarXoz University
  • 2014-2015: Medical Translator, SmartMedService (Korea)
  • 2018-2020: Freelance SMM manager
  • 2023: Doctoral student at the Department of Management, Junior Research Fellow, University of Turan
  • 2022-2023: Project manager for geoanalytics, big data, IT, Frontier
  • 2023/09 to present: Senior Lecturer, Department of Regional Studies and International Studies, University of Turan

Main publications


Author Patents

  • Объектінің атауы: GUESSS_Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Student’ Survey. NATIONAL REPORT GUESSS KAZAKHSTAN – 2021  – 2022 жылғы «8» шілде № 27734
  • Название объекта: GUESSS Студенттердің кәсіпкерлік рухын жаһандық зерттеу. GUESSS Kazakhstan-2021 ұлттық есебі




Phone: + 7 (727) 2604029

E-mail: a.sekerbaeva@turan-edu.kz

Чакыр Нуреттин

Senior-lecturer of the Graduate School of International Relations and Diplomacy

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  • 2009-2018 – Doctoral studies: University of Ergias, Institute of Humanities, Department of Russian Language and Literature,
  • 2006-2009 – Master’s degree: University of Ergias, Institute of Humanities, Department of Russian Language and Literature,
  • 2002-2006 – University: Ergies University, Department of Russian Language and Literature.
  • 1993-1997 — University: Marmar University, Ataturk Faculty of Education, History,
  • 02-13.08.2021 — Certificates: Yildirim Beyazit University in Ankara, DİLMER teaching Turkish as a foreign language
  • 03-07.10.2022 — Certificates: Yildirim Beyazit University in Ankara, DİLMER Certificate of Assessment Program and Assessment in Turkish Language Teaching to Foreigners.

Work experience

  • 2019-2022 Al-Farabi KazNU, Faculty of Oriental Studies, Turksoy Department, Senior Lecturer in Turkish
  • 2023 – at the present time Turan University, Faculty of Humanities and Law. Department of Regional Studies and International Relations, Senior Lecturer in Turkish.

Monographs and tutorials

  • Чакыр, Нуреттин. “Война и женщина в 20-ом веке”, (совместно с Севинч Учгюль). Редактор Онур Яманэр. Бильге Культур Санат. Стамбул, с.160-189, октябрь 2016.
  • Чакыр, Нуреттин.  Женщина, как игнорируемый элемент в лагерях ГУЛАГа. Turkish Studies Language / Literature. Volume 13/12, Spring 2018, p. 95-109. DOI Number: http://dx.doi.org/10.7827/TurkishStudies.13385. ISSN: 1308-2140, ANKARA-TURKEY. http://www.turkishstudies.net/Makaleler/741657854_8ÇakırNurettin-tde-95-109.pdf
  • Чакыр, Нуреттин.  Сравнение России Ф.Достоевского и В.Маканина в западно-восточном контексте, том 7, № 46. Июнь 2018. (ISSN: 2146-9903, E-ISSN: 2147-3056) (30.06.2018). İdil, 2018, cilt / volume 7, sayı / issue 46. DOI: 10.7816 /idil-07-46-06. http://www.idildergisi.com/makale/pdf/1524571688.pdf
  • Чакыр, Нуреттин.  Социальные предпосылки женщин-заключенных в лагерях ГУЛАГа в сталинский период (доклад). II. Международный USE (Международный Гуманитарный и Экономический Конгресс), 28-30 сентября, Кайсери.
  • Чакыр, Нуреттин; Проблемы преподавания турецкого языка как иностранного (Түрік тілін шет тілі ретінде үйрету мәселелері), (семинар) 23.12.2019-10.01.2020, Казахский национальный университет имени Аль-Фараби, факультет востоковедения, Тюркский факультет Алматы Казахстан.
  • Чакыр, Нуреттин.  Экономические отношения России, развитые с Туркестаном на протяжении истории, Международный Конгресс Эрждиесских Научных Исследований, 26-28 апреля 2019, Кайсери.
  • Чакир, Нуреттин; Картабаева, Гульджан; «Виды традиционных запретов в тюркских языках» («Түркі Тілдеріндегі Дәстүрлі Тыйым Түрлері») стр 32-37,июль 2021 г., «Наука, образование, инновации: актуальные и современные аспекты» («Ғылым, білім, инновация: өзекті мәселелер мен заманауи аспектілер», «Наука, образование, инновации: актуальные и современные аспекты» Works International Scientific and Practice Конференция «Наука, образование, инновации: актуальные и современные аспекты») международная научная конференция, Казахский национальный университет им. Аль-Фараби, факультет востоковедения, кафедра Тюрксой; Министерство образования и науки Республики Казахстан (Казақстан Республикасы Білім және ғылым министрлігі, Министерство образования и науки Республики Казахстан, Министерство образования и науки Республики Казахстан) руководство и Корпорация Центр повышения квалификации «Орлеу» («Өрлеу» біліктілікті арттыру орталығы АҚ филиалы, Центр получения квалификации АО «Өрлеу», Центр повышения квалификации АО «Орлеу») и Университет Улудаг в г. Бурса, Турция, г. Алматы, Казахстан,
  • Чакир, Нуреттин; «Исследование хронологии государства Огуз» («Оғыз мемлекетінің хронологиисының мәселелері») (Отчет), Научно-исследовательский институт им. ), Университет Ахмета Есеви (Қожа Ахмет Ясауи атындағы Халықаралық қазақ-түрік университеті), Шымкент, Южно-Казахстанский государственный университет (Оңтүстік Қазақстан мемлекеттік университеті) и Наганайская общественная организация («Нағанай» қоғамдық қоры) сотрудничество, «Future Spiritrevivals: Future Spiritrevivals: «Болашаққа бағдар: Рухани жаңғыру»» и проект «Священные места Казахстана» («Қазақстанның киелі жерлері»), посвященный памяти Алатау Батыра, великого героя казахского племени Конграт, и Карак-хана (Карахан, Карак Эвлия) от огузов, следы которых были уничтожены в советское время, но восстановлены. Программа открытия построенных надгробных памятников; Арыс, Туркестан, Казахстан; 10 апреля 2021 г.
  • Чакир, Нуреттин; «Региональное Распространение казахских Ру (Родословная) и этимологическое значения названий Ру (Родословная)» (Қазақ руларының аймақтық орналасуы және ру атауларының этимологиялық мағынасы), (семинар, 4 часа), Казахский национальный университет им. Аль-Фараби 07.02.2021 Алматы Казахстан
  • Чакир, Нуреттин; «Цифровизация образования педагогических концепций аль-Фараби в контексте современного обозрения» («Білім беруді цифрландыру жағдайындағы Әл-Фарабидін педагогикалық тұжырымдамасының заманауи интерпретациясы»), 50-я Международная научно-методическая конференция Казахская национальная конференция им. Аль -Фараби, Факультет востоковедения, кафедра Тюрксой, 12-13 февраля 2020 г., Алматы Казахстан
  • Чакир, Нуреттин; Ахмет Байтурсынов и казахская письменность («Ахмет Байтұрсынұлы және қазақ жазуы») (доклад) («Ахмет Байтұрсынұлы еңбектеріндегі академиялық ізденістер», «Академические исследования в работах А. Байтурсынова», “Academic Research in the Works of A. Baitursynov”), Международный научно-методический круглый стол, организованный Университетом Туран (Алматы, Казахстан), 11.10.2021, КазНУ им. Аль-Фараби, Факультет востоковедения, кафедра Тюрксой, Алматы, Казахстан
  • Чакир, Нуреттин; «Отражение многоязычного государственного и общественного устройства в будущем Казахстана»; Международный казахский конгресс по истории, культуре и языку; 27-28.12.2021, Анкара Турция (офлайн), Алматы Казахстан (онлайн).
  • Чакир, Нуреттин; Турция в исследованиях востоковедения в России, 7-й Международный научно-исследовательский конгресс Zeugma, 21-23 января 2022 г., Газиантеп, Турция (онлайн).
  • Чакир, Нуреттин; «История преподавания русского языка в Турции» («История обучения русскому языку в Турции») (доклад, онлайн), Международный научно-методический семинар «Преподавание русского языка как иностранного на современном уровне (русский язык как иностранный»): особенности и Перспективы научно-методического семинара «Обучение РКИ (русский как иностарнный) на узкой направленности: спепифика»); КазНУ им. аль-Фараби, Университет Аллама Табатабай (Иран), Харьковский национальный автомобильно-дорожный университет (Украина), Московский государственный филологический университет (Россия), 25.02.2022, Алматы, Казахстан.
  • Чакир, Нуреттин; «Огуз-хан и Моде-хан и племя конырат» (Оғыз Хан мен Мөде Қаған және Қоңырат Тайпасы) (доклад, онлайн), Международная научная конференция «Духовно-политический жрец казахских коныратов – Қоңыр сопы и племена конырат в истории тюркского народа вдоль Шелкового пути» («Жібек Жолы Бойындағы Түркі Халықтарының Тарихындағы Қоңырат Тайпасының Орны Және Қоңыр Сопы – Қазақ Қоңыраттарының Рухани-Саяси Тұлғасы»), 03.25.2022, Хива, Узбекистан.
  • Чакир, Нуреттин; Казахстанско-турецкие отношения в исторической перспективе (доклад); Текущая ситуация и будущее отношений Турции и Казахстана (конференция)» Казахстанская Академия Наук; Научный комитет Министерства науки и высшего образования Республики Казахстан, Институт философии, политики и религиоведения, 10 октября 2023 г., Алматы, Казахстан.




Phone: + 7 (727) 2604029

Е-mail: ch.nurettin@turan-edu.kz

Ashirbaev Shermat Yeralyevich

Senior-lecturer of the Graduate School of International Relations and Diplomacy

Master of Arts

Read the summary »


  1. Vyborg ATUGA (engineer) 1988 – 1991,
  2. Central Asian University (teacher-psychologist) 2000 – 2005,
  3. Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi (Master of Humanitarian Sciences) 2017 -2019


Work experience:

  1. Engineer of aircraft repair plant 405 GA, Aktobe (1991 -1995);
  2. Journalist-publisher Publishing house “Zerde” (1998 – 2017),
  3. Lecturer in philosophy at Kazakh National University named after. al-Farabi (from 2019 – 2021)



Phone: 2604029

E-mail: sh.ashirbayev@turan-edu.kz

Sayatbek Sanjar Serіkuly

Assistant Lecturer of the Graduate School of International Relations and Diplomacy

Master of Social Sciences

Read the summary »


  • 2016-2020 – Turan University. Undergraduate degree, “International Relations”
  • 2021-2023 – Turan University International Relations Master’s Degree.


Main Publications

  • Саятбек С.С. РОЛЬ СРЕДСТВ МАССОВОЙ КОММУНИКАЦИИ В РАСПРОСТРАНЕНИИ ТЕРРОРИЗМА // «Тенденции развития международных отношений в современном мире» Материалы международной научно-практической конференции – Алматы, 4 ноября 2022 г., Университет «Туран». – 144 с.
  • Саятбек С.С. УГРОЗЫ ТЕРРОРИЗМА В ЦЕНТРАЛЬНОЙ АЗИИ, РОЛЬ И ПРОТИВОДЕЙСТВИЯ // «Актуальные проблемы международных и региональных отноше ний: история, поиски, перспективы» / Алматы: ИД «МИР», 2022. – 308 с




Phone: + 7 (727) 2604029

E-mail: s.sayatbek@turan-edu.kz

Online admissions