Higher school of Media and Intercultural Communication

Buzelo Anna Sergeevna

Director of the Graduate School of Media and Intercultural Communication

Candidate of philological sciences

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  • 1992-1997 – Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, BA, philologist, teacher of Russian language and literature;
  • 2000-2002 – MA in Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Master of Philology with a specialization in Russian language;
  • 2006 – candidate of philological sciences, subject of the dissertation “Valency of morphemes as a manifestation of syntagmatic relations of language” (defended on September 30, 2005 in Al-Farabi Kazakh National University ).

Academic and practical experience


  • 2004-2005 – teacher in the Russian language department at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University; 2005-2006 – teacher in the general linguistics department at Abylai Khan KazUIR&WL;
  • 2006-2012 – Senior Lecturer and Associate Professor of the Russian Language Department at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University;
  • 2012-present – Head of the Department “Journalism and Translation Studies” of the Faculty of Humanities and Law at “Turan” University.
  • 2022-2023 academic year – guest lecturer on academic mobility program at TIU (Turan International University, Republic of Uzbekistan)

Teaching disciplines, practical courses:


Russian language, professional Russian language, academic writing, introduction to linguistics, modern Russian language, intercultural communication, linguoculturology.


Major publications


  1. Russian language (textbook for students of national groups). – Almaty: Kazak University, 2011. – 137 p.
  2. Russian Language in the Modern World: Traditions and Innovations in Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language and Translation / Mats.) – MOSCOW: MSU. – p. 138-142.
  3. Linguistic and cultural markers in the Russian-language media space of Kazakhstan // Language issues in modern research: Mats-mat. of the International Scientific-Practical Conference “Slavic Culture: Origins, Traditions, Interaction. IIХ Cyril and Methodius readings (May 15, 2012, Moscow). – Moscow. Yaroslavl: Remder, 2012. – p. 76-81.
  4. Linguistic and cultural situation in the Republic of Kazakhstan // Culture of Russian business speech and Kazakh-Russian intercultural communication: Textbook / N.L. Shamne, M.V. Milovanova, E.V. Terentyeva, A.N. Shovgenin, N.M. Tomanova, A.S. Buzelo. – Volgograd: Volgograd State University, 2012. – 234 p. (Chapter P. 155-174).
  5. Linguistics and intercultural communication – innovative approaches and ways of development: Collective monograph // K1. section 4.2: Semantics and translation of conditional patterns from Kazach into English and their usage in the language and speech (co-authored). – Odessa, 2013. – P. 95-102. www.sworld.com.ua
  6. Psychological aspect of the development of ethnic tolerance among students in a multilingual society // Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan. Series of Social Sciences and Humanities.- № 3 (303), 2016. p. 254-259. (in co-authorship).
  7. Bilingualism as a condition for successful individual socialization // International Journal of Psychology / Special Issue: 31st International Congress of Psychology, 24-29 July 2016, Yokohama, Japan. – P. 824. (co-authored).
  8. Golovchun Aleftina, Buzelo Anna, “Methods and Techniques of Foreign Language Education: Primary School”, Almaty, 2018. -240 p. (textbook)
  9. The partnership of universities as a form of public diplomacy // Journalism as an important factor in international cooperation: vectors of development: Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference of the Department of Journalism on March 13, 2018. – N. Novgorod, 2018. – p. 13-20.
  10. Buzelo A.S. The problem of internal valency of morphemes: the experience of polyparadigmatic research // Neophilology: scientific-theoretical journal, 2019. – Т.5, № 17. – p. 12-16. (RINC)
  11. Golovchun A.A., Buzelo A.S. The use of Internet resources in the formation of research competence in the lessons of a foreign language // Khabarshy News of KazUMOiMYA named after Abylai Khan. Series pedagogical sciences. – №3, 2019. – p. 27-34.
  12. Asian Community: Consolidating Forces of Language in Intercultural Communication // Proceedings of the International Project “Open Asia”: Seoul, 2020, (Eurasia Foundation). – p.73-80.
  13. Russian language in the educational space of modern Kazakhstan // Proceedings of the International Pedagogical Forum “Teaching Russian and teaching in Russian: new dimensions in open education” December 7, 2020. – Nizhny Novgorod: Lobachevsky NNSU, 2020. – p.7-12.
  14. Teaching Media and Information Literacy in Central Asia: “Language of Enemy” vs. Freedom of Speech // Proceedings of the International Project “Eurasian Community: Leadership and Innovation” (Japan).
  15. Course of the Russian language (for students of the Kazakh department of humanitarian and pedagogical directions): Textbook. – Almaty: University “Turan”. – 363 p. (in co-authorship of A.B. Zhuminova, K.Z. Zhappar)
  16. Communicative potential of language and internal valency: stories of birth of new words (on the material of media language) / Monograph. Almaty: University “Turan”. – 133 p.

Professional Development


  1. Professional development courses within the framework of the VI International Scientific and Methodological Conference “Totalniy Diktant – 2018”. “Dynamic Processes in Modern Russian Language”, Novosibirsk, Russia, January 24-30, 2018 (36 hours); Totalniy Diktant International Scientific and Practical Conference “Dynamic Processes in Modern Russian Language” Novosibirsk, Russia, (January 29 – February 5, 2019; January 30 – February 3, 2020)
  2. Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education in the Context of Improving Quality of Life, webinar Moscow, RF, December 12, 2018.
  3. Certificate of appreciation for participation in the Women in Digital Space Initiative organized by UNESCO Almaty Cluster Office for Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan (March 6, 2019)
  4. International online internship “University 4.0. Digital Transformation of Universities” by SKLAD (a project from the founders of the International Educational Agency Edu Travel) (April 7-23, 2021)
  5. Program of Central Asian Webinars on Data Journalism from the UNESCO Cluster Office in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan (5-26.05.2021).
  6. Professional Development Course “Dynamic Processes in Contemporary Russian Language”, Novosibirsk State University, Institute of Russian Language under Russian Academy of Sciences, 24 March – 6 June 2022 (72 hrs).

Additional information


  1. Head of the educational programs “Journalism” (undergraduate and graduate), “Translation Studies” (undergraduate), “Public Relations” (undergraduate).
  2. Expert of the international accreditation agency FIBAA since 2017 (Bonn, Germany).
  3. Expert of the Center of Bologna process and academic mobility of MES RK (expertise of EP for inclusion in the register of educational programs of higher and postgraduate education).
  4. Head of the Turan Lingua Media Linguistics Research Laboratory.
  5. Head of the Headquarters of the international educational action “Totalniy Diktant” in Almaty and head of the expert commission for the verification of dictations in Almaty (since 2015, the head headquarters – Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia, Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences).
  6. Open lectures as part of the international project “Eurasian Community: Leadership and Innovation. Open Asia” (Japan) (April 15, 2020, April 30, 2021, April 8, 2022).
  7. Partnership with the Consulate General of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  8. Partnership with the UNESCO Cluster Office for Central Asia (Almaty).
  9. Chairman of the section “Russian language and literature” with the Russian and Kazakh language of education of the regional and national rounds of the subject Olympiads from the Republican Center for Work with Gifted Children “Daryn” from 2014 to 2021.
  10. Head of the international project “The Role of Media in Promoting a Peaceful, Just, Inclusive Society,” funded by the UN (Vendor number 332839), March-July 2017
  11. Grant winner of the First President’s Fund as part of the competition for young scholars to participate in the international conference “Bilingual Education: Theory and Practice”, 2011 (Helsinki, Finland).
  12. Member of the Association of Professional Translators and Interpreters
  13. Member of the Alma Mater Club (Heads of Departments of Journalism and SSO of the Republic of Kazakhstan).
  14. Member of the Kazakhstan Communication Association.

Awards and letters of appreciation


  1. Letter of appreciation from the UNESCO Cluster Office for conducting research and translating content for this organization’s website to disseminate relevant information and news in the field of education.
  2. Acknowledgement from Internews Network in Kazakhstan for co-hosting the Media Jungle master class on media literacy for students in Almaty, June 2019.
  3. Letter of appreciation from the Center of the Bologna Process and academic mobility of the MES RK for responsibility and professionalism in the examination of educational programs of higher and postgraduate education in 2019-2020 academic year.
  4. Letter of commendation from Russian cooperation and the Consulate General of the Russian Federation for the organization of the international educational action “Totalniy Diktant – 2019” in Almaty and personal contribution to the strengthening of friendship between the peoples of Russia and Kazakhstan. Acknowledgements from the Headquarters of the “Totalniy Diktant” action for the organization and education (2015 – 2022).
  5. Acknowledgement from the International Center for Journalism Medianet for conducting a course of webinars “Language of hostility in the modern media and communication space” (2022).
  6. Acknowledgement from the Rector of “Turan” University for an active position, commitment to quality, professionalism and obtaining a certificate of accreditation of the international agency AQUIN on EP “Journalism” (undergraduate and graduate) and “Translation Studies



Phone: +7 (727) 260-40-28

E-mail: a.buzelo@turan-edu.kz

Patashkova Elena Sergeevna

Deputy Director of the Graduate School of Media and Intercultural Communication

Senior Lecturer of the Graduate School of Media and Intercultural Communication



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  • 2003–2008 – North Kazakhstan State University, specialist, translator;
  • 2017–2019 – Master’s program at Turan University, Master of Economic Sciences with a specialization in finance;
  • 2019-2022 – PhD doctoral studies at Turan University, EP “Finance”



Academic and practical experience

  • 2003-2005 – “Udienst” translation agency, translator;
  • 2005-2007 – JSC “Kirov Plant”, translator;
  • 2008-2011 – Almaty Technological University, lecturer
  • from 2011 to the present – senior lecturer of “Journalism and Translation” department of the Faculty of Humanities and Law of “Turan” University
  • from 09.2022 – to the present – Deputy Head of “Journalism and Translation” department of the Faculty of Humanities and Law of “Turan” University



Teaching disciplines, practical courses


translation practice, interpretation practice, informative translation, translation practice special. texts, a foreign language in the financial and economic profile, a foreign language in the humanitarian and legal profile, consecutive translation



Main publications

  1. On the ambiguity of isolated appositives in the Russian language // Proceedings of the XIV International Scientific and Practical Conference: Problems of Philology, Cultural Studies and Art History in the Light of Modern Research – Makhachkala, 2016 Research Center “Approbation” – P.88-94
  2. Syntactic structure and syntactic representation: to the history of the issue // Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, Breakthrough scientific research as an engine of science: collection of articles in 2 hours, Part 2 – Ufa, 2016. – P. 97-103
  3. On the issue of the peculiarities of grammatical thinking in the Russian language (based on words with the semantics of the state) // Proceedings of the All-Russian Correspondence Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation January 29, 2016 “Problems and Prospects for the Development of the Creative Potential of Students”: Pedagogical Institute Chernyakhovsk, Russian Federation.
  4. The role of connectives in the words of the state category in memoir discourse // Materials of the V International Scientific and Practical Conference: “Social Sciences in the Modern World” in St. Petersburg: a collection of articles (standard level, academic level). – S-P.: Scientific journal ”Globus”, 2016. – P.78-83.
  5. The problem of simple sentence in Modern English //Global Science and Innovation: materials of the X International Scientific Conference, Chicago, USA, 2017. – P.239-243
  6. Semantic groups of predicative words with state semantics in the English-language memoirs of Commander Montgomery // Proceedings of the XIV International Interdisciplinary Forum for Young Scientists “Science and Technology: Current Issues, Achievements and Innovations”, – Moscow, 2018 – P.87-92
  7. Improving the derivatives market as a result of the innovative development of the Kazakhstani financial market // Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference Modern problems and trends in the development of economics and management: In 3 hours. Part 3 / – Ufa: Aeterna, 2018 – P.119-125
  8. Derivatives in the stock market of Kazakhstan as an indicator of the effective operation of the financial system // Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference The use of innovative technologies in the development and implementation of economic reforms: – Ufa: Aeterna, 2018. – P.35-39
  9. Development of financial technologies in market conditions // Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “The Great Victory of 1945 and the Present”. – M.: ed. Witte University”, 2020. – S. 719-723
  10. New financial technologies in the Kazakhstani market: opportunities and expectations // Central Asian Economic Review. Narxoz – Almaty, 2020. – No. 1 (130). – P.135–145
  11. Insights into fintech development and tendencies Bulletin of Turan University No. 3(91) 2021 https://doi.org/10.46914/1562-2959-2021-1-3-216-222
  12. The role of financial innovation and financial technologies in the emerging digital transformation conditions Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan ISSN 1991-3494 Volume 5, Number 393 (2021), 129 – 135 https://doi.org/10.32014/2021.2518-1467.175
  13. Dynamics of bitcoin trading on the binance cryptocurrency exchange Economic Annals-XXI, 187(1-2), 177-188. https://doi.org/10.21003/ea.V187-17 Ukraine Scopus (2021) ISSN 1728-6239 (Online) ISSN 1728-6220 (Print)



Additional information

  1. Participation in the International Conference “Global antiterroristic security; experience change” as an interpreter in Genoa (Italy) May 11-13, 2017
  2. The winner of the competition of scientific articles following the results of the XIV International Interdisciplinary Forum of Young Scientists “Science and Technology: Topical Issues, Achievements and Innovations”
  3. (January 15, 2018, Moscow) in the nomination “Best Scientific Article” in the direction “Philology and Linguistics” diploma III degree
  4. Member of the Organizing Committee of the International Congress “NEP 20: principles of formation and implementation in the Greater Mediterranean region”, Sevastopol, RF
  5. Co-organizer in terms of information support of the organization:
  6. Scientific and practical conference with international participation of young scientists, graduate students, undergraduates and students “Information and Society” (April 12-15, 2022, Simferopol);
  7. International Scientific and Practical Conference “Information and Communication Technologies: Education, Science and the Internet” (May 25-28, 2022, Simferopol);
  8. International Interdisciplinary Scientific and Practical Conference “Text and Communication in the Space of Culture” (May 26, 2022, Simferopol);
  9. International scientific and practical conference “Media communications and journalism: history, culture, technology, practice” (October 13-14, 2022, Simferopol)
  10. International Scientific and Practical Conference “Ecosystem Resilience in the Conditions of Digital Instability” (May 30, 2022, Simferopol);
  11. VII International scientific and practical conference “Financial and economic security of the Russian Federation and its regions” (October 4-5, 2022, Simferopol)





Phones: +7 (727) 260-40-28

E-mail: e.patashkova@turan-edu.kz

Altayeva Almagul Karisbekovna

Professor of the Graduate School of Media and Intercultural Communication

Doctor of Philological Sciences

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Higher; Kazakh language and literature



Academic work experience

  • 2001-2002. Kazakh National Conservatoire named after Kurmangazy, Kazakh and Foreign Languages Department, teacher;
  • 2002-2010. Kazakh State Women’s Pedagogical Institute, Department of ‘Language Theory and Teaching Methods’. Senior lecturer, associate professor.
  • 2010-2022. Turan University, Department of Journalism and Translation, Professor
  • 2022-2023. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Department of Kazakh Linguistics, Professor
  • 2023-2024 Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, UNESCO Chair of Journalism and Communication, Professor
  • Since 2024 Turan University, Graduate School of Media and Intercultural Communication, Professor



Non-academic work experience

  • 2017-2020 individual project registered in the NCSTI ‘Aқparattyқ keңistiktі kalyptastirudyң pragmalinguistikalyқ kyrlary’. Results of the project: ‘Medialinguistics: kazirgi mass-media zhane sөz koldanu herekshelikteri’: Monograph (2021). In Kazakh.
  • Features of hate speech in social networks in Kazakhstan. Wrote an expert report. Results: Features of hostility lexicon in the Kazakh language based on the monitoring of opinion leaders 2017. – Almaty: Medianet KHO, 2017. – С. 55-64.



Disciplines taught


Bachelor’s degree: ‘Communication and Communication’, “Stylistics and Stylistics”, “Media and Linguistics”, ‘Zhazbasha sөyleu madeniyeti’, “Stylistics and editorial board”, “Til bilimine kirispe”, “Madeniyetaralyk communication theory and practice”.

Master’s Degree: ‘Linguoschielenistiru’, ‘Verbal aggression and manipulation’.



About professional development

  • VII International Winter School of Journalism and Communication. 72 ч. Al-Farabi KazNU. Almaty, 2020.
  • Course dedicated to World Radio Day. VII International Winter School of Journalism and Communication. 72 ч. Al-Farabi Kaznu. Almaty, 2021.
  • ‘Creating innovative breakthroughs in the process of teaching humanities disciplines: trends and new directions’. 72 h. g. Nur-Sultan 2022. Nur-Sultan 2022.
  • ‘Guided language education: integration, innovations, technologies’. 72 ч. Nazarbayev University. Astana 2023.
  • “Exploring the Issue of Securing Content on Social Media”. 72 ч. International University of Information Technologies.Almaty, 2024.



Membership of professional organisations

  • 2023 Member of the working group on KAZTEST in the National Testing Centre of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of RK. Astana.
  • 2023 Member of the International Public Association of Kazakh Language Teachers. Astana.
  • 2020 г. Member of the working group of the Supreme Court of the RK. Astana.



Experience in the service sector (outside the institution)

  • Lectured as part of the pool of lecturers at the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • Nur-Sultan branch. 15 May 2020.
  • Almaty branch. 12 June 2020.
  • Shymkent Branch. 29-30 March 2021; 12-16 April 2021.



Awards and achievements

  • Certificate of Honour.
    For merits in preparation of qualified pedagogical staff in honour of the 60th anniversary of the Kazakh State Women’s Pedagogical Institute. Almaty, 2004.
  • Letter of Gratitude. For the contribution and professionalism in improving the qualifications of civil servants in the field of social harmony and national unity. Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Nur-Sultan, 2020.
  • Letter of Gratitude. For active participation in the city competition of scientific works among students and work in the commission. Deputy Akim of Almaty Amanzholova Z. Zh. Almaty, 2014.



List of scientific papers

  • The role of the media in the application of speech aggression and tolerance // “Problems and prospects of modern science and education”, 2024, Stockholm, Sweden.
  • Alauyzdykty tutandyruga BaKaK maitinderinininң yykpaly // Türkі onomastics: tarikh, tanym, tagylim. HҒTK mat-ry. Almaty, 2023. – Б. 73-77.
  • Tildik manipulation: jarnama men sayasi discourse zhүzege asu sipaty // Sh. Uәlikhanov atyndagy KMU Khabarshysy. No. 3. 2022. – Б. 134-142.
  • Sөyleu madeniyeti zhane stylistics: Oku kuraly. – Almaty, 2021. – 100 б.
  • Medialinguistics: kazirgi mass-media zhane sөz koldanu erekshelikteri: Monograph. – Almaty, 2021. – 100 б.
  • Zhazbasha sөyleu madeniyeti: Oku-adistemelik kural. – Almaty: ‘Turan’ University, 2020.
  • Verbal aggression and manipulation: Oku-adistemelik kural. – Almaty: ‘Turan’ University, 2020.
  • Altayeva A., Darmenkulova R., Amirov A. Interrelation of tense and condition in the taxis field // Opcion. -2019. – V.34. – Iss.87-2. – P. 135-148. ISSN 1012-1587. Scopus. CiteScore 0,06.
    Предметная область – Гуманитарные науки, социальные науки и искусство.
  • Tildik zhuyeye men tildik ortanyң sabaktastyғy: shart mandi sөylem // Sh. Ualikhanov at. KMU Khabarshysy. Philology seriesy. – Б. 44-52. – № 4 (1) 2020.
  • Structural, functional interaction of complex sentences in the communicative aspect (on the material of the Kazakh language) // IV All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference organised by N.F. Katanov Khakassky State University on the theme ‘Preservation and development of languages and cultures of indigenous peoples of Siberia. Abakan. RF. -2020. -С.102-106.





E-mail: a.altayeva@turan-edu.kz

Medvedev Yevgeniy Yurievich

Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Media and Intercultural Communication

Candidate of Philological Sciences

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  • 2007–2011 – Al-Farabi KazNU, Bachelor of Education, Russian Language and Literature;
  • 2012–2014 – Al-Farabi KazNU, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (international program “CIS Network University”), Master of Pedagogical Sciences, Russian Philology;
  • 2018 – Candidate of Philological Sciences, dissertation topic: “Semantic structure of Orthodox liturgical sermon” (defended on 16.02.2018 at Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow).



Academic and practical experience

  • 2012–2014 – Philological faculty of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN), evening department, teacher of the disciplines “Introduction to linguistics”, “Russian dialectology”, “Semiotics”;
  • 2018–2024 – Assistant Professor of the Department of Languages ​​of the International University of Information Technologies (IUIT), teacher of the disciplines “Russian language”, “Professional Russian language”;
  • from 2024 – present – ​​Associate Professor of the Higher School of Media and Intercultural Communication of the University “Turan”, teacher of the disciplines “Academic writing”, “Russian language”.



Subjects taught, practical courses


Russian language, academic writing.



Main publications

  1. 2014 Medvedev E. Yu. Utterance as a fact of self-characterization of the subject of speech // Bulletin of RUDN. Series: Theory of language. Semiotics. Semantics. 2014. No. 2. Pp. 143-149. HAC RF
  2. 2015 Medvedev E. Yu. The measure of interpretation of the biblical text in liturgical sermons of different compilers // Bulletin of RUDN. Series: Theory of language. Semiotics. Semantics. 2015. No. 4. Pp. 148-157. HAC RF
  3. 2017 Medvedev E. Yu. Re-establishment of semantic oppositions as one of the principles of organizing liturgical Orthodox sermon // Bulletin of RUDN. Series: Theory of language. Semiotics. Semantics. 2017. No. 3. P. 654–663. HAC RF
  4. 2019 Kozlovskaya E.S., Kobylko Ya., Medvedev E.Yu. The meaning-forming function of context in journalistic texts // Bulletin of RUDN University. Series: Linguistics. 2019. No. 1. P. 165–184. SCOPUS
  5. 2020 Medvedev E.Yu., Ntsivu Batiako L.D. Transformations of the language of diplomatic correspondence of the Entente countries and Germany before the outbreak of World War I // Bulletin of RUDN University. Series: Theory of language. Semiotics. Semantics. 2020. No. 2. P. 384–397. SCOPUS
  6. 2020 Medvedev E.Yu. On the Importance of Developing Students’ Logical Thinking in Russian Language Classes // Education in Russian: Problems, Searches, Prospects. Collection of articles based on the materials of the international scientific and practical conference. Responsible editor E.M. Dzyuba. Nizhny Novgorod, Publisher: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Kozma Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University”, 2020. Pp. 67-70. RSCI
  7. 2022 Medvedev E.Yu., Kaukenova K., Umirbek N., Nurtasova A. Transformation of spoken speech into written text using modern technologies: problems and ways to solve them // Special issue of the scientific journal of JSC MUIT “International Journal of Information and Communication Technologies” based on the materials of the III International Student Scientific and Practical Conference “Youth Digital Forum YDF-2022” (March 31, 2022) – Almaty, Publ. JSC MUIT, 2022. P. 446–449.
  8. 2023 Medvedev E. Yu., Tekeyev I. Evaluation of the efficiency of the automated telephone system (on the example of the Russian-language service of Kazakhstani companies) // Prospects for the development of higher education. Proceedings of the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference-2023. In 4 volumes. Tyumen, 2023. P. 201–205. RSCI



Advanced training

  1. Research internship: 01.04.2019 – 06.04.2019, Center for Continuing Professional Education, Faculty of Philology, RUDN University, program “General and Specific Methodology of Philological Science” (Moscow, Russia).
  2. Online training on blended learning using the Akelius language initiative and formative assessment. Joint-Stock Company “International University of Information Technologies”; UN Children’s Fund UNICEF. Trainer Kate Maloney Williams. March 28-30, 2022, 9 hours, certificate dated March 30, 2022.
  3. “Modern educational technologies in teaching the Russian language”, Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization of Continuing Professional Education “National Technological University” (Russia, Moscow), February 16 – March 2, 2023, 72 hours, certificate No. 23-43430.
  4. “Theoretical Foundations of Teaching the Russian Language in Higher Education Institutions”, LLP “Advance” Training Center” (Kazakhstan, Almaty), 01.02.2024-15.02.2024, 72 hours, certificate No. 141 dated 15.02.2024.
  5. Research internship: 16.05.2024 – 13.06.2024, A.S. Pushkin State Institute of the Russian Language, “InteRussia” program for foreign Russianists (Moscow, Russia).



Awards and letters of thanks

  1. Gratitude for assistance in holding the autumn session of the international educational and patriotic action “RusFest Essay Festival” in 2021 (Russia).
  2. Gratitude for assistance in holding the city stage of the Russian language Olympiad from the Almaty city education department “Almaty Daryny” (member of the jury). 2022.





E-mail: y.medvedev@turan-edu.kz

Omar Asel

Research Professor of the Graduate School of Media and Intercultural Communication

PhD, Candidate of Philosophy

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Academic experience

  • 2008-2013 – Lecturer in “History of Philosophy”, “Public Relations”, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of History of Philosophy, RUDN Institute of Professional Development, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • 2019-2021 – Lecturer in History of Philosophy, Creative writing, Simon Fraser University, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada


Non-academic experience

  • 1996-2000 – Head of the department of culture, social and political life, Republican newspaper “New Generation”, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • 2000-2008 – Head of Marketing, Public and Government Relations, Mirax Group Development Company, Moscow, Russia.
  •  2013-2018 – Head of International Projects, Union of Moscow Architects, Union of Architects of Russia, Moscow, Russia


Disciplines taught

  • History of Philosophy
  • 20th-21st Century Western European Philosophy
  • 20th-21st Century Western European Literature
  • 20th-21st Century US Literature
  • 20th-21st Century Kazakh Literature
  • Creative Writing


Awards and achievements

  • Member of the International PEN Center, the Union of Writers and the Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan. Writer, literary critic, translator. Author of the books “Early Colds” (Almaty, 2012), “Blue Wolf” (Almaty, 2014), “Tengri Talisman” (Astana, 2015), “Alphabet” (Almaty, 2021), published under the program of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, “Askarov’s Time” (Almaty, 2022), monograph “Mythology of Tengriism. Individual and Divine” (Moscow, 2022).
  • Prose and poetry have been published in the magazines Yunost, Neva, Literatura, Scena, Prostor, Logosphere, Enigma, Niva, and Dactyl. Shelley Fairweather-Vega translated into English is in Suspect Magazine (NY, USA), Amanat: Women’s Writing from Kazakhstan (2022, Gaudy Boy LLC, NY, USA), East West Literary Forum, poetry in Suspect Magazine, NY, 2021.
  • Author of “Kazakhstanskaya Pravda”, “Qazaq adebyeti”, “Thought”, publications of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • Laureate of the Kazakhstan prize “Debut”, literary contest “Moscow is the territory of the peace”. Diploma of the Assembly of Peoples of the Russian Federation “For contribution to the friendship of the peoples of the Russian Federation”, diploma of the Moscow Government “For contribution to the culture of Moscow”. Gold Medal of Sergey Esenin of the Union of Writers of Russia “For Contribution to Russian Literature”.
  • Participant of the Annual International Conference of International PEN in Bled, Slovenia, with the publication of reports in the collection of speeches, Conference on the translation of fiction of the conference of International PEN in Budapest, Hungary.


List of scientific publications

  • Logos of ancient Turkic myth / Omar A. // Bulletin of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia / Philosophy Series. – Moscow: PFUR Publishing House, 2011, № 1. P. 62-66.
  • The concept of numinous experience (on the material of ancient Turkic mythology) / Omar A. // Bulletin of Moscow State Regional University / Series of philosophical sciences. – Moscow: MGOU, 2011, No. 1. P. 85-89.


Publications in other editions:

  • Ontological bases of mythology. On the material of mythology of Tengrianism / Omar A. // Dialogue Civilization: East-West. Globalization and multiculturalism: Russia in the modern world. Proceedings of the X Conference of Young Scientists. – Moscow: PFUR Publishing House, PFUR, 2010. С. 68-78.
  • Writer and globalization. Literary images of globalization / Omar A. // Proceedings of the 42nd International Writers’ Conference. Slovenia, Bled, 24-28.03.2010. P. 47-51.
  • Problems of studying mythology in the pre-philosophical aspect / Omar A.//Philosophical journal “Logosphere”. – http://runivers.ru/philosophy/logosphere/59554/?sphrase_id=13770.
  • Numinous aspect of Benji Compson’s mythological consciousness in W. Faulkner’s novel “The Noise and the I am. Faulkner’s “Noise and Fury” / Omar A. // Philosophical journal “Logosphere”. –http://runivers.ru/philosophy/logosphere/64245/?sphrase_id=16269.
  • Hate in the megacity. Ideology of destruction as an ethical component of modern numinous experience / Omar A. // Philosophical journal “Logosphere”. – http://runivers.ru/philosophy/logosphere/131339/.




Е-mail: a.omar@turan-edu.kz

Abueva Nurbanu Adilbekovna

Research Professor of the Graduate School of Media and Intercultural Communication

Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor

Honorary Professor of the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy (Republic of Bulgaria)

Honorary Professorof the Higher School of Economics “ALMAMER” (Poland)

Honorary Professor of the European University of Modern Sciences, Brussels (Belgium)

Read the summary »



  • 1988–1993 – BSPU named after S. Ordzhonikidze, Faculty of Philology, philologist, teacher of Russian language and literature;
  • 1993–1998 Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Faculty of International Relations, political scientist and manager, lecturer;
  • 1999–2001 – Postgraduate studies at Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University;
  • 2001 – PhD in Political Science;
  • 2007 – Associate Professor in the specialty 23.00.00 – Political Science;
  • 2007 – Doctor of Political Science;
  • 2008 – Full Member of the Academy of Political Science of the Russian Federation;
  • 2009 – Professor in the specialty 23.00.00 – Political Science.


Academic and practical experience


  • 1987–1993-SecondarySchoolNo.19;-1993–2001-postgraduatestudiesattheAbai Kazakh NationalPedagogicalUniversity;
  • 2002–2008–SeniorLecturerattheDepartment of TheoreticalandAppliedPolitical Science,Associate Professor,Professor of thisDepartment,DeputyHeadoftheDepartment of AbaiKazakhNationalPedagogical University;
  • 2008–2017–Head  oftheInternationalCooperationDepartment of AbaiKazakhNationalPedagogicalUniversity,Professorof the DepartmentofSocialandHumanitarianDisciplines.
  • 2017–2023–Professor,DepartmentofJournalismandTranslationStudies,TuranUniversity;
  • 2023-presentTime–ResearchProfessor,DepartmentofJournalismandTranslationStudies,TuranUniversity-2014–VisitingProfessorattheLithuanianUniversity of Education,Lithuania;
  • 2016-VisitingProfessorattheLithuanianUniversity of Education,Lithuania;
  • 2017-VisitingProfessor,UniversityofLeipzig,Germany;
  • 2017–2020VisitingProfessor,JiangjiangUniversity,China;
  • 2023 – present – Visiting Professor, Jiangjiang University, China.


Teaching disciplines, practical courses


Intellectual Nation and Humanitarian Technologies, Theory and Practice of PR, Situational Analysis, Country Image and Branding, International Relations and Media, Strategic Media Management, Foreign Journalism, Actual Problems of Modern Journalism, International Relations and Information Conflicts.


Major publications


The total number of publications is over 150.

  • Theroleof the politicaleliteinthemodernization of thepublicadministrationsystemoftheRepublicofKazakhstan.-Almaty:KazNPUnamedafterAbay,2007.288p.(inRussian).
  • EthnopoliticsandMassMedia.Almaty:KazNPUnamedafterAbay,2007.-156p.
  • FormationofKazakhelitology.Moscow,INIONRANPubl.,2007,52p.
  • OnSomeFeaturesofPriorityNationalProjectsintheRepublicofKazakhstan//ProceedingsoftheIXInternationalScientificConference”Russia:KeyProblemsandSolutions”.-Section”PriorityNationalProjects,ProgramsandStrategicObjectivesofRussia’sSocio-EconomicDevelopment”.Moscow,INIONRANPubl.,2009.696p.(inRussian).
  • TheRoleofMassMediainModernizationPoliticalProcesses//ProceedingsoftheInternationalScientificandPracticalConference”Kazakhstan’s WayofDevelopment:ItsFeatures,ProblemsandProspects”.Almaty:TsAU,2007.-P.125–133.
  • StructureandFeaturesofReflectionofEthnopolitikiProblemsinKazakhstan’s MassMedia//ProceedingsoftheInternationalScientificandPracticalConference”Kazakhstan’s WayofDevelopment:ItsFeatures,ProblemsandProspects”.Almaty:TsAU,2007.-P.55–69.
  • PoliticalManagement-Monograph.-Moscow.INIONRASRF.-Supplementedandmodified.-2017-288p.
  • FormationandDevelopmentofCorporateGovernanceintheRepublicofKazakhstan//Moscow:INIONRAN,December2017-266p.(16.6p.l.).
  • Politicalmarketing.Tutorial.TuranUniversity,2018-193p.
  • CentralAsiaintheContext of IntegrationandGlobalizationof the WorldCommunity.–2ndedition.Kazakhstan:TuranUniversity,Almaty,2019.–236p.
  • BriefIntroductiontoChineseReligiousCulture//HubeiUniversityofTechnology.-Science.- № 8.- 2015.-P.18–26.-0.7pp.
  • LuXunintheEyesofRussianSociety//ForumofNewEducation.–PRC.-2020–0.3p.l.
  • PolemicsontheNationalQuestionandSocio-CulturalProblemsintheWorksandDiscussionsoftheRussianDiaspora//PoliticalLinguistics.–RUSSIA.- №2(86).– 2021.P.188–196.-0.8p.l.
  • ProblemsofPreservationandDevelopmentoftheNationalCultureoftheRussianDiasporainthePRC//PoliticalLinguistics.–RUSSIA.- №3(87).– 2021.P.122–133.-0.9pp.
  • DiscursiveElementsofChineseCultureintheLiteratureofthe Russian DiasporaofChina:PerceptionandTraditions.–RUSSIA.- № 1.– 2021.P.226–237.-0.8p.l.
  • Improvementofthestructure of publicadministrationinthecontextof the growth of globalizationandintegrationtrends.- № 3(87).-2020, pp.21–30.-0.9pp.
  • LeaderandLeadership//Proceedingsof the InternationalScientificandPracticalConference”ScienceandEducationintheXXICentury”–Nur-Sultan,2021–83p.-P.79–81.andsoon.


Professional development


  • Internshipattheinternationalseminar of QSDirectorNunzioQuacarelli”StrategiesforHigherEducationInstitutions:AGlobalApproach”,27–28.05.2013Certificate.
  • Internshipasthehead of the KazakhstanBalticCenter(EU-fundedproject)attheLithuanianUniversity of Education (Lithuania),April2017Certificate.
  • Internshipwithintheframeworkof the TSETIMEseminar:GlobalLeadershipofUniversities.HarvardUniversity(USA).SeminaronHigherEducation,InternationalizationofHigherEducationSystems(USA).-01.06-11.06.2017Certificate.
  • InternshipwithintheframeworkoftheEUinternationalproject,CulturalCommunication.InternshipinCulturalLinguisticsandIntroductiontoLithuanianCultureandTraditions.LithuanianUniversityof Education (Lithuania)//July29toAugust10, 2017,Certificate.
  • Internshipwithintheframeworkof the internationalproject of the EUattheUniversityofLeipzig//Internshiponthe issues of Internationalization of the system of highereducationandinterculturalcommunication(Germany).10.12–22.10.2017Certificate.
  • RefreshercoursesinTimeManagement.CenterforEducationalandInnovativeProgramsfrom02.04-05.05.2018Certificate.
  • Exchangeofexperiencewithintheframeworkoftheofficialvisit of the FirstPresidentof the RepublicofKazakhstan,NursultanNazarbayevto the UKandFranceaspartof the officialdelegation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.SeminarsattheUniversity of Cambridgeand the SorbonneUniversity,ParisI,etc.


Additional information


  • FullmemberoftheRussianAssociationofPoliticalScience(RPASRF).
  • FullmemberoftheAcademyofPoliticalScience(APSRF).
  • Participationasaleader,organizerorexecutorininternationalprojects:
  • 2007–2013-Tempusproject,organizer,coordinator;
  • 2011–2014-EUprojecteducationalmaster’sprogramsonTeaching Methodology inUniversities,co-head;
  • 2011–2014-EUprojecteducationalmaster’sprogramsinPsychology,co-head;
  • 2014–2015-projectwithHanshanNormalUniversity(PRC)onnaturalsciences,executor;
  • 2016–LithuanianUniversityof Education (Lithuania),ErasmusMundus+project,academicmobility, visitingprofessor;
  • 2015–DAADproject-GermanStudieswiththeFreiburgStatePedagogicalUniversity, organizer;
  • 2015–2017–EU-BalticprojectwithLithuanian University of Education,Head,RegionalCoordinator of the BalticCentre(EU-fundedproject).
  • 2017 – Leipzig State University (Germany), Erasmus Mundus+ project, academic mobility, visiting professor, etc.


Awards and letters of appreciation


  • Winner of therepublicangrant”TheBestTeacherof the University”,2007.
  • Awardedthe badge oftheMinistryofEducationandScience of the Republic of Kazakhstan”ForMeritintheDevelopmentofScience”,2010.
  • Formanyyearsofconscientiousworkinthefieldoftrainingspecialists, shewas awarded thebadge of AbaiKazNPU”HonoraryWorker”,2012.
  • AwardedtheCertificateof Merit inhonorofthe20thanniversary of the University of InternationalBusiness,2012.
  • Letter of thanks fromtheakimof the Medeudistrict of Almatyforhiscontributiontothework of thesocio-politicalandculturallifeof the district,2013.
  • Letter of thanks from the chairman of the branch of the Nur Otan party, Almaty, 2015.
  • Letterof Appreciation from the President of the SorbonneUniversity Paris Cité,Paris(France),Mr.J.Mérindol, 2017.
  • GratitudefromtheRector of theUniversity”TURAN” Mr.AlshanovR.A.,2020.
  • Awardedthe30thAnniversaryMedalofTuranUniversity,2022,etc.



E-mail: n.abueva@turan-edu.kz

Mussabekova Gulzhan

Professor of the Graduate School of Media and Intercultural Communication

Candidate of Pedagogical sciences

Read the summary »



  • 2015-2017 – Almaty, “Turan” University-bachelor of low in specialty “Jurisprudence’
  • 2009- By the decision of the Control and Validation Committee in Education and Science under the Ministry of  Education and Science of the Republic of  Kazakhstan an academic title of associate professor of linguistics.
  • 2007- By the decision of the Control and Validation Committee in Education and Science under the Ministry of  Education and Science of the Republic of  Kazakhstan candidate’s degree in Pedagogical scinces.
  • 1982-1987- Zhambyl Pedagogical Institute, specialization – Teacher of  English Language

Work experience


  • 2019-2020- Turan University – associate professor of linguistics.
  • 2018-2019- Almaty, “Turan” University- Head of the department
  • 2017 English Language Trainer on the Professional Development
    Program, organized by Nazarbayev University
  • 2017-2018 – English Language Trainer on the Professional Development
    Program, organized by Nazarbayev University
  • 2017 –2018- TarazM.Kh. Dulaty State University – associate professor of linguistics.
  • Involved in the arranging of examinations.
    • Preparing students for their exams by encouraging them and providing support.
    • Assisting NQT’s who have recently joined the teaching staff.
    • Advising older pupils with decisions about their careers, meeting with their career advisers.
  • 2013-2017- Almaty, “Turan” University- Head of the department

Taught disciplines


“Basic foreign language”, “Foreign language”,”Professionally oriented foreign language”


List of scientific papers


  1. “Adaptation of children without parents”- International scientific and practical conference: topical issues of higher education, Kostanay , 2017
  2. “Professional self-government of graduates of specialized schools” -International scientific and practical conference: Kokshetau қ., 2017.
  3. “Multilingual education in higher education”- International scientific and practical conference: Almaty,2017
  4. “The results of the experimental work on the moral formation of children without parents”- International scientific and practical conference: Kiev, 2017.
  5. “Determining the Levels of moral formation of children without parents
  6. according to the results of the experiment”-  International scientific and practical conference: Shymkent,  2017.
  7. “Didactic functions of the Internet-technologies in the organization of independent work of student”- International scientific and practical Internet student’s conference on the foreign language:  “Strategy of language education”, Donetsk ,2018
  8. “Basic principles of intuitive methods of learning foreign languages”- International scientific and practical conference:   Donetsk National University of economy and trade, Donetsk,2018
  9. “Pablication of educational material “ Application of innovative technologies”- Pablishing house “SSK Rupablic of Kazakhstan,Almaty, 2020.
  10. “Pablication of guidelines “Application of innovative technologies in organization of independent Student’s work”- Pablishing house “SSK Rupablic of Kazakhstan,Almaty, 2021.



  1. Certificate No. 107, full course of the Institute for Advanced Studies teachers of the university KazUMO and MYA named after Ablaykhan in the specialty “Computer modeling of foreign language education”, from 05/28/2018 on 06/05/20018 – 72 hours
  2. Certificate of listening to the course on the topic “National language and thinking” of the Center for Communication Studies of the Voronezh State University, November 17, 2018
  3. Certificate of visiting course of lectures of Omsk State University them. F.M. Dostoevsky on the topic “Practical and theoretical aspects communications” 26.04.2018, 72 hours
  4. Practical course “Interpersonal Communication”, KazUMOiWL them. Ablaikhan November 26, 2018, 144 hours
  5. “Improving the qualifications of teachers of disciplines general education cycle in the format of DO”, MES RK and KazUMOiWL them. Ablaykhan, 29.07. 2020 – 72 hours
  6. Coursera online certificate “Problems of organizing multilingual education in conditions of DOT”, MES RK and KazUMO and WL named after Ablaykhan, 18.09.20-15.04.21-108h.

Additional Information


Member of High School Teachers European Society (HISTES)

Member of Republican Educational Methodical Council on  “Foreign Languages” Group at Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages

  1. Certificate of Attendance of International School of Young Translators of Fiction of CIS Countries, organized by the Moscow State Linguistic University, Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages, April 17-21, 2017, Almaty
  2. Certificate of Attendance of Management and science University. “Strategic Leadership: take your personal Leadership brand to the next” April 11, 2016, Almaty
  3. . Certificate of Attendance of International University and University of Bedfordshire. Teacher training seminar “Quality in Language Teaching and Assessment”. January, 2016
  4. Certificate of Attendance of United States Agency”USAID”. Training seminar “Sustainable development”. September 28,2016
  5. Certificate of Attendance of Thomson Reuters. Seminar “ The Program EndNote Online”. December 22, 2016
  6. Certificate of Attendance of Department of Internal Policy of Almaty. Training by program “Increased financial literacy”

Awards and letters of thanks


Medal dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the university




Phone: +7 (727) 260-40-28

E-mail: g.mussabekova@turan–edu.kz

Almagul Alievna Kurmanbaeva

Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Media and Intercultural Communication

Candidate of philological sciences

Read the summary »



  • 1991–1996 –Kazakh State University named after S.M.Kirov, Journalist
  • 1999–2002      –          postgraduate degree, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • 2002 – Candidate of philological sciences
  • 2011- Docent of  State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles

Academic and practical experience:


  • «Kazakh encyclopedia» – junior editor, republic newspaper “Teacher of  Kazakhstan” – journalist
  • Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, faculty of journalism, department of press and electronic mass media
  • 2011-2013 г. – deputy dean for academic, methodological and education affairs
  • 2013-2019 г. Docent of the department  department of press and electronic mass media
  • 2019 – until now Docent of the department of «Journalism and Translation studies» of faculty of Humanities and law of «Turan» University
  • 2021 – deputy head of the department of «Journalism and Translation studies» of faculty of Humanities and law of «Turan» University

Teaching disciplines, practical courses:


Business journalism, Fact-checking, Analytical journalism, Investigative journalism, Jour skill.


Scientific works:


  1. 1 The audiovisual translation of social media texts: New trends and
  2. analysis  XLinguae, Volume 15 Issue 2, April 2022, ISSN 1337-8384, eISSN 2453-711X
  3. Pedagogical basis of professional oriented technologies. Talent Development & Excellence Vol.12, No.3s, 2020, 3386-3392
  4. Modern Electronic Journalism Helps People With Special Needs In The Republic of Kazakhstan. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation ISSN:1475-7192
  5. Social Issues of People with Special Needs in Modern Mass Media Home Abot Login Register Search Current Archives Vol 7, No 1 (2019)
  6. ЖОО жағдайында педагог-психолог студенттердің психологиялық мәдениетін қалыптастыру // Вестник КазНПУ им.Абая, №2 (396) 2022. –  С.161-168
  7. Медиакратия: заманауи қоғамдағы БАҚ және билік Медиакратия: заманауи қоғамдағы БАҚ және билік
  8. Бұқаралық ақпарат құралдарының «Тұран» этно-фольклорлық ансамблінің дамуына қосқан үлесі // Вестник КазНУ им.аль-Фараби (серия журналистика), №3(57). − 2020. −С. 55-61
  9. Қазақ баспасөзіндегі мемлекеттік саясат және ұлттық идея // Вестник КазНУ им.аль-Фараби (серия журналистика), №1(55). − 2020. −С. 96-107
  10. The evolution of electronic media of the republic of Kazakhstan // Вестник КазНУ им.аль-Фараби (серия журналистика), №2(52). − 2019. −С. 79-89 (на английском)
  11. Защита авторских прав в веб-журналистике
  12. Материалы «XVI Международная научно-практическая конференция «Innovative trends of science and practice, tasks and ways to solve them», 26-29 апреля 2022, Афины, Греция. – С.181-185
  13. Методика преподавания журналистики в ВУЗах  РИНЦ
  14. // Научный электронный журнал «Инновации. Наука. Образование». − Тольятти. − № 34 (май) 2021 − С. 291-296
  15. Основные тенденции медиаграмотности в современных реалиях РИНЦ  Научный электронный журнал «Инновации. Наука. Образование». − Тольятти. − № 34 (май) 2021 − С. 2174-2186
  16. «Ғылымға кіріспе. оқушылардың ғылыми жобалары. Введение в науку. Научные проекты учеников» журналы: баспасөздегі
  17. оқушы ғылыми шығармашылығын насихаттау жолдары тезисы Материалы международной научной конференции Студентов и молодых ученых «Фараби әлемі». − Алматы, 2021. − С. 3
  18. Ғылыми журналистиканың бастауы тезисы Материалы международной научной конференции Студентов и молодых ученых «Фараби әлемі». − Алматы, 2021. − С. 4
  19. Ғылыми журналистиканың дамуы тезисы Материалы международной научной конференции Студентов и молодых ученых «Фараби әлемі». − Алматы, 2021. − С. 20
  20. Журналистика – қоғамның бұқаралық санасына қозғау салу күші Печатное
  21. Актуальные вопросы науки и образования: сборник статей международной научной видеоконференции. 28-30 апреля 2021 г. – Алматы, 2021. – С. 62-65
  22. Қазақ журналистикасының «қара нары» Печатное
  23. Көрнекті ғалым, публицист, ұстаз, филология ғылымдарының докторы, профессор Намазалы Омашұлы Омашевтың 70 жасқа толуына арналған «Ұлттық журналистика: зерттеу және білім беру мәселелері» атты халықаралық ғылыми-тәжірибелік онлайн-конференциясының жинағы. 29 қазан 2020 жыл. – Алматы: Қазақ университеті, 2020. – Б. 91-93.
  24. Ұлттық баспа ісінің көшбасшысы Журналист, ұстаз, ғалым, жазушы Әбілфайыз Ыдырысовтың туғанына 90 жыл толуына арналған «Бұқаралық ақпарат құралдарын және баспа өнімдерін безендіру өнерінің қазіргі мәселелері» атты халықаралық ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференция жинағы. – Алматы: Қазақ университеті, 2020. – 71-74 бет.
  25. Actual problems of modern journalism Central Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities №3 (2020). − С. 22-27. (англ)
  26. Мультилингвизм – жас ұрпақтың білім шартарабы Материалы межвузовской конференции на тему «Проблема адаптации курсантов в процессе обучения по дисциплине «иностранный язык» в ВИСВ». − Алматы, 2019. − Б. 72-75.

Additional information:

Convergent journalism in Kazakhstan Произведение науки Свидетельство о внесении   сведений в государственный реестр : № 17950 от «25» мая 2021 года




Telephone:+7 (727) 260-40-28

E-mail: al.kurmanbaeva@turan-edu


Карымсакова Рахиля Даулетбаевна

Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Media and Intercultural Communication

Candidate of philological sciences

Read the summary »



  • 1967–1972 гг., КазГУ им. С.М.Кирова, филолог, преподаватель русского языка и литературы; кандидат филологических наук, доцент

Академический и практический опыт


  • 1983-1995 – ст. преподаватель кафедры языков ААДИ; 1995-2012 – КазНУ им. аль-Фараби, доцент;
  • 2012 – по наст. время – университет «Туран», доцент.)

Преподаваемые дисциплины, практические курсы


Бакалавриат: Русский язык, Профессиональный русский язык, Лингвистическая безопасность медиатекста


Магистратура: Лингвоконфликтология для СМИ, Вербальная агрессия и речевое манипулирование в СМИ


Основные публикации


Учебные пособия

  1. Turanlingua.com
  2. Казахский язык: страноведение через фразеологизмы. Учебное пособие. – Алматы: изд. АН РК, 2000. – 55 с.
  3. Русский в учебно-профессиональной сфере: географический профиль. – Алматы, «Қазақ университеті», 2005. – 72 с.
  4. Пособие по русскому языку для студентов-юристов. – Алматы, Қазақ университеті, 2006. – 310 с.
  5. Сто ситуаций – сто консультаций. В помощь журналистам. – Алматы: издательство ОФППИ, 2007. – 240 с.
  6. Политкорректность в СМИ Казахстана: поиск гармонии (в соавторстве). – Алматы, «Полиграфсервис», 2007.
  7. Лингвистическая экспертиза спорного текста (в соавторстве). – Алматы: издательство «Полиграфсервис», 2009. – 140 с.
  8. Освещай, но не разжигай. Пособие для журналистов. – Алматы, «Полиграфсервис», 2007. – 152 с.
  9. Оскорбление и клевета: взгляд эксперта – Алматы: «Полиграфсервис», 2013. – 74 с.
  10. Лингвистическая прагматика и теория речевых актов как научный метод судебной лингвистической экспертизы (из лингвоэкспертной практики) // КемГУ, сб. Юрислингвистика, 2(13), 2016.



Телефон: +7 727 260-40-28

Е-mail: r.karymsakova@turan-edu.kz

Tulekova Gulzhan Khazhmuratovna

Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Media and Intercultural Communication

Candidate of Philological Sciences

Read the summary »


  • 1995–1998 – Kazakh National Women’s Technical University bachelor, philologist, graduate student, teacher of the Kazakh language and literature;
  • 2000–2005 – teacher of Kazakh National Women’s Technical University in philology, specializing in the Kazakh language;
  • 2003 – methodologist of the Kazakh National Women’s Technical University of the Kazakh language and literature;
  • 2011 – Candidate of Philological Sciences, dissertation topic “The main word of phrases in the Kazakh language: grammatical structure and cognitive meaning (based on the works of Abai, Shakarim)” (the defense took place on September 17, 2010 at Abai university).

Academic and practical experience


  • 2000–2005 – Senior Lecturer of the Kazakh Language Department of Abai university.
  • 2005–2006 – Specialist in the Department of Science and International Relations;
  • 2009 – office-registrar of the magistracy department of Kazakh National Women’s Technical University
  • 2009–p. Lecturer and Associate Professor of the Department of “Journalism and Translation” of the Faculty of Humanities and Law of the University “Turan”;
  • from 2020-2022 – Deputy Head of the Department of “Journalism and Translation” of the Faculty of Humanities and Law of the University “Turan”.
  • Since 2022, Associate Professor at the Department of Journalism and Translation Studies of the Faculty of Humanities and Law at Turan University.

Teaching disciplines, practical courses


prof. Kazakh language, business ethics, academic writing, creative thinking, introduction to linguistics, stylistics and editing, interviewing skills, intercultural communication, journalism brand, artistic products as a means of propaganda.


Main publications


  1. Kazakh language (textbook for students Russian department). – Almaty: “Turan” University, 2019. – 80 p. (co-author)
  2. The concept of “heart” in the work of Abay, Shakarim // Scientific forum “East-West” Austria-Kazakhstan-Russia / Mat-ly I int. scientific forum, April 1-10, 2017, Vienna, Austria). – Center of scientific knowledge.: Logos. – p. 79-83.
  3. Recognition of national identity from the works of Abai, Shakarim through the grammatical structure and knowledge of nominal phrases// Materials III International Symposium on the Study of the Turkic World Turkey. (May 25-30, 2016, Azerbaijan, Baku). 2016. – p. 321-326.
  4. Pragmatism in the work of Abai, Shakarim //Materials of the V International Sheikh Sha’ban-i Velo-Esh’arilik Symposium// May 4-6, 2018 Turkey. University of Customonu, Mr. Customonu. 2018- p.166-169.
  5. The concept of mental or mental consciousness unit of means (based on the works of Abai, Shakarim) Bulletin. series. philology. Kokshetau. 2018. P.136-141
  6. Type of translation into the language of advertising// Multidisciplinary conference “Prospects and key trends in science in the modern world.” Bubok Publishing SL, Madrid, Spain. 2021.
  7. On the grammatical structures of verb phrases in the modern Kazakh language// Bulletin.series. Philology. KazNPU. -p.136-140
  8. Cognitive meaning of phrases in the works of Abai // Materials of the VII International Scientific and Practical Conference International Forum: Solutions to Scientific Problems. Austria, Melbourne November 6-8, 2020  National code and national identity // Mezh. Science Magazine. Science and Life of Kazakhstan No. 12-3(149). -С-341-345
  9. Textology of Abai’s first publications – Magnanimitas ADALTA› http://www.magnanimitas.cz › ADALTA › 2018 December ISSN 1804-7890, ISSN 2464-6733 (online) ad alta is a peer-reviewed journal of international scope. 2 issues per volume and special issues.- pp. 34-38 Sailaukhan Kozhagulov, Mamilya Dzhakypbekova, Gulnara Syrlybaeva, Madina Tumabaeva, Gulnaz Tulekova, Nailya Seralieva, Gulzhan Tulekova (co-authors)
  10. Linguistic and cultural nature of the names of everyday life in the works of Abish Kekilbaev // Collection of materials of the international scientific-practical online conference “Modern problems of physical and mathematical sciences and interdisciplinary research”, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Professor Sariev A.D. S.-283-289.p
  11. The main word of phrases in the Kazakh language: grammatical structure and cognitive meaning (based on the works of Abay, Shakarim) Monograph // 220p.
  12. Education on academic mobility (Turan-Kastomon) // manual for students of Almaty, 2018 in three languages.
  13. I remember this echo // a collection of poems. Benefits. For students of creative activity “Turan” – 2019 110p
  14. The great secret of the great steppe – the legendary Akana // textbook for journalists and in the sacred places of Kazakhstan. ONO publishing house, Almaty -2020. Facebook social in the UNESCO network lit articles translated into the state language textbook for students of translation // Almaty -2019.60p
  15. Creation of the publication of short articles on the website of the Bureau in the state language through the practical translation of the UNESCO thesaurus // textbook for students of translation. Almaty-2019.- 60p
  16. Spiritual healing and secrets of the mysterious world in the center of Akana // scientific research. materials of Almaty-2020, -120p
  17. Spiritual knowledge and Kazakh medicine. Monograph Almaty, 2022, 340 p.
  18. Mysterious philosophy of Akana center// scientific. research Almaty, 2022. 100p.
  19. to the 30th anniversary of the University “Turan”. Under the scientific guidance of TulekovG.Kh. “Nagashibek Kapalbekuly independence in Kazakhstan in 1916-1917 of the liberation Kastek uprising Omarbek Zhantaev in the novel “Kek”. Teaching aids for Academic letter. How to learn to write an essay.//Collection. International Conference (online offline) publishing house “ONO”. April 27, 2022, 240p.
  20. The 30th anniversary of the University “Turan”. Translation practice // textbook.Publishing house “ONO”, -77p.
  21. The 30th anniversary of the University “Turan”. Front-line journalism Tumebay Ashimbayeva // collection of stories 1941-1945. Newspaper “Otanda korgauda”. publishing house “ONO” 2022, – 65p.
  22. Significance of historical documentary information from the places visited by Omarbek Batyr based on the novel “Revenge” // Proceedings of the VII International Scientific and Practical Conference“Europe and the Turkic world: science, engineering and technology. Turkey 04.05.22

Additional information


  1. “Golden Fund” international encyclopedia. Order of the Golden Fund. “Excellence in Education” -2019 Astana.
  2. A letter of thanks from the editor-in-chief L.F. Rasskazova of the journal “Bulletin of Science” 05/31/2020. For active scientific work in the field of science and education, for high-quality scientific work in the journal “Bulletin of Science”.
  3. Literacy. “For fruitful work, high professionalism and good work for the welfare of corporations” Turan University “25.06. 2018. 2018-2019 academic year. Almaty. -2019.
  4. “Best adviser of the year” 2018-2019 academic year. Almaty. -2019 Turan University.
  5. REC “Lingua” of the Central Kazakhstan Academic City of Karaganda April 14-15, 2017. International scientific and practical competition “Modern Education Process: Experience, Traditions, Innovations”. DIPLOMA 1st place. “Best Scientific Article”
  6. Letter of thanks. “For active participation in Internet Olympiads on the” Sunshine “portal and achievement in professional skill.” No. BP707977 – May 16, 2018,
  7. “The best art reader” 1st place, Almaty. 2018 competition
  8. “The best quality of education in Kazakhstan” Medal 1st degree No. 010, Astana 2020 Diploma No. 20-0106395 “Bilim-órkenieti” competition “Effective ways to increase the global competitiveness of Kazakhstani education and science. Republican scientific and practical conference
  9. Medal “100 new names of teachers in Kazakhstan”. 1st place holder Certificate No. 079 Diploma No. 20-010661574.Bilim-orkenieti ” National Innovation Research Center
  10. Medal. 25 years of the Center “Ak Ana” in the framework of the program “Cultural Heritage”. Almaty 2020.
  11. “Letter of thanks” from the editor-in-chief L.F. Rasskazova of the journal “Bulletin of Science” 05/31/2020 Moscow. 2021y
  12. “Letter of thanks” from the UNESCO Cluster Office in Almaty for the volunteer contribution to the implementation of the project of the University “UNESCO Thesaurus in the Kazakh language”, namely for translations and popularization of the activities of the UNESCO Cluster Office in Almaty for the Kazakh-speaking audience of social networks in the period from 2017 to 2018 years. Christa Pikkat Director of the Cluster Office and UNESCO Representative in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. 2020 year
  13. International Methodological Center “Talent Teacher”. LAUREATE 1 DEGREE. Pedagogical master class. On the educational topic “On the method of writing a scientific essay by S. Aliszhanov.” 03/13/2021 Moscow.
  14. Letter of thanks. Awarded by the editorial board of the journal “Internauka” for high-quality scientific work and contribution to the publishing collection. 2020 Moscow.
  15. Letter of thanks. Awarded by the editorial board of the journal “Internauka” for high-quality scientific work and contribution to the publishing collection. 2021 Moscow.
  16. Member of the public fund “MANGILIK EL JASTARU” of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Badge. Certificate No. 224.
  17. Medal “Public Honor” Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Saki Spiritual and People’s Medical Center” Almaty, 2021.
  18. “The best scientist” Diploma 3rd degree. Turan University 2021, Almaty.
  19. “Letter of thanks”. From the TV channel “Kazakhstan-1” the program “Karaket” Beisen Kuranbek 2019.
  20. “Letter of thanks”. From the akimat of the city of Almaty. “For the jury of the reader of Abai” Almaty, 2019
  21. International Methodological Center “Talent Teacher”. Laureate of the 1st degree Methodological analysis of teachers from different countries. Moscow 14.03.21
  22. Diploma of the Laureate 1st degree. Prize-winner at the International Professional Competition in the Open Lesson nomination.
    “Talan of the Teacher” website. Chairman of the Organizing Committee Ph.D. A.S. Markenko
  23. “Certificate of honor”. Spiritual Center of the Sakia Public Foundation. – 2018 Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan.



Telephone: +7 (727) 260-40-28

E-mail: g.tulekova@turan-edu.kz

Zhappar Karlygash

Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Media and Intercultural Communication

PhD in Philology

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  • 1989-1994. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty. Faculty of Philology, special: Russian language and literature in the national audience, 100201

Academic work experience


General teaching experience – 27 years.

  • January 2021 – current time: University “Turan” (Almaty), Editorial and Publishing Department, Head of Department
  • September 2018 – current time: University “Turan” (Almaty),
  • Associate Professor of the Department of Journalism and Translation Studies
  • September 2014 — August 2018: Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Kazakh and Russian Languages
  • September 2013 – August 2014: Kazakh State Women’s Pedagogical University, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Faculty of Kazakh Philology and World Languages
  • March 2011 — March 2013: KazNU named after Al-Farabi, Faculty of Philology, Literary Studies and World Languages, Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Philology, Russian and World Literature
  • Мay 2004 — May 2011: KazNU named after Al-Farabi, Faculty of Philology, Literary Studies and World Languages, Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Language
  • Мay 2001 — May 2004: KazNU named after Al-Farabi, Faculty of Philology, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Russian Language
  • Маy 1994 — Маy 2001: KazNU named after Al-Farabi, Faculty of Philology, Assistant at the Department of Russian Language, Teacher in Russian. in Kazakh departments of various faculties.

Non-academic work experience


  • March 2013 — June 2013:  Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Almaty), Chief Scientific Editor, Deputy Head of the Information Support Department
  • June 2006 — March 2012: magazine for entrepreneurs “Совет Директоров (Council of Directors)” (Almaty), editor-proofreader

Courses taught


Bachelor’s degree: Russian language, level A1; Russian language, level A2; Russian language, level B1; Russian language, level B2; Russian language, level C1; Professional Russian


Awards and achievements


Breastplate “Meyirim” of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan (for contribution to strengthening social harmony and national unity), December 2020


List of scientific papers


  1. System-functional approach in the practice of teaching the professional Russian language. – collection of materials of the XXIII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern Russian Language: Functioning and Problems of Teaching”, Budapest, May 25-26. – 2018 .– S. 251-255.
  2. Modeling a scientific text in the process of teaching Russian as a foreign language. – a collection of works of the VI International Congress of Russian Language Researchers “Russian Language: Historical Fates and Modernity” Moscow, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, March 20 – 23, 2019 – pp. 426-427.
  3. Consecutive teaching of language: a continuous pedagogical model. – scientific journal “Espacios”, ISSN 0798 1015, VOL 40, Number 12, 2019 – article about the index. Scopus. – S. 38-40.
  4. Russian as a means of professional communication in Kazakhstan in the collection of the article “Teaching Russian and Teaching in Russian: Problems and Prospects.” – Collected Statistical Publishing House of Nizhny Novgorod State University named after Lobachevsky. 7.12.2020 – S. 70-76
  5. Russian language for students of Kazakh economic faculty (textbook, recommended by the RUMS of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, No. 2 17.06.2011. 2nd ed. – Almaty, 2021. – 120 p.



Phone: +7 (727) 260-40-28

E-mail: k.zhappar@turan-edu.kz

Жумабаева Ардак Сериковна

Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Media and Intercultural Communication

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Образование, степень


АГУ имени Абая, аспирантура 1994-1997 гг.

30.11.2000г., специальность 13.00.01.


Бизнес и исследовательский опыт 18 лет – по н.в.


Менеджмент и предпринимательство
Июнь 2017 – н.в. HR и кадровый документооборот HR менеджер
Февраль-апрель 2017 г. Проект-исследование по запуску профильной профессиональной школы Руководитель проекта
Октябрь 2016г.- февраль 2015г. Образование:

Высшая Школа Бизнеса AlmaU

заместитель директора офиса программ DBA


июль 2014 г.-

март 2013 г.

НПО: ОАРК (Объединенная Ассоциация Риэлторов Казахстана) Вице-президент с совмещением функционала директора КШР
Медиа, EVENT опыт (trade, корпоративные и т.п.)
2014-2009 гг.


Издательство, холдинг «Пронто-Акжол», «Trader Media East» – Dogan руководитель проекта

«Вся недвижимость Алматы/Казахстан»

2009-2004 гг.


СМИ: ТРК «31 канал», ТОО «Сезон». PR менеджер, PR директор в ТОО «Сезон»
Исследования рынка
Май 2019 г. по н.в. «BisamCentralAsia»

Центр бизнес-информации, соц. и маркетинговых исследований

Модератор 11 ФГД в 7 городах Казахстана закрытый проект.
2001-2002 гг. автор методики, модератор, интервью с экспертами.


Преподавательский опыт: с 2000 г. перманентно


С 2017 по н.в. ТУРАН https://turan-edu.kz  – авторский курс для магистрантов

«Форсайт: личное будущее»;

2000-2006 гг.: от школьного психолога (12 разряд)  до проректора по воспитательной работе и PR ВУЗа.


Опыт тренерской деятельности (отрасль, проекты, описание заказчиков)


Заказчик, тип клиента заказчика, «вес» компании Даты, длительность, статус участников тренинга Сегмент тренинговой услуги
ТОО «Арбат Риэл Эстейт» 2016- по н.в. «полевой» тренинг, в рабочей среде
AlmaU https://almau.edu.kz/

Собственная инициатива, В2С

Октябрь 2016г.- февраль 2015г. «полевой» тренинг, в рабочей среде
Казахско-Американский Университет http://www.kau.kz , В2С Ноябрь 2004 г., студенты заочных отделений Корпор. тренинг «Психология принятия решений»

компания «Фуд-мастер» В2С, B2B, молочная продукция

декабрь 2003 г., 2 дня,

менеджеры среднего звена


Корпоративный тренинг «Психология продаж»
Aldabergenkuzu Lyailya

Senior Lecturer of the Graduate School of Media and Intercultural Communication

Master’s degree on philology

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  • 1994–1998 – by Al-Farabi KazNU, bachelor, philologist, literary and translation work with a spezialization in “Translation Studies”
  • 2000–2002 – Kazakh State National University named after Al-Farabi, the Master’s degree on philology with specialization in Literature of the CIS people and Art translation

Academic work experience


  • 2000 – 2003 – Lecturer of the Department of Russian language by Al-Farabi KazNU;
  • 2003 – 2010 – Senior Lecturer of the Department of the Russian Language, by Al-Farabi KazNU;
  • 2010 – 2020 – Senior Lecturer of the Department of the Russian Philology and World Literature, by Al-Farabi KazNU
  • 2021 – to the present Senior Lecturer of the Department of Journalism and Translation of the Faculty of Humanitarian and Law, University «Turan»
  • 2022 – Deputy head of the Department of Journalism and Translation, University «Turan»

Teaching discipline


Russian language, professional Russian language, introduction to linguistics, academic writing


Scientific works


  1. Текстообразующая роль паузы в творчестве В.И.Шаповалова (The text-forming role of a pause in creativity B.I.Shapalova)/ Tomanova N.M.// Science and life of Kazakhstan / International popular science journal. №3(58), 2018. p. 60-63  (in Russian)
  2. Лирическая экспликация мотива проникновение в поэзии Бахыта Каирбекова (Lyrical explication of the penetration of the motive into the poetry of Bakhyt Kairbekov) /Tomanova N.M. // Science and life of Kazakhstan // International popular science journal. №3(58), 2018. p. 201-205 (in Russian)
  3. Контаминированная картина мира поэта-билингва Вячеслава Шаповалова (World picture of the bilingual poet Vyacheslav Shapovalov) / Tomanova N.M. // Eurasian Journal KazNU. Philological series. Issue 2 (special issue), 2018. p. 35-39 (in Russian)
  4. Эффективность использования мобильного приложения WHATSAPP И WHATSAPPWEB при обучении русскому языку (The effectiveness of using the mobile application WHATSAPP AND WHATSAPPWEB in teaching Russian language)/ Meirbekova M.M. // Eurasian Journal KazNU. Philological series. Issue 2 (special issue), 2019. p. 180-184. (in Russian)
  5. Interactive forms of teaching the Russian language: student educational, scientific conference and defense of a scientific project/ Chekina E.B., Meirbekova M.M.// Eurasian Journal KazNU. Philological series. Issue 2 (special issue), 2019. p. 272-277. (in Russian)
  6. Interactive forms of teaching the Russian language: student educational, scientific conference and defense of a scientific project / Chekina E.B., Meirbekova M.M.// Eurasian Journal KazNU. Philological series. №4 (176) 2020, p. 204-210. (in English)
  7. Продуктивность использования мессенджеров в обучающих целях (Productivity of using messengers for educational purposes) / Meirbekova M.M.:, Chekina E.B.// Eurasian Journal KazNU. Philological series. №2 (special issue) 2020. p.220-229 (in Russian)
  8. Анализ приемов интерактивного обучения русскому языку с позиции компетентностного подхода (Analysis of the techniques of interactive teaching of the Russian language from the perspective of the competence-based approach) / Checkina E.B., Meirbekova M.M. // Eurasian Journal KazNU. Philological series. Issue 2 (special issue), 2020. p. 345-352 (in Russian)
  9. Из опыта использования мобильного приложения WHATSAPP И WHATSAPPWEB при обучении русскому языку (From the experience of using the WHATSAPP AND WHATSAPPWEB mobile application for teaching Russian) / Meirbekova M.M.// MATERIALS International Scientific and Practical Conference «Russian language and literature in modern educational design: theory and practice», dedicated to the memory of Professor N.I. Gainullina and Professor G.V. Kim. – Almaty: Kazakh university, 2019. p.286-291 (in Russian)
  10. Влияние геймификации на образование в начальной школе: использование «Roblox» на уроках математики (The Impact of Gamification on Elementary School Education: Using “Roblox” in Math Classes)/ Shevtsova D., Aldabergenkyzy L. // The ХVI International Scientific and Practical Conference «Innovative trends of science and practice, tasks and ways to solve them», April 26 – 29, 2022, Athens, Greece. – 755-760 p.
  11. Западный вектор внешней политики Казахстана: состояние и перспективы (Western vector of foreign policy of Kazakhstan: state and prospects)/ Zhenis A., Aldabergenkyzy L., Rakhmatulina D.M. // The ХVII International Scientific and Practical Conference «Multidisciplinary academic notes. Theory, methodology and practice», May 03 – 06, 2022, Tokyo, Japan. –892-896 p.
  12. Неинвазивные системы контроля концентрации глюкозы в крови (Non-invazive blood glucose monitoring systems)/ Kaluga Jan, Terekova G.E., Aldabergenkyzy L.// The ХX International Scientific and Practical Conference «Problems of science and practice, tasks and ways to solve them», May 24 – 27, 2022, Warsaw, Poland. – 401-405 p.
  13. Цифровой перевод. Замена человека машиной (Digital translation. Replacing a man with a machine)/ Khasanova A., Kosherova A.T., Aldabergenkyzy L. // The ХX International Scientific and Practical Conference «Problems of science and practice, tasks and ways to solve them», May 24 – 27, 2022, Warsaw, Poland. –p. 652-658.

Additional information


Certificat of authorship «Электронный тренажер «Литературный обзор», “3” june 2022 year № 26821




Phone: +7 (727) 260-40-28

E-mail: l.aldabergenkyzy@turan-edu

Zarina Zhakhanova

Senior Lecturer of the Graduate School of Media and Intercultural Communication


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  • 2002-2006  –  Ablay khan University of International Relations and World Languages, BA, teacher of English and Turkish languages;
  • 2007-2009 – Ablay khan University of International Relations and World Languages, MA;
  • 2017-2019 – Turan University, MA;
  • 2019 – Zittau –Gerlitz University of Applied Sciences, scientific internship (Dresden, Germany) ;
  • 2021– Nisantasi University, scientific internship научная стажировка в университете (Istanbul, Turkey);
  • 2019 – 2022 – Turan University, PhD program.



  • 2006–2009 – Ablay khan  University of International Relations and World Languages, lecturer;
  • 2009–2017 – A.Margulan Institute of Archaeology, translator;
  • 2009-2020 – Turan University, senior lecturer;
  • 2020 -2021 – Turan University, deputy head of the English Language Department;
  • 2021-2021 – Turan University, deputy dean of the Graduate School of Business;
  • 2021- present time –British Council, Orleu IPD facilitator, teacher trainer;
  • 2022- present time – Turan University, senior lecturer.



Stylistics and Culture of Speech, Business English, Academic Writing, IELTS preparation, Profession-oriented Foreign Language, Special-Professional Foreign Language, Technical Translation.




  1. The role of universities in human capital development in the course of innovative development of economy// Scientific journal “Vestnik of Turan University”– Almaty,  2020. – №10 (87)
  2. International experience of human capital management in higher educational institutions: the American model// Scientific journal “Vestnik of Turan University”– Almaty,  2022;(2):333-340
  3. Management of human capital in the conditions of innovative transformations // Actual questions of economic sciences and modern management: collection of articles on mater. XXXIV International Scientific and Practical Conf. № 5(27). – Novosibirsk: SibAK, 2020. – С. 5-16.
  4. Human Capital in Industry 4.0 //Innovation and Entrepreneurial Education in the Context of Quality of Life Improvement II International Scientific-Practical Conference 22 – November, 2019, 28-32 pp.
  5. The process of human capital management in innovative economy development// Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the doctor of economic sciences, professor Talgatbek Abdrakhmanovich Abdrazakov. April 24, 2020.

Additional information


  1. Translator into English of a number of manuscripts on archaeology, edited by Dr. Z. Samashev.
  2. Recipient of American A-E English E-teacher scholarship, USA.
  3. Participant of the international project GUESSS: Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Student’ Survey -2021. https://www.guesssurvey.org/resources/nat_2021/GUESSS_Report_2021_Kazakhstan.pdf
  4. Certificate holder TESOL: Foundational Principles, Arizona State University.
  5. Translator of the Kazakhstani Book of Records (KINES).
  6. Certificate holder. Project Design Course (Korda Institute)

Contact information


Phone: +7 (727) 260-40-28

E-mail: z.zhakhanova@turan-edu.kz

Zatonskaya Tatyana Mikhailovna

Senior Lecturer of the Graduate School of Media and Intercultural Communication

Master of humanities

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  • 1986–1992 – Abai University, philologist, teacher of Russian language and literature, thesis topic is <The Existential World of V. Nabokov and his characters >, supervisor: Badikov V.V.
  • 2011-2013 – Bachelor’s degree of Abai University, bachelor of humanities, Translation studies specialization;
  • 2013-2015 – magistracy of Abai University, Translation studies, master of humanities. The theme of the master’s thesis is <Pragmatic aspects of translation> (the defense took place in May 2015 at Abai University).
  • 2019 – to the present moment – PhD student of Al-Farabi University with a specialization in Journalism, the topic of the dissertation is <New business models and media content in the context of digital technologies>.

Academic and practical experience


  • 1994-1999 – correspondent of the LID agency (Nedelya, Informburo, Center of Attention for KTK and Channel 31)
  •  1999–2000 – editor-in-chief and news presenter of Informburo (Almaty, Kazakhstan), Channel 31;
  • 2000–2003 – trainee correspondent for the BBC Russian Service, Moscow, Russia;
  • 2004-2005 – editor-in-chief, presenter and correspondent of Informburo news, Channel 31, Kazakhstan, Almaty;
  • 2005-2006 – compiler and teacher of the Introduction to PR-technologies elective course, Extern school, Almaty, Kazakhstan;
  • 2005-2008 – teacher of Russian language and literature, , Extern school, Almaty, Kazakhstan;
  • 2008-2011 – freelance copywriter of BTA Bank (promotion of banking products);
  • 2017-2019 – editor-in-chief of  STUDiYA magazine at Turan University, Almaty, Kazakhstan;
  • 2017 – to the present – senior lecturer at Turan University, Almaty, Kazakhstan.

Teaching disciplines, practical courses


Russian, Basic English, Introduction to Journalism, Genres of Journalism, The Art of Interviews, Personal Branding of a Journalist, Blogging, Introduction to PR Technologies, Producing on TV, Advertising , supervising dissertations.


Main publications


  1. Digital Age Media Transformations in Kazakhstan. In: Knowledge in the Information Society. PCSF 2020, CSIS 2020. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 184. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-65857-1_31
  2. “Media discourse: the problem of interpreting English-language information texts”, “Science and life of Kazakhstan”: series “Philological Science”, No. 10/2 – Almaty, 2019.
  3. Article in the collection of the XV international scientific and practical conference: “Communicative and pragmatic norm of translation: dogma or flexible requirement?”, MATERIŁY XV MIĘDZYNARODOWEJ NAUKOWI-PRAKTYCZNEJ KONFERENCJI, AKTUALNE PROBLEMY NOWOCZESNYCH NAUK: vol. 9 – Poland, Przemyśl, Nauka i studia, 2019
  4. Journalism in the digital age. Electronic collection: “Based on the materials of the conference “Information space: yesterday, today, tomorrow”, Turan University, Almaty, 2017  6.

Additional Information


  1. Intern within the framework of academic mobility at GAU (American University of Girne, Northern Cyprus, 2015).
  2. Organizer of UNESCO projects as owners of the vendor of Turan University since 2018, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
  3. UNESCO certificate holder for holding and organizing the Press Freedom Day, 2018, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
  4. IELTS certificate holder, 2018.
  5. Co-organizer and PR-manager of Totalnyi Dictant international educational campaign since 2019, Almaty, Kazakhstan (headquarters – Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia).
  6. The owner of gratitude from Rossotrudnichestvo for the co-organization of the international educational campaign, 2019, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
  7. Organizer of a scientific and practical internship at the United Media Group Holding (Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2020).
  8. Host and speaker of the MediaLitfest -2021 project in partnership with USAID and Internews Kazakhstan.
  9. Winner of gratitude from the Association of Psychology, Business and Media for hosting the MediaLitFest-2021 online festival in Atyrau and Aktau and the Social Dilemma Cinema Club in Karaganda with the support of USAID and Internews CA, 2021.
  10. Diploma of the winner of the online media literacy quest (Association of Psychology, Business and Media with the support of USAID and Internews CA, Karaganda, 2021).
  11. Supervisor for image work of the Department of Journalism and Translation, Turan University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2022



Phone: +7 (727) 260-40-28

E-mail: t.zatoskaya@turan-edu.kz

Жагипарова Майра Мусаевна

Senior Lecturer of the Graduate School of Media and Intercultural Communication

Master of Pedagogical Sciences

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  • 2003–2007 г.г. Казахский государственный женский педагогический университет
    Факультет: Филология (диплом с отличием)
    Специальность: Казахский язык и литература
  • 2010–2012 г.г. Университет «Кайнар». Магистратура. (диплом с отличием)
    Специальность: Казахский язык и литература
    Академическая степень: Магистр педагогических наук

Академический и практический опыт


  • с 2012 г. – по настоящее время – ст.преподователь кафедра «Журналистика и переводческое дело» университета «Туран».
  • 2009-2011 г.г. КБТУ, кафедра Казахского и русского языков, преподователь (ассистент) «Казахский язык» и «Делопроизводство на гос.языке»
  • 2007-2009 г.г. КБТУ, кафедра Казахского и русского языков, менеджер.
  • 2006-2007 г.г. ТОО «АйкомА», специалисть по внедрению программного обеспечения.
  • 2005-2006 г.г. ТОО РПИК «Дауир», компьютерный отдел, верстальщица (книг и газет)
  • 2003-2005 г.г. КБТУ, кафедра «Языкознания», отделение казахского и русского языков, лаборант.
  • 2002-2003 г.г. Казахская академия образования им.Ы.Алтынсарина,компьютерный центр, специалист І, ІІ категории.
  • 2001-2001 г.г. Журнал «Нақ-нақ» («Ара»), сотрудник.
  • 1984-1999 г.г. Издательство ЦК Компартии Казахстана. Программист

Преподаваемые дисциплины, практические курсы


Казахский язык, профессиональный казахский язык, делопроизводство на гос.языке


Основные публикации


  1. Автор более 40 научных статей.
  2. Автор. Учебное пособие для студентов русских отделений по специальности «Аударма ісі» («Переводческое дело»). Университет «Туран», 2017
  3. Автор. Учебное пособия по профессиональному казахскому языку для студентов вуза по специальности «Журналистика». Университет «Туран», 2015.
  4. Автор. Учебное пособия по профессиональному казахскому языку для студентов вуза по специальности «Журналистика». Изд-во «LEM», 2014.
  5. Cоавтор. Англо-русско-казахский словарь по гостиничному делу. Составители: Р.К.Беделбаева, В.А.Кораблев, Г.Р.Тоқтабаева, К.М.Рахова, М.М.Жағыпарова. Изд-во «LEM», 2013.
  6. Cоавтор. Учебное пособия по профессиональному казахскому языку для всех специальностей «Мемлекеттік тілде ісқағаздарын жүргізу» (Делопроизводство на государственном языке), Издание второе с изменениями и дополнениями.  МАБ, 2013.
  7. Cоавтор. Электронный учебное пособие. «Мемлекеттік тілде ісқағаздарын жүргізу». Алматы, МАБ, 2014
  8. Cоавтор. Учебное пособия по профессиональному казахскому языку для всех специальностей «Мемлекеттік тілде ісқағаздарын жүргізу» (Делопроизводство на государственном языке) КБТУ, 2011.


  1. 2011 г. Юбилейная медаль «20 лет независимости Республики Казахстан» (№04741).
  2. 2016 г. Юбилейная медаль «25 лет независимости Республики Казахстан» (№23143).




Телефон: +7 (727) 260-40-28

E-mail: m.zhagiparova@turan-edu.kz

Кубденова Гулжихан Байказиевна

Senior Lecturer of the Graduate School of Media and Intercultural Communication

Candidate of Philological Sciences

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  • 1998-2002 – Актюбинский государственный университет им. Х.Жубанова, филолог, преподователь казахского языка и литературы;
  • 2003-2006 – аспирантура Инситут языкознания им.А.Байтурсынова, аспирант филологии со специализацией казахский язык;
  • 2008 – кандидат филологических наук

Академический и практический опыт


  • 2002-2003 – преподаватель казахского языка и литературы Актюбинский гуманитарный колледж;
  • 2005 – старший научный сотрудник Институт языкознания им.А.Байтурсынова;
  • 2008-2009 – учитель 12 категорий казахского языка школа-интернат одаренных детей им.Абая;
  • 2009-2011 – ст.преподователь, доцент,  университет «Кайнар» на бакалавриатура и магистратура;
  • 2012 – по настоящее время – ст.преподователь «Журналистика и переводческое дело» университета «Туран».

Преподаваемые дисциплины, практические курсы


Казахский язык, профессиональный казахский язык, история казахского языка,қазақ тілі, кәсіби қазақ тілі, қазақ әдеби тілінің тарихы, лексикография, казахский языкознания начало ХХ в., риторика, деловой казахский язык, культура речи и др.


Основные публикации


  1. Қазақ тілінің тарихи лексикографиясы: құрылымы мен ұстанымдары. Монография. Қарағанды: Экожан, 2013. 205 б.
  2. «Әдемі қызыл қаздар туралы ертегі». Авторы: Н.Шаймерденова. Орысшадан қазақшаға аударған Г.Көбденова. Астана, 2013.
  3. «Гүлдер ханшайымы» ертегісі. Авторы: Н.Шаймерденова. Орысшадан қазақшаға аударған Г.Көбденова. Астана, 2015.
  4. «Қазақстан» ұлттық энциклопедиясына автор ретінде қатысып, «Тілдік одақ» деген мақаласы жарияланды (8-том, 627-628-бб.).
  5. Республикалық «Тілтаным» ғылыми-лингвистикалық журналдың жауапты шығарушысы (2005 ж.- бүгінгі күнге дейін).
  6. «Қазақша-қытайша сөздіктің» жауапты шығарушысы. Алматы: Қайнар университетінің баспасы, 2011.
  7. Әртүрлі конференция жинақтарының жауапты шығарушысы.
  8. «Дала уәлаяты» газетіндегі ескі кітаби сөздер. «Тілтаным» журналы, №1-2019.
  9. Қолжазба оқитын маман тапшы // «Ана тілі» газеті. Шілде-2019

Дополнительная информация


  1. 2015 – Победитель конкурса «Лучшая статья», Институт языкознания им.А.Байтурсынова.
  2. 2016 – стипендиант республиканского молодых ученых



Телефон: +7 (727) 260-40-28

E-mail: guljihan@mail.ru

Dzhamanova Aiman Zhumanovna

Senior Lecturer of the Graduate School of Media and Intercultural Communication

Master’s degree

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  • Diploma of UV 688261, specialty: Teacher of French and Russian languages, APIA
  • Master’s degree in the specialty 6M050400 “Journalism”, Turan University

Academic and practical experience:

  • 1993-2005, Almaty Institute of Foreign Languages (APIIA)
  • 2005-2008, Kainar University
  • 2008-2011 Almaty Institute of Foreign Languages and Business Career
  • 2011-2015 Military Engineering Institute of Radio Electronics and Communications, French language teacher recommended by the Embassy of France
  • 2011 – present lecturer of the Department “Journalism and Translation” of the University “Turan”, Faculty of Humanities and Law

Non-academic work experience


  • International Education Center, French language teacher
  • 2004-2006  Seymar LLP, French teacher
  • 2003 Trans-Asian Parliamentary Forum of the OSCE PA, interpreter
  • 2003 Almaty Kus LLP, French teacher
  • 2003 Position of Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Management and International Communications, Abylai Khan KAZGUMOIMYA
  • 2003 PetroKazakhstan”, French language teacher

Mandatory disciplines


Bachelor’s Courses: Second Foreign Language (French), Russian language, Professional Russian language , Theory and practice of French             language translation, Practice of French language translation, Second foreign language


Main publications


  1. Correlation of speech culture with language competence Materials of the Republican scientific and practical conference: Kazumoimya im.Abylai Khan, 2004
  2. Cultural aspect of dialogical speech in French and Kazakh languages Materials of the republican scientific and practical conference: “Kazumoimya im.Abylai Khan in the international scientific and educational space – 70 years of development”, 2013
  3. Textbook of the French language for 2nd year students of institutes and faculties of foreign Languages Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages, 2003
  4. Article: “The study of various aspects of the profession of a journalist using the works of cinema”, IX International Scientific and Practical Conference (May 05, 2020)
  5. Article: “Images of journalists in the TV series “Octopus” as a material for studying various aspects of the profession of a journalist” Scientific journal “Internauka”, 20th edition (June, 2020)
  6. Article “Language barrier and ways to overcome it in translation” International scientific and practical conference «Innovative trends of science and practice, tasks and ways to solve them», Athens, Greece, April 26-29, 2022

Additional information


  1. Advanced training (for the last 3 years) 1. Certificate No. 87 on completion of advanced training courses in the amount of 72 hours. “Communication convergence for sustainable development in the focus of EXPO-2017”
  2. Certificate of participation. «Topical Problems of Teaching Translation»- University of. Suleiman Demirel.twothousandeighteen
  3. Awards, diplomas, commendations 1. Letter of thanks from the head of the Total Dictation project



Phone: +7 (727) 260-40-28

E-mail: a.dzhamanova@turan-edu.kz

Zhadyra Talgatkyzy Almish

Senior Lecturer of the Graduate School of Media and Intercultural Communication

Master of social sciences

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  • 2011-2015-Turan University, Bachelor of Social Education, specialty” journalism”;
  • 2015-2017-master’s degree “Turan” University, Master of social sciences, specialty” journalism”;

Academic and practical experience


  • 2017-2020 – methodologist and teacher of the Department of Journalism and Translation Studies of the University” Turan”;
  • From 2020 to the present – senior lecturer of the Department of Journalism and Translation Studies of Turan University;

Subjects taught, practical courses


Introduction to journalism, genres in modern journalism, media ethics, journalistic excellence, the art of interviews, advertising.


Main publications


  1. Directions of development of the Democratic community / material of the international scientific and practical conference “formation, problems and prospects of development of the EAEU member countries”, 2015, Moscow, Russia).– Pp. 344-348.
  2. Material of the I International Scientific and Practical Conference” information space of the Republic of Kazakhstan: yesterday, today, tomorrow ” in electronic collection, 2017, Almaty
  3. The influence of Market Relations on the development of television journalism / / scientific journal” Internauca”, Moscow, 2019
  4. Ways of modern organization of journalistic activity, / / “Internauca”: scientific journal – No. 19(148). Section  Moscow, Edition.”Internauca”, 2020.
  5. Review of the stages of formation and development of Kazakh television journalism / / “Internauca”: scientific journal – No. 19(148). Section 4. Moscow, Edition., “Internauca”, 2020.
  6. State policy and national idea in the Kazakh Press / / Bulletin. Journalism series. No. 1 (55) 2020 / (co-authors: Kurmanbaeva A. A., Mukhametkalieva S. Zh.)
  7. “Actual genres of modern journalism” (textbook for students of the Faculty of journalism). – Almaty: Turan University, 2021 – – 136 P.

Additional information


  1. In 2017, she completed an internship at the Institute of Applied Sciences in Zittau (Germany).
  2. In 2020, the winner of the Nomination “The best advisor” at the University “Turan”.



Phone: +7 (727) 260-40-28

E-mail: zh.almish@turan-edu.kz

Online admissions