Director of the Graduate School of Psychology
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Higher school of psychology is a hub for scientific research offering comprehensive, continuous education in psychology at all levels: bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral. The university houses a dissertation council. We cultivate innovative psychologists, results-oriented experts, and leaders in the field, capable of addressing a wide range of professional challenges. Our school opens doors to the world of scientific research, volunteering, and innovation for our students. By participating in projects, international conferences, psychology festivals, and developing new methods of assistance, our students gain unique experience that will enable them to become sought-after specialists.
Director of the Graduate School of Psychology
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
18 years
30 years
Undergraduate: Social psychology, Psychodiagnostics, Psychology of deviant behavior, Personal growth trainings
Phone: +7 727 260 40 28
Research Professor of the Graduate School of Psychology
Candidate of Psychology
Bachelor’s Courses: Methods of Mathematical and Statistical Processing in Psychology, Medical Psychology, General Psychology
Doctorate: Mathematical and Statistical Methods in Psychological Research
Certificate of honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2020
Diploma of the Rector of Turan University, 2019
Research Professor of the Graduate School of Psychology
Doctor of Psychological Sciences
Educational background
Academic degree
Academic work experience 40 years
Awards and achievements
List of scientific papers
Total: 325 scientific papers.
Professor of the Graduate School of Psychology
Candidate of Medical Sciences
Master of Social Knowledge “Psychology”
17 y.
23y. Doctor of the highest category, psychiatrist-narcologist, psychotherapist, clinical psychologist.
Bachelor’s degree: “Health Psychology”, “Psychological Support in Inclusive Education”, “Medical Psychology”.
Master’s degree: “Disorders of the cognitive sphere of personality.” “Fundamentals of psychosomatics”.
Professor of the Graduate School of Psychology
Candidate of Psychological Sciences
Professor of the Graduate School of Psychology
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences
Kazakh Pedagogical Institute after Abai, 1977 Teacher of chemistry and biology
Undergraduate: Fundamentals of management psychology, Psychology of human resource management
Professor of the Graduate School of Psychology
Doctor of Medical Sciences
Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Psychology
PhD in Psychology
23 years
Bachelor’s Courses: Gender Psychology, Differential Psychology
Master’s Courses: Personnel Selection, Leadership and Coaching, Modern Problems of Gender Psychology, Psychology of Self-Regulation, Modern Statistics in Psychology
Doctorate: Actual Problems of Contemporary Experimental Psychology
Phone: +7727-260-40-28
Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Psychology
PhD in Psychology
Bachelor’s Courses: Introduction to Personality Psychology, Individual Psychotherapy, Fundamentals of Psychological Counseling, Psychology of Will
Doctorate: Jungian Analysis, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Existential Analysis, Existential Counseling
Individual member of the International Association for Analytical Psychology – IAAP Individual Member (Kyoto, Japan, 2016)
Phone: 260-40-28
Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Psychology
Doctor of Psychology
The teacher of physics
45 years
Bachelor Degree: “History of Psychology”, “Pedagogical Psychology”, “Health Psychology” ( in Kazakh)
Магистратура: “Theoretical and methodological bases of psychology”, “Technology of master’s research” (in Russian)
Докторантура: “Actual problems of psychology: a comparative analysis of domestic and foreign psychology”, “Problems of psychological health and personality” ( in Russian)
“Excellence in military construction”; Winner of jubilee badges of universities (KazNPU named after Abai, TarSU named after Dulati); grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “The best teacher of the university” (2010); Full member of the International Academy of Psychological Sciences (IAPS) RUSSIA; holder of the grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “The best teacher of the university” (2010); member of the editorial board VESTNIK APN RK ; “New liberal arts education. Member of the editorial board of the project “100 new textbooks in the Kazakh language” and scientific editor of the books “History of Modern Psychology”, “Internet Psychology”, “Fundamentals of Organizational Behavior”, “Social Psychology” from the Psychology series.
Scientific online internship – UniBIT, Sofia, Bulgaria
Phone: 260-40-28
Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Psychology
Number of scientific publications – 16
of these:
Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Psychology
Higher, teacher of pedagogy and psychologists
24 years
Undergraduate: “Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education”
Master’s degree: “Pedagogy and methodology of primary education”
Doctoral studies: “Pedagogy and Psychology”
1 | Psychological and pedagogical preparation of the future teacher for the development of dialogical speech of primary school children | печ. (статья) | Research in Education. – Vol. 114, Iss.1. – 2022. – P. 64-78. (on 2022: CiteScore – 2,2, процентиль Education – 55).
2,24 | Galiyeva A
Khanina N Zhexembayeva Zh Assylova R |
2 | Professional training of future teachers for the development of speech activity of younger schoolchildren | печ. (статья) | Journal of Intellectual Disability – Diagnosis and Treatment. – Volume 8, No. 3. – 2020. – Р. 358-369 (on 2020: CiteScore-0,7, Social Sciences – 31)
1,7 | Sapargaliyeva А.Zh.,
Aralbaeva R.K., Zhakipbekova S.S., Shynybekova A.S. |
3 | Болашақ мұғалімдерді бастауыш сынып оқушыларының сөйлеу әрекетін қалыптастыруға дайындаудың ерекшеліктері | печ. (статья) | Вестник НАН РК. – Том 3, № 397. – 2022. –С.110-125
2,4 | Сапаргалиева А.Ж.
4 | Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of speech activity in children of young school age | печ. (статья) | Bulletin of National academy of sciences of the republic of Kazakhstan. – Volume 1, № 395. – 2022. – С.162-167. ISSN 1991-3494
0,3 | Сапаргалиева А.Ж.
5 | Formation of the future teacher’s readiness for teaching younger pupils to speech activity
печ. (статья) | Наука и жизнь Казахстана. – №5/3. – 2020. –С.220-225 | 0,3 | Сапаргалиева А.Ж.
6 | Развитие речевой деятельности у детей младшего школьного возраста | печ. (статья) | Доклады Казахской Академии образования – №3, 2019. – С.152-159. | 0,4 | Сапаргалиева А.Ж.
7 | Подготовка будущих педагогов к формированию речевой деятельности младших школьников | печ. (статья) | Ученые записки СПбГИПСР. – Выпуск 2, Том 34. – Санкт-Петербург, 2020. – С. 137-145.
0,5 | Сапаргалиеваa А. Ж.,
Аралбаеваb Р. К., Рысбеков К. К. |
8 | Features of the development of speech activity in children of primary school age | печ. (статья) | Материалы VII Международной научно-практической конференции: в 2 ч. – Том Часть 1. – Ставрополь, 2022. – С.166-170 | 0,3 | Sapargaliyeva A.ZH.,
Tulymshakova G.D.
9 | Формирование профессионально –личностного педагога начальной школы | печ. (статья) | Социально – экономические и правовые системы стран евразийской экономической интеграции Материалы международной научно-практической конференции 18-19 апреля 2019 г. – С.402-409. | 0,5 | Сапаргалиева А.Ж. |
10 | Проблемы развития речевой деятельности у детей младшего школьного возраста | печ. (статья) | Материалы международной научно-практической конференции «Актуальные проблемы теоретической и практической психологии» КНЖенПУ, Алматы, 2020. – С.434-438 | 0,3 | Сапаргалиева А.Ж. |
Associate Professor-researcher of the Graduate School of Psychology
Bachelor: Cross-cultural psychology
Master: Management of psychology
Research scholarship at University of Minnesota 2023-2024
Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Psychology
Candidate of Biology
Bachelor’s Degree:
Master’s Degree:
Senior Lecturer of the Graduate School of Psychology
Master of Social Sciences in Psychology
Undergraduate: Social psychology, Psychology of development and personality formation, Child neuropsychology, Diagnosis and correction of autism spectrum disorders, Psychological support of inclusive education
Gratitude of the Rector of the University “Turan”- ‘For the conscientious attitude and initiative shown during the preparation for specialized (program) accreditation”, 28.12.2014.
Diploma of the Rector of the University “Turan”- “For services in professional activity, high responsibility, fruitful work for the benefit of the University “Turan”, 2015
Scientific online internship – UniBIT, Sofia, Bulgaria
Phone: +7 (727) 260-40-28
Senior Lecturer of the Graduate School of Psychology
Master of Social Sciences in Psychology
Bachelor’s degree: Medical psychology, author’s courses “Children’s neuropsychology”, “Diagnostics and correction of autism spectrum disorders”
Diploma of Recognition by the University “Kainar” Rector
Scientific internship – UniBIT, Sofia, Bulgaria
Senior Lecturer of the Graduate School of Psychology
Master of Social Sciences in Psychology
32 years
Bachelor’s Courses: Psychology of the Negotiation Process, Psychology, Psychology of Child-Parent Relations, Cognitive Psychology
Master’s Courses: Transactional Analysis
Zhetysay, “Syrdaria” University, online lectures on the discipline “History of Pedagogy”, in the amount of 36 hours
Phone: +7 (727) 260-40-28
Senior Lecturer of the Graduate School of Psychology
Master of Social Sciences in Psychology
Bachelor Degree: personality psychology, differential psychology, psychology of personal success and development
Senior Lecturer of the Graduate School of Psychology
Master of Psychology
KazGNU named after Al-Farabi, MSc in Psychology, specialization – General Psychology
21 years
23 years old
Bachelor’s Degree: Emotional and Social Intelligence, History of Psychology, Psychology of Human Resource Management, Fundamentals of Management
MSc: Existential Psychotherapy, Coaching Technologies in Psychological Counseling, Psychology of Motivation
April 2021, «Higher Education 4.0. Digital transformation»
Phone: +7-727-260-40-28
Senior Lecturer of the Graduate School of Psychology
Master of Social Sciences in Psychology
Bachelor: Psychology of development and formation of personality. Communicative psychotechnologies – 25.03.21, Turkey, Istanbul, Scientific internship
Author of 5 articles, including
Phone: +7 -727-260-40-28
Senior Lecturer of the Graduate School of Psychology
Master of Social Sciences
Educational background
Academic work experience
Non-academic work experience
Teaching disciplines:
Bachelor’s Courses: Psychology and Sociology of Mass Communication, Personnel Evaluation and recruitment, Organizational Psychology, Psychology Workshop, Personality Psychology, etc.
Master’s Courses: Psychology of Management
Internships and academic mobility
List of scientific papers
Contact details
Senior Lecturer of the Graduate School of Psychology
Master of Social Sciences
Academic experience
Disciplines taught
Awards and achievements
Internships and academic mobility
List of scientific works
Senior Lecturer of the Graduate School of Psychology
Master of social sciences
Higher, 5В010300 – Pedagogy and psychology
Master degree, 6М050300 – Psychology
7 years
Bachelor Degree: “General Psychology”, “General psychological workshop”, “Differential psychology”, “Basics of psychodiagnostics”, “Psychological counseling” ( in Kazakh)
“Best scientific research” – 2024, 1st place, Department of Psychology, Turan University
Scientific internship – University of Szeged, Hungary
1 | Psychometric properties and socio-demographic characteristics of the Existence scale | статья | // The Journal of Psychology & Sociology. – 2024. – №1(88). – 42-57 бет. | 1 | Kassymzhanova A., Piko B., Akhmetzhanova M. |
2 | Қазақстан тұрғындарының мысалында өмірге қанағаттанушылық пен бақытты көлденең зерттеу | статья | // Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы Еуразия ұлттық университетінің хабаршысы. Педагогика. Психология. Социология сериясы. – 2023. – №4(145). – 321-331 бет. | 0,687 | Касымжанова А.А., Piko B.F. |
3 | Позитивті және негативті аффекттің бақытқа әсер етуін эмпирикалық зерттеу | статья | // Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің «Хабаршы» ғылыми журналы. «Психология» сериясы. – 2023. – №4(77). – 51-61 бет. | 0,687 | Касымжанова А.А. |
4 | Л. Ребекканың «Когнитивті-әрекеттік стильді зерттеу» әдістемесінің қазақ тіліне бейімделуі | статья | // Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің «Хабаршы» ғылыми журналы. «Психология» сериясы. – 2020. – №2(63). – 36-45 бет. | 0,56 | Касымжанова А.А. |
5 | The meaning of life as a basic concept of existential psychology | статья | // XXIII International Scientific and Practical Conference «The influence of society on the development of science and the invention of new methods». – Прага, 2023. – 329-334 бет. | 0,375 | Касымжанова А.А. |
6 | Бақыт түсінігі туралы шетелдік жəне отандық көзқарастар жүйесі | статья | // ХХ International Scientific and practical conference «Modern Methods of applying scientific theories». – Лиссабон, 2023. – 365-371 бет. | 0,437 | Касымжанова А.А. |
7 | Бақыт және әл-ауқат ұғымдарының ғылыми еңбектерде қарастырылуы | статья | // «Геосаяси турбуленттік жағдайындағы Қазақстандағы саяси трансформация» Халықаралық ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференция. – Алматы: «Тұран» Университеті, 2023. – 154-160 бет. | 0,437 | Касымжанова А.А. |
8 | Оксфордтық бақыт сауалнамасының қазақ тіліне аударылуы және бейімделуі | статья | // Eurasian Journal of Current Research in Psychology and Pedagogy. – 2022. – №1(1). – 15-25 бет. | 0,687 | Касымжанова А.А. |
9 | M. Argyle, M. Martin, J. Crossland, P. Hills, Оксфордтық бақыт сауалнамасының қазақ тіліне аударылуы және бейімделуі | авторские свидетельства | Свидетельство о внесении свидении в государственный реестр прав на объекты, охраняемые авторским правом, № 45730 от «14» мая 2024 года | 0,25 | Касымжанова А.А. |
10 | M. F. Steger, P. Frazier, S. Oishi, M. Kaler, Өмір мәні сауалнамасының қазақ тіліне аударылуы мен бейімделуі | авторские свидетельства | Свидетельство о внесении свидении в государственный реестр прав на объекты, охраняемые авторским правом, № 45742 от «14» мая 2024 года | 0,18 | Касымжанова А.А. |
11 | Alfried Längle, Christine Orgler, Michael Kundi, Экзистенция шкаласының қазақ тіліне аударылуы және бейімделуі | авторские свидетельства | Свидетельство о внесении свидении в государственный реестр прав на объекты, охраняемые авторским правом, № 45741 от «14» мая 2024 года | 0,44 | Касымжанова А.А. |
12 | E. Diener, R.A. Emmons, R.J. Larsen, S.Griffin, Өмірге қанағаттану шкаласының қызық тіліне аударылуы және бейімделуі | авторские свидетельства | Свидетельство о внесении свидении в государственный реестр прав на объекты, охраняемые авторским правом, № 45745 от «14» мая 2024 года | 0,25 | Касымжанова А.А. |
3 |
F. Williams, Е.Е. Туник, Тұлғалық шығармашылықты диагностикалау әдістемесінің қазақ тіліне аударылуы және бейімделуі | авторские свидетельства | Свидетельство о внесении свидении в государственный реестр прав на объекты, охраняемые авторским правом, № 45837 от «16» мая 2024 года | 0,25 | Касымжанова А.А. |
14 | Л. Ребекканың Тұлғаның когнитивті-әрекеттік стилін анықтау әдістемесінің қазақ тіліне аударылуы және бейімделуі | авторские свидетельства | Свидетельство о внесении свидении в государственный реестр прав на объекты, охраняемые авторским правом, № 45839 от «16» мая 2024 года | 0,68 | Касымжанова А.А. |
15 | D. Watson, L.A. Clark, A. Tellegen, Позитивті және негативті аффект шкаласының қазақ тіліне аударылуы мен бейімделуі | авторские свидетельства | Свидетельство о внесении свидении в государственный реестр прав на объекты, охраняемые авторским правом, № 45836 от «16» мая 2024 года | 0,18 | Касымжанова А.А. |
Senior Lecturer of the Graduate School of Psychology
Master of Psychology
Assistant Lecturer of the Graduate School of Psychology
Master of Social Sciences
Bachelor’s degree: «General psychological workshop»
List of research papers (2020-2024) Selichsheva Darya |
1 | Психологические особенности команд волейболистов-любителей: теоретический анализ современных исследований | статья | // Eurasian Journal of Current Research in Psychology and Pedagogy. 2024;(1) – C. 42-51. | 0,75 | Мун М.В. |
2 | Experimental study of psychological features of women’s and men’s amateur volleyball teams | статья | // The latest technologies in the development of science, business and education. – London, Great Britain: 2024. – С. 323-327. | 0,312 | Mun M.V. |
3 | Untersuchung der Faktoren, die den Gruppenzusammenhalt in Mannschaftssportarten beeinflussen | статья | // Modern challenges: trends, problems and prospects development”. – Copenhagen, Denmark: 2024. – С. 211-215. | 0,312 | Selichsheva S.A. |