Higher school of Psychology

Vasko Tatyana Pavlovna

Director of the Graduate School of Psychology

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

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  • 2019 – Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty 8D050300 – Psychology
  • 2016 – 2019 – University “Turan” – doctoral studies in Psychology
  • 2014 – 2016 – University “Turan” – Master’s degree in Psychology
  • 2000-2003 – Academy “Prestige” – specialty “Psychologist. Psychology teacher”

Academic work experience

18 years


Non-academic work experience

30 years


Teaching disciplines

Undergraduate: Social psychology, Psychodiagnostics, Psychology of deviant behavior, Personal growth trainings


List of scientific papers

  1. Suicides in Post-Soviet Kaza-khstan: Role of Age, Gender and Depression // «International Journal of Psychology» (Scopus) 31st International Congress of Psychology, 24–29 July 2016, Yokohama, Japan. 
  2. Students’ Critical thinking as an aspect of informational and psychological safety of a person // Вестник КазНУ имени АльФараби. Серия “психологии и социологии”№ 1 (60), 2017 г.Алматы
  3. Informational and psychological security in intercultural dialogue // Man in India. (Scopus) Volume :97, Issue:25, 2017
  4.  Структурнофункциональная модель информационнопсихологической безопасности личности // 6 th  International conference Science and society – Methods and problems of practical application. 15 th  November 2018. Vancouver, Canada 
  5. Digital Literacy and Professional Development of Psychology Students. // Opción Journal, 2018, vol. 34, Edición Especial Nro. 17
  6. Операционализация конструкта «Информационно-психологическая безопасность личности» Проблемы социальной психологии и социальной работы : XV Всероссийская Парыгинская научно-практическая конференция (с международным участием). Санкт-Петербург : 17 апреля 2020 г.


Phone: +7 727 260 40 28

E-mail: t.vasko@turan-edu.kz

Kassymzhanova Anargul Aliakparovna

Professor of the Graduate School of Psychology

Candidate of Psychology

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Educational background

  • 1988 – 1993 Karaganda State University named after I. E.A. Buketova, Philologist, teacher of Russian language and literature
  • 1996 – 1998 – Institute for Advanced Studies of the Kazakh State University, Scientific internship in specialty “Psychology”
  • 1999 – 2002 Kazakh National University after Al-Farabi, postgraduate study in the specialty 19.00.01 – General psychology, personality psychology, history of psychology, ethnopsychology
  • 2008 – 2010 Institute of Family Therapy, Novosibirsk, Consultant Psychologist
  • 2019 – 2020 RPA Institute of Psychotherapy and Medical Psychology Karvasarsky, specialty 37.05.01 – Clinical (medical) psychology with a specialization in cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy

Academic work experience

  • Since 2021 -till present Turan University, professor at Psychology department
  • 2020-2021 – Turan University, Dean of Faculty of Humanities and Law
  • 2016-2020 – Turan University, head of Psychology department
  • 2011 – 2016 – University of International Business (UIB), Associate Professor at the Department of Journalism and International Relations
  • 2006 – 2011 – University “Kainar”, senior lecturer at Theoretical and Applied Psychology Department
  • 1995 – 2000 – Zhezkazgan University named after O.A. Baikonurova, Lecturer at Pedagogy and Psychology Department

Non-academic work experience

  • 2020 – to the present – Development Center “Sirius”, director, psychological counseling, educational trainings
  • 2010 – 2018 – Psychological center “Kairos”, director, psychological counseling, educational trainings
  • 2001 – Republican Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS, psychologist of the treatment-and-prophylactic department, Individual counseling, organizational and methodological work
  • 2000 – Service of psychological assistance at Zhezkazgan University, consultant psychologist

Teaching disciplines

Bachelor’s Courses: Methods of Mathematical and Statistical Processing in Psychology, Medical Psychology, General Psychology

Doctorate: Mathematical and Statistical Methods in Psychological Research


Awards and achievements

Certificate of honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2020

Diploma of the Rector of Turan University, 2019

List of scientific papers

  1. Медициналық психология (с грифом РУМС), – Алматы: ун-т Туран, 2018. – 100 с.
  2. Психология управления (в соавт., Хайруллин Г.Т.), Алматы: ун-т Туран. – 2020. – 352 с.
  3. Emotional health as an indicator of youthful wellbeing.// Opción, Año 36, Especial No.27(2020): 828-842 ISSN 1012-1587/ISSNe: 2477-9385. –Р. 828-842.
  4. Investigation of subjective risk assesment of miner work. //International Journal of Psychology, International Union of Psychological Science, Taylor & Francis (Routledge), 2016. – Т. 51. – Р. 802.
  5. Исследование матерей, воспитывающих детей с инвалидизирующим заболеванием (на примере детей с психическими заболеваниями).- Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая, Серия Психология. – №1 (62). – 2020. – 271-277.
  6. Особенности субъективной оценки эмоционального здоровья в юношеском возрасте.- Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая, Серия Психология. – №1 (62). – 2020. – 70-78.
  7. Проблема здоровья личности как предмет изучения зарубежной психологии.- Вестник КазНУ. Серия Психологии и социологии. – Алматы, №1 (58).- 2019.- С.87-93.
  8. Трудовые ценности как мотивирующие факторы трудовой деятельности сотрудниц фармацевтического предприятия.- Вестник ЕНУ им. Л.Н. Гумилева. Серия Педагогика. Психология. Социология. – «2 (127). – 2019. – С. 130-138.
  9. Экспериментальное исследование отношения родителей детей с особыми образовательными потребностями к инклюзивному образованию. – Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая, Серия Психология. – №2. – 2019.
  10. Психологические методы отбора персонала в поликультурной среде. – Вестник КазНУ им. аль-Фараби, Серия Психология. – №3 (70). – 2019. – С. 34-41.
  11. О путях исследования контекста проявлений суицидального риска подростка. – Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая. Серия «Психология». – №1 (54). 2018. – С. 154-160.
  12. Парадокс глобализации: предрассудки и стереотипы. – Вестник НАН РК, Серия общественных и гуманитарных наук. – №2. – 2018. – С. 181-189.
  13. Анализ результатов эмпирического исследования ценностных ориентаций персонала на примере строительной компании. – Вестник КазНУ. Серия Психологии и социологии. – №2 (61). – 2017. – С.120-131.
  14. Исследование взаимосвязи типов темперамента и уровня стрессоустойчивости у студентов. – Вестник КазНУ им. аль-Фараби, Серия Психология и Социология. – №1 (60). – 2017. – С. 101-107.
  15. Теоретический анализ психологических исследований по проблеме копинг-стратегий. – МНПК “Эффективные пути модернизации”, Прага: Образование и наука, Том 10. 2019. – С. 65-72.
  16. Исследование вербальных и невербальных признаков лжи у детей младшего школьного возраста. – МНПК “Психолого-педагогические проблемы образования в условиях инновационного развития”, Алматы, 2019.
  17. Использование здоровьесберегающих технологий при формировании навыков управления стрессом. – МНПК “Психолого-педагогические проблемы образования в условиях инновационного развития”, Алматы, 2019.
  18. Теоретический анализ эмоционального выгорания профессиональной деятельности педагогов.- РНПКС “Креативная молодежь – путь к интеллектуальной державе”, 2019.

Contact details

E-mail: a.kassymzhanova@turan-edu.kz

Ermentaeva Ardakh Rizabekovna

Research Professor of the Graduate School of Psychology

Doctor of Psychological Sciences

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Educational background

  • 1978-1982: Ust-Kamenogorsk Pedagogical Institute. Specialty: mathematics teacher, diploma with honors.
  • 1991-1995: graduate school, Institute of Theoretical Pedagogy and International Studies in Education, RAO. Moscow.

Academic degree

  • 1995: defending his Ph.D. thesis, Moscow. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.
  • 2008: defending his doctoral dissertation, Almaty. Doctor of Psychological Sciences.

Academic work experience 40 years


Awards and achievements


  • 2009: medal “Қазақстан Respublikasyna ң ylymyna ң damuyna қосқан үлесі үшін”.
  • 2017: grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Best Teacher.”
  • 2020: medal “L.N. Gumilyov.”


  • 2020: activator, initiator and organizer of the opening of doctoral studies (PhD) with a degree in Psychology at the L.N. Gumilyov ENU.
  • The first author in the republic of the textbook in the state language “Higher School of Psychology” (2012).
  • The first author in the republic of the textbook in the state language “Consulting Psychology” (2000).
  • 2013: The first author of standard programs in the Kazakh and Russian languages of disciplines: 1) “Cultural, historical and activity approaches in psychology and education”; 2) “Theoretical and methodological foundations of psychology.”
  • Expert of the OP undergraduate, master’s, doctoral studies in the specialty “Psychology.”
  • 1996: activator, initiator and organizer of the opening of the specialty “Psychology” in the state language at the VKSU named after S. Amanzholov.

List of scientific papers

Total: 325 scientific papers.

  • Monographs – 15.
  • Textbooks – 5.
  • Typical programs – 5.
  • Teaching and teaching aids – 32.
  • Publications in the journals of Skopus, Thomson Reuter – 14.
  • In foreign scientific journals – 12.
  • In journals recommended by the COXON of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan – 70.
  • Gylymi – praktikalyq Conference zhinaqtarynda – 180.


E-mail: a.ermentayeva@turan-edu.kz

Duplyakin Yevgeniy Borisovich

Professor of the Graduate School of Psychology

Candidate of Medical Sciences

Master of Social Knowledge “Psychology”

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Educational background

  • 1998 – 2004 – Kazakhstan Medical Institute, faculty – general medicine.
  • 2004 -2005 – Internship at the Kazakh Medical University, specialty – psychiatrist-narcologist, psychotherapist.
  • 2018 – 2019 Kainar Academy – Master’s degree in “Psychology”

Academic work experience


17 y.

  • 2005 – 2006 Researcher of the Department of Epidemiological and Organizational Research, Resident Physician of the Department of Endogenous and Exogenous Disorders of the Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Narcology of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan (RSPTSPPN).
  • 2006 – 2008 Researcher at the National Center for Problems and Formation of a Healthy Lifestyle (NCPHLP) implementation of the Scientific and Technical Program, examination of patients in polyclinics of the city and region to identify mental and behavioral disorders, development and implementation of guidelines for the treatment of this group of patients (combining with the main work in the RSPCPPN).
  • 2007 – 2008 Researcher of the Department of Clinical Research, physician – resident of the Department of Psychotherapy of the Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Children’s Treatment
  • 2008 – 2010 Researcher of the Department of Clinical Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, physician – resident of the Department of Addictive States and Suicidology of the Republican Scientific and Practical Center for the Treatment of Psychotherapy.
    – Lecturer – Assistant of the Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Narcology of Kaz.NMU named after S. D. Asfendiyarov (combination).
    – Lecturer – Assistant of the Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Narcology of the Kazakh-Russian Medical University.
  • 2018 – 2020 Associate Professor of the Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Narcology, Kaz.MUNO.
  • From 2020 to the present – Professor of the Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Narcology, Kaz.MUNO

Non-academic work experience


23y. Doctor of the highest category, psychiatrist-narcologist, psychotherapist, clinical psychologist.



Teaching disciplines


Bachelor’s degree: “Health Psychology”, “Psychological Support in Inclusive Education”, “Medical Psychology”.

Master’s degree: “Disorders of the cognitive sphere of personality.” “Fundamentals of psychosomatics”.


Internships and academic mobility

  • From January 05 to March 03, 2006 – Improvement in general psychiatry at AGIUV.
  • December 09, 2006 – advanced training “Modern ideas about neuroses and their treatment” RSPTSPPN.
  • March 30, 2007 – advanced training “Topical issues of child psychiatry, psychotherapy, narcology and neurology.”
  • April 27, 2007 – advanced training “Forensic psychiatry and forensic narcology”.
  • From October 29 to November 02, 2007 – advanced training “Forensic psychology and forensic narcology”.
  • From 03 January to 04 March 2008 – Improvement in narcology of AGIUV.
  • May 19 to June 20, 2008 – advanced training “Organization and provision of psychotherapeutic and medical and psychological assistance in emergency situations.”
  • From March 05 to March 15, 2010 – advanced training “Typology, clinic and prevention of suicidal conditions in psychiatric practice.”
  • August 27, 2015 – master class “Clinical problems of family medicine and primary health care”.
  • October 9-11, 2015 – educational training “Practice of self-hypnosis. CHC method “.
  • From 3 to 5 June 2016 – advanced training in the specialty “Vitology”.
  • January 14-15, 2017 – advanced training on the course “Psychological counseling. Psychotechnology for solving problems and achieving goals ”IIP.
  • January 27 – 28, 2017 – advanced training in the course “Psychotherapy of subjective reality. Basic directions, methods and psychotechnologies of work with INP codes “IIP.
  • From March 27 to April 22, 2017 – advanced training in the cycle “Endogenous, endogenous-organic, exogenous-organic mental and behavioral disorders with issues of forensic psychiatry.”
  • May 7-14, 2017 – Intensive training “NLP – practitioner”. Trainer Victoria Cesonyte, Lithuania.
  • August 27, 2017 – Complete course of the 20 – day training seminar “NLP – Practitioner”. First NLP Center.
  • December 18-22, 2017 – Passing the course “Strategic polymodal psychotherapy for seriously and long-term illnesses.” European Association for Psychotherapy. Asian Federation of Psychotherapy. World Council for Psychotherapy. All-Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League.
  • Since September 2017 to March 2018 Training “Ericksonian hypnosis”. Hgts – center Moscow.
  • May 21 to May 26, 2018 – Advanced training “Fundamentals of suicidolgia and crisis states: methods of correction” Kaz.MUNO, Almaty.
  • From May 28 to June 2, 2018 – Continuing education “Fundamentals of suicidology. Prevention of auto-aggressive behavior “Kaz.MUNO, Almaty.
  • From 01 to 03 June 2018 – A refresher course within the framework of the Festival of Practical Psychology at the Kainar Academy.
  • July 14-15, 2018 – Psychotherapeutic Training “Introduction to group analysis” in the amount of 16 hours.
  • From 16 to 28 July 2018 – Advanced training “Methods of psychotherapy in clinical practice.” Kazakh Medical University of Continuing Education Almaty.
  • From 11 September to 18 November 2018 “NLP – MASTER INTENSIVE”. Awarded the qualification NLP – MASTER. Graduate School of NLP.
  • September 25-26, 2018 Coacheng Diploma Certification.
  • December 13-16, 2018 Intensive training “Ericksonian hypnosis”. Graduate School of NLP.
  • From December 11 to December 13, 2019 Participant of the conference “Psi-Expert”. Institute of Practical Psychology, Kiev.
  • March 25-26, 2020 Course “Effective MAC-coaching”. Institute of Practical Psychology, Kiev.
  • 2020 Participant of the Educational program “Strategy for dealing with offenders (aggressors) of domestic violence.”
  • From July 20 to August 15, 2020 Advanced training in the cycle “Topical issues of sexology”. Center for retraining and advanced training “Best”.
  • From August 17 to September 14, 2020 Advanced training in the cycle “General patterns of mental illness in children and adolescents.” Center for retraining and advanced training “Best”.
  • From August 24 to September 05, 2020 Advanced training in the cycle “Methodology of medical education”. International Institute of Postgraduate Education, Almaty
  • From 02 November to 28 November 2020 Advanced training in the cycle “Medical psychology: clinical and pathopsychological diagnostics.” Center for retraining and advanced training “Best”.
  • 2020 Coaching and Psychology, Life Modules and Business Modules 864 hours. International Socratic University of Coaching.

List of scientific papers

  1. About tranzishional intoxication and endogenous psychoses. Materials of the 15th International Practical Conference, May 22-30, 2019, Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 15-19.
  2. Assessment and monitoring of anxiety disorders in patients with alcoholism. Scientific-practical conference “Topical issues of psychiatry: integration, innovation, moderation” with international participation (30.05.2019 Tashkent, Uzbekistan), p.15
  3. Prevention of depressive disorders in primary health care patients. Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Topical Issues of the Formation of a Healthy Lifestyle”. – Almaty, 2015. – No. 4. – P. 106-107.
  4. On the issue of improving the effective activity of primary health care. Bulletin of the Kazakh National Medical University: materials of the scientific and practical conference within the framework of the “Days of the University”. – Almaty, 2015. – No. 3. – P. 70
  5. Socio-demographic characteristics of primary health care patients with depressive disorders. Materials of the 3rd Congress of Psychiatrists, Psychotherapists, Narcologists and Medical Psychologists of the Republic of Kazakhstan. – Almaty, 2016 .– S. 27-30.
  6. Anxiety and depressive disorders among outpatients of the mental health center in Almaty. Proceeding of the 2nd international Scientific and Practical conference: Interdisciplinary research, Hamburg, Germany, (No. 40), 26-28.01.2021, p.512-521, ISBN: 978-3-512-31217-5
  7. Obsessive-compulsive disorders among outpatients of the mental health center in Almaty. Proceeding of the 7nd international Scientific and Practical conference: Scientific horizon in the context of social crizez, Tokyo, Japan, Otsuki press, 6-8.02.2021, p. 800-807, ISBN: 978-4-272-00922-0
  8. COVID-associateddepressive disorders in diabetes \ mellitys. Abstracts of the first Eurazian Conference: The coronavirus pandemic and criticalist infrastructure, Tbilisi, Georgia, 28-30.11.2020, p. 53-55, Published by AIJR Publisher, Dhaurahra, Balrampur India 271604, ISBN: 978-81-947843-0-2 (eBook), DOI: https: //www.doi.org/10.21467/abstracts.102
  1. Increazed levels of anxiety and depression as a factor of reduced efficiency of medical workers during the COVID-19. Abstracts of the first Eurazian Conference: The coronavirus pandemic and criticalist infrastructure, Tbilisi, Georgia, 28-30.11.2020, p. 41-44, Published by AIJR Publisher, Dhaurahra, Balrampur India 271604, ISBN: 978-81-947843-0-2 (eBook), DOI: https: //www.doi.org/10.21467/ abstracts.102
  1. Drug addiction (drug addiction, substance abuse). Basic principles of treatment. Tutorial. Kazakh Medical University of Continuing Education, Almaty 2019
  2. General psychohygiene and psychoprophylaxis. Tutorial. Kazakh Medical University of Continuing Education, Almaty 2019



E-mail: e.duplyakin@turan-edu.kz

Sarsenbaeva Lyaziza Onalbaevna

Professor of the Graduate School of Psychology

Candidate of Psychological Sciences

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  • 1982-1987 Kazakh Pedagogical Institute named after Abay
  • 1987 Qualification: oligophrenopedagogue, speech therapist
  • 1994 Candidate of Psychological Sciences
  • 1999 Associate Professor of Psychology



Work experience

  • 1987-1999 Lecturer at the Department of Oligophrenopedagogy, Karaganda Pedagogical Institute
  • 1990- 2021 Associate Professor, Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay
  • 2021-2024 Professor of the Department of General Educational Disciplines of the Almaty Branch of the St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions



Advanced training

  1. Application of test forms in new educational and certification technologies. Courses V.S. Avanesova Moscow (72 hours) 09/30/2019-10/04/2019
  2. Measuring and assessing educational results in the education system. Moscow State Pedagogical University (72 hours) 01/31/2019-03/05/2019
  3. Improving the professional skills of a university teacher (Psychology, Pedagogical dimensions, psychological climate in an inclusive educational environment). KazNPU Almaty (80 hours) 02.11.2020-06.11.2020
  4. Current problems of general, applied, practical psychology and innovative technologies in the educational process. Center for Practical Pedagogy and Psychology. Almaty (72 hours) 12/22/2020-02/10/2021
  5. Modern conflictology: issues of theory and practice. NGO “Center for Practical Psychology and Pedagogy”, Almaty. (72 hours) 08/09/2021-08/20/2021
  6. Organization and conduct of Lesson Study and Action Research. KazNPU. d. Almaty (30 hours) 14.02.2022-25.02.2022
  7. Following professional development course «Dual Education in Teacher Training», «Design and development of Dual Programs», «Interaction winh Stakeholders», «Innowative Educational Technjljgies  within the framework» of the project  IMPLTMTNTING DUAL SISTEM IN KAZAKHSTAN- KAZDUAL, ERASMUS + program. 12-22 may 2023.
  8. Innovative technologies and digital tools in the sphere of education. RF, Altai State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University named after V.M. Shukshina. 22.01.-07.02.2024 (72 hours).



Awards and prizes

  • 2019 – Certificate of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan



Publications and presentations

  • Psychological and pedagogical facilitation of Action Research to increase the research activity of university teachers. Bulletin of Abai KazNPU, series “Psychology”, 2024. – No. 2
  • Acquisition of Communicative Skills by Foreign Students in a Multicultural Learning Environmen. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 2023, 22(10), страницы 359–377
  • Methodological approach and principles of research activity development of university teachers. Journal  «Pedagogy and Psychology» Volume 56 (2023): Issue 3 (September 2023), pp.48-55. DOI 1 0.51889/2960-1649.2023.15.3.005
  • Analysis of world practices in implementing Action Research in the Khabarshi higher education system. Bulletin of Abai KazNPU, series “Pedagogical Sciences”, 2023 – No. 3 (79). – P.24-36
  • Conceptualising the Integration of Action Research into the Practice of Teacher Education Universities in Kazakhstan. Education Sciences. 2023; 13(10):1034.  https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci13101034
  • Pedagogical and Psychological Conditions for the Organization of Independent Work of Students
  • European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2022. 11(4) ): 1134-1146 DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2022.4.1134 https://ejce.cherkasgu.press



New scientific developments

  • Leading researcher of the project for grant funding of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan IRN: AR14872311 on the topic “Theory and technology for the development of research activity of university teachers based on the integration into practice of informal forms of research as Action Research” (2022-2024)
Mun Maria Vladimirovna

Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Psychology

PhD in Psychology

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Educational background

  • March 2006 – awarded the degree of candidate of psychological sciences in specialty 19.00.01 – general psychology, personality psychology, history of psychology, ethnopsychology – thesis topic: “Figurative-logical mutual transitions as one of the mechanisms of creative thinking of a person” – No. 0001097
  • 1999 – 2001 Kazakh National University. al-Farabi
    full-time postgraduate study at the Department of General Psychology
  • 1997-1999 Kazakh National University. al-Farabi (master’s degree, honors degree, master’s degree in psychology) №0000307
    Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science, Department of Psychology
    Specialty: Psychology
    Specialization: General Psychology
  • 1994-1999 Kazakh State University of International Relations and World Languages. Abylai Khan (diploma with honors) No. 0003564
    Specialty: English
    Qualification: High School English Teacher
  • 1993-1997 Kazakh National University. al-Farabi (academic bachelor’s degree) No. 0136631
    Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science, Department of Psychology
    Specialty: Psychology
    Qualification: Practical psychologist, teacher of Psychology

Academic work experience

23 years

Teaching disciplines

Bachelor’s Courses: Gender Psychology, Differential Psychology

Master’s Courses: Personnel Selection, Leadership and Coaching, Modern Problems of Gender Psychology, Psychology of Self-Regulation, Modern Statistics in Psychology

Doctorate: Actual Problems of Contemporary Experimental Psychology

List of scientific papers

  1. Cognitive style “rigidity-flexibility of cognitive control” and the level intelligence indicators – BULLETIN OF NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN, ISSN 1991-3494, Volume 1, Number 389 (2021), 306 – 315 https://doi.org/10.32014/2021.2518-1467.41 – Web of Science – M.V. Mun, S.K. Berdibayeva, F.A. Sakhiyeva, S.S. Dossanova M.P. Kabakova, Prasetiyawan Dayat, S.K. Berdibayev
  2. Адаптация на русский язык опросника психологического самочувствия студентов (The Student Well-Being Process Questionnaire) –   Мир педагогики и психологии: международный научно-практический журнал. Нижний Новгород: Научно-издательский центр «Открытое знание», 2020. №03 (44). 160 с. – https://scipress.ru/pedagogy/articles/adaptatsiya-na-russkij-yazyk-oprosnika-psikhologicheskogo-samochuvstviya-studentov-the-student-well-being-process-questionnaire.html – 0,75 п.л. – Умуркулова М.М., Сабирова Р.Ш., Касымова Л.С., Мун М.В., Карипжанова Ш.С.
  3. The phenomenon of “disappearances” in the process of supervision (On the example of a permanent professional multimodal supervision group)// Psychiatria i Psychologia Kliniczna (“Journal of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology”). – Volume 17, Number 1/2018. – р. 35-40, 0,375 п.л. – Y. Lashkova, S. Berdibayeva, Z. Beissenova, M. Mun, A. Faizullina, B. Serimbetov, A. Gizatullina
  4. The Relationship of Life Plans and Propensity For Deviant Behavior In Adolescence // Future Academy®: Abstract Book. 5th CPSYC 2017 International Congress on Clinical and Counselling Psychology 26-28 April 2017/ University of Bari, Foggia and Cosenza, Italy – р. 8 eISSN: 2301-2226 – http://dx.doi.org/10.15405/cpsyc2017(2301-2226) – Thomson Reuters, Web of Science – 0,06 п.л. – B. Nussipzhanova, S. Berdibayeva, Alena Garber, Mariya Mun, Dmitry Ivanov, S. Berdibayev
  5. Experimental research of the psychological background of youth involvement in religious sects // European Journal of Science and Theology. – February 2017, Vol.13, No.1. – р. 101-110 – https://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=19400157273&tip=sid&clean=0 – S. Berdibayeva, B. Nussipzhanova, S. Satiyeva, A. Gizatullina, M. Mun, A. Alimzhanova
  6. Religious sects: reasons for their influence on youth // European Journal of Science and Theology. – August 2017, Vol.13, No.4. – р. 55-67 – https://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=19400157273&tip=sid&clean=0 – S. Berdibayeva, M. Kunanbayeva, M. Mun, M. Sadyrova, B. Yeleussinov, K. Belzhanova
  7. Опытадаптацииопросника «Undergraduate Stress Questionnaire» // ВестникКазНУ. Серияпсихологииисоциологии – №1(76) 2021г – с.4-16 – https://bulletin-psysoc.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-psy/article/view/1172 – ККСОН – М.М. Умуркулова, Р.Ш. Сабирова, Л.С. Касымова, М.В. Мун
  8. Программно-аппаратный комплекс психофизиологического тестирования// Вестник КазНУ. Серия психологии и социологии №1(72) 2020г – https://bulletin-psysoc.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-psy/article/view/1005 – Дарибаева Г., Мун М.В.
  9. Culture of interethnic relations as a condition of formation of youth tolerant consciousness // Вестник КазНУ. Серия психологии и социологии. – Алматы, 2017. – № 1 (60) – С.20-26 – Kukubayeva A.H., Berdibayeva S.K., Mun M.V.
  10. Возможные взаимосвязи иррациональных убеждений с профессиональной мотивацией студентов // Материалы международной научно-практической конференции «Тенденции и перспективы экономики и образования в условиях новой реальности»// Алматы, Алматинская академия экономики и статистики, 2020 – с. 367-372 – Галимова К., Попович А., Мун М.В.
  11. Особенности ценностно-смысловой сферы у подростков // Психолого-педагогические проблемы образования в условиях инновационного развития: Материалы IX Международной научно-практической конференции (05 мая 2020 г.) – Алматы: Университет «Туран», 2020. – 568 c. – 0,375 п.л. – Чуланова Д., Мун М.В.
  12. Взаимосвязь психологических факторов и копинг-стратегий// Психолого-педагогические проблемы образования в условиях инновационного развития: Материалы IX Международной научно-практической конференции (05 мая 2020 г.) – Алматы: Университет «Туран», 2020. –568 c. – 0,3 п.л. – Есетова А., Мун М.В.
  13. Особенности эмоционально-направленных копинг-стратегий// Журнал «Научный журнал» №5 (50), Москва, 2020 – Российский импакт-фактор: 0,12, Научно-методический журнал, Дата выхода номера – 29.05.2020 – с. 46-50 – https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=42928355 – Есетова А., Мун М.В.
  14. Мотивы вступления в брак молодежи // Психолого-педагогические проблемы образования в условиях инновационного развития: Материалы IX Международной научно-практической конференции (05 мая 2020 г.) – Алматы: Университет «Туран», 2020. –568 c. – 0,3 п.л. – Чумачок В., Мун М.В.
  15. Исследование взаимосвязи личностных характеристик (экстраверсия, нейротизм) с уровнем эмоционального выгорания у сотрудников добывающих компаний // Материалы международной научной конференции студентов и молодых учёных «Фараби әлемі». – Алматы, Казахстан, 02-11 апреля 2019г. Том 1. – Алматы: Қазақ университеті, 2019. – С. 58-64 – Бабаджанова Г.А., Мун М.В.
  16. Взаимосвязь общих способностей и личностных черт с удовлетворенностью трудом// Материалы международной научной конференции студентов и молодых учёных «Фараби әлемі». – Алматы, Казахстан, 02-11 апреля 2019г. Том 1. – Алматы: Қазақ университеті, 2019. – С. 95-98 – Илимахунова С.А., Мун М.В.
  17. Effects on bilingualism on Stroop performance // V Международные Фарабиевские чтения Алматы, Казахстан, 3-13 апреля 2018. Материалы Международной научной конференции студентов и молодых ученых «ФАРАБИ ӘЛЕМІ». – Казахстан, КазНУ имени Аль-Фараби, 9-12 апреля 2018. – том 2. – С. 38-40 – Аlpysbayeva A., Mun M.V.
  18. Self-acceptance: exercises for teenagers against body dissatisfaction            // Международная научно-методическая конференция «Психология в современном мире: теоретические и прикладные исследования в контексте реализации программы Рухани Жангыру, приуроченная к 30летию открытия отделения Психологии в КазНУ им. Аль-Фараби. – Казахстан, КазНУ имени Аль-Фараби, 7 декабря, 2018. – С. 209-210 – Alpysbayeva A., Mun M.V.
  19. Educational program of Specialty “6M050300 – Psychology”: problems and perspectives// 47 научно-методическая конференция: «Повышение конкурентоспособности и экспортного потенциала образовательных программ университетов» в рамках заседания УМО РУМС 26-27 января 2017 г. – Книга 2. – Алматы, «Қазақ университеті», 2017. – С. 16-17 – Камзанова А.Т., Мун М.В.
  20. Исследование прокрастинации: литературный обзор// Международная научно-методическая конференция «Тенденции и перспективы развития современной психологической науки и практики», посвященная 100-летию казахской научной психологии и I учредительного съезда казахского психологического общества. – Казахстан, КазНУ имени Аль-Фараби, 07.12.2017-08.12.2017. – С. 110-112 – Чернобиль В., Мун М.В.
  21. Body image and adolescents// Международная научно-методическая конференция «Тенденции и перспективы развития современной психологической науки и практики», посвященная 100-летию казахской научной психологии и I учредительного съезда казахского психологического общества. – Казахстан, КазНУ имени Аль-Фараби, 07.12.2017-08.12.2017. – С. 59-60 – Аlpysbayeva A., Mun M.V.
  22. Мун М.В. Дифференциальная психология: учеб. пособие/Учебное пособие. Рекомендовано Ученым Советом факультета философии и политологии и РИСО (протокол №1 от 29.09.2017г.); УМО по группам специальностей «Естественные науки», «Гуманитарные науки», «Социальные науки, экономика и бизнес», «Технические науки и технология» и «Искусство» РУМС высшего и послевузовского образования МОН РК на базе КазНУ им. аль-Фараби (протокол №2 от 29.06.2017г.). – Алматы: «Қазақ университеті», 2017. – 124с. – 7,75 п.л.
  23. Дифференциалды психология: оқу құралы/Учебное пособие. Рекомендовано Ученым Советом факультета философии и политологии и РИСО (протокол №5 от 11.07.2017г.); УМО по группам специальностей «Естественные науки», «Гуманитарные науки», «Социальные науки, экономика и бизнес», «Технические науки и технология» и «Искусство» РУМС высшего и послевузовского образования МОН РК на базе КазНУ им. аль-Фараби (протокол №2 от 29.06.2017г.). – Алматы: «Қазақ университеті», 2017. – 124с. – 7,75 п.л. – Мун М.В., Садыкова Н.М.
  24. Сот психологиясы: оқулық/ Дж. Броун, И. Шелл, Т. Коул. Язык публикации: Казахский       /Учебник. Казақстан республикасы білім және ғылым министрлігі, КАЗАХСТАН. – Алматы, 2017. – 364 с. – 22,75 п.л. – Қазақ тіліне аударғандар: Камзанова А., Мун М., Жолдасова М., Баймолдина Л.

Contact details

Phone: +7727-260-40-28

E-mail: m.mun@turan-edu.kz

Khananyan Anahit Arkadiyevna

Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Psychology

PhD in Psychology

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Educational background

  • 2013 – 2016 – International Association for Analytical Psychology, Certified Member of the Association of Analytical Psychologists, Switzerland, Zurich
  • 1982 – 1986 – postgraduate study in psychology, Institute of General and Educational Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR, Moscow, under the leadership of V.V. Davydova, R.G. Mikhailova, D.B. Elkonina, M.I. Lisina, M.Sh. Mamardashvili.
  • 1991 – defense of a Ph.D. thesis on the topic “Peculiarities of the process of perception in the assimilation of concepts (on the example of geometric concepts)”. Specialty 19.00.07 – Pedagogical Psychology, scientific adviser – Doctor of Psychological Sciences Mirakyan A.I.
  • 1978 – 1983 – Yerevan State University, Psychologist

Academic work experience

  • 1992 -2003 – Analytical psychotherapy with the victims of World War II and the last wars under the UN program
  • From 2015 to the present – Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology, University “Turan”
  • 2014-2016 – Associate Professor of the Department of OOD SPbGUP AF
  • From 2012 to the present – Senior Lecturer of the Department of Special Pedagogy, KazNPU named after Abay
  • 2005 – 2012 – Associate Professor of the Department of General and Applied Psychology, KazNPU named after Abay
  • 2005 – 2006 – Associate Professor of Master’s Degree at Bobek University
  • 2003 – 2004 – Associate Professor of the Department of General and Ethnic Psychology, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • 2003 – 2005 – Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of the University “Kainar”
  • 1991 – 1992 – at the personal invitation of the German psychotherapist Countess Maria Gippius – Dürkheim completed a six-month internship at the Center for Analytical Psychology in Toodmos-Rutte, Germany.

Non-academic work experience

  • From 1992 to present – Private practice as an analytical psychologist

Teaching disciplines

Bachelor’s Courses: Introduction to Personality Psychology, Individual Psychotherapy, Fundamentals of Psychological Counseling, Psychology of Will

Doctorate: Jungian Analysis, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Existential Analysis, Existential Counseling


Awards and achievements

Individual member of the International Association for Analytical Psychology – IAAP Individual Member (Kyoto, Japan, 2016)

List of scientific papers

  • More than 30 publications in scientific journals and collections, including:
  • “Acceptance of a Partner’s Shadow as a step on the way of individuation” – Materials of the IAAP International Congress in Kyoto, Japan, 2016
  • Psychological mechanisms and problems of identity formation. Collection of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Culture, Science and Education for the Good of Society”. Almaty, 2017
  • Mission of psychological service at the university. International conference: “Autodestructive behavior among adolescents. Ways and prospects for preventive correction” Almaty, 2012

Contact details

Phone: 260-40-28

E-mail: a.khananyan@turan-edu.kz

Islamgulova Svetlana Konstantinovna

Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Psychology

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences

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Educational background

Kazakh Pedagogical Institute after Abai, 1977 Teacher of chemistry and biology


Academic work experience

  • 2000-2006 – KazNU after Al-Farabi: Deputy Director of the Innovative Environmental Education Center
  • since 2010 – Turan University: Associate Professor at Psychology Department
  • 2010–2018 – Turan University: vice-rector

Non-academic work experience

  • until 1992 – secondary school No. 36 in Almaty: chemistry teacher, deputy director, director
  • 1992-2006 – gymnasium number 25, Almaty: director
  • 1997-2006 – lecturer at RIPKPKSO
  • 2006–2010 – Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Personnel of the Education System of Almaty: Director
  • 1999–2016 – Scientific and methodological journal “Creative Pedagogy”: founder and editor-in-chief

Teaching disciplines

Undergraduate: Fundamentals of management psychology, Psychology of human resource management


Awards and achievements

  • Acknowledgments from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Education and Science, UNESCO Office in Almaty,
  • Excellence in Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 1994
  • Breastplate “Y. Altynsarin “, 2005
  • Badge “For services in the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, 2012
  • Badge “Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, 2017

List of scientific papers

  1. Diagnostic complex for assessing the quality of educational activities in an innovative school. Pedagogical innovations as a condition for improving the quality of education: Materials of the I International Pedagogical Readings, 2016.
  2. Methodical service at school and certification of teachers. Study guide. –Creative pedagogy, 2016.
  3. Business incubator of the University “TURAN” – a projection into the future. Entrepreneurial University as a modern form of interaction between government, business, education and science MK, November 24, 2016
  4. Formation of a university type as a condition for building universal labor. Entrepreneurial University as a modern form of interaction between government, education, science and science MK, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan on November 24, 2016 (co-authored)
  5. Educational management: Textbook (мои разделы 2.1, 2.4, 2.5). Approved by the Ministry of Education and Science, Republican scientific and practical center “Textbook” Association of higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan, 2017.
  6. Dependence of professional achievements in sales on the level of emotional intelligence. Psychological and pedagogical problems of education in the context of innovative development: Materials of the VII ISPC (April 04, 2018) – Almaty: University “Turan” (co-authored).
  7. The relationship between emotional intelligence and motivational focus of direct selling employees with different performance indicators. SCIENCE AND EDUCATION LTD Materials of the XIII International scientific and practical Conference Cutting-edge science – 2018, April 30 – May 7, 2018 Pedagogical sciences. Psychology and sociology. Music and life. Physical culture and sport. : Sheffield. Science and education LTD -92 p. (co-authored).
  8. Investigation of the impact of stress resistance on the adaptation of new employees of the company. Psychological and pedagogical problems of education in the context of innovative development: Materials of the IX International Scientific and Practical Conference (May 05, 2020) – Almaty: University “Turan”, 2020. –568 p. (co-authored).
  9. Influence of organizational factors on the occurrence of emotional burnout of teachers against the background of distance education. Psychological and pedagogical problems of education in the context of innovative development: Materials of the X International Scientific and Practical Conference (April 28, 2021) – Almaty: University “Turan”, 2021. – 372 p. (co-authored).
  10. Self-esteem and its impact on career growth. Psychological and pedagogical problems of education in the context of innovative development: Materials of the X International Scientific and Practical Conference (April 28, 2021) – Almaty: University “Turan”, 2021. – 372 p. (co-authored).

Contact details

E-mail: s.islamgulova@turan-edu.kz

Sangylbayev Ospan Seidullayevich

Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Psychology

Doctor of Psychology

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Educational background

The teacher of physics


Academic work experience

45 years

Teaching disciplines

Bachelor Degree: “History of Psychology”, “Pedagogical Psychology”, “Health Psychology” ( in Kazakh)

Магистратура: “Theoretical and methodological bases of psychology”, “Technology of master’s research” (in Russian)

Докторантура: “Actual problems of psychology: a comparative analysis of domestic and foreign psychology”, “Problems of psychological health and personality” ( in Russian)


Awards and achievements

“Excellence in military construction”; Winner of jubilee badges of universities (KazNPU named after Abai, TarSU named after Dulati); grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “The best teacher of the university” (2010); Full member of the International Academy of Psychological Sciences (IAPS) RUSSIA; holder of the grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “The best teacher of the university” (2010); member of the editorial board VESTNIK APN RK ; “New liberal arts education. Member of the editorial board of the project “100 new textbooks in the Kazakh language” and scientific editor of the books “History of Modern Psychology”, “Internet Psychology”, “Fundamentals of Organizational Behavior”, “Social Psychology” from the Psychology series.


Internships and academic mobility

Scientific online internship – UniBIT, Sofia, Bulgaria


List of scientific papers

Open the list of scientific papers

Contact details

Phone: 260-40-28

E-mail: o.sangylbayev@turan-edu.kz

Kurmanbekova Manshuk Berkinovna

Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Psychology


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  • 1998-2002 Aktobe State University named after K.Zhubanov Faculty of Natural Sciences, specialty Psychology
  • 2002-2004 Aktobe State University named after K.Zhubanov – Master’s degree in specialty 54.03.50 – Pedagogy
  • 2016-2019 – Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai doctoral degree in the specialty 6D010300- Pedagogy and psychology (on a fee basis)


Work experience

  • 2004 – 2009 — Aktobe State Pedagogical Institute
    Position: Psychology teacher at the Department of Special and Age Psychology
  • 2009 September, October — Aktobe State Pedagogical Institute
    Deputy Dean for Educational Work of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology
  • 2009 November to 2013 — Aktobe State Pedagogical Institute
    Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology.
  • 2014 – 2015 — Aktobe Regional State University named after K.Zhubanov
    Senior lecturer of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Education.
  • 2015 – 2016 — Aktobe Regional State University named after K.Zhubanov
    Head of the Analytical Department for Educational Work
  • 2016 – 2017 — Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai
    Inspector at the Department of Educational, Social Work and Youth Policy (0.5 rate)
  • 2017 – 2018 — Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai
    Dispatcher of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (0.5 rate)
  • 2019- 2023 — Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai
    Senior lecturer of the Department of General and Applied Psychology (0.5 rate.)
  • 2018 – to the present — (SOVMIN) RSE at the National Hospital of the Medical Center of the Office of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
    Practical psychologist (1.0 rate)


Participation in scientific projects

  • “Programs for measuring the intellectual and personal potential of students of secondary schools of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. Within the framework of the project
  • On the topic “17 regional Centers for diagnostics of abilities and professional development (“Qabilet” Service) 7-9 years” 01.03.2022 -31.08.2022
  • Project from the Elbasy Academy Corporate Foundation (Performer)




Number of scientific publications – 16

of these:

  • In journals recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan – 4;
  • The articles are included in the Scopus – 4 database;
  • Articles published in other publications, materials of scientific conferences -8
  • Teaching aids – 2.


Advanced training


  1. Inclusive education theory and practice Germany and USER experience 17.08-12.10.2019 132 h. Almaty, 2019 Certificate of University Education Heidlberg Prof.JohnF.KanePh.D
  2. Erickson therapy and hypnosis 132 hours. NLP Center 10.02.2019
  3. “Features of publication of articles in international scientific journals”19.06.2019-26.06.2019 Almaty, 2019



  1. According to the educational program of advanced training on the topic: “Digital tools in education” June 19, 40h. Almaty, 2020 Certificate of KazNPU named after Abaya Director of the Center for Advanced Training and Distance Education A.Semchenko
  2. According to the educational program of advanced training on the topic: “The work of a teacher in the SDO (moodle), the development and introduction of EUMCD, course support in distance learning conditions” June 19, 40 h.Almaty,202 Certificate of KazNPU named after Abaya Director of the Center for Advanced Training and Distance Education A.Semchenko
  3. According to the educational program of advanced training on the topic: “Zhogary oku orny okytushylaryn kasibi sheberligin zhetildiru” November 6, 40 h.Almaty, 2022 Certificate of KazNPU named after Abaya Director of the Center for Advanced Training and Distance Education A.Semchenko
  4. The system of continuous pedagogical education in the conditions of modern Kazakhstan in the 21st century: world spirituality and innovative experience” 1 international pedagogical readings February 27-28, Taraz,2019 Certificate of the Rector of Taraz Pedagogical University E. Amirbekuly



  1. “Comprehensive access to the implementation of Public Procurement” 11.02.2021 intellectual center “SANA”
  2. Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay For participation in the 72 –hour seminar on the topic “fundamentals of psychological education of the direction” Ruhani zhangyru – bolashakka bagdar” for the teaching staff of the University on March 30 -08 of the 2020-2021 academic year Almaty, 2021



  1. Educational training “Social responsibility is the key to successful self-realization of the individual” 01.07.2022 Social responsibility of students in the conditions of vocational training in universities of Western Kazakhstan IRN No. ARO9058126 dedicated to the celebration of the 65th anniversary of the M. Ospanov ZKMU.
  2. Training seminar “Genesis of social responsibility in the modern world” 08.07.2022 Social responsibility of students in the conditions of professional training in universities of Western Kazakhstan IRN No. ARO9058126 dedicated to the celebration of the 65th anniversary of the ZKMU named after M. Ospanov.
  3. Training “I am responsible for my life 08.07.2022 Social responsibility of students in the conditions of vocational training in universities of Western Kazakhstan IRN No. ARO9058126 dedicated to the celebration of the 65th anniversary of the ZKMU named after M. Ospanov.
  4. Online course “Learning easily: neuropsychology in kindergarten and school” 6 modules (27 video tutorials) Workshop on neuropsychological exercises and techniques February 7 to April 8, 2022, International Center for Educational Technologies (ICET, Prague, Czech Republic) based on the educational online platform SKLAD. 72 hours.
  5. Online course “Technology of Blended Learning” from June 25 to August 23, 2022. International Center for Educational Technologies (ICET, Prague, Czech Republic) on the basis of the online educational platform SKLAD. 84 hours.
  6. Training seminar “Methodological foundations of the formation of social responsibility among students in the education system” 08.07.2022 Social responsibility of students in the conditions of vocational training in universities of Western Kazakhstan IRN No. ARO9058126 dedicated to the celebration of the 65th anniversary of the ZKMU named after M. Ospanov.
  7. Psychological support of inclusive youth in educational institutions”October 12-13, 2022 Inclusive center 15 hours.
  8. Republican online seminar “Conflict – a turning point in the relationship between teacher and student”: November 24, 2022 Intellectual Center “Sana”.



  1. Modern trends in the development of innovative education“ 10.01.2023-21.01.2023 This certificate is presented by Association “Society for Academic Activity” (Serbia) in recognition of hard work and consistency in completing 72 hours training
  2. The main trips to PHC with REN affected by tuberculosis and HIV. The impact of stigma and discrimination of REM in medical institutions in Almaty on access to health services 17.01.2023 Almaty model over the HIV epidemic


Awards, diplomas, commendations, letter of recommendation

  1. Has the badge “The best teacher” of Aktobe State Pedagogical Institute (2009)
  2. For his contribution to the education of the personality of the future psychologist and in connection with the 20th anniversary of the specialty Psychology at KazNPU named after Abai.
  3. Letter of thanks for active assistance in conducting training seminars for teachers, teachers and students, dedicated to the celebration of the 65th anniversary of the M. Ospanov ZKMU within the framework of the scientific project “Assessment of the anxiety level of high school students in secondary schools and the conditions of the pandemic (COVID–19)
  4. Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University
    “Annual 75th Scientific conference of students and undergraduates”. Diploma 1st place Supervisor Kurmanbekova M.B.
  5. Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University
    Annual 77th Scientific conference of students and undergraduates – 1st place Diploma 1st place. Scientific supervisor Kurmanbekova M.B.
  6. Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University
    Nomination for relevance and creativity in the Republican online competition of presentations of students and undergraduates “Together against corruption”
    Scientific supervisor Kurmanbekova M.B
Erbosynkyzy Dinara

Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Psychology


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Educational background


Higher, teacher of pedagogy and psychologists



Academic work experience


24  years



Awards and achievements


Undergraduate: “Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education”

Master’s degree: “Pedagogy and methodology of primary education”

Doctoral studies: “Pedagogy and Psychology”



List of scientific papers


1 Psychological and pedagogical preparation of the future teacher for the development of dialogical speech of primary school children печ. (статья) Research in Education. – Vol. 114, Iss.1. – 2022. – P. 64-78. (on 2022: CiteScore – 2,2, процентиль Education – 55).


2,24 Galiyeva A

Khanina N

Zhexembayeva Zh

Assylova R

2 Professional training of future teachers for the development of speech activity of younger schoolchildren печ. (статья) Journal of Intellectual Disability – Diagnosis and Treatment. – Volume 8, No. 3. – 2020. – Р. 358-369 (on 2020: CiteScore-0,7, Social Sciences – 31)


1,7 Sapargaliyeva А.Zh.,

Aralbaeva R.K.,

Zhakipbekova  S.S.,

Shynybekova A.S.

3 Болашақ мұғалімдерді бастауыш сынып оқушыларының сөйлеу әрекетін қалыптастыруға дайындаудың ерекшеліктері печ. (статья) Вестник НАН РК.   – Том 3, № 397. –  2022.  –С.110-125


2,4 Сапаргалиева А.Ж.


4 Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of speech activity in children of young school age печ. (статья) Bulletin of National academy of sciences of the republic of Kazakhstan.  –  Volume 1, № 395. – 2022. – С.162-167. ISSN 1991-3494


0,3 Сапаргалиева А.Ж.


5 Formation of the future teacher’s readiness for teaching younger pupils to speech activity


печ. (статья) Наука и жизнь Казахстана. – №5/3. –  2020. –С.220-225 0,3 Сапаргалиева А.Ж.


6 Развитие речевой деятельности у детей младшего школьного возраста печ. (статья) Доклады Казахской Академии образования – №3, 2019. – С.152-159. 0,4 Сапаргалиева А.Ж.


7 Подготовка будущих педагогов к формированию речевой деятельности младших школьников печ. (статья) Ученые записки СПбГИПСР. – Выпуск 2, Том 34. – Санкт-Петербург, 2020. – С. 137-145.


0,5 Сапаргалиеваa А. Ж.,

Аралбаеваb Р. К.,

Рысбеков К. К.

8 Features of the development of speech activity in children of primary school age печ. (статья) Материалы VII Международной научно-практической конференции: в 2 ч. – Том Часть 1. – Ставрополь, 2022. – С.166-170 0,3 Sapargaliyeva A.ZH.,

Tulymshakova G.D.


9 Формирование профессионально –личностного педагога начальной школы печ. (статья) Социально – экономические и правовые системы стран евразийской экономической интеграции Материалы международной научно-практической конференции 18-19 апреля 2019 г.  – С.402-409. 0,5 Сапаргалиева А.Ж.
10 Проблемы развития речевой деятельности у детей младшего школьного возраста печ. (статья) Материалы международной научно-практической конференции «Актуальные проблемы теоретической и практической психологии» КНЖенПУ, Алматы,  2020. – С.434-438 0,3 Сапаргалиева А.Ж.
Turgumbayeva Aizhan Maratovna

Associate Professor-researcher of the Graduate School of Psychology


Read the summary »


  • 2018
    Turan University – Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
    “Psychology” Department
    Doctoral studies
  • 2014-2015
    Nazarbayev University– Nur-Sultan, Republic of Kazakhstan
    Graduate School of Education
    Master of Science in Educational Leadership
  • 2010-2014
    Turan University – Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
    “International Relations” Department
    Bachelor of Arts in International Relations



Academic work experience

  • 2018 – present “Turan” University, associate professor – researcher



Non-academic work experience

  • April 2019 – July 2021
    BBK Central Eurasia
    Sales Operational Management
  • March 2018 – October 2018
    Sanofi-aventis Kazakhstan
    Human Resources Department



Teaching desciplines


Bachelor: Cross-cultural psychology

Master: Management of psychology



Awards and achievements

  • Recipient of Presidential scholarship Bolashak for the program 500 scholars



Internships and academic mobility



  • Conference 31st International Congress of Psychology, 24-29 July 2016, Yokohama, Japan;
  • IACCP Summer PhD School, Nagoya, Japan



Research scholarship at University of Minnesota 2023-2024



List of publications

  1. The Motivation of Russian and Kazakhstani Faculty Members in the Cross-Cultural Context. // Open Psychology Journal №12(1) – 2019. – С. 174-180
  2. Social-psychological Aspects of Personnel Motivation in the Conditions of Anticrisis Management in One Private University in Kazakhstan// «International Journal of Psychology» 31st International Congress of Psychology, 24-29 July 2016, Yokohama, Japan. – C. 1946
  3. The Influence of Social and Psychological Climate on the Job Satisfaction Level of Higher Education Personnel in the Conditions of Anticrisis Management// «International Journal of Psychology» 31st International Congress of Psychology, 24-29 July 2016, Yokohama, Japan. – C. 1947
  4. Ethnic identity research of students from mixed marriages in post-soviet Kazakhstan// «International Journal of Psychology» 31st International Congress of Psychology, 24-29 July 2016, Yokohama, Japan. – C. 1517
  5. Влияние культурных ценностей на проявления особенностей профессиональной мотивации преподавателей высших учебных заведений// Вестник КазНУ. Серия психологии и социологии. – Алматы, 2020. –  №2 (73). – С. 18-25.
  6. The main motivational drivers of faculty members in cross-cultural context of Kazakhstan// Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая, серия «Психология». – Алматы, 2018. – №1(54). – С. 160-165.
  7. The impact of culture on gender stereotypes // Вестник КазНУ. Серия психологии и социологии. – Алматы, 2017. – № 3 (58). – С.5-10.
  8. The process theories of motivation in cross-cultural context// Вестник КазНУ. Серия психологии и социологии. – Алматы, 2017. –  №1 (60). – С. 143-146.





E-mail: a.turgumbayeva@turan-edu.kz

Akhmetozhanova Manar Bisoltanovna

Senior Lecturer of the Graduate School of Psychology

Master of Social Sciences in Psychology

Read the summary »

Educational background

  • 1979-1983 Ust-Kamenogorsk Pedagogical School named after 50th anniversary of the USSR. Specialty “Teaching in the primary grades of secondary schools”. Assigned qualifications: Primary school teacher, senior pioneer counselor, educator.
  • USSR-dyң 50-zhyldygy atyndaғy Өskemen pedagogicalқ schools. ZhBBmektepetegi bastauysh kastardy ogytu. Bastauysh class mұғalimі, tәrbieshi.
  • 1998-2004 – Almaty Law Academy of KazGUU OJSC, specialty “Jurisprudence”. Almaty graduated from academies ААҚ KazҰZU, 2004 graduated from the University “Turan”, specialty “Jurisprudence”. Lawyer. Zaeger.
  • 2010-2012 University “Turan”, Master’s degree in the specialty 6N0503 – “Psychology”, awarded qualification: Master of Social Sciences in the specialty “Psychology”
  • 2018-2021 University “Turan”, Doctorate in the specialty 6D050300 – “Psychology”

Academic work experience

  • 2012 – up to now – University “Turan”, Department of “Psychology”, senior lecturer

Non-academic work experience

  • 1983 -11.1985 – Primary school teacher of the secondary school named after M. Gorky, East Kazakhstan region, Ulansky district;
  • 1985-1985 – Kindergarten No. 29, educator, East Kazakhstan region, Ust-Kamenogorsk;
  • 1985-1986 – Primary school teacher of the secondary school named after N. Krupskaya, East Kazakhstan region, Tarbagatai district;
  • 1986-1989 – Kindergarten No. 155, educator, Almaty;
  • 1989-1991 – Kindergarten “Tulip”, educator, Almaty region, pos. Kargaly;
  • 1992-1998 – Primary school teacher of an auxiliary school, Almaty region, pos. Kargaly;
  • 1998-2003 – Almaty Law Academy of KazGUU OJSC, senior laboratory assistant of the Department of Informatics;
  • 2003-2012 – University “Turan”, coordinator of the center of postgraduate education

Teaching disciplines

Undergraduate: Social psychology, Psychology of development and personality formation, Child neuropsychology, Diagnosis and correction of autism spectrum disorders, Psychological support of inclusive education


Awards and achievements

Gratitude of the Rector of the University “Turan”- ‘For the conscientious attitude and initiative shown during the preparation for specialized (program) accreditation”, 28.12.2014.

Diploma of the Rector of the University “Turan”- “For services in professional activity, high responsibility, fruitful work for the benefit of the University “Turan”, 2015


Internships and academic mobility

Scientific online internship – UniBIT, Sofia, Bulgaria


List of scientific papers

  1. Білім беру жүйесіндегі педагог психологтың кәсіби іс-әрекет моделі// Материалы ІІ Международной научно-практической конференции «Актуальные проблемы теоретической и практической психологии», 24.02.2021 г.
  2. Тұлғааралық қарым-қатынастағы қақтығыс түрлері және қақтығыстық жағдайларды басқару // Материалы ХХХІІ Международной научно-практической конференции «Современные тенденции развития конкурентоспособной личности в образовании» посвященной 111-летию со дня  рождения академика Т.Т. Тажибаева. Алматы, 19.02.2021 г.
  3. Өзін-өзі реттеу дағдыларын қалыптастырудағы биологиялық кері байланыс (БКБ) әдісінің мүмкіндіктері// Материалы Х Международной научно-практической конференции «Психолого-педагогические проблемы образования в условиях инновационного развития». Алматы, ун-т Туран. 28.04.2021.
  4. Білім беру жүйесіндегі педагог-психологтың кәсіби іс-әрекет моделі // Материалы II международной научно-практической конференции «Актуальные проблемы теоретической и практической психологии». Алматы: «Қыздар университеті» баспасы, 24.02.2021. – С. 313-316. ISBN 978-601-346-071-0.
  5. АВА-терапиядағы оқыту ерекшеліктері // Материалы IX Международной научно-практической конференции «Психолого-педагогические проблемы образования в условиях инновационного развития». Алматы: Университет «Туран». – С. 22-27. 05.05.2020.   ISBN 978-601-214-397-3.
  6. Қазіргі биологиялық кері байланыс психофизиологиялық технологиясының даму тарихы мен пайда болу алғышарттары // Материалы IX Международной научно-практической конференции «Психолого-педагогические проблемы образования в условиях инновационного развития». Алматы: Университет «Туран». – С. 74-78. 05.05.2020. ISBN 978-601-214-397-3.
  7. Аутистік спектр бұзылыстары бар балалармен жұмыста АВА-терапия әдісінің тиімділігін тәжірибелік зерттеу// Материалы IX Международной научно-практической конференции «Психолого-педагогические проблемы образования в условиях инновационного развития». Алматы: Университет «Туран». – С. 78-84. 05.05.2020. ISBN 978-601-214-397-3.
  8. Басқару саласындағы гендрлік айырмашылықтарға психологиялық шолу // Материалы международной научно-практичнской конференции ” Актуальные проблемы теоретической и практической психологии”. – Алматы: КазНацЖенПУ, 2020. – С. 333-336.
  9. Мазасыздану психологиялық құбылыс ретінде // Материалы МНПК «Стресс- менеджмент: теория и практика управления стрессом» в контексте реализации программы «Рухани жаңғыру». – Алматы: КазНУ имени Аль-Фараби, 2019. – С. 204-207.
  10. О субъектной парадигме образования в подготовке будущих педагогов // Материалы МНПК «Стресс- менеджмент: теория и практика управления стрессом» в контексте реализации программы «Рухани жаңғыру». – Алматы: КазНУ имени Аль-Фараби, 2019. – С. 201-204.
  11. Төменгі сынып оқушыларының коммуникативтік қабілетінің дамуына отбасылық қарым-қатынас стилдерінің әсері // VIII Халықаралық ғылыми-практикалық конференция материалдары «Инновациялық даму шартында білім берудің психологиялық-педагогикалық мәселері», «Тұран» университеті. – Алматы: «Тұран» университеті, 2019. – С.  13-19
  12. Психосоматика: соматикалық ауруларға психологиялық факторлардың әсері // VIII Халықаралық ғылыми-практикалық конференция материалдары «Инновациялық даму шартында білім берудің психологиялық-педагогикалық мәселері». – Алматы: «Тұран» университеті, 2019. – С.  44-48.
  13. Психологические методы отбора персонала в поликультурной среде// Вестник КазНУ имени Аль-Фараби. Серия “Психология и социология”. – Алматы, 2019. – № 3 (70). – С. 34-40 (в соавт. Топанова Г.Т., Касымжанова А.А., Абдирахманова Я.С.).
  14. Психосоматика аясындағы заманауи шетелдік психологиялық әдістер // Материалы МНПК “Инновационно-предпринимательское образование в контексте повышения качества жизни”. – Алматы: Университет “Туран”, 2018. – С. 312-316.
  15. Проявление агрессивности в подростковом возрасте// Сборник статей по итогам Международной научно-практической конференции  «Совершенствование методологии познания в целях развития науки». – Челябинск, РФ, 2018. Часть 2. – С. 101-104.
  16. Басқару стильдеріне әсер ететін әлеуметтік-психологиялық факторлар// IV ХҒПК материалдары «Мәдениет, білім және ғылым қоғам үшін». – Алматы: Университет “Туран”, 2017. – С. 36-40.
  17. The study of emotional intelligence of prospective psychologists in kazakhstan// International Journal of Psychology. International Union of Psychological Science, Taylor & Francis (Routledge). – Япония, 2016. – Том 51. – С. 547-548 (в соавт. Ли Е.П., Ихсанова Д.Т.).

Contact details

Phone: +7 (727) 260-40-28

E-mail: m.akhmetzhanova@turan-edu.kz

Kudaybergenova Gulzhan Kansarovna

Senior Lecturer of the Graduate School of Psychology

Master of Social Sciences in Psychology

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Educational background

  • 1997-2002 – KazNU after al-Farabi, Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science, awarded qualifications: Philosopher, teacher of philosophy at universities (diploma with honors);
  • 2009-2011 – Kainar University, Master’s degree in Psychology, awarded qualification: Master of Social Sciences in Psychology
  • 2018-2021 – Turan University – Doctorate in Psychology

Academic work experience

  • 2002-2017 – Kainar University, Pedagogy, Psychology and SRS Department – Senior Lecturer;
  • 2017-present time – Turan University, Psychology Department – Senior Lecturer

Non-academic work experience

  • 2013 – 10.2018 – National Scientific and Practical Center for Correctional Pedagogy (NSPC KP), laboratory for complex diagnostics and rehabilitation of children with special educational needs – researcher;
  • 2015-2017 – BSF BF B. Utemuratova Center for children with autism “Asyl Miras” – clinical teacher, psychologist of the rehabilitation service;
  • 2017-2020 – LLP “Center Balama” (center for children with PLO) – psychologist;
  • 2020-2021 – LLP “Reatsentr Kazakhstan” – neuropsychologist;
  • 07.2021-present time – LLP “Children’s correction center” INTENSIVE + “- founder, director

Teaching disciplines

Bachelor’s degree: Medical psychology, author’s courses “Children’s neuropsychology”, “Diagnostics and correction of autism spectrum disorders”


Awards and achievements

Diploma of Recognition by the University “Kainar” Rector


Internships and academic mobility

Scientific internship – UniBIT, Sofia, Bulgaria


List of scientific papers

  1. Experimental research of the attitude of parents of children with special educational needs to inclusive education // Khabarshy – Bulletin of the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University. Series “Psychology”, No. 2, 2019.
  2. Modern methods of diagnosing violations of sensorimotor development of preschool children // Bulletin of KazNU, series of Psychology and Sociology. Almaty, 2016, No. 3 (58).
  3. Modern research methods in foreign developmental psychology // Materials of the MNPK “Innovative and entrepreneurial education in the context of improving the quality of life.” Almaty, University of Turan. 12.12.2018.
  4. Foreign and domestic experience of including children with autism in the educational process // Materials of the MNMK “Psychology in modern times. world: theor. and applied research in the context of the implementation of the Rukhani Zhangyru program. Almaty, KazNU named after al-Farabi. 2018
  5. Features of the play activity of children with autism spectrum disorder // Collection of the VII MNPK “Psychological and pedagogical problems in the context of innovative development” _Almaty, April 04, 2018
  6. Sensory integration as a method of forming play activity in children with autism spectrum disorder // Collection of the VII MNPK “Psychological and pedagogical problems in the context of innovative development” _Almaty, April 04, 2018
  7. Experience of introducing inclusion in the Republic of Kazakhstan // Collection of VII ISPC “Psychological and pedagogical problems in the context of innovative development” _Almaty, April 04, 2018
  8. Play as the main method of developing communication skills in preschool age // Collection of the VII MNPK “Psychological and pedagogical problems in the context of innovative development” _Almaty, April 04, 2018
  9. Features of the emotional attitude of parents to a child with mental disabilities // Materials of the VII m / n conference: “Trends and prospects for the development of modern psychological science and practice”, Almaty, KazNU named after al-Farabi, 07.12.2017
  10. The value of students’ industrial practice for the formation of the professional competence of the graduate // Materials of the international conference: Culture, education and science for the good of society “Almaty Univ-t Turan, 24.11.2017.
  11. Features of the development of the sensory sphere in children with autism spectrum disorders // Materials of the International Scientific and Methodological Conference “Theoretical and Applied Problems of Psychology: from the Origins to the Present”, Almaty, April 27-28, 2017.
  12. Future and Prospects of a Сhild with Mental Disease: Parents’ Look (On Kazakhstan Sample Material // Select the work “Psychopathology, neuroscience and mental development: topical issues.” Bulgaria. 11.2017.
  13. Methodical recommendations “Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of violations of sensorimotor development of preschool children” // Almaty, NNPC KP, 2016. – 56 p.

Contact details

E-mail: g.kudaibergenova@turan-edu.kz

Mardanova Sholpan Saparovna

Senior Lecturer of the Graduate School of Psychology

Master of Social Sciences in Psychology

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Educational background

  1. Kazakh Pedagogical Institute named after Abaya is a teacher of Russian language and literature
  2. Kazakh State Women’s Pedagogical University – practicing psychologist, teacher of psychology
  3. Kazakh State Women’s Pedagogical University – Master of Social Sciences, specialty 6M050300-Psychology

Academic work experience

32 years

Teaching disciplines

Bachelor’s Courses: Psychology of the Negotiation Process, Psychology, Psychology of Child-Parent Relations, Cognitive Psychology

Master’s Courses: Transactional Analysis

Internships and academic mobility

Zhetysay, “Syrdaria” University, online lectures on the discipline “History of Pedagogy”, in the amount of 36 hours


List of scientific papers

Open the list of scientific papers

Contact details

Phone: +7 (727) 260-40-28

E-mail: sh.mardanova@turan-edu.kz

Nadyrbekova Elmira Adilbekovna

Senior Lecturer of the Graduate School of Psychology

Master of Social Sciences in Psychology

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Educational background

  • 2001-2005 Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Bachelor in the specialty 520930-Psychology
  • 2007-2009 Kazakh National University after al-Farabi. Master’s degree in specialty 6N0503-Psychology

Academic work experience

  • 2009 – up to present, Department of Psychology, Turan University

Non-academic work experience

  • 2005-2007 Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Faculty of FFiP. Leading specialist of the dean’s office.

Teaching disciplines

Bachelor Degree: personality psychology, differential psychology, psychology of personal success and development

List of scientific papers

  1. Материалы ІІ Международной научно-практической конференции «Актуальные проблемы теоретической и практической психологии». «Білім беру жүйесіндегі педагог психологтың кәсіби іс-әрекет моделі».
  2. Материалы ХХХІІ Международной научно-методической конференции «Современные тенденции развития конкурентоспособной личности в образовании», посвященной 111-летию со дня рождения академика Т.Т. Тажибаева. «Тұлғааралық қарым-қатынастағы қақтығыс түрлері және қақтығыстық жағдайларды басқару»
  3. «Психолого-педагогические проблемы образования в условиях инновационного развития» материалы Х Международной научно-практической конференции. «Жас ұрпақты рухани-адамгершілікке тәрбиелеудің өзекті мәселелері»

Contact details

E-mail: e.nadyrbekova@turan-edu.kz

Popov Vyacheslav Osiyevich

Senior Lecturer of the Graduate School of Psychology

Master of Psychology

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Educational background

KazGNU named after Al-Farabi, MSc in Psychology, specialization – General Psychology


Academic work experience

21 years

  • Gymnasium №25
  • KazGNU named after al-frabi
  • Turan University

Non-academic work experience

23 years old

  • HR Director, HR Manager (ATF-Bank, BTA-Ipoteka)
  • Business coach (freelance)
  • Psychologist-diagnostician (RKPB)
  • Counseling psychologist (City helpline)

Teaching disciplines

Bachelor’s Degree: Emotional and Social Intelligence, History of Psychology, Psychology of Human Resource Management, Fundamentals of Management

MSc: Existential Psychotherapy, Coaching Technologies in Psychological Counseling, Psychology of Motivation

Internships and academic mobility

April 2021, «Higher Education 4.0. Digital transformation»


List of scientific papers

  1. “Development of ability of art appreciation in school students”
  2. “Phenomenological Approach in Empirical Researches of Perception of Visual Art”
  3. Research of psychophysiological indicators of stress using health-preserving technologies
  4. Study of the relationship between the level of development of emotional intelligence and adaptation to school in first grade students
  5. Using works of art to develop children’s creativity
  6. Formation of motivation to study at school age
  7. Experience of using mixed (qualitative-quantitative) methodology in the study of the perception of paintings

Contact details

Phone: +7-727-260-40-28

E-mail: v.popov@turan-edu.kz

Sarinova Galina Yernistovna

Senior Lecturer of the Graduate School of Psychology

Master of Social Sciences in Psychology

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Educational background

  • Kazakh State National University named after Al-Farabi, Department of Psychology, Psychologist-Practitioner №0136627, 1997
  • Turan University, Department of Psychology, Master of Social Sciences in Psychology №0144415, 2018

Academic work experience

  • September, 2021 – Turan University, Department of Psychology

Non-academic work experience

  • Experience working as a business coach – 20 years.
  • Experience of preparation and conduct of assistant centers – 14 years.
  • Counseling experience – 13 years.
  • HR practice – 5 years

Teaching disciplines

Bachelor: Psychology of development and formation of personality. Communicative psychotechnologies

Internships and academic mobility – 25.03.21, Turkey, Istanbul, Scientific internship


List of scientific papers

Author of 5 articles, including

  • “Study of psychophysiological indicators of stress with the use of health-saving technologies.” // Proceedings of the International scientific-practical conference “Innovative and entrepreneurial education in the context of improving the quality of life.” – Almaty 2019, pp.493-493
  • “Introduction to the problem of objectivity in measuring the phenomenon of stress in psychological research.” // Proceedings of the International Scientific-Practical Conference “Stress Management: Theory and Practice of Stress Management” in the context of the program “Spiritual Revival” – Almaty: 2019

Contact details

Phone: +7 -727-260-40-28

E-mail: g.sarinova@turan-edu.kz

Bapayeva Saya

Senior Lecturer of the Graduate School of Psychology

Master of Social Sciences

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Educational background

  1. 1999-2003 Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai (Bachelor of Social Knowledge 029040 – Practical Psychology).
  2. 2004-2008 – postgraduate studies at the Institute, specialty 19.00.07. – “Pedagogical psychology”.
  3. 2012-2014 Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai (Institute of Master’s and Doctoral Studies Phd) Master of Social Sciences in the specialty 6M050300 – Psychology.
  4. Specialty “Clinical (medical) psychology”. Institute of Psychotherapy and Medical Psychology named after B.L. Karvasarsky, St. Petersburg. From March 16, 2019 to November 11, 2020, she passed the final certification according to the vocational training program (7828 – No. 00063744)

Academic work experience

  1. 2003-2022 Kazakh National Women’s Pedagogical University, Senior Lecturer.
  2. Since 2022. Institution “Turan University”. Senior Lecturer

Non-academic work experience

  1. 2003-2007 and 2016-2018 Academic Secretary of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology at the Kazakh National Women’s Pedagogical University.

Teaching disciplines:

Bachelor’s Courses: Psychology and Sociology of Mass Communication, Personnel Evaluation and recruitment, Organizational Psychology, Psychology Workshop, Personality Psychology, etc.

Master’s Courses: Psychology of Management


Internships and academic mobility

  1. “Schulpsychologische Beratung: Theorie und Praxis” “Psychological and consulting support of the educational process: theory and practice” at the University of Leipzig / Germany. 2012
  2. From April 24 to May 6, 2021 – scientific internship at the University of Rumeli, Istanbul, Turkey

List of scientific papers

  1. Active methods of teaching psychology. Training manual. Printing House of Almaty Kazakh state women’s teacher training University. Almaty, 2016, 12 B. T., Bapaeva M. K., Autalipova U. I.
  2. Socio-psychological foundations of the emergence of negative behavior and dependence of adolescents on computer games. Almaty, Publishing House “Women’s university”, 2017, materials of the international scientific and practical conference “modern preschool and primary education: theory, methodology and practice”, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Professor kazna Aimagambetova (April 28, 2017). Bagybayeva M.I.
  3. Scientific and theoretical foundations of the development of the process of memory in children of the preschool period. Almaty, publishing house” Women’s university”, 2017, materials of the international scientific and practical conference” modern preschool and primary education: theory, methodology and practice”, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Professor kazna Aimagambetova (April 28, 2017). Bapaeva M. K.
  4. Psychological aspects of the success of students ‘ school performance. Almaty, Publishing House “Women’s University”, 2017, Scientific and practical conference” youth and science: present and future”, April 12, 2017, 103-10. Makhanbetiyar A.
  5. Psychological features of the emotional and volitional spheres of students. Republican scientific and methodological and psychological Journal” problems of Soul studies”, 2/2017, pp. 18-21. Almaty 2019
  6. Gender Study of leadership. Kazmemkyzpu “Bulletin”, Almaty, Publishing House “Women’s university”, 2017. Bagybayeva M. I.
  7. Psychological features of Labor motivation. Kazmemkyzpu “Bulletin”, Almaty, Publishing House” Women’s university”, 2017. Isaac G. T.
  8. Convenient and safe Labor psychology. Kazmemkyzpu Bulletin”, Almaty, Publishing House “Women’s university”, 2017. Isaac G. T.
  9. Development of professionally significant quality of students in the period of training in the University. Almaty, publishing house” Women’s university”, 2017, bulletin, pp. 77-82. Asylkhanova A.
  10. The essence of communicative skills and professionally important qualities in improving students ‘ communication. Almaty, publishing house” Women’s university”, 2017, bulletin, pp. 86-90. Bapaeva M. K.
  11. Perfectionism as a mechanism for the professional development of Students trained in psychology. Almaty, publishing house” Women’s university”, 2017, bulletin, pp. 82-86.
  12. Self-esteem as the most important indicator of Personality Development. Materials of the international scientific and methodological conference” development of the methodology of research and educational activities in the context of spiritual and moral modernization of Kazakhstan’s society”. October 13-14, 2017, Almaty, Al-Farabi kaznu, pp. 48-51, Bapaeva M. K.
  13. The state of study of the problem of communication in Psychological Science. Materials of the international scientific and methodological conference” development of the methodology of research and educational activities in the context of spiritual and moral modernization of Kazakhstan’s society”. October 13-14, 2017, Almaty, Al-Farabi kaznu, pp. 182-185. “I’m Sorry,” She Said.
  14. Psychological features of self-esteem of Primary School students. Interesting psychology, Republican scientific-practical, cognitive-psychological Journal, No. 10 October 2018. Urazbekova G. A.
  15. Influence of stress during the exam on the motivation of students-learning. Republican scientific-methodological and psychological Journal” problems of Soul studies”. Kuzembek Adilya
  16. The relationship between “psychological sexual” character and aggression in Girls. 5 International Symposium on Turkic world studies, pp. 564-571., Volume 3, October 11-13, Almaty
  17. Influence of stress on individual personality characteristics. Collection of materials of the 72nd Republican scientific and Practical Conference of students, masters, doctoral students and young scientists” youth and science: present and future”, April 9-10, 2019, pp. 276-277. Kuzembek Adilya
  18. Professional appearance of the employee’s personality psychology of giftedness. Republican scientific and methodological and psychological Journal” problems of Soul studies”, 6/2019, pp. 2-5. Almaty 2019
  19. Emotional-Volitional sphere in the process of personality management. Bulletin of kazgemkyzpu, No. 1 (77) 2019, pp. 285-293. Gumyrzak Akmaral
  20. The influence of social networks and the internet on students. Collection of materials of the 72nd Republican scientific and Practical Conference of students, magsirants, doctoral students and young scientists” youth and science: present and future”, April 9-10, 2019, pp. 236-237., Dream Bota
  21. Stress and its influence on personality activity. Reports of the Kazakh Academy of Education, No. 3, 2019,178-187 pp. The Main Purpose Of The Event:
  22. The influence of social networks and the internet on students. Republican scientific and methodological and psychological Journal” problems of Soul studies”, 3/2019, pp. 16-22., Almaty 2019. Kasymkhanova A.
  23. The state of study of professionally important qualities of future psychologists in the works of foreign and domestic scientists. International scientific and practical conference “modern ethnopedagogy: trends and prospects”, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Professor Sergazy Kaliyev, member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences. November 1, 2019, pp. 346-348.
  24. Providing psychological support to students in a state of frustration. Almaty, publishing house” Women’s University”, No. 2 (78) 2019, Bulletin, pp. 246-152. The Main Purpose Of The Event:
  25. Internet addiction as a form of addictive behavior of a person. International scientific and practical conference “stress management: theory and practice of stress management” within the framework of the program “Ruhani zhangyru”, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Doctor of psychological sciences, professor S. K. Berdibayeva, pp. 117-120. Almaty 2019, Beisenova zh.zh.
  26. Reflection as the ability to predict the results of the activities of a future psychologist. Nigde University International Journal of Turkish World Studies-Volume 3-Issue 1-January 2020, page 55-65
  27. The role of a teacher in a teenager going through a crisis period. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference” actual problems of theoretical and practical psychology”. Almaty, 2020, pp. 52-57., G. S. Bapaeva
  28. The importance of the features of pedagogical communication in the development of the personality of a teenager. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference” actual problems of theoretical and practical psychology”. Almaty, 2020, pp. 65-70.”I Don’t Know,” She Said.
  29. Psychological features of students ‘ internet addiction. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference” actual problems of theoretical and practical psychology”. Almaty, 2020, Volume 2, pp. 195-200. A. Zh. Ayapbergenova, G. Kalaskyzy
  30. Theoretical analysis of the stages and psychological causes of internet addiction. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference” actual problems of theoretical and practical psychology”. Almaty, 2020, Volume 1, pp. 275-280. The Results Of The Seminar Were Presented.
  31. Influence of social networks and the internet on students. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference” actual problems of theoretical and practical psychology”. Almaty, 2020, Vol. 1 pp. 299-304., Isaac G. T.
  32. Responsibility is the path to freedom. Republican scientific-methodological and psychological Journal” problems of Soul studies”. 4/2019, Almaty, pp. 34-38.,
  33. Development of attention features in preschool children in the activity of the OOO. Republican scientific-methodological and psychological Journal” problems of Soul studies”. 5/2019, Almaty pp. 15-21., Almabek Zh.
  34. How to overcome anxiety and anxiety in the face of global uncertainty. https://www.psychologytools.com English Site, Title: Living with worry and anxiety amidst global uncertainty Language: Kazakh UK. Bapaeva M.
  35. The problem of stress resistance in terms of non-maturity: a theoretical aspect. Collection of materials of the II international scientific and practical conference” actual problems of theoretical and practical psychology ” February 24, 2021, pp. 264-267.
  36. Experience in the implementation of the program “soft skills” on the basis of the online platform “Skillfolio” in universities in the context of a pandemic. Collection of materials of the II international scientific and practical conference” actual problems of theoretical and practical psychology ” February 24, 2021, pp. 15-19.
  37. Individual features of overcoming uncertainty in the picture of the world. Collection of materials of the II international scientific and practical conference” actual problems of theoretical and practical psychology ” February 24, 2021, pp. 176-179.
  38. Psychological experiences and emotional features of uncertainty. 1th International Scientific Research and Innovation Congres 13-14 March 2021/ Kazakhistan
  39. Psychological features of the Prevention of early pregnancy in conditions of uncertainty. Proceedings of the 2 nd International Scientific and Practical Conference «Global and regional aspects of sustainable development” Copenhagen, Denmark 26-28.02.2021. 205-220 pp
  40. Theoretical analysis of stress resistance and uncertainty tolerance in crisis situations. Materials of the international scientific and methodological conference” the role of Psychological Science and practice in solving social problems in society “dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the academician of the National Academy of Natural Sciences of Kazakhstan, doctor of psychological sciences, professor Mukan Atenovich Perlenbetov and the II Congress of the” Kazakh Psychological Society”. May 17, 2021, pp. 31-35.
  41. Tolerance for uncertainty and emotionpersonal intelligence as essential conditions to overcome the pandemic situation. Materials of the International Scientific and practical conference “the role of national psychology in solving global problems of humanity” dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Academician K. A. Orazbekova, Almaty 21 September 2021, pp. 451-454.
  42. Stress and overcoming uncertainty in the framework of the XV International Scientific and Practical Conference “Global science and innovations 2021: Central Asia” in the international scientific journal “Global science and innovations 2021: Central Asia”, December 15, 2021 Nur-Sultan City, Kazakhstan, STR. 3-6.
  43. Stress and stress resistance in a pandemic: theoretical aspects of the problem. XV International Scientific and Practical Conference “Global science and innovations 2021: Central Asia” in the framework of the international scientific journal “Global science and innovations 2021: Central Asia”, December 15, 2021 Nur-Sultan City, Kazakhstan, STR. 7-9
  44. Psychological features of the Organization of interaction between the teacher and failing students. Collection-materials of the International Scientific and practical online conference” modern trends in science and Education “International Scientific and practical online conference” modern trends in science and education “- Almaty: Publishing House “Women’s University”, 2021. – pp. 317-321
  45. Investigation of the relationship between emotional intelligence and perfectionism in the post-quarantine period during the covid-19 pandemic in Almaty women. Psychological and pedagogical problems of education in the conditions of innovative development: Materials of the XI International Scientific and Practical Conference (April 12, 2022) – Almaty: Turan University, 2022. – 90-95 p.
  46. Psychological determinants of personality stress resistance: a theoretical review. International scientific conference on social transformation: empirical research in education and psychology. Almaty 2022 . April 15 Kaznatszhenpu
  47. Empirical study of the psychological states of adolescents in situations of uncertainty in the manifestations of bulling. International scientific conference on social transformation: empirical research in education and psychology. Almaty 2022 . April 15 Kaznatszhenpu
  48. Adaptation of the Kazakh-language version of the questionnaire “stress resistance scale” by E. V. Raspopin
  49. Scientific journal “Bulletin” kaznpu im. Abaya, the series “psychology” was published in the Ministry of culture and information of the Republic of Kazakhstan on May 8, 2009 №10103-G. Izdatelstvo Kaznpu named after Abaya, 2022 – – 331 P. №1 (70), 2022. ISSN 1728-7847.P. 219-229
  50. Experience in the introduction of the discipline emotional intelligence at the Kazakh National Women’s Pedagogical University. Scientific journal “Bulletin” kaznpu im. Abaya, the series “psychology” was published in the Ministry of culture and information of the Republic of Kazakhstan on May 8, 2009 №10103-G. Izdatelstvo Kaznpu named after Abaya, 2022 – – 331 P. №1 (70), 2022. ISSN 1728-7847. P. 256-264

Contact details

E-mail: s.bapayeva@turan-edu.kz

Belyakova Alina Dmitriyevna

Senior Lecturer of the Graduate School of Psychology

Master of Social Sciences

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  1. 2016-2020, Kazakh National Women’s Pedagogical University, specialty 5V050300 – Psychology. Awarded qualification: Bachelor of Social Knowledge.
  2. 2020-2022, Turan University, specialty 7M03102 – Psychology. Awarded qualification: Master of Social Sciences.


Academic experience

  • 2022 – present. – Turan University, Department of Psychology, Assistant Lecturer


Disciplines taught

  • Bachelor’s degree: Personal efficiency of an entrepreneur, General psychology


Awards and achievements

  • Certificate of confirmation of the training courses on November 18-22, 2017 under the program of psychological intensive on the topic “Psychotechnology in the work of a psychologist: education, health care, family” in the amount of 36 hours in the Kazakh State Women’s Pedagogical University, Almaty.
  • Certificate for active participation in the Volunteer program – 30 hours “Psychological support of personal crisis states in the penitentiary system” in LA-155/13 (letter from 2/03/2018), Almaty.
  • Certificate of confirmation of participation in the Intercollegiate Student Scientific and Practical Conference “Society, Youth, Personality – in Thought and Activity” on April 18, 2018, dedicated to the 315th anniversary of the founding of the city of St. Petersburg in the Almaty branch of the Non-State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions,” Almaty.
  • Certificate of confirmation of participation in the training program for training volunteers in the direction of “Psychological support of personality in crisis situations” of 19/03-07/04/2018 at the Eurasian Institute for Personality Development “Adam,” Almaty.
  • Certificate of completion of a training course on the topic “Current problems of general, applied psychology and innovative technologies in the educational process” from 23.08.2022.


Internships and academic mobility

  • November 2017: training courses in the psychological intensive program on the topic: “Psychotechnology in the work of a psychologist: education, health care, family”;
  • March-April 2018: participation in the training program for training volunteers in the direction of “Psychological support of individuals in crisis situations”;
  • April 2018: volunteer at the Mama House Crisis Center;
  • May 2018: volunteer in a closed institution: LA-155/13 – institution with minimal security, LA-155/6 – colony for minors;
  • April 2019: volunteer at the Mama House crisis center;
  • April 2019: volunteer at a special education institution for children with deviant behavior;
  • May-June 2019: training practice in the House of Hope for children temporarily left without parental care.


List of scientific works

  1. Белякова А. Эмоциональный интеллект как фактор выбора профессии: теоретический анализ современных исследований // Психолого-педагогические проблемы образования в условиях инновационного развития: Материалы X Международной научно-практической конференции (28 апреля 2021 г.) – Алматы: Университет «Туран», 2021. – с. 98-103.
  2. Белякова А., Мун М.В. Факторы выбора профессии старшим школьником: экспериментальные исследования // Психолого-педагогические проблемы образования в условиях инновационного развития: Материалы XI Международной научно-практической конференции (12-апреля 2022 г.) – Алматы: Университет «Туран», 2022. – с. 104-109.
  3. Белякова А., Мун М.В. Исследование связи эмоционального интеллекта и выбора профессии старшим школьником // Актуальные проблемы развития конкурентноспособной личности в психологической науке и практике: Материалы международной научно-практической конференции, посвященной профессору С.М. Джакупову (29 апреля, 2022) – Алматы: КазНУ им.аль-Фараби, 2022. – с. 214-217



E-mail: a.belyakova@turan-edu.kz

Akhan Karkara

Senior Lecturer of the Graduate School of Psychology

Master of social sciences

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Educational background


Higher, 5В010300 – Pedagogy and psychology

Master degree, 6М050300 – Psychology



Academic work experience


7 years



Teaching disciplines


Bachelor Degree: “General Psychology”, “General psychological workshop”, “Differential psychology”, “Basics of psychodiagnostics”, “Psychological counseling” ( in Kazakh)



Awards and achievements


“Best scientific research” – 2024, 1st place, Department of Psychology, Turan University



Internships and academic mobility


Scientific internship – University of Szeged, Hungary



List of scientific papers


1 Psychometric properties and socio-demographic characteristics of the Existence scale статья // The Journal of Psychology & Sociology. – 2024. – №1(88). – 42-57 бет. 1 Kassymzhanova A., Piko B., Akhmetzhanova M.
2 Қазақстан тұрғындарының мысалында өмірге қанағаттанушылық пен бақытты көлденең зерттеу статья // Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы Еуразия ұлттық университетінің хабаршысы. Педагогика. Психология. Социология сериясы. – 2023. – №4(145). – 321-331 бет. 0,687 Касымжанова А.А., Piko B.F.
3 Позитивті және негативті аффекттің бақытқа әсер етуін эмпирикалық зерттеу статья // Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің «Хабаршы» ғылыми журналы. «Психология» сериясы. – 2023. – №4(77). – 51-61 бет. 0,687 Касымжанова А.А.
4 Л. Ребекканың «Когнитивті-әрекеттік стильді зерттеу» әдістемесінің қазақ тіліне бейімделуі статья // Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің «Хабаршы» ғылыми журналы. «Психология» сериясы. – 2020. – №2(63). – 36-45 бет. 0,56 Касымжанова А.А.
5 The meaning of life as a basic concept of existential psychology статья // XXIII International Scientific and Practical Conference «The influence of society on the development of science and the invention of new methods». – Прага, 2023. – 329-334 бет. 0,375 Касымжанова А.А.
6 Бақыт түсінігі туралы шетелдік жəне отандық көзқарастар жүйесі статья // ХХ International Scientific and practical conference «Modern Methods of applying scientific theories». – Лиссабон, 2023. – 365-371 бет. 0,437 Касымжанова А.А.
7 Бақыт және әл-ауқат ұғымдарының ғылыми еңбектерде қарастырылуы статья // «Геосаяси турбуленттік жағдайындағы Қазақстандағы саяси трансформация» Халықаралық ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференция. – Алматы: «Тұран» Университеті, 2023. – 154-160 бет. 0,437 Касымжанова А.А.
8 Оксфордтық бақыт сауалнамасының қазақ тіліне аударылуы және бейімделуі статья // Eurasian Journal of Current Research in Psychology and Pedagogy. – 2022. – №1(1). – 15-25 бет. 0,687 Касымжанова А.А.
9 M. Argyle, M. Martin, J. Crossland, P. Hills, Оксфордтық бақыт сауалнамасының қазақ тіліне аударылуы және бейімделуі авторские свидетельства Свидетельство о внесении свидении в государственный реестр прав на объекты, охраняемые авторским правом, № 45730 от «14» мая 2024 года 0,25 Касымжанова А.А.
10 M. F. Steger, P. Frazier, S. Oishi, M. Kaler, Өмір мәні сауалнамасының қазақ тіліне аударылуы мен бейімделуі авторские свидетельства Свидетельство о внесении свидении в государственный реестр прав на объекты, охраняемые авторским правом, № 45742 от «14» мая 2024 года 0,18 Касымжанова А.А.
11 Alfried Längle, Christine Orgler, Michael Kundi, Экзистенция шкаласының қазақ тіліне аударылуы және бейімделуі авторские свидетельства Свидетельство о внесении свидении в государственный реестр прав на объекты, охраняемые авторским правом, № 45741 от «14» мая 2024 года 0,44 Касымжанова А.А.
12 E. Diener, R.A. Emmons, R.J. Larsen, S.Griffin, Өмірге қанағаттану шкаласының қызық тіліне аударылуы және бейімделуі авторские свидетельства Свидетельство о внесении свидении в государственный реестр прав на объекты, охраняемые авторским правом, № 45745 от «14» мая 2024 года 0,25 Касымжанова А.А.


F. Williams, Е.Е. Туник, Тұлғалық шығармашылықты диагностикалау әдістемесінің қазақ тіліне аударылуы және бейімделуі авторские свидетельства Свидетельство о внесении свидении в государственный реестр прав на объекты, охраняемые авторским правом, № 45837 от «16» мая 2024 года 0,25 Касымжанова А.А.
14 Л. Ребекканың Тұлғаның когнитивті-әрекеттік стилін анықтау әдістемесінің қазақ тіліне аударылуы және бейімделуі авторские свидетельства Свидетельство о внесении свидении в государственный реестр прав на объекты, охраняемые авторским правом, № 45839 от «16» мая 2024 года 0,68 Касымжанова А.А.
15 D. Watson, L.A. Clark, A. Tellegen, Позитивті және негативті аффект шкаласының қазақ тіліне аударылуы мен бейімделуі авторские свидетельства Свидетельство о внесении свидении в государственный реестр прав на объекты, охраняемые авторским правом, № 45836 от «16» мая 2024 года 0,18 Касымжанова А.А.
Yskak Gulnur

Senior Lecturer of the Graduate School of Psychology

Master of Psychology

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  • 1999-2003 Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
    Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science, Bachelor’s degree, specialty Psychology
  • 2003-2005 Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
    Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science, Master’s degree, specialty Psychology
  • Psychologist, lecturer in psychology
    2018-2021 Turan University, Doctoral degree in the specialty 6D050300 – “Psychology”.



Academic work experience

  • 2006 – 2021 Kazakh Women’s Pedagogical University, Senior lecturer, 15 years



Teaching disciplines

  • “Psychology”, “Pedagogical Psychology”, “Group and Individual Psychotherapy”,”Management Psychology”



Internships and academic mobility

  • Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin 2023



List of scientific papers

  1. Кіші мектеп оқушыларының тұлғааралық қатынастарын арт-терапия құралдары арқылы қалыптастыру// Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің «Хабаршы» ғылыми журналы. «Психология» сериясы. – 2023. – №1 (74). – 101-111 бет.
  2. Ауызша аудармадағы вербалды және психологиялық мәселелер// әл-Фараби атындағы ҚазҰУ-нің «Хабаршы» ғылыми журналы. «Филология» сериясы. – 2023. – №1 (189). – 219-228 бет.
  3. Полиция қызметкерлерінің психикалық қажуы мен өмір сүру сапасын бағалау// әл-Фараби атындағы ҚазҰУ-нің «Хабаршы» ғылыми журналы. «Психология» сериясы. – 2023. – № (85). – 52-63 бет.
  4. Полиция қызметкерлерінің эмоционалды «қажу» мәселесінің зерттелуі// Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің «Хабаршы» ғылыми журналы. «Психология» сериясы. – 2023. – №2 (75). – 72-79 бет.
  5. Полиция қызметкерлерінің кәсіби қажу мәселесі// «Глобальная наука и инновация 2021: Центральная Азия». серия «Психологические науки». – Нур-Султан, 2021.-№ 4(15). -80-83 бет.
  6. Төтенше жағдай кезінде қарулы күш саласындағы қызметкерлерді әрекетке дайында// «Тенденции и перспективы развития науки и образования в условиях глобализации». Международная научно-практическая конференция. – Переяслав, 2022. – 66-72 бет.
  7. Қaзіpгі зaмaнғы oқыту тeхнoлoгиялapын қoлдaну тиімділігі// Ахмет Байтұрсынұлының 150 жылдық мерейтойына арналған «Ахмет Байтұрсынұлы феномені және қазіргі гуманитарлық ғылым көкжиегі» атты халықаралық ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференция. – Шымкент, 2022. – 364-368 бет.
  8. Білім беру ортасындағы психологиялық қауіпсіздік// Психолого-педагогические проблемы образования в условиях инновационного развития. XI Международная научно-практическая конференция. – Алматы, 2022.- 499-502 бет.
  9. Психологиялық қауіпсіздік кәсіби денсаулықтың негізі/ Психолого-педагогические проблемы образования в условиях инновационного развития. XI Международная научно-практическая конференция. – Алматы, 2022.- 378-382 бет.
  10. Білім беру ортасының психологиялық қауіпсіздігі тұлғаның жағымды даму көрсеткіші ретінде/ Психолого-педагогические проблемы образования в условиях инновационного развития. XI Международная научно-практическая конференция. – Алматы, 2022.- 56-60 бет.
  11. Кәсіби қажуға қауіп төндіруші факторлар // Психолого-педагогические проблемы образования в условиях инновационного развития. XI Международная научно-практическая конференция. – Алматы, 2022.- 503-507 бет.
  12. Cарбаздардың жауынгерлік белсенділігіне әсер ететін факторлар/ «Әскери ғылым дамуының өзекті мәселелері». Халықаралық ғылыми-теориялық конференция. -Алматы, 2022.-151-158 бет.
  13. Төтенше жағдайда өзін өзі қадағалаудың әдістері//«Білім беру үрдісінде қатысушыларға тиімді психологиялық-педагогикалық көмек көрсетудегі тәжірибелердегі әдіс-тәсілдер». Халықаралық ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференция.- Алматы, 2022. – 628-630 бет.
  14. Психологиялық саулық тұлға дамуының көрсеткіші ретінде//Вузы в условиях социальной трансформации: эмпирические исследования в образовании и психологии. Международная научная конференция. – Алматы, 2022. – 418- 422 бет.
  15. Кризистік ситуациядағы психолог іс-әрекетінің негізі//Вузы в условиях социальной трансформации: эмпирические исследования в образовании и психологии. Международная научная конференция. – Алмат, 2022. – 453- 457 бет.
  16. Студенттердің мінез-құлық стратегиясын таңдауға жеке тұлғалық ерекшеліктердің әсері// Жас ғалымдар мен студенттердің «Фараби әлемі» атты халықаралық конференциясы. – Алматы, 2022. – 554-558 бет.
  17. Стресске төзімділік және қажуды жеңу ресурстары// Глобальные изменения: вызовы науки и образования. Международный научно-практический форум. – Алматы: «Тұран» Университеті, 2022. – 878-882 бет.
  18. Өмір сапасының теориялық аспектілері// «Білімді ұрпақ ел тұрақты дамуының кепілі». Халықаралық ғылыми-практикалық конференция. -Алматы: С. Нұрмағамбетов атындағы құрлық әскерлерінің әскери институты. 2022. -331-335бет.
  19. Әскери қызметшілердің іс-әрекеті мен тұлғалық қасиеттері туралы// «ҚӘӘИ Хабаршы» Әскери білім және ғылыми-ақпараттық журнал. 2022.- № 3(51).-  38-47 бет.
  20. Жасөспірімдердің мінез-құлық стратегиясын таңдауы мен мінез акцентуациясының өзарабайланысы/ The Journal of Psychology & Sociology. – 2023. – №1(2). – 84-93 бет.
  21. Факторы риска эмоционального выгорания//Международный научный симпозиум “Гейдар Алиев и Турция”. – Kars / Türkiye, 2023.- 339-346 бет.
  22. Құқық қорғау органдары қызметкерлеріндегі кәсіби қажуды зерттеу: теориялық талдау// The Journal of Psychology & Sociology. – 2023. – №2(3). – 43-51 бет.





E-mail: g.yskak@turan-edu.kz

Selichsheva Darya

Assistant Lecturer of the Graduate School of Psychology

Master of Social Sciences

Read the summary »


  • 2019-2022, Turan University, specialty 6B02301 – Аударма ісі, Awarded qualification: Bachelor of Linguistics
  • 2022-2024, Turan University, specialty 7M03102 – Psychology. Awarded qualification: Master of Social Sciences.



Academic work experience

  • 2024 present Turan University, Graduate School of Psychology, Assistant Lecturer



Non-academic work experience

  • 2021 – 2022 Translation services “The Words”
    Translator of English and German
  • 2020 – 2023 Language Center “Open Door”
    German Language Teacher



Teaching disciplines


Bachelor’s degree: «General psychological workshop»



Awards and achievements

  1. Certificate of completion of a training course on the topic “Current problems of general, applied psychology and innovative technologies in the educational process” from09.2022
  2. Turan Innovations 2023, 3rd place, Department of Psychology, “Turan” University
  3. Certificate of participation XVII International Scientific and Practical Conference «The latest technologies in the development of science, business and education», April 30 – May 03, 2024, London, Great Britain
  4. Certificate of participation XVIII International Scientific and Practical Conference «Modern challenges: trends, problems and prospects development», May 07-10, 2024, Copenhagen, Denmark



List of scientific papers

List of research papers (2020-2024)
Selichsheva Darya
1 Психологические особенности команд волейболистов-любителей: теоретический анализ современных исследований статья // Eurasian Journal of Current Research in Psychology and Pedagogy. 2024;(1) – C. 42-51. 0,75 Мун М.В.
2 Experimental study of psychological features of women’s and men’s amateur volleyball teams статья // The latest technologies in the development of science, business and education. – London, Great Britain: 2024. – С. 323-327. 0,312 Mun M.V.
3 Untersuchung der Faktoren, die den Gruppenzusammenhalt in Mannschaftssportarten beeinflussen статья // Modern challenges: trends, problems and prospects development”. – Copenhagen, Denmark: 2024. – С. 211-215. 0,312 Selichsheva S.A.





E-mail: d.selichsheva@turan-edu.kz

Online admissions