Available electronic library resources for Distance learning at Turan University


In connection with the introduction of restrictive measures for the time of the fight against coronavirus and the transition to distance learning, the library of the University “Turan” recommends the following electronic library systems:

1) Electronic library of Turan University – https://e-lib.turan-edu.kz/

2) Electronic library system IPRBOOKS – http://www.iprbookshop.ru/

To register in IPRBOOKS (if you have not registered yet), you must write to the telegram chat of the Turan University Library and request the access code from the library staff.

3) Educational platform “yurait” – https://urait.ru/?utm_campaign=quarantine&utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter

Go to the website to access it urait.ru. Detailed video instructions on how to use the platform can be found here.

When registering, specify the educational institution.

More information about these resources can be found in ” Canvas “Canvas.turan-edu.kz n the section “Электронные ресурсы”. 

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