Online seminar “ЭБС IPRBOOKS” – The 15th of OCTOBER at 17.00

Dear teachers and students of Turan University!


The University uses the largest Russian full-text electronic library system IPR BOOKS, the part of EIOS.


On October 15, 2021, from 17.00-18.00 (Kazakhstan time) on the ZOOM platform, an online seminar "Digital lesson on working with the IPR BOOKS electronic library system
for students and teaching staff" will be held.


Registration by the link is MANDATORY:

At the end of the seminar, registered teachers will receive personalized certificates.

Time: 1 hour

Moderator: Alexander A. Koshelev, Head of Educational Programs Department, IPR MEDIA Company.


The following issues will be considered in the seminar:


1. Basic services working with ELS for students and teachers.

2. Unique licensed content in the areas of University training.

3. How to move from using e-books to full-fledged multimedia formats? How to use the premium content of EBS IPR BOOKS most effectively: more than 40,000 publications, video, audio content, tests

4. How to quickly select literature on a discipline in a list, recommend to students and at the same time use the results in the formation of the work program of the discipline. We quickly solve several problems at once!

5. How to diversify the educational process in the conditions of distance learning.

The admissions committee